Indian Political Discussion

This is the present situation in Hyderabad., we Hindus fought for ourselves cutoff from Partition and all the horrors we faced.
So don't tell me what it is the face it at front of a battle line, unlike this @vsdoc Who faced none

You faced as much of a battle front as I did.

As far as our ancestors did, I'm a Persian. And a Maratha. You are an Andhraite.

Just the absurdity made my potty pause for a bit.

Cheers, Doc
Now my dear little friend - I am no spokes person for Pakistan nor do i want to be. I speak for just myself. You continue to veer off topic and rant about my allegiance and bring ISI into this. Come on is this the best you got? Cant you stick on topic just for once rather than the personal innuendos and insinuations? Come on sir tell me how good and great is Modi jee?

If you cannot understand from his quoted context, you will have to read Ramayan all over.
I live in the UK and was born in the UK. If you want to continue living in your conspiracy theory bubble of poo - thats fine by me.
I can digest most things about Modi - the issue is simpletons like you make his stature larger than life.
Untouchable, cream of society, can do no wrong, will make India into a superpower, walks on water, is the best world leader ever are sentiments that you blubber on about that one finds difficult to digest.
I suggest removing ones head out of the sand my little friend and have a spoonful of reality.
He is a mere mortal that maybe the best in the bunch but has a mountain to climb and by no means a superstar.

@vsdoc - another extract.....

He has appointed people at the helm affairs of all the institutions in the country, who have a dubious record. Look at any of them and you would understand. SC, RBI, CBI, CEC, CIC, ACB, Income Tax, ED and many others. His habit is to keep a dossier on each of them, which would contain a set of their wrong-doings in the past and which would be dangled in front of their nose, as their Damocles sword.
He has castrated all the pillars of democracy and of all the institutions, like Niti Aayog (the erstwhile Planning Commission), bodies which give unemployment data, those fixing the “price of Pharma products & Drugs” threatening the honest officers of the Govt, the Judiciary and many others.

And here is the background who wrote the extract for you ... get a urdu/english translator for this

🔵 मोदी को क्यूं इतनी "नफरत" का सामना करना पड रहा हैं। चलो इस नफरत की वजह जाऩते हैं। ⭕

🔴 नया आधार लिंक कराने से महाराष्ट्र में 10 लाख गरीब गायब हो गए!

🔴 उत्तराखण्ड में भी कई लाख फ़र्ज़ी बीपीएल कार्ड धारी गरीब ख़त्म हो गए !

🔴 तीन करोड़ (30000000 ) से जायदा फ़र्ज़ी एलपीजी कनेक्शन धारक ख़त्म हो गए !

🔴 मदरसों से वज़ीफ़ा पाने वाले 1,95,000 फर्ज़ी बच्चे गायब हो गए!

🔴 डेढ़ करोड़ (15000000 ) से ऊपर फ़र्ज़ी राशन कार्ड धारी गायब हो गए!

🔴 ये सब क्यों और कहाँ गायब होते जा रहे हैं !

🔴 चोरो का सारा काला चिटठा खुलने वाला हैं। इसीलिए सारे चोर ने मिलकर माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय में याचिका दायर कर दी, कि आधार लिंक हमारे मौलिक अधिकारों का हनन है ! चोरों को प्राइवेसी का कैसा अधिकार!

1) कंपनी के MD : मोदी ने फर्जी 3 लाख से ज्यादा कम्पनियां बन्द कर दी है!

2) राशऩ डीलर नाराज़ हो गये!

3) PROPERTY DEALER नाराज़ हो गये!

4) ऑनलाइन सिस्टम बनने से दलाल नाराज़ हो गये है!

5) 40,000 फर्जी NGO बन्द हो गये है, इसलिए इन NGO के मालिक भी नाराज़ हो गये !

6) NO 2 की INCOME से PROPERTY खरीद ने वाले नाराज़ हो गये!

7) E - TENDER होने से कुछ ठेकेदार भी नाराज़ हो गये!

8) गैस कंपनी वाले नाराज़ हो गये!

9) अब तक जो 12 करोड लोग INCOME TAX के दायरे मै आ चुके हैं, वह लोग नाराज़ हो गये!

10) GST सिस्टम लागू होने से ब्यापारी लोग नाराज़ हो गये, क्यों कि वो लोग AUTOMATIC सिस्टम मै आ गये है!

11) वो 2 नम्बर के काम बाले लोग फलना फूलना बन्द हो गये है!

13) BLACK को WHITE करने का सिस्टम एक दम से लुंज सा हो गया है।

14) आलसी सरकरी लोकसेवक नाराज हो गये, क्यों कि समय पर जाकर काम करना पड रहा हैं!

15) वो लोग नाराज हो गये, जो समय पर काम नही करते थे और रिश्वत देकर काम करने मे विश्वास करते है।

दु:ख होना लाज़मी है, देश बदलाव की कहानी लिखी जा रही है, जिसे समझ आ रही है बदल रहा है जिसे नही आ रही है वो मंद बुध्दि युवराज के मानसिक गुलाम हमे अंध भक्त कह कह कर छाती कूट रहे है।

"अगर" देश के लिए "कुछ करना है, तो यह सन्देश - 30 लोगों को भेजना है।"

बस - आपको तो एक कड़ी जोड़नी

🔵 जो भी मोदीजी को "गाली" देता दिखे तो समझ लेना की चोट काफी लगी है।
आज से 2,500 साल पहले "चाणक्य" ने बिल्कुल सही कहा था,
⚫ *"जब गद्दारों की टोली में हाहाकार हो तो समझ लो देश का 'राजा चरित्रवान और प्रतिभा संपन्न' है और 'राष्ट्र प्रगति पथ' पर अग्रसर है।"*

Congress Was Client, Says Cambridge Analytica Whistleblower In Testimony

Christopher Wylie, the whistleblower at the heart of the Facebook data breach scandal, has named the Congress as one of the clients of disgraced research firm Cambridge Analytica, accused of accessing user data illegally for political campaigns.

Incidentally, not that it matters, but the Times today morning says that Wylie "believed" that the Congress was a client.

Which is degrees lower than the official CA website saying that the BJP was.

Cheers, Doc
Radical Islamist outfit PFI spent Rs 1 crore on Hadiya’s case

ByOpIndia Staff

Posted on March 28, 2018

Islamist outfit Popular Front of India has claimed that they spent Rs 1 crore in pursuing the case of Hadiya, formerly known as Akhila Asokan in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court of India has recently upheld the marriage of Hadiya with Shafeen Jahan which was annulled by the Kerala High Court last year.

The state committee of PFI, in a press release, has claimed that they have paid Rs 93,85,000 as fees to various lawyers and another Rs 5,17,324 have been spent as travel expenses. The statement, issued by PFI general secretary C P Mohammad Basheer has also stated that a sum of Rs 50,000 was spent for paperwork at the office of lawyer Haris Beeran.

Several senior and high profile lawyers have appeared for Hadiya in the case. Congress leader Kapil Sibal has reportedly appeared seven times. Indira Jaising appeared four times and Dushyant Dave three times. Marsook Bafaqi appeared once.

Haris Beeran, KC Naseer and KP Mohammad Sherif have reportedlyrepresented the case for free.

The press release claims that PFI collected funds for the case from the public and in a collection drive launched in October, the workers collected Rs 80,40,405. Some of the money was transferred to their bank accounts and the rest was taken from the working funds of the organisation, it states.

Hadiya, formerly Akhila, had married Shafin Jahan back in 2016 and had converted to Islam. Her marriage was annulled by the Kerala High Court following allegations of ‘love jihad’ by the NIA. NIA has long been allegingthat the PFI is involved in counselling of Hindu girls to convert them to Islam. They also claim that the PFI uses confinement, allurement and even coercion as their tactics to convert.

After the Supreme Court verdict, Hadiya has gone to meet PFI leaders in Kerala. Though the SC had upheld her marriage stating the marriagebetween two consenting adults cannot be annulled, it had allowed the NIA to continue its probe into the ‘love jihad’ angle.

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NEXT | As SC allows 'Love Jehad' probe| NIA exposes hypnotic conversion | 'Confinement & coercion' modus | But PFI cheers & celebrates | Hadiya 'paraded' for photo-op | PFI raises funds to fight case | Akhila to Hadiya via 'hypnosis'?

Athar Khan debates on #HadiyaPFITrophy
20:48 - 11 Mar 2018 · Alwar, India
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Hadiya’s case has grabbed eyeballs nationwide from the very beginning. There were always rumours and questions on how they petitioners are being able to afford such high profile lawyers and meet legal expenses. In an interview with Opindia, Sadhvi Pragya Thakur’s lawyer Avinash Gupta had claimed that there is a huge fund running of about 100 crores to defend people who claim to have been falsely charged for terrorism on the basis of their religion. He had expressed that Sadhvi Pragya never got that kind of funds or activism to support her case.

PFI is an Islamist organisation and reportedly influenced by ISIS. It was banned by the Jharkhand government recently. They have been linked with several violent crimes in Karnataka and Kerala.