Indian Political Discussion

I tried to use facts and numbers but I guess the centre piece of this discussion and present protests is about sentiments. Sentiments are amiable to reason but are never bounded by facts.
Politics in our country is run by feels rather than facts. I was referring to the antics of the two sides : right and left. Both sides seem to suggest the people of this country has awakened and will do the right thing. Its just they have very different ideas of what they think is the right thing is. But they have no problems projecting their thoughts as the thoughts of 1.3 billion people.

State elections are disconnected from centre, more now than ever. If there was a state and general election tomorrow, most people around me would vote for the BJP at centre and against BJP in state.
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Doc, objective reality is indeed a thing :)

Not denying that at all.

Just saying that's not what builds up piece by piece in the run-up to an election.

It's rare to have an Indira assassination type epochal event deciding an election.

Neither are elections won on facts alone.

If so, then political parties around the world would only be working and performing and nothing else.

And the Cambridge Analyticas and Sangh cyber cells would be out of work.

Cheers, Doc
Aditya Raj Kaul (@AdityaRajKaul) Tweeted:
In tears. I am unable to move. For the first time someone has had the courage to narrate my story of forced exodus by Islamist terrorists in Kashmir without monkey balancing. Thank you @rahulpandita for writing this for us all. Thank you @VVCFilms for sharing this brutal truth. Aditya Raj Kaul on Twitter ( )
Sameera Khan (@SameeraKhan) Tweeted:
India’s founding party (via Tharoor) condemns Shahada as “Islamist extremism,” says slogan “tera mera rishta kya - la ilaha illallah” isolates Muslims from those “whose rishta is to India”

INC once again clarifies their position on Indian Muslims: one can’t be Muslim AND Indian. Sameera Khan on Twitter ( )

Interesting thread.
Call me antaryami but my antennae are telling me there is a backdoor setting between Tharoor and the BJP.

I don't think he's a closet sanghi. But probably to tide over the mysterious death of his wife ....

Cheers, Doc
A Pakistan gurudwara to Shehla Rashid: India’s Left-liberals have just got four major jolts

By Makarand R. Paranjape
7 January, 2020 9:44 am IST

Left-liberals are faced with a distressing dilemma: who is their worst enemy — their Islamist buddies or Hindutva opponents ?


Protestors outside the old Delhi Police Headquarters in ITO | Photo: Suraj Singh Bisht | ThePrint

The continuing crisis of conscience of my Left-liberal friends just received four jolts. They are faced with a distressing dilemma: who is the worst enemy—their Islamist buddies or Hindutva opponents?

The latest jolt first. An angry mob of Muslims pelted stones last week at Nankana Sahib in Pakistan, arguably the holiest of Sikh shrines after Harmandir Sahib – the Golden Temple. It is the place where Guru Nanak was born in 1469. The mob was led by men from the family of Mohammad Hassan. Hassan had allegedly abducted and converted Jagjit Kaur, the daughter of the granthi or priest of Nankana Sahib. Jagjit Kaur after her conversion is called Ayesha.

In widely circulated video clips, Hassan’s brother threatens to change the name of Nankana Sahib to Ghulaman-e-Mustafa. Ghulaman means slaves and Mustafa (Arabic: مصطفى), one of the names of Prophet Muhammad, means the chosen or preferred one. You can actually hear the attackers shouting, “No Sikh will remain in Nankana.” This was especially scary because there was a small band of Sikh pilgrims trapped inside the shrine.

The gravity of the situation could be assessed by the fact that Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh personally requested both Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan and Prime Minister Narendra Modi to intervene immediately. His appeal was not only to rescue the trapped pilgrims, but also save the historic gurudwara.

Hassan’s brother claimed that he had been beaten up by the Pakistan police at the behest of the minority minister so that Jagjit Kaur went back to her community: “These Sikhs have been pressuring us to send the girl back to them. But that will never happen because she is a Muslim now.” Ironically, the incident took place just the day after the birthday celebrations of Guru Gobind Singh, the last Sikh guru.

Those who still believe that Hindutva is their enemy are largely ignoring this shocking and live demonstration of Muslim religious violence and intolerance in our neighbourhood, possibly compounded by abduction, conversion, and marriage if not rape. There is an elaborate infrastructure for such activities in Pakistan. Long ago, Los Angeles Times reported on the modus operandi. The victim is usually a poorer Hindu girl, frequently a minor, abducted by a man working for or protected by a powerful religious or feudal boss. Her family is threatened if she does not sign in a court that she is converting willingly. In religious or civil courts, the groom is often frequently accompanied by armed goons so that the rubber-stamping of the abduction, conversion, marriage becomes a foregone conclusion.

What is obvious is that this appears to be the last phase of the ethnic cleansing of Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan. After the decline of the non-Muslim population from an estimated 14.2 per cent in undivided Pakistan (includes both East and West) in 1951 to 3.7 per cent in Pakistan (1998) and 10.4 per cent in Bangladesh in 2001. The numerous reports and instances of the abduction and forcible conversion of women, often backed by local authorities, is sure to expedite this process.

Isn’t it strange that throughout the anti-Citizenship (Amendment) Act protests, the focus has been rarely on persecuted Hindus in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, or Pakistan whom it was supposed to benefit, but usually on the plight of Muslims in India which the CAA did not concern directly? The incident at Nankana Sahib should be a wakeup call to those who persistently ignore the facts and lessons of sub-continental and international history.

The third shock was delivered by Taslim Ahmed Rehmani, former chairman of Progressive Front of India (PFI), now secretary of the Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI), who admitted last week on national television that in November 2017 he had said, “All Hindus are not terrorists but all terrorists are Hindus.” For those interested in the genesis and morphing of extremist organisations, the Kerala government in a petition asking for a ban on PFI in 2012, with ISIS and proscribed Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) links.

The second shock was delivered by former Jawaharlal Nehru University student leader Shehla Rashid. On 30 December 2019, she put out a series of tweets endorsing Muslim identity politics. In one, she said, “The mammoth Indian state is turning its machinery fully against Muslims, trampling upon them socially, culturally, economically and physically. If you want to be an ally, let the community lead and don’t call their concerns ‘extremist thoughts’ or ‘conspiracy theories’.” This sounded very familiar, in line with arguments which claimed that “La allah illallah,” the fundamental article of Muslim faith used as a watchword at political rallies was not communal, but a slogan like “Bharat Mata Ki Jai” was. Of course, those who know Rashid to be a soft-Islamist were not taken by surprise even though her Left-liberal supporters were dismayed.

Just a few days earlier, Left-liberals were treated to their first of recent shocks. Ayesha Renna and Ladeeda Farzana, hailed as “sheroes” of Jamia Milia Islamia by the likes of Barkha Dutt, were revealed to be not just soft Islamists as their hijab might have suggested, but as supporters of jihad. Ladeeda had, in fact, invited people to “learn about our ‘Jihad.’”. After being heckled as Muslim radicals, they erased most of the incriminating posts on social media. It is a different matter that Renna had apologised for criticising Pinarayi Vijayan’s Communist-ruled government in Kerala.

Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first prime minister, made the mistake of thinking that cultural nationalists were the greatest enemies to his idea of India while minority extremism could be managed.

I think the time has come for Left-liberals to draw a line separating themselves from all fanatics, fundamentalists, and extremists, regardless of their religious or ethnic identities. Else partisanship in illiberalism will be the last nail in the coffin of liberals.

The author is a Professor and Director at the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla. His Twitter handle is @makrandparanspe. Views are personal.

A Pakistan gurudwara to Shehla Rashid: India’s Left-liberals have just got four major jolts
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I laugh at those who say only 30% people voted for Modi blah blah blah.
The same system allowed scamgress to rule over India.
I'd like to inform resident bhagwadharis that there is ZERO confusion in the minds of anti Hindutva forces in the country.

We don't care if you're a jihadist mulla or a red commie or a pastor evangelist soul farming Bharstvarsh or a big business capitalist or a downtrodden and centennially raped dalit or a rich cloistered bawa or a frothing militant loud opinionated jholawadi Marxist Bong or a Sikh still burning from Op Blue Star or a Tamil Peryarite or a beef munching Keralite or a Naxal or a bow and arrow carrying Jharkhand Mahto tribal or an impoverished Santhali with gorgeous big titted women.

All are Indians and are welcome as we tear this toxic edifice down.

Let's see which side has the bigger balls and greater numbers.

Cheers, Doc
I'd like to inform resident bhagwadharis that there is ZERO confusion in the minds of anti Hindutva forces in the country.

We don't care if you're a jihadist mulla or a red commie or a pastor evangelist soul farming Bharstvarsh or a big business capitalist or a downtrodden and centennially raped dalit or a rich cloistered bawa or a frothing militant loud opinionated jholawadi Marxist Bong or a Sikh still burning from Op Blue Star or a Tamil Peryarite or a beef munching Keralite or a Naxal or a bow and arrow carrying Jharkhand Mahto tribal or an impoverished Santhali with gorgeous big titted women.

All are Indians and are welcome as we tear this toxic edifice down.

Let's see which side has the bigger balls and greater numbers.

Cheers, Doc
What about dickraas? Gay & closetted or married & closetted?
We are confident that Muslims will never outnumber Hindus in this country.

Nor will Muslims ever rule this country.

We have zero issue therefore in using Muslim muscle for our aims.

As we use Hindu muscle when needed.

Muscle is just that. Muscle.

It's the brain behind it that makes it work to its bidding.

Cheers, Doc
You can quote whatever u want to but it wont change the reality that the current government has a huge people's mandate


A little over 30% of those Indians who voted, chose Modi.

Which means even if you assume all those who voted for Modi wete Hindu only, it still means there are way more Hindus who do not want Modi versus those of you who do.

Now are you gonna keep blahblahing or go back sulking to the other place to cry on violent peacefuls shoulder? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Heard he's VERY agitated? Tell him I've a special Lollipop which he can come n suck.

Cheers, Doc

A little over 30% of those Indians who voted, chose Modi.

Which means even if you assume all those who voted for Modi wete Hindu only, it still means there are way more Hindus who do not want Modi versus those of you who do.

Now are you gonna keep blahblahing or go back sulking to the other place to cry on violent peacefuls shoulder? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Heard he's VERY agitated? Tell him I've a special Lollipop which he can come n suck.

Cheers, Doc
Dude the same system allowed your chacha Nehru and fake Gandhis to rule over this country.
Quite hypocrite when u lick gandhis and Italian mata yet criticize mandate Modi got.
Now u should go to Pappu and cry over his shoulders.
I think this term is the death knell of BJP.

I'm seeing hardcore bhagwadharis jump ship.

Economy is of course biting.

But the message this violence has given is that BJP is not in control.

Plus they are incompetent of course. And as corrupt if not more corrupt than the Congress. Who at least ran a slick ship of talent where it mattered. Not the teary peacock gaumutra swilling kooks.

But the killing blow is the emergence of Hindu regional parties that are tightly tied to the soil. Defeating the BJP in state after state.

The message is clear for anyone who wants to listen. And has the rudiments of a brain.

Try as they might the sangh has failed to distort the true essence of Hinduism.

Which is a disparate continent of regional entities firming a single civilization over thousands of years.

It's not an ism at all in the Abrahamic mode ... and therein lies the biggest failure and the doom of Hindutva.

Hinduism's multihued nature is asserting itself.

As Marathas and tribals of Jharkhand stand up and say, who the fug are these Gujratis to try and lord it over us?

Cheers, Doc

P.S. There still is a Gandhi.

And his name is Rahul.
Hahaha, you know it very well the silent polarization of Hindus and them not concerned at all with protests, they know what these opposition and Islamists want. They know they got a leader like modi who is unapologetically Hindu, and looks after Hindutva causes Hindus they rally behind him.

We been hearing your make believe India will defeat Modi, Hindutva will be finished since eons, Right now momentum has been achieved which no force can stop, looking at global scenario where every Nation is electing right winger, I doubt nobody will raise a eyebrow for your rants against Hindutva.
Why should not Hindus be Monolithic? Is there any ground rule which says do? Or is it you fear them being United for a cause.

I know you Hate Hindu unity, you want them divided so you can sell them opium. Not going to happen, in your case I pity you,
Few of your folks are left almost extinct, but you want to gloat over delusional ideas of defeating a mighty force like Hindutva. I guess that must be you coping with grief at imminent extinction by distracting yourself on other matters. I get it. Get well soon. 🙂
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