Indian Aircraft Crash Notification

It appears to me that the helicopter got pushed down by mountain waves which are very prevalent in that area. they seem to have hit sudden downward push by such waves. The Helicopter was being flown the CO of that Halo sqn. He must have known the area very well but mountain waves are sudden and unpredictable. Many locals have said that the weather was clear but we have seen the video where the halo suddenly vanishes in clouds. This is very common in that area due to mountain waves.
If you are on about Katabatic winds, I am aware of those, but those type of winds are quite strong and not gentle at all.
From the video, it doesn't seem to be windy at all.
Anabatic winds is another thing in the mountains, but I have never experienced that, so , don't know .
I just heard on a debate that our CDS went into thousand bed covid ward anonymously wearing a PPE kit, this was before second wave.

For all I know covid could have taken him. We ought to stop this cowboy attitude of our generals, leading from front etc.

If we can’t accept losing officers and politicians at highest levels then it’s incumbent upon us to not let them take risks.
I just heard on a debate that our CDS went into thousand bed covid ward anonymously wearing a PPE kit, this was before second wave.

For all I know covid could have taken him. We ought to stop this cowboy attitude of our generals, leading from front etc.

If we can’t accept losing officers and politicians at highest levels then it’s incumbent upon us to not let them take risks.

A modern military must move past this lead from the front mentality for the upper ranks right away lol.

That was a lesson for WW2. Poor Eisenhower and Marshall never saw active combat. Marshall barely moved from his desk. It's nice sentiment, but that doesn't win wars. Having your top guys healthy and safe do.
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If you are on about Katabatic winds, I am aware of those, but those type of winds are quite strong and not gentle at all.
From the video, it doesn't seem to be windy at all.
Anabatic winds is another thing in the mountains, but I have never experienced that, so , don't know .
Katabatic and Anabatic winds are part of mountain wind phenomenon but Mountain waves are very different from them as they folow a wave motion. The top of the wave has a fohm cap which is associated with thin clouds.
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Helicopter crashes in the last 5 years.
The results of Court of Enquiry should be made public till it's peace time operation or a training sortie. Will bring clarity to general public and which in turn may cause some pressure on GOI to act. Thereby saving lives.
It’s not only about budget and depleting squadrons that Indian pilots keep flying Mig 21. I am sensing a feeling of pride, adventure and looking down upon new gen pilots flying highly automated platforms than more skilled and informed pilots flying legacy jets.

Mig-21 you can say is shoved down the throat of IAF but I feel it’s a 2-way love affair. @vstol Jockey
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It’s not only about budget and depleting squadrons that Indian pilots keep flying Mig 21. I am sensing a feeling of pride, adventure and looking down upon new gen pilots flying highly automated platforms than more skilled and informed pilots flying legacy jets.

Mig-21 you can say is shoved down the throat of IAF but I feel it’s a 2-way love affair. @vstol Jockey
Well, you know what?! Your wish may just be granted. Given what we're facing on our borders particularly on our Eastern front & our depleted squadron strength with inadequate replacement plans , I've a feeling we might just postpone the retirement of the MiG-21 by a couple of years.