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saudi Cargos were probably used to transport the pak soldiers in saudi. Nuke don't get transported like that to other country. Also nuke is everything pakistan has in this world apart from their lower grade Islamic identity.
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I am not sure of its authenticity, perhaps some of you can chip in. If he is indeed the one, may he RIP
Need to find this person in databases, if possible find other image. But we can share this pic so that some pak troll army can see it and make mistake of giving his full identity. This is how info war is fought.
This is your delusion,you think this is about the armed services.You think military makes the decision,in our democracy these politicians do.And once again they have failed us.The only positive i will see out of this is if the near escalation to total war leads the pak military to rethink its terror sponsor strategy(i know they won't for long) but atleast for say 6 months or so no major cross border attacks or jem/let strikes.But on the next terror strike we do NOT back down.I can only see positives if the above takes place.Otherwise you can spin it any way you want,our civilian leadership has chickened out again.

P.S : I may not be a serviceman but i have relatives who are,and my uncle is a retired personnel of chandipur missile testing facility.Infact in my younger days i have personally witnessed a missile launch from there.

Merely your assumptions here.

Armed Forces, thankfully, do not get emotive over issues that will result in requirement to undertake actions that can lead to the loss of their own lives - just to assuage the bruised egos of others.

Everything need not be told to the public, our responses have never been less. Armed Forces, paradoxically, are not answerable to the common citizen's whims to know. You have to simply deal with it.

Yes in the long term economic strangulation is the best option but in the short term , every move by the enemy must be countered by a corresponding response ,

Why? So that an internet warrior can go and 'win' an argument of egos on the twitter/forum?

long term options are a on going process , but immediate challenges require immediate counter measures otherwise we will lose the plot to the long term goal.

What immediate challenges are there? Care to expand on that?

India in my opinion lost the short term goal by failing to act to the immediate situation created by Pakistani retaliation , it will factor badly in our long term goals one way or the other.

1. What makes you think that we have failed to act? Is not reacting in a knee jerk reaction a failure to act or an act of prudence, allowing time and place to act, while getting the world on your side? What do you think is the more sensible approach?

2. How does it affect our long term goals? And what are those long term goals?

We have been complacent with the ceasefire violations happening everyday , so much so that we no longer bother , what stops our military from going the extra distance to make the CFV stop.

You have no clue, do you? What makes you think that it is Pakistan which is forcing our hand in LC, a region invariably dominated by us save for a few pockets?

If somebody throws a stone at you , why should you throw a stone back at him and get into a never ending loop , why not chop his hand off.

If an ant bites you, do you flick it off/kill it there and then and move on or leave your work, get up and go get a hammer to kill it?
I guess your tagline will happen. "Pakistan will fight itself till last Pakistani".
Issue is that in the process of destroying itself in will inflict a lot of pain on us as well. We are big enough that we will survive that. Only it will leave lots of nasty scars all over.

Its like living with a druggie and violent neighbour. In the long term he will kill himself or herself due to their habits. But the bad part is that they will also run over your cat or worse your baby before they do so.

It is purely a cost versus benefit analysis. Costs to immediately finish the problem do not match the benefit accrued.
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It is purely a cost versus benefit analysis. Costs to immediately finish the problem do not match the benefit accrued.
I don't know... I dont have data to back up the cost vs benefits in either direction...
My intuition tells me that we are underestimating this poison.
But then, I am no soldier.
Here @Falcon ; @Nilgiri ; @randomradio ; @BlackOpsIndia

This is what is going to get higlighted next week in the media and by the opposition & will resonate all across India, the world esp Pakistan.

You still think witholding the images from the balakote air strike due to some misconceived notions of secrecy was a wise act.

Also tagging @Milspec ; @RATHORE: @Austerlitz ; @suryakiran ; @Shajida Khan @vstol Jockey and anyone who'd like to contribute.

I believe the area is under continuous cloud cover. So just how are people getting the 'images'?

Having said that, too many experts around ... ;)

I can take you to a site near a target site and show you 'no damage' easily. You will know jack in a mountain which is forested. Even 15 meters distance is too far at times. One can easily do that and get away. Those who have walked in such areas, will know of what I mean.

In my opinion, footage must be released when the Forces feel like releasing it. And GoI should then go ahead after receiving a go ahead.

Pertinent to note, jettisoned bombs do not explode. Any unexploded ordnance shown?
Indian FM at OIC & Pakistani(founding member of OIC) FM is boycotting.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Now who said we lost perception war ???:censored::censored:

UAE has literally told pak that beggar don't get to order their masters..:cool::cool:

I mean OIC was pak's brain child and they are being thrown out from there.
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Indian FM at OIC & Pakistani(founding member of OIC) FM is boycotting.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Now who said we lost perception war ???:censored::censored:

UAE has literally told pak that beggar don't get to order their masters..:cool::cool:

I mean OIC was pak's brain child and they are being thrown out from there.

The point I have been trying to make. Never fight an enemy without starving it of resources. Fight on your terms. The right to escalate is with India now. And Army very categorically told last night that the mechanized formations are on stand by. That means, we are ready to move in.

Now, everyday you are seeing nations adopting a hands off approach with respect to Pakistan. They may not support India immediately, but they are definitely not supporting Pakistan. That is very important.

Now is the time to make their Air Force struggle (7 days in Kargil had forced their F-16s on ground). Then .. hit a new group in 'anti-terror'. And let them come again :)

We can do this forever, in the meanwhile, continuing with what is our long term goal -economic development and poverty alleviation ;)
I don't know... I dont have data to back up the cost vs benefits in either direction...
My intuition tells me that we are underestimating this poison.
But then, I am no soldier.

I know what I know :) You are everywhere indeed ;)
To all who have the following claims to rely on:

1. If IAF 'jettisoned' its load, they would not explode .... simple as that. Any unexploded ordnance recovered by PA?
2. If PAF was deploying loads without fuzes, we would have the same situation, an 'unexploded' ordnance ... did we get any such ordnance?

Think members, think. You will get your answers.

There is too much 'information' floating around, usually a load of bullcrap.
modi going to TN to launch dev projects.. he did say in an earlier speech yesterday "we should not stop development.. thats what they want".. but heck all my development projects (code and software) have stopped.. barely moving.. how the heck is he doing all that.. i dont know..
Bcz he knows and we dont know what's the plan
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