Indian Missiles and Munitions Discussion

That is the thing which I hate most in the armed forces: Diversity in weapons. Just standardize some weapons instead of having 5 weapons for similar role.

I have question: why restrict Tejas with MK-1 won't it be better to give it MK-2 and make it more lethal. I do think that MK-3 will be used with special aircrafts but MK-2 will be made standard.

Diversity is important until we get our own stuff up to speed. The majority will be one type, like 2500 R-77s, while the remaining 1500 are R-27s, MICA and Meteor. Derby ER may have been added to the mix and was supposed to be the direct R-77 replacement, but it looks like the IAF is warming up to indigenous designs. Astra Mk1 and RVV-SD have replaced the oldest RVV-SDs. Also, we need to single-source fighter jets, but that's 20 years away.

The Tejas will obviously use Mk2. It can even use the Mk3, no issues. The radar may not be sufficient, but LCA will be equipped with all missiles in our inventory as it's a crucial part of critical mass. It will be necessary for the IAF to make the LCA suitable for operation from any base, not just a few. It's like the MKI. Except the Meteor (and perhaps MICA RF), the LCA will basically have the ability to use every single missile that it can possibly be equipped with that's in our inventory. I hope the MICA RF too someday.
That is the thing which I hate most in the armed forces: Diversity in weapons. Just standardize some weapons instead of having 5 weapons for similar role.

I have question: why restrict Tejas with MK-1 won't it be better to give it MK-2 and make it more lethal. I do think that MK-3 will be used with special aircrafts but MK-2 will be made standard.
It will of course use both, and the mk3 too , already shown in that armaments poster. But jets during deployment are often armed as per mission profile. That means a dual pylon astra mk1/asraam on tejas is as useful as carrying mk3 in another pylon, not engagement wise but armament wise depending on what ever threat it will face during a sortie. Weapons are already standardized up to required spec. Next it comes to the top brass running the op command choice to use the most suitable one.

War situation is such, whatever you plan for & spec it up to your choice, you will always find the need for something else during it. Diversity of weapons is something most air forces crave tbh depending on their doctrine.
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It will of course use both, and the mk3 too , already shown in that armaments poster. But jets during deployment are often armed as per mission profile. That means a dual pylon astra mk1/asraam on tejas is as useful as carrying mk3 in another pylon, not engagement wise but armament wise depending on what ever threat it will face during a sortie. Weapons are already standardized up to required spec. Next it comes to the top brass running the op command choice to use the most suitable one.

War situation is such, whatever you plan for & spec it up to your choice, you will always find the need for something else during it. Diversity of weapons is something most air forces crave tbh depending on their doctrine.
Yes, but better to have indeginous weapons in diversity than the foreign one. The future does look bright with:

Astra Mk-2, Mk-3, NGCCM, NGARM, R-2, R-3 and Smart Cruise Missile.
Yes, but better to have indeginous weapons in diversity than the foreign one. The future does look bright with:

Astra Mk-2, Mk-3, NGCCM, NGARM, R-2, R-3 and Smart Cruise Missile.
That diversiy can develop in each iteration, DRDO own old ppt showed Astra as 50km range BVR, professors & academic person who worked on this project also used to say 45-50km range, because that is what the early studies were done. I saw in a YT webinar where a professor who worked on Astra project, someone in the audience(was in some university auditorium) asked him during his presentation & he specifically mentioned Astra range at50-60km, that was long time ago. But with time and need for more range has continued its evolution & now mk1 itself is at over 100km range.

The items you mentioned are the projected air launched weapons being developed by 2025 in first stage, plus SAAW. Next, it will perhaps evolve into hypersonics & further.

Looking at Max ranges of BVR missiles never tells us the true picture. The real true picture is to look at the NEZ(no escape zone) of any BVR missile. The bigger the NEZ, the more deadly a missile is for an enemy.

Astra 2 will have twice the NEZ of Astra 1, that itself makes it twice deadly. Astra 1 has given us parity/slight advantage over PAF F-16s AIM-120C5s. Astra 2 shall give us parity/slight superiority over J-10CE's PL-15E.
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Yeah come to think of that, NEZ is what someone involved in designing the missile spec would discuss more about, rather than how far a missile can travel. Effective engagement is the priority.
plot twist as the QAP is about this o_O bit odd no?

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SLCM is a very important missile as it is going to arm our Kalvari-class subs and provide capability to neutralize targets at longer ranges as compared to sub launched Expect and Harpoon. 180-300km range along with dual variant of land attack and anti-ship.

Also, the number of missile projects being developed for IN is mind boggling.

For Anti-Ship:

5. Brahmos-NG
6. Brahmos-2
7. GlideFire

Then we have SAM for IN:

Land Attack Cruise Missiles:
2. Brahmos

Ballistic Missiles:
1. K-4
2. K-5
3. K-6
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There is also ETLDHCM, endothermic long distance HCM.
Then again it could be Nirbhay like situation though, some are TD like project, some are mission mode.

The part we did not understand is whether the above SLCM/LRAshM whatever, those share same warhead arming technique or was the doc a mistake in tendering. It would depend of warhead class too.
VSHORADS in IN ? Are we seriously deploying MANPADS whether shoulder fired or tripod fired from IN vessels ? If yes , whom are they intended for ? Drones or are they meant for MARCOS ?
I think VSHORADS will be deployed on NGOPV, NGFAC and the FSS. The missiles will be mounted in similar style to that of the SIMBAD system. They will most probably be used against the drones

something similar can be done by placing Either kalyani or L&T gun on TATA kestrel . Will be effective against kamikaze , low flying drones , swarm etc .

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