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I had a thought:

India justified its air strike citing "imminent danger" - meaning, even if there isnt an actual attack - there could be a "non military pre-emptive attack"
take this to its logical end - Pakistan needs to be careful everytime India feel threatened.
Pakistan Army has started vacating Balochistan yesterday and has hijacked public buses in Balochistan to move them to Sindh and Karachi
There are some rumours in BR that PAF fighters were downed in the initial balakot operation that took them by surprise....and added to why they retaliated so quickly.

Well, I just can't wait for more clear cut info/evidence to be put out there by India. The AIM missile is very good start.
the silence from Modi is deafening though.. that dude following "no one should know your next move" to the hilt.. its increased my BP in the past few days..
NDTV panelist Air Cmdre says there is no de-esclation, this is just a strategic pause
thats a retired Air Cmdre? Panelists can say anything though.. I am hearing 3 sides as of now:
no action, we have de escalated
we havent de-escalated
we have no clue

and so far its equally distributed.

I can sympathize with Pakistan planners - dunno when to down their guard or stop the no fly zone.
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thats a retired Air Cmdre? Panelists can say anything though.. I am hearing 3 sides as of now:
no action, we have de escalated
we havent de-escalated
we have no clue

and so far its equally distributed.

I can sympathize with Pakistan planners - dunno when to down their guard or stop the no fly zone.
its a funny thing... India has blocked Pakistan's air-space. Its air-supremacy without a fighter in their airspace.
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@vstol Jockey

There is some
thats a retired Air Cmdre? Panelists can say anything though.. I am hearing 3 sides as of now:
no action, we have de escalated
we havent de-escalated
we have no clue

and so far its equally distributed.

I can sympathize with Pakistan planners - dunno when to down their guard or stop the no fly zone.

There were some definite indications of a possible Brahmos strike on Pakistan the day before. This was why Pak decided to do blackout in Sialkots and several other areas. Apparently they called the P5 that night and told them that they will retaliate if brahmos strikes are carried out. This is the background behind IK's parliamentary statement. I think these guys will wait for IOC to finish and then probably attempt a strike.
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India sharing F-16 evidence with America

India is sharing with the US evidence on the Pakistan Air Force F-16 fighter jet brought down in aerial combat over the Line of Control on Wednesday to emphasise that the neighbouring country is misusing assets it may have acquired under the ‘fight against terrorism’ banner in 2008.

Sources said that the detailed evidence is being shared with Washington that has promised the Indian government all support to de-escalate tensions and ensure that Pakistan complies with its commitment to the US.

India sharing F-16 evidence with America

pak airspace closed until 1 PM friday.
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