Indian Political Discussion

The miscomprehension is really on your part. It's not the stats at all.

When I said we I meant the Shiv Sena.

Cheers, Doc
leh, ab obfuscation?

Data is tricky, no one's friend.

And if you( is SS) than even more pathetic given that thumping majority of Maharashtrians want you out, by the logic you apply to Modi's vote share.
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leh, ab obfuscation?

Data is tricky, no one's friend.

And if you( is SS) than even more pathetic given that thumping majority of Maharashtrians want you out, by the logic you apply to Modi's vote share.

Sure. I see your point.

Cheers, Doc
It went up from 2014 I agree. The overall number was still just above 30 as I recall. @Saaho says 37.
Analysis: Highest-ever national vote share for the BJP

The Bharatiya Janata Party garnered 37.4% of the votes in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. The NDA as a whole, received nearly 45% of the vote.

If we were to believe this was a presidential style election and a mandate on Modi, then we are looking at a figure of 45% in favor of Modi. That in a multi-party election is massive mandate.
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Yup. Milspec posted the pie charts above. Thanks.

Cheers, Doc
I hope that also clarifies the long tail of votes that went to a number of indpendent and non-aligned parties that I was talking about. It is bigger than Congress and may give UPA a run for its money.
I hope that also clarifies the long tail of votes that went to a number of indpendent and non-aligned parties that I was talking about. It is bigger than Congress and may give UPA a run for its money.

Yup everything is crystal. Thank you.

Cheers, Doc
Even so called fake Rajiv Gandhi won on sentiments post Indira assassination.
People down playing Modis mandate are the same that chant Chacha Nehru being the longest serving PM , Indira is India , India is Indira(Yet Modi is Hitler)
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Yes but it was your government that claimed it didn't require centres assistance in first place.
Kerala Floods: Kerala wants aid from UAE, Centre says no | India News - Times of India

When did Kerala government say it didn't require central assistance. Quote the exact statement or stop fooling around.

And Central efforts to stall any foreign aid to Kerala was well reported.
When did Kerala government say it didn't require central assistance. Quote the exact statement or stop fooling around.

And Central efforts to stall any foreign aid to Kerala was well reported.

View attachment 12858

It's a cheap and miserable act. Period.

You guys are heros.

Your dignity and pride during the tragedy touched every Indian.

I salute the Malyali spirit boss.

Cheers, Doc
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Here is the CEO of Swarajya- the so called saner RW media outlet- denying the occurance of floods in Kerala in 2019.

View attachment 12859

Here is his very own magazine reporting 2019 Kerala floods.

Kerala Floods: Over 85 Dead In Five Days, 53 Remain Missing

Kindly see the efforts these RW supporters put in to justify the bigotry & stupidity of their dear leaders. It's hilarious to the say the least.
I found 3 more RW publication talking about draught like situation in Kerala. First one is bloody Sanghi from inception.

(The Hindu)
Kerala proposes tough steps to tide over water crisis

After floods, Kerala now stares at drought as temperatures soar

After deluge, drought sets in Kerala - The Economic Times

Search a bit more and you'll find hard core Sanghi NDTV reporting similarly. Come on man grow up.
I found 3 more RW publication talking about draught like situation in Kerala. First one is bloody Sanghi from inception.

(The Hindu)
Kerala proposes tough steps to tide over water crisis

After floods, Kerala now stares at drought as temperatures soar

After deluge, drought sets in Kerala - The Economic Times

Search a bit more and you'll find hard core Sanghi NDTV reporting similarly. Come on man grow up.

All of this is about draught like situation in the month of April-May 2019.

Floods returned to Kerala in August 2019 killing 121 & causing property damage worth several thousand crores.

Now you dear swarajya CEO is claiming that Kerala didn't suffer from floods in August 2019 because there was drought like situation in April 2019.

What kind of logic is that ? 🤣🤣🤣

Can't do anything about the wilfully ignorant.
My dear CEO?

I barely read that site, unless there is some good article. Good to see branding everyone not agreeing with left is automatically Sanghi. Keep it up :) what was the outrage about ? Why was you so eager to defend his stupidity ?

Don't try too hard.
This is blatant power politics. Both the BJP & CPM despise each other.Would've been the same were the Congress in power in Kerala.It's the ordinary ppl from Kerala paying a price.

That's whataboutism. How does that make it justifiable ?

I don't remember anything like this when Congress was in power. It's that BJP has given up on the state & have decided to take it on the people of Kerala.