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*censored* try to hit a brigade HQ in response for a non military strike & people are talking about de escalation. Indian military won't let this slide, no they can't let this slide period.
Did they hit anything? Anything at all? They are so scared that they denied officially that they even wanted to damage a thing.

We claimed that they tried to hit military installation to escalate the tensions. We hit them deep inside Pakistan, you expect they won't even try to retaliate? They are a security state after all.

Every other day Pakistanis have wet dreams of Gazwa-e-Hind or anything else, do we need respond to everything? We respond to reality not imagination, and in reality when they tried to hit us they lost a pilot and a F-16, remember that, that's what happened not what they intended to do and if our pilot was not in enemy territory it would have been declare act of war in 5PM press conference. Look at any conflict with reality not dreams.
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"Open source" satellite imagery (real time) of the resolution needed? The pictures look grainy as hell... and all kinds of pixels are jumping between the before and "after"...including tree spots in other areas (if you look carefully).....leading me to believe is the after image really from feb 27 or is it just a date update on the source site (

Something seems way off...given if everything is intact and fine...why Pakistan didn't allow a tour of the structures in the proper time period (not just one specific designated area with one perspective...that too much later after the strike) for massive PR win?....that too after complaining about "bad weather" (when the weather was sunny and fine) allowing a good amount of sanitizing time? I think Sheikh Rasheed let it slip out too that madrassa was hit?

Sorry, I am going with the AVM still:

Weapons hit the intended targets & caused the intended damage (in Balakot)
Air Vice Marshal RGK Kapoor

He has said there is footage and I will wait for its release. Let us be patient and see. So many of you would have done so badly in 1999 and 1971 likely too if you had the same media/social media then in real time....and then scratch your heads and/or have a huge sigh of relief at final result.

I really don't get why everyone wants everything right now....are you guys on some big tight schedule of higher importance than the military? I have good sampling of what the people that matter around the world think of the me, its fine what India is doing so far. Just need to deliver good results/evidence in the end. When things are hot/ongoing....its best not to rush.

If absolutely nothing is released, then I will join all your chorus too.....but not till then. Stop being so impatient. There are reasons why professional military keeps thing classified during projected operation window....and reason why nonprofessional ones release whatever suits their fancy at whatever time. It is correlated somewhat to desperation as well.
Also worth bearing in mind IAF would be well aware of what 3rd party resources are easily accessible for laymen to check up/analyse themselves...I really doubt they would release such statements like they have with that in mind.

I defer to @Falcon
Well, commercial sats are pretty powerful. WorldView 4 has 0.31 meters. I can order an image-set... will be expensive. $10-5 per sq km with 90 km sq minimum. If I were to do that, I am waiting for weather to completely clear. From the free sources it does not look like that.

The cross-hairs are point in question which he was referring to...

It still has cloud cover..
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Did they hit anything? Anything at all? They are so scared that they denied officially that they even wanted to damage a thing.

We claimed that they tried to hit military installation to escalate the tensions. We hit them deep inside Pakistan, you expect they won't even try to retaliate? They are a security state after all.

Every other day Pakistanis have wet dreams of Gazwa-e-Hind or anything else, do we need respond to everything? We respond to reality not imagination, and in reality when they tried to hit us they lost a pilot and a F-16, remember that, that's what happened not what they intended to do and if our pilot was not in enemy territory it would have been declare act of war in 5PM press conference. Look at any conflict with reality not dreams.

The real important thing is we have gotten them (forcibly on our terms) to accept there is a play-level below the nuclear threshold, but well above the usual halal stuff everyone got used to.

This itself is a big game changer.

Why so many want to go all-in or bust for their own emotional reasons (ignoring the massive analysis that the military has to do and plan for) is quite beyond me.

Please, we are barely a few days in this new chapter....and I am sure it will be a pretty long one. As @randomradio said, definitely past the elections. The window has been opened now. Make use of the best time and best is not going to be every day or every week or even every month....but I would expect something every few months at least now....till the costs on Pakistan become unbearable and we get the objectives done much lowest risk and cost to us.
Well, commercial sats are pretty powerful. WorldView 4 has 0.31 meters. I can order a image-set... will be expensive. $10-5 per sq km with 90 km sq minimum. If I were to do that, I am waiting for weather to completely clear. From the free sources it does not look like that.

The thing is you need to give them the coordinates (in advance) you want to view (for whatever studied time period) if you want the best high res/real time stuff (in my experience, but I could be wrong)

They generally do not do the high resolution mapping of every corner of the earth (they have very generic resolution for that...and it likely isnt updated all that much too)....because of the cost involved.

Simply looking at some random spot on the earth afterwards...may not have the resolution or frequency needed. Hence why I think these pictures are pretty grainy.
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The thing is you need to give them the coordinates (in advance) you want to view (for whatever studied time period) if you want the best high res/real time stuff (in my experience, but I could be wrong)

They generally do not do the high resolution mapping of every corner of the earth (they have very generic resolution for that...and it likely isnt updated all that much too)....because of the cost involved.

Simply looking at some random spot on the earth afterwards...may not have the resolution or frequency needed. Hence why I think these pictures are pretty grainy.
Oh don't worry. I have few points already. One I showed in the pic attached as well. This is the one on Jaba Top. The researcher on twitter was referring to it. I have few more points.. I have done an order previously as well. I can do it, but I want the worth of my money...

Wonder where that guy got his images from....and what dates etc. This seems to be a different area of the complex too? Or a different location. Coz it doesnt look like the buildings and trees that @Shajida Khan posted
He is false...
He got the images from the same site i use to filter...
He is looking at a different point... It does not look like a camp, more like a farm or factory.

Zoom Earth - Explore satellite and aerial images of the Earth
Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at 11.35.13 PM.jpg

The issue is shows older pics when you zoom too close.
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