Indian Aircraft Crash Notification

Tax payers are bound pay for their security & safety. After all we are advertised as fifth largest GDP in world, if we still talking about cash crunch due to economy, then you should realise that we dont deserve to talk about military at all.

We give too many freebies for vote bank politics.
And dont have the guts to reduce that.
Successive governments want to give even more.. Reducing the useful expenditure and increasing the tax payers burden.
We need to find the best plan..

As a soldier, we may be willing to take a hit but get a weapon that ll win the war.
Could be the thinking for IAF.

We cannot fly obsolete aircraft s and losing men & material is everyone s thinking.

We have a solution in Lca + Rafale.

If we fill the lca requirements first, money will be still rotating innour hands, where we can buy Rafale later.

If we buy MRFA first, money won't be there to replace obsolete ones faster.

So i think we bought a tranche of rafale & mk1A lca.

I hope the same thing is repeated but quickly

There's money for both. In 2022, a lot of long term programs with big money are gonna start, like the MRFA, SSN, P-75I, AMCA etc. In the meantime, both the LCAs will begin deliveries. So these contracts are straddled, will come in one after the other and the payments will go out in installments.

Between now and 2030, the IAF has enough money to get 3 types of jets using long term contracts, ie, LCA, MRFA and something else, ie, 40 jets a year. Back in 2016 I had claimed that there's potential for 3 MMRCAs. The "something else" is just a continuation of that.

But if you're looking for a deployable solution within the next 1 or 2 years, there isn't any. The only solution we have is long term. But there definitely is money available for that.
We give too many freebies for vote bank politics.
And dont have the guts to reduce that.
Successive governments want to give even more.. Reducing the useful expenditure and increasing the tax payers burden.
That's what @Ankit Kumar said in post#294. We get what we deserve.
There's money for both. In 2022, a lot of long term programs with big money are gonna start, like the MRFA, SSN, P-75I, AMCA etc. In the meantime, both the LCAs will begin deliveries. So these contracts are straddled, will come in one after the other and the payments will go out in installments.

Between now and 2030, the IAF has enough money to get 3 types of jets using long term contracts, ie, LCA, MRFA and something else, ie, 40 jets a year. Back in 2016 I had claimed that there's potential for 3 MMRCAs. The "something else" is just a continuation of that.

But if you're looking for a deployable solution within the next 1 or 2 years, there isn't any. The only solution we have is long term. But there definitely is money available for that.
What you are expecting as third aircraft F35, f15EX, Gripen or su57?
Training is done in twin seaters under the guidance of a trainer and solo flights are allowed much later.
Even before that We use Hawks for Advanced training.

Group formation flying and upgrading skills and testing new air combat tactics is done by wing commander level officer or group captains in real sorties. As I said flying Mig 21 is still a challenge because its not an old aircraft only it's airframe is old, if they survive highly dangerous manouvres in Mig 21 they are the front line pilots.
The best part is the IAF has been jumping up & down regarding the MMRCA / MRFA tender since the past 2 decades - past 4 decades ever since the original Mirage saga began ( take your pick) . The original tender was cancelled in 2016-17 but guess what? The IAF is yet to frame it's SQR's. How do you like that?

And for conspiracy theorists, does this sound like an Air Force seriously interested in those 114 FA or is it a classic case of the GoI / MoD having reached some sort of a tacit understanding with the IAF then but now have possibly recanted given the present financial crunch thus forcing the IAF to resort to some kind of brinkmanship like not talking of the Mk2 in public when referring to the future requirements or insisting on the need of an MRFA tender etc.

But good news beckons. We're on the cusp pf that magical year 2022 . Only good things are destined from now on till the end of time beginning with my favorite tweeter Avi Rain's predictions.
The best part is the IAF has been jumping up & down regarding the MMRCA / MRFA tender since the past 2 decades - past 4 decades ever since the original Mirage saga began ( take your pick) . The original tender was cancelled in 2016-17 but guess what? The IAF is yet to frame it's SQR's. How do you like that?

And for conspiracy theorists, does this sound like an Air Force seriously interested in those 114 FA or is it a classic case of the GoI / MoD having reached some sort of a tacit understanding with the IAF then but now have possibly recanted given the present financial crunch thus forcing the IAF to resort to some kind of brinkmanship like not talking of the Mk2 in public when referring to the future requirements or insisting on the need of an MRFA tender etc.

But good news beckons. We're on the cusp pf that magical year 2022 . Only good things are destined from now on till the end of time beginning with my favorite tweeter Avi Rain's predictions.

In 2022 We will be lucky to get a approval for 36 More Rafales , And that is the end of it

By the way , that Raina Guy , has put a " Magical Spell " on you

My prediction is he will disappear after 30.6. 22
By the way , that Raina Guy , has put a " Magical Spell " on you

My prediction is he will disappear after 30.6. 22
Lol. Silly boy. That was always expected @My prediction is he will disappear after 30.6. 22 . Where do you think people here come from? Agra or Alibaug?

Avi Raina has already created an alternative persona & id on this forum years ago. Which world are you living in ?
But if you're looking for a deployable solution within the next 1 or 2 years, there isn't any. The only solution we have is long term. But there definitely is money available for that.

I have a feeling that Govt Of India and IAF wants to invest more in Surface to Surface Missiles Rather than Fighter Aircraft

That is why we see No urgency for Any more Fighter Plane Acquisition
Lol. Silly boy. That was always expected @My prediction is he will disappear after 30.6. 22 . Where do you think people here come from? Agra or Alibaug?

Avi Raina has already created an alternative persona & id on this forum years ago. Which world are you living in ?

On this forum ; So what is his username

By the way he has 11 K followers on Twitter

Whereas we dont have even 100
Active members here

So what is his "Deal "
its not an old aircraft
What do you mean by this ? It’s literally a WW2 era relic with pilot sitting on a turbojet engine and flying it using small delta wing with rudimentary control systems and almost no navigational equipment except absolute barebone ones. It’s hardest aircraft to control as it flies like a rocket. Contrary to IAF fanboys, the truth is that it can’t Dogfight, it was not designed for dogfighting but as an fast and cheap interceptor . Your best bet is to escape or eject asap instead of merge into the dogfight with anything fourth generation.
For a rookie pilot, It’s literally is like feeling death from up close.
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The best part is the IAF has been jumping up & down regarding the MMRCA / MRFA tender since the past 2 decades - past 4 decades ever since the original Mirage saga began ( take your pick) . The original tender was cancelled in 2016-17 but guess what? The IAF is yet to frame it's SQR's. How do you like that?

And for conspiracy theorists, does this sound like an Air Force seriously interested in those 114 FA or is it a classic case of the GoI / MoD having reached some sort of a tacit understanding with the IAF then but now have possibly recanted given the present financial crunch thus forcing the IAF to resort to some kind of brinkmanship like not talking of the Mk2 in public when referring to the future requirements or insisting on the need of an MRFA tender etc.

But good news beckons. We're on the cusp pf that magical year 2022 . Only good things are destined from now on till the end of time beginning with my favorite tweeter Avi Rain's predictions.
And I don’t know what HAL employees are doing these days. As even after getting the confirmed order of almost hundreds of LCA. Not a single jet rolled out this year. This is the same PSU that regularly brags about having experience of assembling thousands of aircrafts since centuries and capability to assemble even Rafale, F22 , star-war spaceship and what not.
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I have a feeling that Govt Of India and IAF wants to invest more in Surface to Surface Missiles Rather than Fighter Aircraft

No relation. The new rocket force is either under the army or under a new triservices wing, although I think it's still gonna be under the army at least when it starts off.

That is why we see No urgency for Any more Fighter Plane Acquisition

MRFA is of critical importance. It's got the highest priority right now, alongisde the P-75I. While CDS Rawat preferred a batch purchase in order to reduce the burden on defence capex, it appears the IAF is more interested in locking down the big one instead of just repeating the fight every few years for a new batch. If they go by batches, then five years down the line they will still get hung up on pushing for the fourth batch, and then a fifth batch by the end of the decade. They won't be able to concentrate on next gen tech for 10+ years constantly fighting for a piece of the budget. In the meantime, HAL and DRDO are doing their best to kill MRFA.
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No relation. The new rocket force is either under the army or under a new triservices wing, although I think it's still gonna be under the army at least when it starts off.

MRFA is of critical importance. It's got the highest priority right now, alongisde the P-75I. While CDS Rawat preferred a batch purchase in order to reduce the burden on defence capex, it appears the IAF is more interested in locking down the big one instead of just repeating the fight every few years for a new batch. If they go by batches, then five years down the line they will still get hung up on pushing for the fourth batch, and then a fifth batch by the end of the decade. They won't be able to concentrate on next gen tech for 10+ years constantly fighting for a piece of the budget. In the meantime, HAL and DRDO are doing their best to kill MRFA.
Lol its not going to happen if MRFA is ever signed hypothetically then it will Kill the Tejas mk2. We neither have money nor man power for Parallel induction.
What do you mean by this ? It’s literally a WW2 era relic with pilot sitting on a turbojet engine and flying it using small delta wing with rudimentary control systems and almost no navigational equipment except absolute barebone ones. It’s hardest aircraft to control as it flies like a rocket. Contrary to IAF fanboys, the truth is that it can’t Dogfight, it was not designed for dogfighting but as an fast and cheap interceptor . Your best bet is to escape or eject asap instead of merge into the dogfight with anything fourth generation.
For a rookie pilot, It’s literally is like feeling death from up close.

Indian pilots are trained on this interceptor till last blood and use it for dog fight, and they have been highly successful. Mig 21 Bison is a pet and a beast! The concept is not old only the machinery is old and beyond repair or upgradation as the workshop is closed by the Russians. And India will engage into dogfights with the neighbours in near future as well no matter how much BVR equipment is fed to the aerial equipment. They certainly need Mig 21 or similar type to match the comfort of Mig 21. Which they are not able to find.
No relation. The new rocket force is either under the army or under a new triservices wing, although I think it's still gonna be under the army at least when it starts off.

MRFA is of critical importance. It's got the highest priority right now, alongisde the P-75I. While CDS Rawat preferred a batch purchase in order to reduce the burden on defence capex, it appears the IAF is more interested in locking down the big one instead of just repeating the fight every few years for a new batch. If they go by batches, then five years down the line they will still get hung up on pushing for the fourth batch, and then a fifth batch by the end of the decade. They won't be able to concentrate on next gen tech for 10+ years constantly fighting for a piece of the budget. In the meantime, HAL and DRDO are doing their best to kill MRFA.
Yeas, we dont need china or Pakistan to sabotage military acquisition, DRDO & HAL are good in that, act like 0.5 front.
Indian pilots are trained on this interceptor till last blood and use it for dog fight, and they have been highly successful. Mig 21 Bison is a pet and a beast! The concept is not old only the machinery is old and beyond repair or upgradation as the workshop is closed by the Russians. And India will engage into dogfights with the neighbours in near future as well no matter how much BVR equipment is fed to the aerial equipment. They certainly need Mig 21 or similar type to match the comfort of Mig 21. Which they are not able to find.
I don’t understand what are you trying to prove here.
Take your pick-
1. M21 is Modern plane
2. It’s good dogfighter
3. IAF Pilots are perishable items and habitual of flying relics and dying trying to fly these junks.
4. IAF will keep sending Abhinandans in M21 in future too
In any case, I don’t think it’s worth to have argument with you.
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Lol its not going to happen if MRFA is ever signed hypothetically then it will Kill the Tejas mk2. We neither have money nor man power for Parallel induction.

Currently our main drawback is we lack enough basic trainers. But it should be solved long before either MRFA or LCA Mk2 are inducted, with a combination of lease and HTT-40, at least by 2025-26. Once that's done, we won't have much problems with pilot training.

As for money, we most definitely have it. It's being spent elsewhere currently, so it's not easily visible, but once the priority shifts back to fighter jets, it will get going strong again. The combined yearly capex outflow for LCA Mk2 and MRFA is estimated at $3.5B, ie, $35B in 10 years, obviously heavily overestimated, whereas IAF's total capex is $7.5B a year today, ie $75B in 10 years.

This should make things easier.
Although research, development, test and evaluation costs for the Air Force increased from $26.6 billion to $28.8 billion, procurement fell from $26.1 billion to $22.9 billion.

The IAF at $7.5B is only 3 times lesser than USAF's $22.9B.

Give it 10 more years, the IAF's budget is likely to double, and that will take us to $15B, possibly with the USAF climbing to $30B at best. And we do not have their insanely high transport, bomber and refueller requirements, most of our money is spent only on fighters, which should be slightly lower than the USAF's fighter budget. So I don't get how people think we do not have money.
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Currently our main drawback is we lack enough basic trainers. But it should be solved long before either MRFA or LCA Mk2 are inducted, with a combination of lease and HTT-40, at least by 2025-26. Once that's done, we won't have much problems with pilot training.

As for money, we most definitely have it. It's being spent elsewhere currently, so it's not easily visible, but once the priority shifts back to fighter jets, it will get going strong again. The combined yearly capex outflow for LCA Mk2 and MRFA is estimated at $3.5B, ie, $35B in 10 years, obviously heavily overestimated, whereas IAF's total capex is $7.5B a year today, ie $75B in 10 years.

This should make things easier.
Although research, development, test and evaluation costs for the Air Force increased from $26.6 billion to $28.8 billion, procurement fell from $26.1 billion to $22.9 billion.

The IAF at $7.5B is only 3 times lesser than USAF's $22.9B.

Give it 10 more years, the IAF's budget is likely to double, and that will take us to $15B, possibly with the USAF climbing to $30B at best. And we do not have their insanely high transport, bomber and refueller requirements, most of our money is spent only on fighters, which should be slightly lower than the USAF's fighter budget. So I don't get how people think we do not have money.

I have never understood this
Hesitation or Dis interested attitude towards more MIG 29s

We could have easily replaced all
MIG 21s with MiG 29s by now

It is like IAF wants its pilots to be killed in MIG 21 crashes SO THAT
Govt of India is forced to buy more Rafales by virtue of Public pressure
I don’t understand what are you trying to prove here.
Take your pick-
1. M21 is Modern plane
2. It’s good dogfighter
3. IAF Pilots are perishable items and habitual of flying relics
4. IAF will keep sending Abhinandans in M21 in future too
In any case, I don’t think it’s worth to have argument with you.

It's not a dog fighter but Indian pilots can dog fight with that machine.

Imagine Mig 21 with all the electronics of Mirage2K /Rafale. This is what IAF wanted.
It's not a dog fighter but Indian pilots can dog fight with that machine.

Imagine Mig 21 with all the electronics of Mirage2K and Rafale. This is what IAF wanted.
It's a 3rd Gen fighter with an airframe & characteristics of a typical 3rd Gen fighter aircraft . How are you going to retrofit it with modern avionics ? If that be the case why come up with new generation designs, all we have to do is update older generations with modern avionics & continue the show.