Indian Political Discussion

You lot shoulda just been manly and fought to the end in Persia and gone out with the flame that you worship....rather than vent defeatist complex to those that accepted you at your worst when you fled....and then even worse you call them all kinds of names, and give all kind of absolutist, elitist prescriptions.

You are no one special need to rage against fate itself, just accept it and move on. Seriously its quite petulant of the progeny of shipwreck survivors to complain about the island that saved their forefather existence.
It is funny to see a refugee who ran from their homeland instead of staying to fight call the country which gave them refuge as slaves. Fate and God is against them, that Asura worshippers had to seek refuge in the land of Devas/Deva worshipers.:ROFLMAO:
I am dying of laughter. I guess he considers his Persian Empire still living and the fact that he is no longer welcome in his Ancestral land.

I doubt he has some Psychological issues.
You make me smile when you work so hard to make it a minority targeted by majority issue.

If it was not clear in my previous post by "you" I meant likes of you, sadly to disappoint you it doesn't mean Parsi, this disease of asking privileges based on identity cuts across religion, ethnicity, caste, color everything.

Infact you are the only Parsi I ever interacted with but I am more than sure not even 10% of Parsis will share your views. It is little sad to see the amount of hatred in you for the country you live in or the people around you (majority). I hope that you don't have to suffer long like this and you find peace.


You've never met a Parsi, let alone know one.

Yet you are "certain" that not even 10% of us think as I do.

How does that work? Wait, don't answer. Rhetorical once again.

P.S. Can you point to one post of my 1300 odd here, where I have "asked" for any "privileges"?

Sorry to rub it in bro, but we collectively ARE what you called a privileged class. At an almost pan community level.

And we've earned it. Never asked anyone for anything.

Cheers, Doc
Coming from a one who needs 100 crore paper ads to just get into bed to make babies, Oh the irony is indeed bigger.:ROFLMAO:'
Instead of ads all they need is a shot of testosterone and some Viagra to get making babies. Pity even the women are no longer interested in breeding with the so 'called Pure Blood line' they would prefer to settle and make babies with others.

Don't tell me.

You are one of those well endowed studs who magically online puts on a few inches and bucks the general Indic penile trend.

Lolwa ....

Funny little brown boy.

Cheers, Doc
Good for you, but why do you think it will rub me or anyone else wrong way? Whatever you are you still are insignificant, get out of your self importance syndrome, it's pitiful tawdry.

Lol at your fatwas on significance. Are you the significance police now? Self styled.

It's obviously rubbing you. Painfully enough for you to attack my community directly.

One good turn should invite another. No?

Cheers, Doc
The day an Indian lungi gives us lessons on fighting is another day one feels the circus come to town.

Cheers, Doc

Again you can call us whatever you means zilch coming from an ingrate (and you certainly are no spokesperson for the great Parsi community).

Ingrates really are the one thing worse than traitors.....because at least a traitor has shown it can pick sides.....rather than cry and moan and waffle this and that and end up showing nothing in its hand....and then starts nipping at the hand feeding it to see if it can bite that too.

Really fed up with your antics against my country. You are washed up has beens quite literally....and here you are angry you couldn't set your host against itself (because hey when you feel you have no barn of hay for yourself, why not burn the one you are sharing with those that took you in)....and never will be able to. Grow a backbone, position and some basic consistency buddy and get with the program (but probably too late for you) otherwise you simply flicker like the flame itself before its inevitable simply prove the Arab hordes were right to do what they did to you lot the way you are acting here time and time again (though thankfully I know the parsis at large share none of your despicable traits you focused on flinging here into all our faces).

Met plenty of Parsis btw, good folks overall (One I have honour of calling my 4th grade teacher even....a patriotic Indian as there ever was one, influenced a good deal of how I conduct myself looking back)....but a few are haughty snobs like you too....dieing out minority-minorities inevitably have them. Again nothing special as a phenomenon goes.

But again feel free to deny, close ears and do some therapeutic yell... like you know everything from the onset about some random person like a good full on shiv sena brand of identity politics driven fool....and then you call others churlish....haha. @bonobashi

If you are truly high and mighty, try accomplish 1% (actually try 0.1% first) of what the jews have (scaled to your population level of course) first. They also label themselves as the only chosen ones, they also got royally shipwrecked and scattered plenty of times (much more than you did), forced away from owning land (and thus their elite set stage as bankers, financiers, thinkers, scientists and industrialists and other non landed pursuits as result just like you lot did like other shipwreck sorts)...but they faced a million more trials and tribulations than you sorry lot...even a full genocide (they know what truly bad hosts are quite unlike you)...yet they have set up a proud nation for themselves back from where they came from, right in the middle of it, the most contentious part.... and stick a bold finger to those around them....who now accept that reality whether they like it or not.

Yet here you are withering away, whinging and crying....and calling your hosts names....while doing zilch on the matter w.r.t where you came from (if its the be all end all issue for you....calling others brown and lungi here). Its their fault, but never yours... sorry its all quite ridiculously funny to me the way you have chosen this hill of all hills to flail and die on. Silly silly could have done a far better job but the complex got the better of you.
It's obviously rubbing you. Painfully enough for you to attack my community directly.

From your last few replies am just smiling at your presumptions, your imaginations and then traveling thru a lala land where you somehow are feeling superior to everyone.

No sir it is not rubbing me painfully, infact the very first reaction that came to mind after reading your privileged line was "Ghanta" but I avoided using it and I am not attacking your community of Parsis but definitely the community of thinkers like you and I think I have mentioned it before also they are present in every class or caste you people are insignificant and always will be.

How does it affect me or anyone else here that you are privileged or not, you are just online poster here, nothing more.
Again you can call us whatever you means zilch coming from an ingrate (and you certainly are no spokesperson for the great Parsi community).

Ingrates really are the one thing worse than traitors.....because at least a traitor has shown it can pick sides.....rather than cry and moan and waffle this and that and end up showing nothing in its hand....and then starts nipping at the hand feeding it to see if it can bite that too.

Really fed up with your antics against my country. You are washed up has beens quite literally....and here you are angry you couldn't set your host against itself (because hey when you feel you have no barn of hay for yourself, why not burn the one you are sharing with those that took you in)....and never will be able to. Grow a backbone, position and some basic consistency buddy and get with the program (but probably too late for you) otherwise you simply flicker like the flame itself before its inevitable simply prove the Arab hordes were right to do what they did to you lot the way you are acting here time and time again (though thankfully I know the parsis at large share none of your despicable traits you focused on flinging here into all our faces).

Met plenty of Parsis btw, good folks overall (One I have honour of calling my 4th grade teacher even....a patriotic Indian as there ever was one, influenced a good deal of how I conduct myself looking back)....but a few are haughty snobs like you too....dieing out minority-minorities inevitably have them. Again nothing special as a phenomenon goes.

But again feel free to deny, close ears and do some therapeutic yell... like you know everything from the onset about some random person like a good full on shiv sena brand of identity politics driven fool....and then you call others churlish....haha. @bonobashi

If you are truly high and mighty, try accomplish 1% (actually try 0.1% first) of what the jews have (scaled to your population level of course) first. They also label themselves as the only chosen ones, they also got royally shipwrecked and scattered plenty of times (much more than you did), forced away from owning land (and thus their elite set stage as bankers, financiers, thinkers, scientists and industrialists and other non landed pursuits as result just like you lot did like other shipwreck sorts)...but they faced a million more trials and tribulations than you sorry lot...even a full genocide (they know what truly bad hosts are quite unlike you)...yet they have set up a proud nation for themselves back from where they came from, right in the middle of it, the most contentious part.... and stick a bold finger to those around them....who now accept that reality whether they like it or not.

Yet here you are withering away, whinging and crying....and calling your hosts names....while doing zilch on the matter w.r.t where you came from (if its the be all end all issue for you....calling others brown and lungi here). Its their fault, but never yours... sorry its all quite ridiculously funny to me the way you have chosen this hill of all hills to flail and die on. Silly silly could have done a far better job but the complex got the better of you.

From your last few replies am just smiling at your presumptions, your imaginations and then traveling thru a lala land where you somehow are feeling superior to everyone.

No sir it is not rubbing me painfully, infact the very first reaction that came to mind after reading your privileged line was "Ghanta" but I avoided using it and I am not attacking your community of Parsis but definitely the community of thinkers like you and I think I have mentioned it before also they are present in every class or caste you people are insignificant and always will be.

How does it affect me or anyone else here that you are privileged or not, you are just online poster here, nothing more.


So much butt pain.

Break the mirror guys. Coz it's not moving away.

Cheers, Doc

So much butt pain.

Break the mirror guys. Coz it's not moving away.

Cheers, Doc
There is a local saying back in my village:

Nanga e mil gayi peetal, bahar dharun ke bhitar.

Which translates to a stupid beggar after finding a piece of brass get confused about where to put it, outside to show the world his richness or inside to hide it from thieves because that fool thinks it's a piece of gold.
There is a local saying back in my village:

Nanga e mil gayi peetal, bahar dharun ke bhitar.

Which translates to a stupid beggar after finding a piece of brass get confused about where to put it, outside to show the world his richness or inside to hide it from thieves because that fool thinks it's a piece of gold.

There is a common saying among the Parsis.

Bheja nu dhai na kar.

Cheers, Doc
Again you can call us whatever you means zilch coming from an ingrate (and you certainly are no spokesperson for the great Parsi community).

Ingrates really are the one thing worse than traitors.....because at least a traitor has shown it can pick sides.....rather than cry and moan and waffle this and that and end up showing nothing in its hand....and then starts nipping at the hand feeding it to see if it can bite that too.

Really fed up with your antics against my country. You are washed up has beens quite literally....and here you are angry you couldn't set your host against itself (because hey when you feel you have no barn of hay for yourself, why not burn the one you are sharing with those that took you in)....and never will be able to. Grow a backbone, position and some basic consistency buddy and get with the program (but probably too late for you) otherwise you simply flicker like the flame itself before its inevitable simply prove the Arab hordes were right to do what they did to you lot the way you are acting here time and time again (though thankfully I know the parsis at large share none of your despicable traits you focused on flinging here into all our faces).

Met plenty of Parsis btw, good folks overall (One I have honour of calling my 4th grade teacher even....a patriotic Indian as there ever was one, influenced a good deal of how I conduct myself looking back)....but a few are haughty snobs like you too....dieing out minority-minorities inevitably have them. Again nothing special as a phenomenon goes.

But again feel free to deny, close ears and do some therapeutic yell... like you know everything from the onset about some random person like a good full on shiv sena brand of identity politics driven fool....and then you call others churlish....haha. @bonobashi

If you are truly high and mighty, try accomplish 1% (actually try 0.1% first) of what the jews have (scaled to your population level of course) first. They also label themselves as the only chosen ones, they also got royally shipwrecked and scattered plenty of times (much more than you did), forced away from owning land (and thus their elite set stage as bankers, financiers, thinkers, scientists and industrialists and other non landed pursuits as result just like you lot did like other shipwreck sorts)...but they faced a million more trials and tribulations than you sorry lot...even a full genocide (they know what truly bad hosts are quite unlike you)...yet they have set up a proud nation for themselves back from where they came from, right in the middle of it, the most contentious part.... and stick a bold finger to those around them....who now accept that reality whether they like it or not.

Yet here you are withering away, whinging and crying....and calling your hosts names....while doing zilch on the matter w.r.t where you came from (if its the be all end all issue for you....calling others brown and lungi here). Its their fault, but never yours... sorry its all quite ridiculously funny to me the way you have chosen this hill of all hills to flail and die on. Silly silly could have done a far better job but the complex got the better of you.

Sorry @Nilgiri while I don't share all Doc's views, I don't like the creepy crowd that has parked itself here, and don't have much sympathy with your post. We can talk about other topics and issues on this forum, we can talk about all matters on other forums, we can recognise each other on a forum that we both still visit, but not this, not here.
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Sorry @Nilgiri while I don't share all Doc's views, I don't like the creepy crowd that has parked itself here, and don't have much sympathy with your post. We can talk about other topics and issues on this forum, we can talk about all matters on other forums, we can recognise each other on a forum that we both still visit, but not this, not here.

You defer to him unnecessarily. And are wasting your time.

He is just a slicker Americanized version of the same diseased state.

Remember, person to person, it's always heart over mind.

And in these specific cases, the stomach ....

Cheers, Doc
Again you can call us whatever you means zilch coming from an ingrate (and you certainly are no spokesperson for the great Parsi community).

Ingrates really are the one thing worse than traitors.....because at least a traitor has shown it can pick sides.....rather than cry and moan and waffle this and that and end up showing nothing in its hand....and then starts nipping at the hand feeding it to see if it can bite that too.

Really fed up with your antics against my country. You are washed up has beens quite literally....and here you are angry you couldn't set your host against itself (because hey when you feel you have no barn of hay for yourself, why not burn the one you are sharing with those that took you in)....and never will be able to. Grow a backbone, position and some basic consistency buddy and get with the program (but probably too late for you) otherwise you simply flicker like the flame itself before its inevitable simply prove the Arab hordes were right to do what they did to you lot the way you are acting here time and time again (though thankfully I know the parsis at large share none of your despicable traits you focused on flinging here into all our faces).

Met plenty of Parsis btw, good folks overall (One I have honour of calling my 4th grade teacher even....a patriotic Indian as there ever was one, influenced a good deal of how I conduct myself looking back)....but a few are haughty snobs like you too....dieing out minority-minorities inevitably have them. Again nothing special as a phenomenon goes.

But again feel free to deny, close ears and do some therapeutic yell... like you know everything from the onset about some random person like a good full on shiv sena brand of identity politics driven fool....and then you call others churlish....haha. @bonobashi

If you are truly high and mighty, try accomplish 1% (actually try 0.1% first) of what the jews have (scaled to your population level of course) first. They also label themselves as the only chosen ones, they also got royally shipwrecked and scattered plenty of times (much more than you did), forced away from owning land (and thus their elite set stage as bankers, financiers, thinkers, scientists and industrialists and other non landed pursuits as result just like you lot did like other shipwreck sorts)...but they faced a million more trials and tribulations than you sorry lot...even a full genocide (they know what truly bad hosts are quite unlike you)...yet they have set up a proud nation for themselves back from where they came from, right in the middle of it, the most contentious part.... and stick a bold finger to those around them....who now accept that reality whether they like it or not.

Yet here you are withering away, whinging and crying....and calling your hosts names....while doing zilch on the matter w.r.t where you came from (if its the be all end all issue for you....calling others brown and lungi here). Its their fault, but never yours... sorry its all quite ridiculously funny to me the way you have chosen this hill of all hills to flail and die on. Silly silly could have done a far better job but the complex got the better of you.

Mate ; How come you have survived so long on PDF :LOL:
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Reactions: Nilgiri
There is a local saying back in my village:

Nanga e mil gayi peetal, bahar dharun ke bhitar.

Which translates to a stupid beggar after finding a piece of brass get confused about where to put it, outside to show the world his richness or inside to hide it from thieves because that fool thinks it's a piece of gold.

dude he's a troll why waste time and energy ? he's clearly not worth it.
Running joke In Parsi community which causes Khojeste Mistry untold agony and piles ( no connection actually ) - A lot of dickris were cohabiting with the British .

Acc to them - That explains most of their lighter complexion and accent . It's only since then that they've earned a lot of money , respect and consequently delusions of grandeur.

I really hate giving it to dickraas . Some of them are really close friends .But the last time I brought out the heavy guns , dickraa here literally started bawling. I actually felt bad and started avoiding the forum only to see dickraa back to his old self again .
  • Like
I don't like the creepy crowd that has parked itself here,

Hey guess why I don't post that much here either. I like to stick to economics, but Doc is indulging in his complex again, why he does such is beyond me....he gives everyone else exactly what they want, maybe he wants it too. It is sad all around.

and don't have much sympathy with your post.

It wasn't sympathy I was looking for. Just to point you to where this SS goon has ended up inevitably consumed by his own hate. He has initiated way beyond reason too, against several southerners and whoever else not to his appearance/emotional/perception tastes....I saw it quite openly out of the blue his silly blathering against @Levina and others, for no reason other than his SS bullcrap...and to have a little "fun".

Speaking of "SS", he reminds me of a particular Austrian (that hijacked a larger host) that also threw a massive hissy fit (blaming everyone else, but not himself one bit) when his 1-2-3, A-B-C concept of purity+identity politics didn't pan out the precise way he wanted it.

Just like that guy, this one is now fake-commited to whoever (even if its the total earlier enemy of his) will undermine and destroy because if he cant have the country his specific way, no one should have theirs.

We can talk about other topics and issues on this forum, we can talk about all matters on other forums, we can recognise each other on a forum that we both still visit, but not this, not here.

Fair enough, just read this last reply from me on this, and no need to reply back on it. I get now what you warned me of well sad it is sometimes to see it bourne out this way.

You defer to him unnecessarily. And are wasting your time.

He is just a slicker Americanized version of the same diseased state.

Remember, person to person, it's always heart over mind.

And in these specific cases, the stomach ....

Because he's a weasel.

And attacks banglas but never the *censored*.s.

Don't take my word for it. Quite simply, he's the saffron Joe.

Hey mister, stop trying to mimic Shakuni. You neither have the guts, guile or commitment to do an iota of what he set brother against brother to see the whole thing can just fawn and dream and rail against the crushing reality and fate that you cannot change....

India wins and always will do so...for it at least has truth as its stated objective, the greatest one to have really...., you lose and you suck, and will always do both too....for your objective (if you ever had one really, maybe you just get off on being a fickle miserable douche) is now quite plain to see.