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Problem is not kartarpur corridor or any other religious site for that matter. Its the demand for a separate state aka Khalistan. I get that they are still riled up about the 1984 riots but why khalistan & referendum 2020 bs ?
It's ok.. there are only 1.6 cr sikhs in Punjab. India can handle whatever comes India's way . We know it. The Sikhs know it, and Modi knows it too.
The Pakistanis are themselves flaunting this low hanging fruit in front of Sikhs. I am glad they are thinking along those lines.

Speaking of Ayodhya, Pakistan can expect support from some quarters of India after the verdict. Ram mandir poses a challenge to historic Islamic conquest of India and Hindus reversing it by reclaiming their site. This will affect deep down their psyche like art 370 and thus the itch for terrorism.

This clubbed with kartarpur has serious security ramifications.

In the past five years of Modi-Doval's strategy for tackling terrorism of every kind, be it Islamic, Kashmiri, Khalistani, Naxals-Maoist or the North-East insurgency; India has advanced far ahead in intelligence gathering along with taking action to destroy the nexus in early stages of the planning by enemies.

The duo have demonstrated exceptional will and stealth action which was least anticipated by the enemy and our countrymen too - "Ghar mein ghus ke marenge". What we are witnessing is unprecedented in the history of India. Not even Chanakya or even in the past millennium, we have seen such preemptive and proactive stealth offensive-defense unanticipated action by the armed forces.

India is in good hands. At least till Modi, Doval & Shah are at the helm, India is very secure. And am sure we have the next breed of nationalist politicians and NSA getting groomed to take charge when needed.

The key concept in using Krav Maga is to use the enemy's energy, intention and his/her resources along with Self's strength, intelligence and swift action to destroy the opponent. So, get ready to see some more wild and unanticipated Surgical acts :):) . India is very well preparing itself to use Kartarpur as a bait to trap Pakistan, more than the designs of Pakistan itself.
In the past five years of Modi-Doval's strategy for tackling terrorism of every kind, be it Islamic, Kashmiri, Khalistani, Naxals-Maoist or the North-East insurgency; India has advanced far ahead in intelligence gathering along with taking action to destroy the nexus in early stages of the planning by enemies.

The duo have demonstrated exceptional will and stealth action which was least anticipated by the enemy and our countrymen too - "Ghar mein ghus ke marenge". What we are witnessing is unprecedented in the history of India. Not even Chanakya or even in the past millennium, we have seen such preemptive and proactive stealth offensive-defense unanticipated action by the armed forces.

India is in good hands. At least till Modi, Doval & Shah are at the helm, India is very secure. And am sure we have the next breed of nationalist politicians and NSA getting groomed to take charge when needed.

The key concept in using Krav Maga is to use the enemy's energy, intention and his/her resources along with Self's strength, intelligence and swift action to destroy the opponent. So, get ready to see some more wild and unanticipated Surgical acts :):) . India is very well preparing itself to use Kartarpur as a bait to trap Pakistan, more than the designs of Pakistan itself.
They are ignoring the elephant in the room china.
@Falcon Reminder- The write up about the Chinese front :)
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When Balochistan and Sindhudesh can seek separate country, why can't a "Khalsa Pradesh" (instead of the "empty-stan" aka Khalistan) be created by the Sikhs of of Pakistan Punjab which later decides to merge with India?

Further as per the unwritten treaty between Pakistan and India, each country will reciprocate by occupying other's land of their choice for an unspecified amount of time at their will. Now it is India's turn to recover POK and occupy. :cool:

We should do it after testing and showcasing Agni 6 and BMD. So that no country will make odd comments.
I already love that India has chosen to go hard on RCEP.
And if we do unspoken sanction on Malaysia, that would mean we are ready to use arm twisting measures to countries who speak against us.
I think we need to showcase such a mentality also before taking action because that along with the military power (agni 6 and BMD mostly), will deter countries from being on our odd side.
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You bet we'd see your face again. Basically, you've worn all the masks possible and now don't have any left. Which in Pakistani terms means you've no face left. To further dumb my subtlety down, you've lost face.

You've thrown everything at us including the kitchen sink that come crunch time you've nothing left except your atami bam and your will to use it in an Armageddon or Ghazwa e Hind which everyone from aam abdul to zaid hamid to Musharraf to Dimran has threatened us but failed to act upon.

Do you seriously think that we have abandoned Kashmir? Your so called victory is pre is too early to call it a is not over.we don't have any nuclear plans.we are waiting for the right time.we have made it clear several times that we don't accept changes in Kashmir status.

Come on Arsalan guys need to buck it.

Going by the statements from your leadership, I was expecting lot of action. I even lot of snacks and wine to enjoy the show.
It has been a huge disappointment.
I had held Pakistani leadership and military to be much more gutsy than Chinese ones.
This time though, your leadership promised so much action and delivered nothing.

It's like going to the theater to watch Lord of the rings, instead you get to watch The Notebook.
We aren't ready for a war but we can't allow India to make changes.time is not right bro.look at our economy.most of Indian members think that we don't want to fight and lost passion.this is not true.obviously you are a big country and we know the consequences but we aren't ready to accept everything coming from india.try to understand our position.

you already are upto your disgusting work,playing kartarpur card with open support for khalistan ,even the recent official video released by terroristani govt. has khalistani dimension .
whenever the talk of indian pummeling the cornflakes army comes up and someoner will ask why we are continuing with kartarpur. your anchor will utter" sikho ka kyaa kasoor". i only wish ranbeer singh should be made CDS and dhillon sahab our chief of army staff then they will show you the end result of all your shenanigans.
your army has virtually reduced itself to leaking nudes,selling diapers and capturing corner plots and this banya army of yours knew fully well that they stand no chance against the battle hardened and professional indian army.

seriously never in my life i thought so low of pakistan and pakistan army,earlier they used to maintain the facade of bravado despite 92000 pants of theirs hanging in their pants has been pulled in full public glare by indian army and they couldnot do anything other than twitter rant.

the only issue i have is why our politician are soo naive that they are walking into the terroristani trap of kartarpur corridor.heck capture the area and merge it with india that will be the true gift to our sikh brothers i will prioritise it even more than pok as we should be having least interest in acquiring an area full of radicals who will only prove to be a burden on our society
Why are you talking about kartarpur? It's religious discussion.your comment is emotional.give me logical answer.i am telling you we want to fight but we aren't fools.we need time.first we analyze this situation and monitor situation.war is not the solution of every problem.this problem will continue for a long time.indian actions are indian actions.they aren't Pakistani actions.unilateral decisions aren't the end of world.

Excellency initially I too had high hopes from your establishment. I kept on pondering over why PA was waiting and ceding all initiative to IA. It did not make any sense !!!

Only when I reexamined the whole scenario this time assuming PA to be a conglomerate did it make sense. PA is now the virtual embodiment of Anupam Kher's character Hazari Prasad from the 1990 Movie - Dil who says - "Chamdi jaye par damdi na jaye" (I can lose my skin but I cant lose my money)

They have the guns, the tanks and rifles. They also can rely on Zaid Hamid on his white horse. But the lure of Corner plots and proceeds from the Fauji foundation is too big. don't understand our mindset.everything takes time my friend.war is not a bleeds resources.proper planning is the way forward.we are same courageous army.we will fight but time is not right.we want this time to pass quickly.i mean we did kargil.i don't care about results.we were supposed to be aggressive.we don't but we will.we need time.give us time.
In the past five years of Modi-Doval's strategy for tackling terrorism of every kind, be it Islamic, Kashmiri, Khalistani, Naxals-Maoist or the North-East insurgency; India has advanced far ahead in intelligence gathering along with taking action to destroy the nexus in early stages of the planning by enemies.

The duo have demonstrated exceptional will and stealth action which was least anticipated by the enemy and our countrymen too - "Ghar mein ghus ke marenge". What we are witnessing is unprecedented in the history of India. Not even Chanakya or even in the past millennium, we have seen such preemptive and proactive stealth offensive-defense unanticipated action by the armed forces.

India is in good hands. At least till Modi, Doval & Shah are at the helm, India is very secure. And am sure we have the next breed of nationalist politicians and NSA getting groomed to take charge when needed.

The key concept in using Krav Maga is to use the enemy's energy, intention and his/her resources along with Self's strength, intelligence and swift action to destroy the opponent. So, get ready to see some more wild and unanticipated Surgical acts :):) . India is very well preparing itself to use Kartarpur as a bait to trap Pakistan, more than the designs of Pakistan itself.
Even if India captured Kartarpur Sahib, Pakistan will still have Nankana Sahib card to play. And Nankana sahib is too deep in Pakjab to capture...
So Hindus should also start asking for Tilla Jogia and that Mata ji mandir in Balochistan
Why you guys blame everything on Pakistan? I mean there is willingness from both sides. We all know it's a religious place,I mean kartarpur so why involve politics here? There is no Sikh or khalistan type thing happening here.we are happy because it's Sikh religious place. don't understand our mindset.everything takes time my friend.war is not a bleeds resources.proper planning is the way forward.we are same courageous army.we will fight but time is not right.we want this time to pass quickly.i mean we did kargil.i don't care about results.we were supposed to be aggressive.we don't but we will.we need time.give us time.

Oh my, he has been playing the same "been" for a very long time ... several months now. Aren't you guys tired of listening to it?

Do you seriously think that we have abandoned Kashmir? Your so called victory is pre is too early to call it a is not over.we don't have any nuclear plans.we are waiting for the right time.we have made it clear several times that we don't accept changes in Kashmir status.

We aren't ready for a war but we can't allow India to make changes.time is not right bro.look at our economy.most of Indian members think that we don't want to fight and lost passion.this is not true.obviously you are a big country and we know the consequences but we aren't ready to accept everything coming from india.try to understand our position.

Why are you talking about kartarpur? It's religious discussion.your comment is emotional.give me logical answer.i am telling you we want to fight but we aren't fools.we need time.first we analyze this situation and monitor situation.war is not the solution of every problem.this problem will continue for a long time.indian actions are indian actions.they aren't Pakistani actions.unilateral decisions aren't the end of world. don't understand our mindset.everything takes time my friend.war is not a bleeds resources.proper planning is the way forward.we are same courageous army.we will fight but time is not right.we want this time to pass quickly.i mean we did kargil.i don't care about results.we were supposed to be aggressive.we don't but we will.we need time.give us time.

You should go and do revenge against the arabs and Turks who humiliated your ancestors and uprooted your identity. That way you'll gain your image back. If you go the way you are now, you will end up loosing everything.

This is what you are doing currently (setting up your own death):
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What do you guys think of this... The Great Indian ISRO officials clicking on links in fishing emails... ? Even a fresher in a software company knows better..


  • Screenshot_20191107-193834_Twitter.jpg
    813.9 KB · Views: 184 don't understand our mindset.everything takes time my friend.war is not a bleeds resources.proper planning is the way forward.we are same courageous army.we will fight but time is not right.we want this time to pass quickly.i mean we did kargil.i don't care about results.we were supposed to be aggressive.we don't but we will.we need time.give us time.

Kashmir lene aayenge but date nhi batayenge. We ll come for Kashmir but wont tell you the date.
Do you seriously think that we have abandoned Kashmir? Your so called victory is pre is too early to call it a is not over.we don't have any nuclear plans.we are waiting for the right time.we have made it clear several times that we don't accept changes in Kashmir status.

We aren't ready for a war but we can't allow India to make changes.time is not right bro.look at our economy.most of Indian members think that we don't want to fight and lost passion.this is not true.obviously you are a big country and we know the consequences but we aren't ready to accept everything coming from india.try to understand our position.

Why are you talking about kartarpur? It's religious discussion.your comment is emotional.give me logical answer.i am telling you we want to fight but we aren't fools.we need time.first we analyze this situation and monitor situation.war is not the solution of every problem.this problem will continue for a long time.indian actions are indian actions.they aren't Pakistani actions.unilateral decisions aren't the end of world. don't understand our mindset.everything takes time my friend.war is not a bleeds resources.proper planning is the way forward.we are same courageous army.we will fight but time is not right.we want this time to pass quickly.i mean we did kargil.i don't care about results.we were supposed to be aggressive.we don't but we will.we need time.give us time.

Anybody here with a pen and paper to note down the information he is 'divulging'. The way he so authoritatively talks about the long term plan (could be longer than his own lifespan) of his nachaniya leadership, makes me think he is that long lost son in law of gafoora.

And the way he so graciously begs us for time reminds me of the beggar prince Viserys Targaryen in GOT. He is an asset to this forum. Humour him and don't let him leave. ever!
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