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you mean to say NSA did not gave the location information and was it IAF who monitored it with Heron-TP and then same was fed to netra. and final decision of Modi/NSA had IAF too in the decision making body and they(IAF) were not just ordered after final decision was made?

The actual mission itself is the IAF's responsibility. If you recall Modi gave the forces a free hand.
I was totally on edge since last couple of days, glad that net practice (Pilot Project as per PM) got over and can go and have some rest and then go back to normal life (most importantly complete development of couple of pending items else boss will kill me:p).

It looks lot of members are upset with the events, VSTOL furious that navy didn't get chance... Suryakiran even ready to accept Pappu as PM and couple of resident trolls (no offense meant) back to their usual mode (though good to see @Guynextdoor leaning towards right). somehow I agree with @Falcon that there is a lot more to come and it was wise that we didn't escalate last night. May be(my optimism), we are finally following Chanakya's principle and trying to play the game on our terms. If I break the events of past 3 days then:

Day -1 : Went to India with a long margin. (Can say that we made some mistakes while we were celebrating. Like no proper SAM coverage and hence left gap for Pak to sneak and attack next day.)

Day -2 : Went to Pak. Because they caught our pilot, we lost 1 helicopter due to accident and our SAMs failed to hit them. Otherwise it was balanced game with 1 Mig-21 for 1 F-16. Consolation for us: around 36 Hours of Mental torture for whole Pak especially in night when there was complete blackout, their PM chickened out with our threat of Missile strike and advancing Naval force forcing panic in Karachi.

Day -3: It was tie (open to different interpretation based on where your loyalty lies). Our Missile threat, Navy and international pressure forces Pak to release WC without any precondition (good for us) but we lost the Psywar, IK got chance to show himself as peace lover. India failed to meet it's objective of teaching Pak a solid lesson, didn't release strike pictures.

Overall, it was a draw but one good thing happened that we have called out their nuclear bluff and rewritten rules of future escalations. Let's see how next couple of days pans out, till then have a peaceful life :)

PS: To all pessimistic guys, I would try to find an alternate home if have to introduce Rahul Gandhi as my PM so choose wisely (I am damn serious about it, living in Pak or Bangladesh is okay than having another Gandhi as PM).
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The actual mission itself is the IAF's responsibility. If you recall Modi gave the forces a free hand.
if you guys are saying so i dont have anyother go but to believe you. bus as far as i got to know that heron was used by RAW/NSA for hours before credible airstrike operation given green light. IAF was not involved in deciding place of strike.
if you guys are saying so i dont have anyother go but to believe you. bus as far as i got to know that heron was used by RAW/NSA for hours before credible airstrike operation given green light. IAF was not involved in deciding place of strike.

No chance of picking target without the IAF. The IAF has to determine which targets can be attacked with the least risk to themselves or civilians.
I was totally on edge since last couple of days, glad that net practice (Pilot Project as per PM) got over and can go and have some rest and then go back to normal life (most importantly complete development of couple of pending items else boss will kill me:p).

It looks lot of members are upset with the events, VSTOL furious that navy didn't get chance... Suryakiran even ready to accept Pappu as PM and couple of resident trolls (no offense meant) back to their usual mode (though good to see @Guynextdoor leaning towards right). somehow I agree with @Falcon that there is a lot more to come and it was wise that we didn't escalate last night. May be(my optimism), we are finally following Chanakya's principle and trying to play the game on our terms. If I break the events of past 3 days then:

Day -1 : Went to India with a long margin. (Can say that we made some mistakes while we were celebrating. Like no proper SAM coverage and hence left gap for Pak to sneak and attack next day.)

Day -2 : Went to Pak. Because they caught our pilot, we lost 1 helicopter due to accident and our SAMs failed to hit them. Otherwise it was balanced game with 1 Mig-21 for 1 F-16. Consolation for us: around 36 Hours of Mental torture for whole Pak especially in night when there was complete blackout, their PM chickened out with our threat of Missile strike and advancing Naval force forcing panic in Karachi.

Day -3: It was tie (open to different interpretation based on where your loyalty lies). Our Missile threat, Navy and international pressure forces Pak to release WC without any precondition (good for us) but we lost the Psywar, IK got chance to show himself as peace lover. India failed to meet it's objective of teaching Pak a solid lesson, didn't release strike pictures.

Overall, it was a draw but one good thing happened that we have called out their nuclear bluff and rewritten rules of future escalations. Let's see how next couple of days pans out, till then have a peaceful life :)

India killed hundreds of terrorists, thwarted an attack and killed an F-16. Getting pilot back.

Pakistan failed to defend, failed at strikes, but brought down an overzealous Mig-21. May lose their pilot to sheer idiocy.

Now, India is still acting from a position of strength while Pak can only make peace overtures.

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India killed hundreds of terrorists, thwarted an attack and killed an F-16. Getting pilot back.

Pakistan failed to defend, failed at strikes, but brought down an overzealous Mig-21. May lose their pilot to sheer idiocy.

Now, India is still acting from a position of strength while Pak can only make peace overtures.


let's not pretend to be an ostrich, check the foreign Media, they all have a different perception of things (not taking into account our own Jaychands or so called liberals who are jumping with glee). We have lost the war of perceptions.

Edit: was active on twitter after a long time, so have seen opinions of all sides left,right and center. it's my observation based on that, I am not a super optimistic like you so we are well within our rights to disagree on this.
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A wingco as a two aircraft formation leader under pressure? come on give me a break. What would have happened if his wingman too had been shot down and landed in POK? We maintain our formation integrity very strongly and as fighter pilots, our loyalties and committment are not a saleable commodity. Long back, four aircraft formation of Blue Angels went into the sea together. Everyone in the formation knew that the leader had miscalculated the loop height. Not even one of them broke the formation and they all followed the leader to death. The last words of the formation leader were,"Sorry guys".
Even in that Topgun movie, there is scene where ICEMAN asks Maverick," When you went after Jester, who was covering your wingman". That sums up what a formation leader must do. I had four aircraft lead clearance in IN. I know what is needed of a formation leader. The entire force of IAF had 4xSu-30MKI, 2xM2K and 2xBisons. seven of them followed the instructions of the controller but one decided to break them. He even disregarded the calls from his own wingman. Su-30MKI have the longest ranged AAMs and ability to pursue and shoot down PAF fighters within Pak airspace. They decided to follow the instructions. Why did this man not follow them?
I am sure he will be given a medal for shooting down a F-16 blk50/52 and hailed as a Hero. But is he really a Hero? from now on every soldier who dies on LOC and every Soldier who dies in CT ops, Will die due to the stupidity of Abhi.
Had it not been for him, maybe today morning, you would have seen a new world map. An armed force of 1.3m soldiers got let down by a self serving, hunter for glory pilot.

So the plan was dismemberment of Pakistan without receiving a single man casualty?

Your operation could not resist capture of a single pilot and left with no choice to put a break, and you talk about pulverizing a nuclear nation?

Please stop painting Abhinandan as the reason of all future terrorism in India. Its beyond stupid. He is the victim of political gain your party wanted to enjoy. Five years are up and tall claims of Ram Mandir, 370 and terrorism are all bitten to dust. Smell the coffee.

Ham ye kar dete, ham wo kardete, hamari Navy taiyyar thi, hamari missile fueled thi, hona kuch hai nahi. Abhinandan hai hai, hai hai.

Pak F16 pilot beaten by Pakistani villagers believing he was Indian
No chance of picking target without the IAF. The IAF has to determine which targets can be attacked with the least risk to themselves or civilians.
So target was decided and then they asked iaf whether u wl be able to bomb it or not with complete damage iaf said yes we can do it and they did it. Even im saying so.
Why should this end any time soon? The election can come and go, this can continue indefinitely.

Pakistan doesn't have the ability to match India sortie for sortie. In just a week, they can easily start faltering, considering the IAF has kept the pressure up over the last 2 weeks.
What're you talking about? What happens if there's a major outrage mid election? Who's going to decide future course of action? Haven't you heard more than whispers from Khujliwal, Momota, Raj Thackeray, etc?

What happens if you have the mahathagbandhan in power? Or the Mahathagbandhan + Cong? Just coz a precedent is set doesn't mean they'd follow it? Unfortunately, we as a Democracy aren't system & precedent driven but personality driven.
Here @Falcon ; @Nilgiri ; @randomradio ; @BlackOpsIndia

This is what is going to get higlighted next week in the media and by the opposition & will resonate all across India, the world esp Pakistan.

You still think witholding the images from the balakote air strike due to some misconceived notions of secrecy was a wise act.

Also tagging @Milspec ; @RATHORE: @Austerlitz ; @suryakiran ; @Shajida Khan @vstol Jockey and anyone who'd like to contribute.

Lol, have we disclosed where exactly we striked? I will be very wary of such propaganda provide the analyst neither have location nor an active private satellite. With most remote sensing or spectral analysis satellites revolving around the earth every two hours and without exact coordinates and per frame expensive cost I don't know how much an individual can spent to get a through view.

Secondly if there are coulds it's not possible for a satellite to get a photo, not to mention hilly areas are prone to rain and clouds that's why drones or planes are used for recce.

Anyway it's easier to fall for somebody by people with self defeatist attitude, they will fall for one thing or other. However I will always trust my professional air force over some individual with dubious record and god knows what kind of political motivation.
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Lol, have we disclosed where exactly we striked? I will be very wary of such propaganda provide the analyst neither have location nor an active private satellite. With most remote sensing or spectral analysis satellites revolving around the earth every two hours and without exact coordinates and per frame expensive cost I don't know how much an individual can spent to get a through view.

Secondly if there are coulds it's not possible for a satellite to get a photo, not to mention hilly areas are prone to rain and clouds that's why drones or planes are used for recce.

Anyway it's easier to fall for somebody by people with self defeatist attitude, they will fall for one thing or other. However I will always trust my professional air force over some individual with dubious record and god knows what kind of political motivation.
He may well be a plant by Pak psy ops earning his living by plying such a trade. But all they need to do is hire a thousand such guys who'd bombard SM, MSM & such blogs as this, plant seeds of doubt and you'd have a full fledged propaganda war debunking and ridiculing our claims.

For God's sake , I just can't understand the extreme secrecy behind the act. Did our boys go there to bomb those jihadis in Balkote or sodomise them?
Overall, it was a draw but one good thing happened that we have called out their nuclear bluff and rewritten rules of future escalations. Let's see how next couple of days pans out, till then have a peaceful life :)
Thats the important thing, we have raised the cost for future terrorist attacks. Terrorism will be no longer a low cost business, there will be a price to pay in terms of economic loss. Even a simple air space closure will be a deterrent. I hope we keep the foot on the pedal.
Please stop painting Abhinandan as the reason of all future terrorism in India. Its beyond stupid. He is the victim of political gain your party wanted to enjoy. Five years are up and tall claims of Ram Mandir, 370 and terrorism are all bitten to dust. Smell the coffee.
He is victim of his on misdeed and over patriotism he violated formation and Goes out solo without wing-man against a f-16 blk52 armed with Long range BVRAAM With Mig-21 bison WVR

What was he A noob ?? its totally unprofessional from his part Senior rank IAF officer

Sorry but on rational point views Man was responsible for his own callas behavior
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