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There is another thing that most ppl might not have noticed, US-Taliban talks. The current incident gives US a leverage on Pakistan during talks. If Pakistan plays coy in talks with US, India can up the ante and make their economy suffer more loss. Irony is that roles are reversed earlier Pakistan used terrorism to black mail India using US support, now India steam rolls Pakistan using US support. I think we will see more of it, its just a beginning. I bet Donald Trump will be grinning ear to ear , for north korean talks he ratchets up sanctions on trade with china and for taliban talks a stick for Pakistan from India.
This reminded me of his exact quote, if anyone remember on his campaign trail in a radio interview Trump said exact these lines that he will use India to control Pakistan. I never thought it is possible or he will try anything like that but this explains a lot. The conspicuous silence of US and if anything reprimanding Pakistan only. Wow, this looks more of strategy now of US.

Before and after images will be sufficient.
And how will we know this exact location targeted by IAF? Except Jaba top nothing else we know and even Jaba top is not a small place. Also see the following problem as I said, mountains are mostly cloudy.

I personally checked sat pictures yesterday and day before. That area is covered by clouds..
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National unity will be there during emergency for sure.

What do you expect Khujliwal, Momota, Raj Thackeray et all to do, shout slogans in favour of Pakistan during wartime? They have no choice but to sit quietly until it all blows over. They will have no choice but to support the incumbent govt or get permanently branded as traitors.
What they'd do is keep sniping. Call into doubt every effort and campaign of ours yielding ample space to Pakistan to carry out their vicious propaganda in a very convincing manner.

Just wait & watch what happens next week if those images aren't made public.

You'd get your answer as to how unified our polity will be in case of a terrorist strike the midst of election season.
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What they'd do is keep sniping. Call into doubt every effort and campaign of ours yielding amole space to Pakistan to carry out their vicious propaganda in a very convincing manner.

Just wait & watch what happens next week if those images aren't made public.

You'd get your answer as to how unified our polity will be in case of a terrorist strike in the midst of election season.

And why shouldn't those pics made public?

Till when we shall allow politician hide behind national interests argument?

Ab to army ne bhi bol diya, its political call now.
Lol, have we disclosed where exactly we striked? I will be very wary of such propaganda provide the analyst neither have location nor an active private satellite. With most remote sensing or spectral analysis satellites revolving around the earth every two hours and without exact coordinates and per frame expensive cost I don't know how much an individual can spent to get a through view.

Secondly if there are coulds it's not possible for a satellite to get a photo, not to mention hilly areas are prone to rain and clouds that's why drones or planes are used for recce.

Anyway it's easier to fall for somebody by people with self defeatist attitude, they will fall for one thing or other. However I will always trust my professional air force over some individual with dubious record and god knows what kind of political motivation.

There is an easy way to resolve this issue. release the hit footage.. Even I have doubts whether it hits the compound in question.
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He is victim of his on misdeed and over patriotism he violated formation and Goes out solo without wing-man against a f-16 blk52 armed with Long range BVRAAM With Mig-21 bison WVR

What was he A noob ?? its totally unprofessional from his part Senior rank IAF officer

Sorry but on rational point views Man was responsible for his own callas behavior

Apparently he had radar lock on one f-`16 and thats why he persisted.Probably wanted to avenge PAF daring to enter and bomb our land and got a bit too much josh,wanted the kill.He did get his kill,but was ambushed by a 2nd f-16.
That is - in my opinion, what we are doing. Go in at will.

IAF will stay on our side of LC. Weapons free order has been given. When GoI decides another Terror group needs a 'prodding' expect repeat at will.

We can do that forever, how long can Pakistan appear as a protector of Terror? Are they now not appearing as Terror defenders world over? What do you think India gained?

This is what I mean by Modi opening a new chapter.

IMO, the presser went well....don't know why people are upset about it. It showed a massive Pakistani lie to everyone's faces.

Past the social media plebs, we need to focus on steering the long term account of events to our side, by simply showing the "all - in" BS that Pakistan pulled in heat of the moment to posture. Again the parallels with 71 and 99 are quite striking.
There is nothing wrong in what he has said. He did the best he could. I am pretty sure none here is aware of what happened actually.

Find it sad members here are attacking our pilot almost scapegoat fashion. They should know better not to do that with not enough picture of what happened (its kept foggy for a reason, except of course what the enemy wants to blab about it feelings wise).

No one was actually there and its just been a cpl days. I am sure he himself has lot to say on the subject.
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What they'd do is keep sniping. Call into doubt every effort and campaign of ours yielding ample space to Pakistan to carry out their vicious propaganda in a very convincing manner.

Just wait & watch what happens next week if those images aren't made public.

You'd get your answer as to how unified our polity will be in case of a terrorist strike the midst of election season.
What I have learnt from my limited experiences is that one should not mix things...
We need to build up our counter sniping abilities and induct better small arms.

Pakistan has always inducted new weapons -- the best they could afford, across the board. India does a lot of hoopla about procurement but does not actually procures even half-way decent weapons. Our 'home-made' weapons have the same problems that our telecom sector had in license raj. One of my family heirloom is an old dialing telephone made by ITI. Its broken and bulky. This is a product of early 90s. The world was having push-button dialing since 70s or so. But Indian telecom sector was a monopoly of ITI. So you get only ITI made shitty phones and expensive phone-line. This is the situation of our indigenous weapons.
We need to do what we did for our telecom sector: Allow private players to manufacture weapons and even design and develop them. Then buy from the best vendor.
Till they mature, we should keep on getting modern weapons from a cost-effective but modern supplier(s).
Vastly overhyped, if you ask me.
A single strike by Afghan air force killed over 70 in a madarsa, they didn't use this big planes and heavy bombs and multiple strike. So rest assured if they were meeting we would have obliterated them, even 350 is very conservative figure I guess.

As far as missing the target goes I don't think you go this deep to miss the target without backup and backup of backup. This missing the target theory was developed after a video showing a hill top house damaged by after shock of a small bomb. That crater was not a 2000lb bomb crater that is sure so that could be a different location cleverly presented as missing the target. However people are free to make their own observation but I don't think if we planning to hit the most important target this far and risky we will use single bomb.

Not releasing them could be political ploy while opposition takes the bait and bashing Modi he can make it Modi vs All and later just before elections release it and have a podium finish. Remember Pakistani propaganda was so high after Surgical strikes that they made domestic audience belive no strike had happen, your primary audience is not Pakistani public as they are least likely to trust us even after releasing video. As far as perception of world goes everyone knows it's a big task to go in this deep, they are fascinated by it. Most lefties won't trust anything and a video won't make them trust it.

Important thing is people who needed to know are aware very clearly.
You guys have no patience. Falcon's already pointed it out earlier, this is going to be a long game. And as Modi said, it's all just starting.

Do you guys really think Pak will end terror just because we bombed some camps and shot down an F-16? If we end now, all this will only make them much more resilient.

We have to bring them down to their knees. We need to bring them to a condition where they have to come begging to us to stop. That's when we can dictate our terms. Until then we are going to keep poking at them, testing their patience, until it's time for another big attack.

The dhoti shivering in this place is unreal.
What I have learnt from my limited experiences is that one should not mix things...
We need to build up our counter sniping abilities and induct better small arms.

Pakistan has always inducted new weapons -- the best they could afford, across the board. India does a lot of hoopla about procurement but does not actually procures even half-way decent weapons. Our 'home-made' weapons have the same problems that our telecom sector had in license raj. One of my family heirloom is an old dialing telephone made by ITI. Its broken and bulky. This is a product of early 90s. The world was having push-button dialing since 70s or so. But Indian telecom sector was a monopoly of ITI. So you get only ITI made shitty phones and expensive phone-line. This is the situation of our indigenous weapons.
We need to do what we did for our telecom sector: Allow private players to manufacture weapons and even design and develop them. Then buy from the best vendor.
Till they mature, we should keep on getting modern weapons from a cost-effective but modern supplier(s).
why telecom industry take the automobile industry, in western countries it is pretty hard to find a cars with manual transmission (I am not talking about M3/4's) and most of the cars produced are automatic. In India it is other way around automatic has a premium over manual transmission.

Its not just allowing private companies there needs to be fair, transparent & open competition , in India whether it is cement, automobile, broadband..etc we end up having cartels. These cartels simply milk money as the market is big enuf.
I've a nagging feeling that just like the surgical strikes - 1, the kill factor was overhyped. Vastly overhyped, if you ask me. If we're looking at even 50-60 casualties here, Modi'd get hell. That's the only reason why he may escalate. After a few days, with a fresh gameplan.

I may be totally off the mark. But that's my gut instinct. I can't see any other reason for him not to make those images public.

They haven't made satellite images of the 2016 strikes either. It's simply military policy.
Can we not post lal topi and pakistani media idiots here? They are a spectacle unto themselves. They make Indian media look good lol.

Who cares who over there is sobbing. This is just getting started.
And how will we know this exact location targeted by IAF? Except Jaba top nothing else we know and even Jaba top is not a small place. Also see the following problem as I said, mountains are mostly cloudy.

As far as information is concerned, the people who are in the need-to-know basis know the ground situation. This includes GoI, GoP and all other interested govts.

So it doesn't matter if the civilians worldwide are ever told the truth as long as our situation changes in our favour.

Of course, the govt has not revealed the targets yet.
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