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completely agree. @Arsalan123 Kashmir is a sideshow now. And why not? Both India and Pak know that anything beyond status quo is unacceptably high cost for Pak. So IK has done some noise, did some diplomatic stuff, and closed the issue for good. What he will do is try to do is to get a formal agreement stating status should be as it is and settle the issue once and for all. I don't know if Modi will agree to it, but IK will try.
I think both countries need peace.
I think both countries need peace.

Yes, and a status quo is probably the first option that IK will explore. I don't know the full historical nuances that MEA uses, but a 'final settlement' on Kashmir with current LOC as border is probably what IK will push hard for. Let's see what arguments are presented for and against this.
Yes, and a status quo is probably the first option that IK will explore. I don't know the full historical nuances that MEA uses, but a 'final settlement' on Kashmir with current LOC as border is probably what IK will push hard for. Let's see what arguments are presented for and against this.
I think war is useless.nobody wants war.we don't want war.a peaceful solution is possible.
I think war is useless.nobody wants war.we don't want war.a peaceful solution is possible.

I agree
@Arsalan123 the only issue is that Pak has to act on our stand that terror factories should be shut down. Calling everything a false flag and pretending as if India is not being targeted isn't helping. Beyond that Pak has the right to raise anything for discussions.
I agree
@Arsalan123 the only issue is that Pak has to act on our stand that terror factories should be shut down. Calling everything a false flag and pretending as if India is not being targeted isn't helping. Beyond that Pak has the right to raise anything for discussions.
We were ready to discuss terrorism as well.we can solve anything if we discuss it with each other.problem is lack of communication.
We were ready to discuss terrorism as well.we can solve anything if we discuss it with each other.problem is lack of communication.

if you were, modi would not have scrapped 370. He negotiated with Nawaz for 5 years without any chages to ground situation. It was 'selected PM' Imran Khan who precipitated all these evnets

a) he did not accept that his agenciyan were running terror camps and kept denying it. He thought Modi was some kind of a sissy and oh, he had so much ability and smarts that he will take things his way

b) Even as tings escalated- Uri cross border raid and balakot,, he refused to accept that Indian establishment was becoming increasingly angrier and ready to take more and more stern steps. uri killed 50, Balakot killed 200, anyone that looks at it from a distance would see that the temperature was rising. He need not accept any losses publicly but he could have defused the situation by sending a track 2 team to tell Modi let's talk it out

c) And instead of defusing it, he thinks he's big cheese and sends fighters, with this the Indian establishemnt decides IK is ready to defend terrorists with F 16. With this the final threshold is crossed. IK thought Modi is some sissy who will complain or run some raid in retaliation. Modi says FU and takes the biggest step- Abrogae 370 or 'annex' kashmir in your language.

IK can do squat about this. What Nawaz had prevented for decades he managed to lose in 1 year because he has feathers inside his head. You can't undo this. If he's telling people of Pak he can, he's lying. Basically modi stuck it up his ....and said now deal with it. I don't think any of this would have happened if Nawaz was in power.
Exactly, its china we need to take care of. China is providing lifeline to pakistan deliberately to keep India engaged. Instead of tackling the problem we are simply falling into the trap set by china. If you look at china they created NK for keeping japan & south korea in check while they try to tackle US. pakistan is a nuisance at the best, its china we need to handle. The current govt thinks they can change chinese behavior by having more trade which will make them stop supporting pakistan but thats simply not working. Economically its becoming more dangerous to India as we are importing more from china loosing our hard earned forex. The current govt should give the task of handling pakistan to some junior minister and put our focus & resources on handling china.

US despite braving its forces in WWI, WWII, Korean war, Vietnam war and losing a lot of its personnel in those wars ... kuch ukhaad nahin paya in 1971, India split Pakistan into two ,,, aur US dekhta raha gaya.

China is the most coward nation on earth, it is scared of its own people, their culture, their religion. It can work only in its comfort zone, like murdering its own 60 million citizens, organ harvesting of Falun Gong members, destroying Uighur and Tibetian culture and religion, threatening Taiwan and Japan, occupying SCS and threatening tiny states of ASEAN. It certainly cannot take on India unless it is sure to win without getting a bloody nose. And it got one in Doklam. And India has demonstrated to China with Mission Shakti and now with K4 test this week, that it better keep away. China has absolutely no technological advantage, except numbers.
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if you were, modi would not have scrapped 370. He negotiated with Nawaz for 5 years without any chages to ground situation. It was 'selected PM' Imran Khan who precipitated all these evnets

a) he did not accept that his agenciyan were running terror camps and kept denying it. He thought Modi was some kind of a sissy and oh, he had so much ability and smarts that he will take things his way

b) Even as tings escalated- Uri cross border raid and balakot,, he refused to accept that Indian establishment was becoming increasingly angrier and ready to take more and more stern steps. uri killed 50, Balakot killed 200, anyone that looks at it from a distance would see that the temperature was rising. He need not accept any losses publicly but he could have defused the situation by sending a track 2 team to tell Modi let's talk it out

c) And instead of defusing it, he thinks he's big cheese and sends fighters, with this the Indian establishemnt decides IK is ready to defend terrorists with F 16. With this the final threshold is crossed. IK thought Modi is some sissy who will complain or run some raid in retaliation. Modi says FU and takes the biggest step- Abrogae 370 or 'annex' kashmir in your language.

IK can do squat about this. What Nawaz had prevented for decades he managed to lose in 1 year because he has feathers inside his head. You can't undo this. If he's telling people of Pak he can, he's lying. Basically modi stuck it up his ....and said now deal with it. I don't think any of this would have happened if Nawaz was in power.
There are problems and terrorism is a big problem but how can we solve it if we aren't allowed to discuss it? We are asking for Kashmir solution and discussion on Kashmir since our independence but there is no response from India.balakot was an escalation which people like us never imagined.there is a broad domain of problems and without discussion,we can't solve it.khan has it's own style just like your pm has unique style.i think you should give us a chance to discuss every problem and include everything in it even terrorism.

Look at us.fighting with each other and look at other countries.loc is the most dangerous place and we both make it dangerous. I think we should solve all our problems so that next generation can spend their life in peace.competition of missiles is good but attacking each other with missiles can be the most terrible thing that can still happen.where are we both heading? We both are fighting like kids.
There are elements who always try to take advantage.i don't know who this pro khalistan person is.point is khalistan movement is was your internal issue and I don't think that oak wants to take is a very religious place and sikhs wants to visit this place.i don't know about posters.i heard about Pak flags on houses in indian Punjab but I don't want to highlight it and use it to justify khalistani movement.i think khalistan movement is history so you shouldn't worry.

dude, you are an extreme delusional. At your convenience, you claim no knowledge of "who this pro khalistan person is". And then you conveniently proclaim that "khalistan movement is dead"

I think that your intention is to make contradictory statements as well as lies so as to "consume" the time and energy of Indians on this forum. You are a Great Charlatan.
dude, you are an extreme delusional. At your convenience, you claim no knowledge of "who this pro khalistan person is". And then you conveniently proclaim that "khalistan movement is dead"

I think that your intention is to make contradictory statements as well as lies so as to "consume" the time and energy of Indians on this forum. You are a Great Charlatan.
My point is clear.we have open this corridor to make good relations with India.i know you blame us for everything but blaming us for khalistan is not was your internal matter my friend.
There are problems and terrorism is a big problem but how can we solve it if we aren't allowed to discuss it? We are asking for Kashmir solution and discussion on Kashmir since our independence but there is no response from India.balakot was an escalation which people like us never imagined.there is a broad domain of problems and without discussion,we can't solve it.khan has it's own style just like your pm has unique style.i think you should give us a chance to discuss every problem and include everything in it even terrorism.

Look at us.fighting with each other and look at other countries.loc is the most dangerous place and we both make it dangerous. I think we should solve all our problems so that next generation can spend their life in peace.competition of missiles is good but attacking each other with missiles can be the most terrible thing that can still happen.where are we both heading? We both are fighting like kids.

we didn't say the issue should be 'solved'. What we said was, at least start taking steps. In balakot there was a swimming pool, hostel facilities and 'departments', one dedicated to tarining for underwater attacks. This was not some ragtag bunch of yahoos but professional training. Surely THIS cannot be without Pak establishment's support. We had issues with Bangladesh harboring terrorists who operated in NE. Our approach there was nowhere close to the levels that we had in Pak.
My point is clear.we have open this corridor to make good relations with India.i know you blame us for everything but blaming us for khalistan is not was your internal matter my friend.

Excellency, we simply want one thing - NO MORE TERRORISM. If you can guarantee that we might just call it a day right now.

India has lost enough people to this mindless carnage. If your leadership is smart they will walk away with what’s left.

else it’s a billion plus people waiting for #PKMB. Choice is yours.
We are asking for Kashmir solution and discussion on Kashmir since our independence but there is no response from India
Pakistan created the problem by attacking India in 1947 as such there will be no talks with pakistan until it withdraws from kashmir and reverts to status quo ante of 1947. Why should India hold talks with an aggressor?

Any talks with pakistan is akin to negotiating with a bandit who has come to loot your home. It simply legitimizes the robbery.
Pakistan's antics with Kartarpur corridor is backfiring big time. It's in MSM news and debates about narrative being set to return of Kartarpur to India and assimilation with Indian Punjab. Also Pakistanis tried to show convergence of Sikhism and Islam (or Islam being tenet or better) by mentioning both Gurunanak dev and Almighty Allah again and again in Kartarpur sahib.

The most shocking part here is MSM is calling for taking back Kartarpur which is major deviation from our past policies and posture.
Pakistan has caught us off guard with this Kartarpur corridor tbh. Its a gamble , a very big gamble

It is just a Passing phase

We have to tolerate Pakistani provocation through Kartarpur for one year because of this 550 Anniversary of Guru Nanak

Then we can close it down again
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