Indian Political Discussion

MGB leads in 22 seats. Bua's party leads in 13.Seems vote transfer has worked in reverse. :LOL: @BlackOpsIndia
60 is the number I am looking for, that will destroy vote bank politics from UP.

After 2014 loss congress investigation found that their excessive appeasement led to anti Hindu image, they worked on it and therefore you see Rahul running temple to temple. This won't make them pro Hindu but atleast won't present them as anti Hindu and it was a clever move.

In 2019 that is replaced by anti India image of congress, the moment Rahul Gandhi decided to visit JNU to support anti India slogans he wrote his death sentence. Atleast in North India which daily faces menace of Pakistani terrorism he is never going to be accepted, then they went full stupid on Surgical strikes and if anything was left they finished the party by repeating Pakistani propaganda word to word after Balakot.
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Dr Shama Ahmed - Congress Spokesperson, claiming during a debate on India Today TV , that Kerala voted UDF & Congress because of high literacy rates. @Guynextdoor
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NDA should make change s in southern states.

It's the last chance.

There are more numbers in Kerala for BJP than the polled numbers. The problem is that the BJP supporters believe BJP won't win in Kerala, so they don't wnt their vote to go waste and vote for the most preferrable party of the ones they believe can win.

I voted BJP this time anyway ti show numbers. BJP should tell this to its supporters to vote BJP justto show numbers which will inspire confidance in more people.