Indian Political Discussion

It is not about Voting for any party ; you can vote for anyone

In India even Independent Candidates ; who are just Loonies get thousands of votes

The point is the deep aversion and open contempt and hatred he has for those Hindus
who prefer BJP

As if all problems of India are because of BJP and Before Modi ; India was a Heaven

There is nt a shred of Objectivity in his posts


That's the evolution of the polarisation the BJP started.

There are no neutrals anymore.

And you guys can thank the BJP and it's parent Sangh for that permanent rent in the fabric of our society.

Cheers, Doc
I agree with you, but there will always be a fight back. This is what is bothering others when Modi gets elected.
Didn't realise it's you doc.
I thought it was @Arvind . Hehehe

Back to the topic:
I can only hope MODI gets re-elected or that he survives long enough to push sanatana dharma ashore.
The next term is going to be a turbulent one for India.

Because I do not see a peaceful acceptance anymore by whichever side loses.

2014-19 was the primer dose.

Cheers, Doc
No problem, ;)
Modi will get reelected due to 'TINA'

This too, I don't know why or how some people are getting so excited when there's absolutely no remote semblance of a united, coherent opposition. They don't have a uniting or common ideology, they don't have a common leader because Rahul Gandhi is a 47 year old baccha (and a stupid one at that) who most parties wouldn't accept - not to mention any opposition coalition is deeply dependent on regional straps who all harbor PM dreams of their own.

Any opposition coalition would be so disunited and dysfunctional, it wouldn't even be capable of agreeing on what to order for lunch at coalition meetings; let alone governance. As proven even further by their inability to move a simple no-confidence motion.
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This too, I don't know why or how some people are getting so excited when there's absolutely no remote semblance of a united, coherent opposition. They don't have a uniting or common ideology, they don't have a common leader because Rahul Gandhi is a 47 year old baccha (and a stupid one at that) who most parties wouldn't accept - not to mention any opposition coalition is deeply dependent on regional straps who all harbor PM dreams of their own.

Any opposition coalition would be so disunited and dysfunctional, it wouldn't even be capable of agreeing on what to order for lunch at coalition meetings; let alone governance. As proven even further by their inability to move a simple no-confidence motion.
People understand it, these jokers now want to ally with Behen Mayawati, whose clothes were torn apart and almost raped by SP goons in her own MLA quarters,that BJP/RSS had to intervene to save her.
This too, I don't know why or how some people are getting so excited when there's absolutely no remote semblance of a united, coherent opposition. They don't have a uniting or common ideology, they don't have a common leader because Rahul Gandhi is a 47 year old baccha (and a stupid one at that) who most parties wouldn't accept - not to mention any opposition coalition is deeply dependent on regional straps who all harbor PM dreams of their own.

Any opposition coalition would be so disunited and dysfunctional, it wouldn't even be capable of agreeing on what to order for lunch at coalition meetings; let alone governance. As proven even further by their inability to move a simple no-confidence motion.

You've missed the whole point if you think there isn't a unifying ideology.

It is the belief in Secular India.

We the People of India


We the Hindus of India

Cheers, Doc
Sikhs never came here for refuge man. The Sikhs ARE you. Like our Muslims are.

The Congress has been Parsi unfriendly in your mind probably.

Parsis remain a traditional Congress vote bank.

2014 was a one time only blip. And that too, by young Parsis.

Cheers, Doc

Too much Dopamine there , numbs your mind.
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People understand it, these jokers now want to ally with Behen Mayawati, whose clothes were torn apart and almost raped by SP goons in her own MLA quarters,that BJP/RSS had to intervene to save her.

Not to mention, it's one thing to loosely align for a single bypoll, totally different matter to coordinate an alliance in a full LS election.
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You've missed the whole point if you think there isn't a unifying ideology.

It is the belief in Secular India.

We the People of India


We the Hindus of India

Cheers, Doc

LMFAO that's a joke. Any coalition simply formed on the basis of anti-BJPism would never win. And if it somehow did, it'd come apart in a week, before it could even be decided who the PM will be (which would be an absolute bloodbath between all the regional satraps by the way).
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That's the evolution of the polarisation the BJP started.

There are no neutrals anymore.

And you guys can thank the BJP and it's parent Sangh for that permanent rent in the fabric of our society.

Cheers, Doc
Welcome, so what are you going to do about it? wage a war against Hindus or start a riot against them? Persian General?:oops:
The next term is going to be a turbulent one for India.

Because I do not see a peaceful acceptance anymore by whichever side loses.

2014-19 was the primer dose.

Cheers, Doc
Turbulent for pampered lot who made Majority feel as minorities in their own country. As i said before the Hindus have woken up . So did you start collecting weapon,ration stockpiles? safe spots?;)
You've missed the whole point if you think there isn't a unifying ideology.

It is the belief in Secular India.

We the People of India


We the Hindus of India

Cheers, Doc
I understand your hatred of Hindus, my Ancestors were fools to give refuge to people, who would spit in our faces. one day and you prove,why i am right.
You will deny Hindus of their own homeland? i see it. You want opium trade, times back. Times have changed.
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You've missed the whole point if you think there isn't a unifying ideology.

It is the belief in Secular India.

We the People of India


We the Hindus of India

Cheers, Doc
There's no such war on . Kindly desist with inflicting your biases upon us. Primarily , this remains a case of good governance & administration .It still will be the case going into the next elections . Into it is a sub set of narratives being propagated & disseminated by a significant section of the ruling party & its supporters on the inheritance , after about a millenium , by the true successors of this land.

A narrative which is partially correct but which doesn't fully acknowledge the changes wrought in our land in the space of that 1 millennium or the reason why this lot found themselves in a position of power , in the first place . Having said that , the ones holding the reins of power are under no illusions of what got them into power and what will undermine their hold on it .

These are two different narratives that both it's supporters and it's opponents are hell bent on pushing as part of their own agenda .

The RSS as part of its rehabilitation post Gandhi's assassination , under a pact with Sardar Patel , offered itself a written Constitution , which first and foremost swore allegiance to the Indian Constitution. All such attempts to cast aspersions on this being an eyewash by vested interests are themselves guilty of the most severe assaults on the Constitution and I name the Congress and the Communists here as the biggest culprits .

The RSS/ BJP will attempt to skew the framework of the debate into a more RW narrative . I see this as no different from the left of center stance of the Congress under Nehru & IG. Post Rao , irrespective of what the Congress claims , the economic policies of the Congress turned RW. What the RSS/ BJP duo is doing to impart an RW slant to the cultural underpinnings of this nation too.Whether this is wrong and to what extent is it permissible is a matter of debate ( like the one we're having here )

Let's not forget that every nation bears the imprint of the majority be it in the realms of religion , culture , language ,race , etc. Let's also not forget that the so called beacons for us namely the Westminster style of liberal democracies became so over a period of time once the issues of language , race , religion were settled post a booming economy . Look no further than the UK .

Lastly , a measure of secularism can be had from France - the land of liberty , equality and fraternity . Up until recently , it was a cognizable offence to wear a burkha at a beach . If I'm not mistaken it's still an offence to wear either a naqqab or a hijab not just in France but many European countries but in spite of free speech being the corner stone of liberal democracies ( one reason why Charlie Hebdo published those offensive cartoons of the Prophet and invited trouble ) , Holocaust denial is still a penal offence . Compare that to our own peculiarities viz beef banning , etc .

The larger picture I'm drawing here is a metaphor - while our lingua franca in which we communicate & carry out social intercourse is a liberal democracy , the dialect will bear the imprint of the majority , whether you like it or not .

India is no exception .
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There's no such war on .

Strongly disagree.

And the "majority" is what the war is all about.

It is a given that the majority will come from the majority.

But the majority is not nor will it ever be a homogeneous unit entity.

If it were, we would not be having this conversation. The die would have been cast in 1947.

Cheers, Doc
But the majority is not nor will it ever be a homogeneous unit entity

You know , I once happened to see a programme on Aastha TV - a very interesting discussion on the Mahabharata & the Bhagwad Geeta. When asked to summarise in a single sentence or a few sentences what was the moral of the Mahabharata , one of the speakers summed it up by saying that in order to defeat evil , one must become it ( I said it was a very interesting discussion coz another of the panelists referred to the Mahabharata as the doctrine of unforseen consequences. If Gangeya ( Bheeshma) hadn't taken the oath of celibacy , the Mahabharata war wouldn't have been waged. There were a lot of other incidents too which bear out the truth of this doctrine )

Hindutva is a purely Semitic construct . Those who fear it & rightfully so , are Semitic religions , for that they see in it a reflection of themselves and their belief system .

The positive side is the emphasis on a casteless society . Apart from the de emphasis on ones ethnicity , class , region and other barriers , in order to create uniformity in thinking .

Their reasoning is simple . It has taken 1 millenium for Sanathan Dharma to emerge from slavery and dhimmitude . One can't expect a change overnight. Patience , then is their biggest virtue .

I can see why you're worried.But the process will be a very gradual one. More like the Zorastrianisation of Islam in your former motherland. Something , which your ancestors were still not comfortable about and made the journey to Sanjan.
You know , I once happened to see a programme on Aastha TV - a very interesting discussion on the Mahabharata & the Bhagwad Geeta. When asked to summarise in a single sentence or a few sentences what was the moral of the Mahabharata , one of the speakers summed it up by saying that in order to defeat evil , one must become it ( I said it was a very interesting discussion coz another of the panelists referred to the Mahabharata as the doctrine of unforseen consequences. If Gangeya ( Bheeshma) hadn't taken the oath of celibacy , the Mahabharata war wouldn't have been waged. There were a lot of other incidents too which bear out the truth of this doctrine )

Hindutva is a purely Semitic construct . Those who fear it & rightfully so , are Semitic religions , for that they see in it a reflection of themselves and their belief system .

The positive side is the emphasis on a casteless society . Apart from the de emphasis on ones ethnicity , class , region and other barriers , in order to create uniformity in thinking .

Their reasoning is simple . It has taken 1 millenium for Sanathan Dharma to emerge from slavery and dhimmitude . One can't expect a change overnight. Patience , then is their biggest virtue .

I can see why you're worried.But the process will be a very gradual one. More like the Zorastrianisation of Islam in your former motherland. Something , which your ancestors were still not comfortable about and made the journey to Sanjan.

This is why I question the lean and intellectual honesty of the majority here.

When anti BJP Doc says Hindutva is an Abrahamic mirror ideology in saffron garb people jump on him and call him a Hindu hater.

And now that a right winger has hgiven it the sanctity of the Mahabharata and Bhagwad Gita, suddenly the idea will become mainstream and we will hear spiels on loha lohe ko katta hai ...

Do remember (even if you will not acknowledge) who said it first.

Cheers, Doc
Something , which your ancestors were still not comfortable about and made the journey to Sanjan.

Another gem from the Khojeste Mistree of Strat Front.

My ancestors came to India long before the wholesale conversion to and subsequent Zoroastrianisation of Islam.

740 to 780 AD.

Iran converted fully to Islam only around the turn of the millennium.

Cheers, Doc
Another gem from the Khojeste Mistree of Strat Front.

My ancestors came to India long before the wholesale conversion to and subsequent Zoroastrianisation of Islam.

740 to 780 AD.

Iran converted fully to Islam only around the turn of the millennium.

Cheers, Doc
I expect your ancestors kept a diary . I'm sure you have added to the family records .