Indian Political Discussion

Im shivering in my boots.

Friend of mine emailed me yesterday about his opinion on Modi ........

Modi is definitely losing his grip over the nation now, the manifestation of which can be seen from the following events. Some in Judiciary delivering verdicts not to his liking, some in media (more so through online portals) exposing his misdeeds, political alliance partners deserting him, students and farmers fearlessly taking out rallies, in major metros that make headlines, economy going through a tailspin, all of the economic trends nosediving, foreign media ripping him apart with factual data, an uncontrollable force called Kejriwal, people like Anna Hazare temporarily hogging the limelight, he losing out in elections from strategic locations like Gorakhpur & Phulpur and such others.
At such times, the typical response of these dictators is to let loose “mayhem and civil unrest in the society”. Though my good friend Rajiv Tyagi feels that Modi has now been rendered toothless, I beg to disagree with him. Modi has now tasted the blood of absolute power. He would never let go of that, till he unseated.

An extract of what he said - is he talking bollax or is their any sense of truth? I ask you because you call a spade a spade hence know i will get a sane answer......
I know Pakistan doesn't like a strong India or a leader, spare us the ISI psy ops, please.
Anna Hazare lost 3.5 kgs sitting in Dharna but, he has got only 100 or so supporters, Kejriwal, LOL. Deposits udd gaye uski,
I know Pakistan doesn't like a strong India or a leader, spare us the ISI psy ops, please.
Anna Hazare lost 3.5 kgs sitting in Dharna but, he has got only 100 or so supporters, Kejriwal, LOL. Deposits udd gaye uski,

Now my dear little friend - I am no spokes person for Pakistan nor do i want to be. I speak for just myself. You continue to veer off topic and rant about my allegiance and bring ISI into this. Come on is this the best you got? Cant you stick on topic just for once rather than the personal innuendos and insinuations? Come on sir tell me how good and great is Modi jee?
Im shivering in my boots.

Friend of mine emailed me yesterday about his opinion on Modi ........

Modi is definitely losing his grip over the nation now, the manifestation of which can be seen from the following events. Some in Judiciary delivering verdicts not to his liking, some in media (more so through online portals) exposing his misdeeds, political alliance partners deserting him, students and farmers fearlessly taking out rallies, in major metros that make headlines, economy going through a tailspin, all of the economic trends nosediving, foreign media ripping him apart with factual data, an uncontrollable force called Kejriwal, people like Anna Hazare temporarily hogging the limelight, he losing out in elections from strategic locations like Gorakhpur & Phulpur and such others.
At such times, the typical response of these dictators is to let loose “mayhem and civil unrest in the society”. Though my good friend Rajiv Tyagi feels that Modi has now been rendered toothless, I beg to disagree with him. Modi has now tasted the blood of absolute power. He would never let go of that, till he unseated.

An extract of what he said - is he talking bollax or is their any sense of truth? I ask you because you call a spade a spade hence know i will get a sane answer......

The honeymoon ended more than a year ago. For those with blinkers still on. Some of us had opened our eyes (or had them yanked open) quite a bit earlier.

He is increasingly being looked at as a disappointment. Even a parody is certain circles.

The frothies cling to him only because without him and his party they fade back into irrelevance. But inside, they too are less than impressed. In many cases pissed off even. Because for them he's actually softer than they want him to be.

Personally I do not dislike the man. Being honest here.

But the baggage and luggage he carries with him, and which he cannot jettison, or will not, is what makes him my ideological enemy.

Cheers, Doc
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Not at all by the sword.

If anything, you held the sword, and northie bammans like vstol scrambled over their dhotis to quickly internalize you and make you their sword arm.
Here cometh the Maratha Avatar, so now jats are good, Brahmins, rajputs are bad?
how do you find it so easy to switch avatars ?
Shivaji Maharaj did not fight Aurangzeb because he was Muslim. We had thousands of Muslim Marathas in our ranks.

Bas kar, Shivaji Maharaj was raised by his mother Jijabai to avenge the insults of Muslims who desecrated Hindu temples she witnessed during her childhood.
Marathas paid for recruiting Rohilla Spearmen in Third battle of Panipat, when the Rohilla Spearmen betrayed and attacked the Maratha army from the back, leading to defeat. That is history.
It's always been about bigotry and preservation of our culture for us. Marathas and Parsis.

Truth be told, internally, I do not know where one begins and the other takes over.

Wait a minute, i thought you were a Maratha before, you are Parsi now?
Parsis should be last ones to talk about Bigotry, when they won't let Hindus buy property in their Neighborhood, cast out parsi females who marry Hindus, claim exclusive rights for who can enter their shrines etc.
Now my dear little friend - I am no spokes person for Pakistan nor do i want to be. I speak for just myself. You continue to veer off topic and rant about my allegiance and bring ISI into this. Come on is this the best you got? Cant you stick on topic just for once rather than the personal innuendos and insinuations? Come on sir tell me how good and great is Modi jee?
My dear Chotte Miyan,
We know your post is directly from ISI psy ops, This forum got a rap on knuckles in twitter for being a ISI front.
What is it about Modiji that you can't digest?
Here cometh the Maratha Avatar, so now jats are good, Brahmins, rajputs are bad?
how do you find it so easy to switch avatars ?

Bas kar, Shivaji Maharaj was raised by his mother Jijabai to avenge the insults of Muslims who desecrated Hindu temples she witnessed during her childhood.
Marathas paid for recruiting Rohilla Spearmen in Third battle of Panipat, when the Rohilla Spearmen betrayed and attacked the Maratha army from the back, leading to defeat. That is history.

Wait a minute, i thought you were a Maratha before, you are Parsi now?
Parsis should be last ones to talk about Bigotry, when they won't let Hindus buy property in their Neighborhood, cast out parsi females who marry Hindus, claim exclusive rights for who can enter their shrines etc.

Now you are going to teach me my history?

From kakinada?

Cheers, Doc
My dear Chotte Miyan,
We know your post is directly from ISI psy ops, This forum got a rap on knuckles in twitter for being a ISI front.
What is it about Modiji that you can't digest?

I live in the UK and was born in the UK. If you want to continue living in your conspiracy theory bubble of poo - thats fine by me.
I can digest most things about Modi - the issue is simpletons like you make his stature larger than life.
Untouchable, cream of society, can do no wrong, will make India into a superpower, walks on water, is the best world leader ever are sentiments that you blubber on about that one finds difficult to digest.
I suggest removing ones head out of the sand my little friend and have a spoonful of reality.
He is a mere mortal that maybe the best in the bunch but has a mountain to climb and by no means a superstar.

@vsdoc - another extract.....

He has appointed people at the helm affairs of all the institutions in the country, who have a dubious record. Look at any of them and you would understand. SC, RBI, CBI, CEC, CIC, ACB, Income Tax, ED and many others. His habit is to keep a dossier on each of them, which would contain a set of their wrong-doings in the past and which would be dangled in front of their nose, as their Damocles sword.
He has castrated all the pillars of democracy and of all the institutions, like Niti Aayog (the erstwhile Planning Commission), bodies which give unemployment data, those fixing the “price of Pharma products & Drugs” threatening the honest officers of the Govt, the Judiciary and many others.
I live in the UK and was born in the UK. If you want to continue living in your conspiracy theory bubble of poo - thats fine by me.
I can digest most things about Modi - the issue is simpletons like you make his stature larger than life.
Untouchable, cream of society, can do no wrong, will make India into a superpower, walks on water, is the best world leader ever are sentiments that you blubber on about that one finds difficult to digest.
I suggest removing ones head out of the sand my little friend and have a spoonful of reality.
He is a mere mortal that maybe the best in the bunch but has a mountain to climb and by no means a superstar.

@vsdoc - another extract.....

He has appointed people at the helm affairs of all the institutions in the country, who have a dubious record. Look at any of them and you would understand. SC, RBI, CBI, CEC, CIC, ACB, Income Tax, ED and many others. His habit is to keep a dossier on each of them, which would contain a set of their wrong-doings in the past and which would be dangled in front of their nose, as their Damocles sword.
He has castrated all the pillars of democracy and of all the institutions, like Niti Aayog (the erstwhile Planning Commission), bodies which give unemployment data, those fixing the “price of Pharma products & Drugs” threatening the honest officers of the Govt, the Judiciary and many others.
My dear,Chotte Miyan, I know where you are, doesn't mean ISI has no offices where you live.
The only heads in sand are the ones you move around , when 22 states are being ruled by BJP under Modijis rule. State after state is being won 80% of country is under BJP rule and you live in your echo chamber.

That extract you posted, what is so wrong about it?
India needs a strongman like him for another 20 years.
What exactly is "YOUR HISTORY" ? Is it Persian history? refugee history? or the opium trade history?
Do you even know where Kakinada is ? and where i am?
Mr. Refugee.

You will note that most of us keep quiet when you and itachii discuss about Andhra politics, society etc.

Would suggest you do the same about stuff you are not qualified by birth or lineage to speak about.

Cheers, Doc
@Aravind @vsdoc

Can we discuss only Indian politics here rather than taking potshots on each other ethnicity, religion or whatever?

Also Aravind, lets not get into a tendency of painting all people with same brush. Not everyone is ISI and not every other is RSS. Once we start with an accusation, rest of the meaningful post lost all its virtue as poster replying seldom gets over the first taunt.

I do not want to delete all these posts and believe the posters involved are mature enough not to get these taunts under their skin, if they have, please tag me or report them. But lets be firm on it, we have limits and no one should cross them.
When someone comes to read about political discussion in India - one expects to see posts on topic occasionally.
Whenever there is an attack on Mr "marvellous" Modi - you seem to start foaming at the mouth. Whats the reason? Why does it hurt you so much to read criticism about him?

If you wanna give lectures about being on topic you ought to give them to your friend, who in the name of politics, never once misses a chance to talk down Hindus and Indians - maligning us with all sorts of inaccurate terms and characterizations for holding a different political viewpoint to his (which funnily enough, used to be his viewpoint too before a sudden change of heart at some point within the last year or two).
Just saying,
The so called posted email like that are straight from ISI playbook, .When people skim through the forum, it might raise a red flag.
I know this forum is good, but, if we want Defence folk or GOI representatives come to talk here, you need a quarantine period after what happened recently.

No, such views exist and quite prevalent in left inclined Indians. In a multi-polar politics we have in India, every other party need their narrative, and its one of them.
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I apologize unilaterally for engaging him.

I admit I was having not inconsiderable fun doing it too.

Cheers, Doc

I wanted to bring out the real avatar of the Bawa, which we saw in PDF, calling Indians Black and cussing Levina etc.
I was successful in doing it. :D

I called for a hard stop, you guys are still doing it albeit softly. :mad:

Both of you won, now move on.
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OPINIONSSecularism is defeated when Hindus have to beg in courts to celebrate their festivals


Posted on March 26, 2018

While most of the country is aware of Ram Navami and the secular drama being played by Mamata government in West Bengal, the MSM is conspicuously silent about what is going on in Odisha. Given national media’s reluctance to cover Odisha, it becomes imperative to tell the story from here, that reaches out to a larger audience.

Last year, we told you how a simple unprovoked celebration of Ram Navami by Hindu organisations in Bhadrak, Odisha had led to riots and promulgation of CrPC 144 for days to follow. This year, in anticipation of such violence recurring, the district administration imposed 144 in advance from 17th of March and prohibited Kalash Shobhajatra, Sankirtan and procession to “thwart possible breach of peace and harmony”.

Opposing this, SriRam Maha Yagnya Samiti went to High Court as this violates their fundamental right of professing, practice and manage religious affairs under article 25 and 26 of the Indian constitution. On a notice from HC, the state administration filed its reply, where they reportedly falsely claimedabout deaths and injuries in last year violence while showing 1991 records, when there was widespread violence in Bhadrak, again during Ram Navami. Owning to this submission from state administration, the single bench judge upheld the decision of imposing 144.

Challenging this submission, the Samiti moved to a larger bench which sought the response again and upon realising that these were allegedly 1991 figures, the court allowed the Samiti to carry our Kalash Sobha Jatra and Sankirtan. They also ordered Bhadrak district administration to take all preventive measures to avoid any untoward incident.

While the prohibitory orders have been lifted in pursuance of the court order, internet services have been brought down in the city. However, that is not the crux of the matter. There is a bigger thought-provoking question from this entire series of events. In this secular country, why does a Hindu have to go to court to celebrate his festival in a peaceful way? While law and order is a state subject, it is also the responsibility of the state to uphold the fundamental rights of citizens which gives us the right to profess, practice our religion and manage our religious affairs. To maintain law and order, the state can’t deny the fundamental rights of its citizen especially when there is no provocation from the citizens who are celebrating the festival. More specifically, what exactly is a threat to law and order? Hindus celebrating Ram Navami or certain other people objecting and taking offence? If the answer is former, they need some soul searching. And if the answer is latter, prevent the latter. Denying the former, only emboldens the lumpen and religious fanatics, also sets a wrong precedent.

The police chalk out a path through which Kalash Sobha Jatra can proceed to avoid “sensitive areas” so as not to hurt religious sentiments. Why are the religious sentiments of certain people so fragile and intolerant that they can’t bear a religious procession from another religion? And if it is fragile, instead of giving it legitimacy by avoiding those routes, the administration should be firm and let the citizens chose their path of Jatra. Is the state so servile that it is willing to give in to few religious hoodlums who create trouble unprovoked? Is this the precedence they want to set? Are they willingly admitting that they are weak? Or is it a case of politics of religious appeasement to keep certain people happy? Today you put prohibitory orders because it makes certain people unhappy. What if tomorrow the same set of people are unhappy with Durga Puja, Diwali and Holi? Are you going to prohibit all of them? The day after, they may be unhappy because we exist. Is the state going to tell us to vanish because we existing hurts religious sentiments? Do we have to go to court to uphold our right to life?

While we beat our trumpet of secularism, it is unfortunate that a Hindu has to beg in courts to even celebrate his festival. It is sad that in a Hindu majority country, a Hindu has to take out a Kalash Sobha Jatra among Armed Police personnel marching around both sides of the Jatra. If this is what secularism in this country has come down to, we need a serious re-look at our priorities and policies. Secularism can’t be a one-way street.

Jai Shree Ram !!
To hell with Secularism,
OPINIONSSecularism is defeated when Hindus have to beg in courts to celebrate their festivals


Posted on March 26, 2018

While most of the country is aware of Ram Navami and the secular drama being played by Mamata government in West Bengal, the MSM is conspicuously silent about what is going on in Odisha. Given national media’s reluctance to cover Odisha, it becomes imperative to tell the story from here, that reaches out to a larger audience.

Last year, we told you how a simple unprovoked celebration of Ram Navami by Hindu organisations in Bhadrak, Odisha had led to riots and promulgation of CrPC 144 for days to follow. This year, in anticipation of such violence recurring, the district administration imposed 144 in advance from 17th of March and prohibited Kalash Shobhajatra, Sankirtan and procession to “thwart possible breach of peace and harmony”.

Opposing this, SriRam Maha Yagnya Samiti went to High Court as this violates their fundamental right of professing, practice and manage religious affairs under article 25 and 26 of the Indian constitution. On a notice from HC, the state administration filed its reply, where they reportedly falsely claimedabout deaths and injuries in last year violence while showing 1991 records, when there was widespread violence in Bhadrak, again during Ram Navami. Owning to this submission from state administration, the single bench judge upheld the decision of imposing 144.

Challenging this submission, the Samiti moved to a larger bench which sought the response again and upon realising that these were allegedly 1991 figures, the court allowed the Samiti to carry our Kalash Sobha Jatra and Sankirtan. They also ordered Bhadrak district administration to take all preventive measures to avoid any untoward incident.

While the prohibitory orders have been lifted in pursuance of the court order, internet services have been brought down in the city. However, that is not the crux of the matter. There is a bigger thought-provoking question from this entire series of events. In this secular country, why does a Hindu have to go to court to celebrate his festival in a peaceful way? While law and order is a state subject, it is also the responsibility of the state to uphold the fundamental rights of citizens which gives us the right to profess, practice our religion and manage our religious affairs. To maintain law and order, the state can’t deny the fundamental rights of its citizen especially when there is no provocation from the citizens who are celebrating the festival. More specifically, what exactly is a threat to law and order? Hindus celebrating Ram Navami or certain other people objecting and taking offence? If the answer is former, they need some soul searching. And if the answer is latter, prevent the latter. Denying the former, only emboldens the lumpen and religious fanatics, also sets a wrong precedent.

The police chalk out a path through which Kalash Sobha Jatra can proceed to avoid “sensitive areas” so as not to hurt religious sentiments. Why are the religious sentiments of certain people so fragile and intolerant that they can’t bear a religious procession from another religion? And if it is fragile, instead of giving it legitimacy by avoiding those routes, the administration should be firm and let the citizens chose their path of Jatra. Is the state so servile that it is willing to give in to few religious hoodlums who create trouble unprovoked? Is this the precedence they want to set? Are they willingly admitting that they are weak? Or is it a case of politics of religious appeasement to keep certain people happy? Today you put prohibitory orders because it makes certain people unhappy. What if tomorrow the same set of people are unhappy with Durga Puja, Diwali and Holi? Are you going to prohibit all of them? The day after, they may be unhappy because we exist. Is the state going to tell us to vanish because we existing hurts religious sentiments? Do we have to go to court to uphold our right to life?

While we beat our trumpet of secularism, it is unfortunate that a Hindu has to beg in courts to even celebrate his festival. It is sad that in a Hindu majority country, a Hindu has to take out a Kalash Sobha Jatra among Armed Police personnel marching around both sides of the Jatra. If this is what secularism in this country has come down to, we need a serious re-look at our priorities and policies. Secularism can’t be a one-way street.

Jai Shree Ram !!

I agree with this piece Aravind.

It is shambolic that in our own country you guys every year have to actually ask for special permission for your yatra in Kashmir.

Why has the BJP not put an end to this BS the moment they came to power? Especially when they actually share power in the state with Mehbooba?

Jai Sri Ram

Har Har Mahadev

Jai Maharashtra

Jai Hind

Cheers, Doc

P.S. I hope you take my post in the right spirit and not as a poke.
I agree with this piece Aravind.

It is shambolic that in our own country you guys every year have to actually ask for special permission for your yatra in Kashmir.

Why has the BJP not put an end to this BS the moment they came to power? Especially when they actually share power in the state with Mehbooba?

Jai Sri Ram

Har Har Mahadev

Jai Maharashtra

Jai Hind

Cheers, Doc

P.S. I hope you take my post in the right spirit and not as a poke.
Vohu Manah , dickraa , vohu Manah.
I see you may have reached halfway thru Savarkar's Hindutva. It's but natural you'd say what you just did from the bottom of your heart .