Its' a leftie degenerate that one. No point. He can break up country into north and south and whichever which way suits him for some "trend". But other ways are suddenly unacceptable to do....because it raises questions and contexts it would rather not have raised.
Either breaking up and apply to everyone consistently, or dont break up and try understand context everywhere. Each would at least be a worthy conversation.
But this one breaks up and applies selectively and inconsistently (according to its own degenerate confirmation bias)....likely according to whatever bottle of hooch it sewered itself on the previous night.
A hypocrite and stain on this is why stench of anti-nationalism is never far behind them. Its Maino-worship clan got the boot and its butthurt about that on top. I am glad the reality will continue to give no worth to this clown's degenerate feelings.
stupidgiri. Stop talking about politics and things you don’t understand. South Indian leadership is the best Chan for India to grow into a world power and annex Pakistanis. When Pakistanis see how well administered we have made India they will appeal to the un asking India to incorporate them into our great federation.
At One point , I wanted Chidambaram to be PM of India in 2013 when MMS had
Abandoned all his duties
But then I saw his Views on Pakistan and Kashmir
His ILL gotten Wealth is another matter
stupidgiri. Stop talking about politics and things you don’t understand. South Indian leadership is the best Chan for India to grow into a world power and annex Pakistanis. When Pakistanis see how well administered we have made India they will appeal to the un asking India to incorporate them into our great federation.
yes. He has gotten ill gotten wealth worth 7 lakhs, despite the fact that he comes from one of the most prominent industrial families of the south.
Did you pay more rate of taxes to center than a person from UP or any other state for that matter?UP needs to get its s**t together. The south can’t pay for idiot policies for ever
Did you pay more rate of taxes to center than a person from UP or any other state for that matter?
If not don't get fooled by careful selective presentation of facts or data. Unless South Indians pay extra rate of tax to help others this is pure meritless nonsense intentionally flamed to create issues when there isn't any.
Half truth, full lies, every single time.
We Can Choose from Stalin , Shashi Tharoor
Pinrayi Vijayan and Siddharamiah and HD Kumaraswamy
Dont talk like an idiot
That is the Only case where they got a Paper Trail and Money Trail ie the One time he was careless
The Rest of his wealth is safely parked abroad in Dozens of Bank Accounts and Shell Companies
Yes, we do pay more taxes per person than a person in UP.Did you pay more rate of taxes to center than a person from UP or any other state for that matter?.
Tharoor - killed his wifeBtw tharoor and chiddu are way better than yogiji and Amit shahji
Tharoor - killed his wife
Chindu - manipulated the economy for private gain
Yogi - thinks cows are humans
Amit - is politically ruthless
How is a murder and a criminal better than an idiot and a wily politician ?
Did you pay more rate of taxes to center than a person from UP or any other state for that matter?
If not don't get fooled by careful selective presentation of facts or data. Unless South Indians pay extra rate of tax to help others this is pure meritless nonsense intentionally flamed to create issues when there isn't any.
Half truth, full lies, every single time.
Bjp calls every one Pakistanis agentsBOTH Chidambaram and Tharoor are PAKISTANI AGENTS
What plutonium? Who said anything about plutonium? Are you taking the most absurd allegation you can find and because such an absurd allegation cannot possibly be true , so Tharoor must be innocent ? Deflection?yes tharoor killed his wife using weapons grade plutonium (real allegation)
Chiddu with The Whole of Indian economy under his command stole a royal 7 lakhs
When North Indian politician make allegations it’s the same as illiterate people making them
What plutonium? Who said anything about plutonium? Are you taking the most absurd allegation you can find and because such an absurd allegation cannot possibly be true , so Tharoor must be innocent ? Deflection?
7 lakhs? Haha haha...why should a man who was finance minister steal 7 lakhs?
Al Capone was eventually jailed for tax evasion. That Doesn’t mean that he was a naive trust fund baby who forgot to tick the right boxes for the IRS.
Chindu stole billions in USD , so did your deity Sonia Gandhi.
They are not Pakistani agents.BOTH Chidambaram and Tharoor are PAKISTANI AGENTS
Ask BJP why you think Shashi Tharoor killed his wife with Plutonium?why are you asking me these questions? Ask. Bjp.