You've missed the whole point if you think there isn't a unifying ideology.
It is the belief in Secular India.
We the People of India
We the Hindus of India
Cheers, Doc
There's no such war on . Kindly desist with inflicting your biases upon us. Primarily , this remains a case of good governance & administration .It still will be the case going into the next elections . Into it is a sub set of narratives being propagated & disseminated by a significant section of the ruling party & its supporters on the inheritance , after about a millenium , by the true successors of this land.
A narrative which is partially correct but which doesn't fully acknowledge the changes wrought in our land in the space of that 1 millennium or the reason why this lot found themselves in a position of power , in the first place . Having said that , the ones holding the reins of power are under no illusions of what got them into power and what will undermine their hold on it .
These are two different narratives that both it's supporters and it's opponents are hell bent on pushing as part of their own agenda .
The RSS as part of its rehabilitation post Gandhi's assassination , under a pact with Sardar Patel , offered itself a written Constitution , which first and foremost swore allegiance to the Indian Constitution. All such attempts to cast aspersions on this being an eyewash by vested interests are themselves guilty of the most severe assaults on the Constitution and I name the Congress and the Communists here as the biggest culprits .
The RSS/ BJP will attempt to skew the framework of the debate into a more RW narrative . I see this as no different from the left of center stance of the Congress under Nehru & IG. Post Rao , irrespective of what the Congress claims , the economic policies of the Congress turned RW. What the RSS/ BJP duo is doing to impart an RW slant to the cultural underpinnings of this nation too.Whether this is wrong and to what extent is it permissible is a matter of debate ( like the one we're having here )
Let's not forget that every nation bears the imprint of the majority be it in the realms of religion , culture , language ,race , etc. Let's also not forget that the so called beacons for us namely the Westminster style of liberal democracies became so over a period of time once the issues of language , race , religion were settled post a booming economy . Look no further than the UK .
Lastly , a measure of secularism can be had from France - the land of liberty , equality and fraternity . Up until recently , it was a cognizable offence to wear a burkha at a beach . If I'm not mistaken it's still an offence to wear either a naqqab or a hijab not just in France but many European countries but in spite of free speech being the corner stone of liberal democracies ( one reason why Charlie Hebdo published those offensive cartoons of the Prophet and invited trouble ) , Holocaust denial is still a penal offence . Compare that to our own peculiarities viz beef banning , etc .
The larger picture I'm drawing here is a metaphor - while our lingua franca in which we communicate & carry out social intercourse is a liberal democracy , the dialect will bear the imprint of the majority , whether you like it or not .
India is no exception .