Indian Political Discussion

Hahaha, you know it very well the silent polarization of Hindus and them not concerned at all with protests, they know what these opposition and Islamists want. They know they got a leader like modi who is unapologetically Hindu, and looks after Hindutva causes Hindus they rally behind him.

We been hearing your make believe India will defear Modi, Hindutva will be finished since eons, Right now momentum has been achieved which no force can stop, looking at global scenario where every Nation is electing right winger, I doubt nobody will raise a eyebrow for your rants against Hindutva.
Why should not Hindus be Monolithic? Is there any ground rule which says do? Or is it you fear them being United for a cause.

I know you Hate Hindu unity, you want them divided so you can sell them opium. Not going to happen, in your case I pity you,
Few of your folks are left almost extinct, but you want to gloat over delusional ideas of defeating a mighty force like Hindutva. I guess that must be you coping with grief at imminent extinction by distracting yourself on other matters. I get it. Get well soon. 🙂


Even your tone has mellowed from earlier.

I am loving this fear in the bhagwa camp.

The muslas are pawns anyways.

While you think your camp is consolidating, we are just going to keep raising the temperature.

Across the country.

Forget economy. Forget growth.

The only thing that can save you now is war. And a war cabinet.

Cheers, Doc

Even your tone has mellowed from earlier.

I am loving this fear in the bhagwa camp.

The muslas are pawns anyways.

While you think your camp is consolidating, we are just going to keep raising the temperature.

Across the country.

Forget economy. Forget growth.

The only thing that can save you now is war. And a war cabinet.

Cheers, Doc
My tone is always the same, it's just that I pity you more now, with imminent extinction . 😄

You can rest assured. Things are not going back to secularism days ever. There is a new generation of Hindutva followers being bred apart from mine, as you can see from social media to everything on internet how libtards get bashed overwhelmingly by Hindutva. You just hope those Woke libtards can make some noise, but they don't matter in bigger picture of things to come. As I said there is no Gandhi this time you stop or pacify. You should be worried about whom you support lest you get caught in crossfire and become collateral damage.
My tone is always the same, it's just that I pity you more now, with imminent extinction . 😄

You can rest assured. Things are not going back to secularism days ever. There is a new generation of Hindutva followers being bred apart from mine, as you can see from social media to everything on internet how libtards get bashed overwhelmingly by Hindutva. You just hope those Woke libtards can make some noise, but they don't matter in bigger picture of things to come. As I said there is no Gandhi this time you stop or pacify. You should be worried about whom you support lest you get caught in crossfire and become collateral damage.

Hindus beating Hindus.

Hindus shooting Hindus.

Cops on rioters.

Rioters on cops.

Yeah I'm the one that should be worried. Lol

Cheers, Doc
Hindus beating Hindus.

Hindus shooting Hindus.

Cops on rioters.

Rioters on cops.

Yeah I'm the one that should be worried. Lol

Cheers, Doc
Well you need to get your own house in order for you to tackle external threats. One two slaps rest will pipe down as you can already see from withering support of leftists, that's how mob behaves, the liberal tears since past 6 years, yes it's a slow strangulation, no way out scenario for leftists, they know this time There won't be any mercy left. That's why the desperate attempts to take up protests and every Hindu knows this , they are least bothered of these rabble routers. Deep down you know it too, that this force cannot be stopped anyone opposing it is finished. 😜
Well you need to get your own house in order for you to tackle external threats. One two days rest will pipe down as you can already see from the liberal tears since past 6 years, yes it's a slow strangulation, no way out scenario for leftists, they know this time There won't be any mercy left. That's why the desperate attempts to take up protests and every Hindu knows this , they are least bothered of these rabble routers. Deep down you know it too, that this force cannot be stopped anyone opposing it is finished. 😜

All i know is that in Pakistan Muslims beat Muslims.

Muslims kill Muslims.


Jai ho.

Cheers, Doc
All i know is that in Pakistan Muslims beat Muslims.

Muslims kill Muslims.


Jai ho.

Cheers, Doc
Not us, we straighten them and bring them into our camp. And you as a Hindutva recruitment officer you must know why it is happening. Go on goad more Hindus, taunt them and corrall them into Hindutva camp, while we just wait with popcorn laughing at you, he who thinks he's making a dent against Hindutva. 😂
Well you need to get your own house in order for you to tackle external threats. One two slaps rest will pipe down as you can already see from withering support of leftists, that's how mob behaves, the liberal tears since past 6 years, yes it's a slow strangulation, no way out scenario for leftists, they know this time There won't be any mercy left. That's why the desperate attempts to take up protests and every Hindu knows this , they are least bothered of these rabble routers. Deep down you know it too, that this force cannot be stopped anyone opposing it is finished. 😜
Hindus matched them politically by giving another five years to Modi. Now these guys have resorted to violence, they will be out matched in violence too.
Hindus matched them politically by giving another five years to Modi. Now these guys have resorted to violence, they will be out matched in violence too.
This is the last resort, This protests tear down the secular facade and let's rest of Hindus see the real Islamist, commie nexus. When they start violence, they will regret the day they started it.
Anyways I'm out for sometime, enjoying my whiskey. Cheers 🍻
This is the last resort, This protests tear down the secular facade and let's rest of Hindus see the real Islamist, commie nexus. When they start violence, they will regret the day they started it.
Anyways I'm out for sometime, enjoying my whiskey. Cheers 🍻
Well they got the taste of it in JNU. They blamed ;police for entering AMU and Jamia. Now Police just stood and watched from outside when these liberals were given a taste of their own medicine in JNU.
Nazi Nazi Nazi, interesting.

This Nazi saga reminds me of Lebensborn. Incidentally Nazis were obsessed with keeping their race pure.

Who else is here obsessed with keeping race 'pure'? So who is practising Nazi?

The big difference as we are seeing is that unlike the German elite, the Hindus are fighting back.

Real Hindus are waking up.

Bhagwadharis across social media are surprisingly muted.

It's funny how quickly bullies lose steam when someone simply stands his ground.

@vstol Jockey no one has yet started really hitting back.

It's still bhagwa gundagardi.

Wait ...

Cheers, Doc
The big difference as we are seeing is that unlike the German elite, the Hindus are fighting back.

Real Hindus are waking up.

Bhgwadharis across social media are surprisingly muted.

It's ginny how quickly bullies lose steam when someone simply stands his ground.

@vstol Jockey no one has yet started really hitting back.

It's still bhagwa gundagardi.

Wait ...

Cheers, Doc
who stood ground? the vastly outnumbered ABVP in JNU or the vastly superior in numbers Liberals? Handful of ABVP guys have given these liberals a thrashing of their life. Next time, they will be beaten brutally and yet police will arrest these badly beaten liberals. Game has just statrted. These liberals should not have taken on Police in anti CAA protests. Kanoon thodogay toh todhey hee jaogay. Hope you remeber these words of Yogi Adityanathji.
Yogiji just gave a warning.
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who stood ground? the vastly outnumbered ABVP in JNU or the vastly superior in numbers Liberals? Handful of ABVP guys have given these liberals a thrashing of their life. Next time, they will be beaten brutally and yet police will arrest these badly beated liberals. Game has just statrted. These liberals should not have taken on Police in anti CAA protests. Kanoon thodogay toh todhey hee jaogay. Hope you remeber these words of Yogi Adityanathji.
Yogiji just gave a warning.

You make 100 more come on the streets for every photo of a bleeding protestor.

Soon a thousand.

You really do not have enough police my friend.

And the breaking has been all one sided till now.

Cheers, Doc
The big difference as we are seeing is that unlike the German elite, the Hindus are fighting back.

Real Hindus are waking up.

Bhgwadharis across social media are surprisingly muted.

It's ginny how quickly bullies lose steam when someone simply stands his ground.

@vstol Jockey no one has yet started really hitting back.

It's still bhagwa gundagardi.

Wait ...

Cheers, Doc
You have no idea what is happening on ground do you? You are a perfect example of how deluded you people are. I just saw some videos I never ever imagined I will see anytime soon. Come out of your eco chambers or social media or wherever you delude yourself, some seismic change has happened on ground and it ain't pretty, it is a nightmare come true.