Indian Political Discussion

Pakistan is not the country my people fought for.

India is.

Pakistan is already a basket case.

India still is not. Hence it makes sense to fight those who would turn her into a bhagwa Pakistan.

Cheers, Doc
Your People only fought for the side , which gave them maximum benefits, privileges.
Phuck your kind!(Thuuu) You glossed over many Hindus who died working for you., the same Hindus who gave you Refuge, Don't think we won't remember it,! Will be embedded in our memory.

'Dion't give yourself too much credit, You are here Temporarily ---- until you can get your so called I- RAN revolution from people who Ran( Some pep talk would sell it,why you RAN)
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Your People only fought for the side , which gave them maximum benefits, privileges.
Phuck your kind!(Thuuu) You glossed over many Hindus who died working for you., the same Hindus who gave you Refuge, Don't think we won't remember it,! Will be embedded in our memory.

'Dion't give yourself too much credit, You are here Temporarily ---- until you can get your so called I- RAN revolution from people who Ran( Some pep talk would sell it,why you RAN)

I tend to agree with you on this.

If India goes in the direction represented by the likes of your kind, Parsis would eventually leave.

As they've left Pakistan.

You are of course free to keep what we've given you and built for you.

Cheers, Doc
I tend to agree with you on this.

If India goes in the direction represented by the likes of your kind, Parsis would eventually leave.

As they've left Pakistan.

You are of course free to keep what we've given you and built for you.

Cheers, Doc

India will Never become a Bhagwa Pakistan SIMPLY because our Economic and Developmental issues will Keep us Busy for a very long time

The social issues if and when and where ever they crop up are ALWAYS subsumed by Economic issues

They do engage our attention and shape the discourse for a while
India will Never become a Bhagwa Pakistan SIMPLY because our Economic and Developmental issues will Keep us Busy for a very long time

The social issues if and when and where ever they crop up are ALWAYS subsumed by Economic issues

They do engage our attention and shape the discourse for a while

Do not agree. Strongly.

You belong to the Nigiri school of right wing economics.

Which is surprising coz you live here.

Cheers, Doc
Do not agree. Strongly.

You belong to the Nigiri school of right wing economics.

Which is surprising coz you live here.

Cheers, Doc

So are you a communist

I dont believe in right wing economics totally

The state has to play a Big role in a country like India

My views are about the Connections between Economic and Social issues
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@vsdoc Neither You nor anybody else can make or predict a Trajectory for India
for a Long time

At the most we can predict for Ten years or so

So I can only say that in the Next Ten years ; Economic issues will Dominate the Indian Minds

There is a Lot of work in front of us
So are you a communist

I dont believe in right wing economics totally

The state has to play a Big role in a country like India

My views are about the Connections between Economic and Social issues

I don't think I'm a communist. But I'm definitely more left leaning in my economics seen classically from a traditional Western classical definitional perspective.

I too was speaking about society versus economy.

It is my belief that economy will not hold together a fragmenting and imploding society, tearing itself apart along our significant cleave lines.

You and previously Nilgiri do. That is where we disagree.

We have stayed together as a poor nation.

We are and will tear ourselves apart as an increasingly affluent but polarized one.

The signs are clear in front of us.

For those who have their eyes open. And willing to see.

Cheers, Doc
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I don't think I'm a communist. But I'm definitely more left leaning in my economics seen classically from a traditional Western classical perspective.

I too was speaking about society versus economy.

It is my belief that economy will not hold together a fragmenting and imploding society, tearing itself apart along our significant cleave lines.

You and previously Nilgiri do. That is where we disagree.

We have stayed together as a poor nation.

We are and will tear ourselves apart as an increasingly afflient but polarized one.

Cheers, Doc

Not for the forseeable future

That is because social conflicts hurt everybody

And even the Right wing Hindus whom you so detest
do nt put and Cannot put
Their Ego and Religious issues ABOVE Economics

Fault lines are there but how they evolve remains to be seen

I will say again that at least for Ten years ; only the economic agenda will drive the Political
And even the Right wing Hindus whom you so detest
do nt put and Cannot put
Their Ego and Religious issues ABOVE Economics

That is neither universally accepted nor evidenced by current dispensation and social churn (I'd say a very close precursor to overt strife).

Cheers, Doc
I tend to agree with you on this.

If India goes in the direction represented by the likes of your kind, Parsis would eventually leave.

As they've left Pakistan.

You are of course free to keep what we've given you and built for you.

Cheers, Doc
Yes, you will agree because that is what you are. India has already changed, So will you apply a visa for Maldives or reapply for a visa for I-RAN from I Ran.

What you built you can take it with you if you can, call it our bade dilwale and severance pay,;) We don't need your tainted so called 'what you built over opium trade'
You are of course free to keep what we've given you and built for you.

India will always be grateful to such a philanthropic attitude.

A big Thank you from deep of my heart for building so much for 'my' country while always sacrificing and staying hungry to feed poor bloody Indians.

And they call others divisive! India is on right track, which is reflected by people getting rattled who craved special privileges on the basis of identity and when denied threatened to defame India, you/anyone can scream as much they want now, we are not caving, stay as equal or just go wherever. You will remember India when other countries will put you in your actual place and these threats will be responded by boots.

It was always our fault, had we treated people equally instead of pampering this high headedness syndrome would never have existed.
Yes, you will agree because that is what you are. India has already changed, So will you apply a visa for Maldives or reapply for a visa for I-RAN from I Ran.

What you built you can take it with you if you can, call it our bade dilwale and severance pay,;) We don't need your tainted so called 'what you built over opium trade'

Easy to say that after the fact.

It would be churlish to remind you otherwise, so consider it a gift from bigger hearts (among other bigger things) than yours.

Cheers, Doc
India will always be grateful to such a philanthropic attitude.

A big Thank you from deep of my heart for building so much for 'my' country while always sacrificing and staying hungry to feed poor bloody Indians.

And they call others divisive! India is on right track, which is reflected by people getting rattled who craved special privileges on the basis of identity and when denied threatened to defame India, you/anyone can scream as much they want now, we are not caving, stay as equal or just go wherever. You will remember India when other countries will put you in your actual place and these threats will be responded by boots.

It was always our fault, had we treated people equally instead of pampering this high headedness syndrome would never have existed.

Sir, to be brutal about it, it's not like you had a choice.

You were slaves. To foreign masters.

And you grudge us because we were not?

Cheers, Doc
That is neither universally accepted nor evidenced by current dispensation and social churn (I'd say a very close precursor to overt strife).

Cheers, Doc

You lot shoulda just been manly and fought to the end in Persia and gone out with the flame that you worship....rather than vent defeatist complex to those that accepted you at your worst when you fled....and then even worse you call them all kinds of names, and give all kind of absolutist, elitist prescriptions.

You are no one special need to rage against fate itself, just accept it and move on. Seriously its quite petulant of the progeny of shipwreck survivors to complain about the island that saved their forefather existence.
You lot shoulda just been manly and fought to the end in Persia and gone out with the flame that you worship....rather than vent defeatist complex to those that accepted you at your worst when you fled....and then even worse you call them all kinds of names, and give all kind of absolutist, elitist prescriptions.

You are no one special need to rage against fate itself, just accept it and move on. Seriously its quite petulant of the progeny of shipwreck survivors to complain about the island that saved their forefather existence.

The day an Indian lungi gives us lessons on fighting is another day one feels the circus come to town.

Cheers, Doc
Sir, to be brutal about it, it's not like you had a choice.

You were slaves. To foreign masters.

And you grudge us because we were not?

Cheers, Doc

Man neither for me nor anyone around me it doesn't matter if someone is Parsi or whatever, you are good human or bad that's the only thing that matter.

In this crowd of 125 crore most of which is struggling to meet the ends do you really thinks anyone gives a damn about who is who?

This may hurt but you(or likes of you) are too insignificant to be hated, don't flatter yourself thinking you have any impact.

I don't know where you get this info of being slaves but this land have had exceptional track record when it comes to be against slavery and for more info you can read AL Basham The wonder that India was. Unless you invented your own definition of slavery.

Also I am struggling to understand something, who is "we"? You and?
Man neither for me nor anyone around me it doesn't matter if someone is Parsi or whatever, you are good human or bad that's the only thing that matter.

In this crowd of 125 crore most of which is struggling to meet the ends do you really thinks anyone gives a damn about who is who?

This may hurt but you(or likes of you) are too insignificant to be hated, don't flatter yourself thinking you have any impact.

I don't know where you get this info of being slaves but this land have had exceptional track record when it comes to be against slavery and for more info you can read AL Basham The wonder that India was. Unless you invented your own definition of slavery.

Also I am struggling to understand something, who is "we"? You and?

You do realise when you say "we" are insignificant you speak about us purely as a political vote bank, based purely on numbers.

That's a fight we could not ever have fought in India, even at our most numerous.

I'm happy with what we are man to man, woman to woman, child to child.

Significantly better looking. Bigger. Stronger. Pure bred. Smarter. Richer. More honest. More loyal. More ethical. And way more educated and articulate than any other Indian community.

Now what about you?

Don't answer that. Purely rhetorical.

Cheers, Doc
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You do realise when you say "we" are insignificant you speak about us purely as a political vote bank, based purely on numbers.

You make me smile when you work so hard to make it a minority targeted by majority issue.

If it was not clear in my previous post by "you" I meant likes of you, sadly to disappoint you it doesn't mean Parsi, this disease of asking privileges based on identity cuts across religion, ethnicity, caste, color everything.

Infact you are the only Parsi I ever interacted with but I am more than sure not even 10% of Parsis will share your views. It is little sad to see the amount of hatred in you for the country you live in or the people around you (majority). I hope that you don't have to suffer long like this and you find peace.
Easy to say that after the fact.

It would be churlish to remind you otherwise, so consider it a gift from bigger hearts (among other bigger things) than yours.

Cheers, Doc
Coming from a one who needs 100 crore paper ads to just get into bed to make babies, Oh the irony is indeed bigger.:ROFLMAO:'
Instead of ads all they need is a shot of testosterone and some Viagra to get making babies. Pity even the women are no longer interested in breeding with the so 'called Pure Blood line' they would prefer to settle and make babies with others.
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