Indian Political Discussion

My latest take on seats for BJP and NDA. BJP set to repeat its performance of 2014 in Gujrat, Rajsthan, MP, Jharkhand, improve in Bihar, Maharashtra and karnataka. BJP on its own over 290 seats and NDA over 340. This change has happened in last two days after the loot in MP became public. The people are aghast with the way Congress has looted MP within five months. People are quoting a figure of over 1000 crores as the amount looted. I will be least surprised if BJP repeats its seat count in UP.

Our in house jyotish @vstol Jockey is right again. Astrology and oldmonk is a deadly combo.

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French member "Armand2REP" on Other Forum. :

"This is what happens when you attack Rafale... you get REKT boi!"

To which "Bhumihar" replies :

"Based french giga chad pimping the italian hoe

Our local Other Forum. French Ambassador has put it how it is"

:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:I laughed for like 20 min straight.
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