Indian Political Discussion

by the scum who mocked flood affected Keralites as beggars are now preaching
I will hold you to it.

@nair can you please restore that post you deleted? Some nincompoop here is lying and abusing again and again. Please restore the post so that everyone know truth....
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Oh you don't remember it now, huh you piece of filth ?
Let him restore that post stop blabbering till than. I have not called you name but you are constantly abusing everyone here. In every single post your lungi is on fire, I will shove up right up to your back once the post is restored and no mention, direct or indirect of Keralites have been found. Waiting.
I will hold you to it.

@nair can you please restore that post you deleted? Some nincompoop here is lying and abusing again and again. Please restore the post so that everyone know truth and this little duffer quit whining and know who is true filthy scum high on adulterated commie mutra.
Dono which post are you referring to....
No one gives a rat's *censored* about you either, you are just some new member in a random internet forum. Or your version of reality which might exist in some parallel universe.

And II very well know the worth of Sanghis in Kerala. So I would say leave it, why try roo hard here...🤣
So are you. Some unknown anonymous identity in an internet forum.

Why whine as if this is the cabinet meeting of union government.

Parallel universe or this is none of your business.

By the way, all facades of decency ripped open, right? Calling names have always won arguments
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And he have started deleting any post which calls out his bullshit

So predictable...🤣
So are you. Some unknown anonymous identity in an internet forum.

Why whine as if this is the cabinet meeting of union government.

Parallel universe or this is none of your business.

By the way, all facades of decency ripped open, right? Calling names have always won arguments

And you think I am going around calling development indices irrelevant ? 😂

Decent responses are reserved for decent people. That obviously excludes your kind.
Dono which post are you referring to....

And even if you find the post he's referring to..

...which exactly states 'Stop begging on someone else's behalf'

He'll say he find no mention even indirectly related to Keralites. So there is no use.
And he have started deleting any post which calls out his bullshit

So predictable...🤣

And you think I am going around calling development indices irrelevant ? 😂

Decent responses are reserved for decent people. That obviously excludes your kind.
When was development indices a factor when survivng a deluge. Have you got no other points or did I just touch a raw nerve?

Who is sitting in judgement, who is worthy of decency or not? Or are you the judge the jury and executioner all rolled into one?

No more from me. Seems those who profess liberalism can't stand a different narrative and starts branding all and sundry a sanghi.
When was development indices a factor when survivng a deluge. Have you got no other points or did I just touch a raw nerve?

Who is sitting in judgement, who is worthy of decency or not? Or are you the judge the jury and executioner all rolled into one?

No more from me. Seems those who profess liberalism can't stand a different narrative and starts branding all and sundry a sanghi.

Development indices have nothing to do with disaster resilience. Okay. 😂

Yeah that statement is more than enough to judge your worth. No more replies, thank you.
Move on guys..... Discuss politics.....
You, of all people, should know that when two Malayalis discuss politics, you get three opinions followed by an exchange of blows between ppl totally unrelated to the original controversy. Eg @CountryFirst whose original post triggered this fracas in the first place is no where to be found and ppl totally unrelated to it are trading blows here with dickraa liberally adding fuel to fire.
Apologies upfront for a digression. I thought of leting this pass, but i felt being a first person witness to the event a little perspective would help.

To be honest, in times of disaster, there isn't much scope for Victorian display of pomp, pride, honour and dignity as such.

Having gone through the hell, during those times, one can reasonably assume those experiences bring out the fundamental animalist survival instincts to the fore. If you had ever been in such situations, you can relate very well, how one tries to save oneself no matter what the cost. I simply can't agree with your assumptions as I saw none during that period. Let me emphasize this : I'm not expecting any to behave as if Japanese are waiting for metro train but to falsely ascribe that nobility is a fallacy.
Also I found that keralites pretty much acted in the same way as humans would do anywhere. Having survived Chennai floods, I didn't find many differences. Rather it was similarities that struck me. Even after all the indoctrination, of may I say Malayali exceptionalism.

During such times, there arises many a heroes. Nothing special about it. But your appreciation is well placed, as it would be for all communities elsewhere too. But please bear in mind, amidst those heroes, sung and unsung, there are many many more shady creatures too. All most all unnoticed. Particularly here in Kerala, as the hyped up image of this state has to be upheld at all costs.


What came after the floods is the strangest part. Part of the populace praising the royal sovereign of a distant emirate. Well people questioning whether Kerala is paying tax to Indian union were nowhere seen to question such extra territorial loyalties

I appreciate your post but i must stick to my guns, as I most always do.

The way they rallied around each other and outsiders who had come to help.

The orderly way they stood and waited for food when it was evident how badly some were roughed up and hungry.

But most of all the quiet and stoic dignity on their faces and the way they held themselves even in this horrible moment.

I still remember a news clip ... an old lady.

She is the face of Kerala floods for me.

I never compared Kerala to anyone. I made no better than statements ...

Cheers, Doc
I appreciate your post but i must stick to my guns, as I most always do.

The way they rallied around each other and outsiders who had come to help.

The orderly way they stood and waited for food when it was evident how badly some were roughed up and hungry.

But most of all the quiet and stoic dignity on their faces and the way they held themselves even in this horrible moment.

I still remember a news clip ... an old lady.

She is the face of Kerala floods for me.

I never compared Kerala to anyone. I made no better than statements ...

Cheers, Doc

I'd let you do the honours.
And even if you find the post he's referring to..

...which exactly states 'Stop begging on someone else's behalf'

He'll say he find no mention even indirectly related to Keralites. So there is no use.
@nair this same post, possible to retrieve it?

How is asking someone to stop begging includes whole state? But this jackass is abusing everyone in the name of same.

What's next? Someone asking ISIS sex slaves from Kerala to stop will automatically include his family and he will abuse everyone for it?

This clown got any brains or just a typical retard that system continuously produces? 'Everyone knows' what it meant is his defence for filth he spew here. Everyone knows that who is beggars? Is this what he is referring?

I have not deleted any of your post @Amal except one yesterday. Try abusing any single person here in next post and you'll have it coming. Enough with tolerating garbage.
Stay Civil, no need to bring your family language here.
How is asking someone to stop begging includes whole state?

How is asking to stop drinking gaumutra a taunt on Hinduism ?

Answer this question first & I'll tell you how.

And responding to a post about denial of flood relief with a personal attack, is perfectly kosher for you. Okay...🤣
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I appreciate your post but i must stick to my guns, as I most always do.

The way they rallied around each other and outsiders who had come to help.

The orderly way they stood and waited for food when it was evident how badly some were roughed up and hungry.

But most of all the quiet and stoic dignity on their faces and the way they held themselves even in this horrible moment.

I still remember a news clip ... an old lady.

She is the face of Kerala floods for me.

I never compared Kerala to anyone. I made no better than statements ...

Cheers, Doc
Poetic. Worthy of a good background narration with a voice over by David Attenborough himself.
Works well in a NGC/DISCOVERY doc.

What you mentioned i am afraid doesn't cover the entire spectrum. I wish, i could implore you to expand your horizon a bit wider. Alas! It seems i failed there. So let me too stick to my experiences.

Thank you for a dignified response Doc. And as this discussion is adding to more fracas, I believe you would see my point if i suggest that we agree to disagree
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clown got any brains or just a typical retard that system continuously produces? '

Are you describing yourself? The idiot who claimed Kerala had no floods in Aug 2019 because there were droughts 3 months earlier ?

Try abusing any single person here in next post and you'll have it coming

As doc pointed out earlier, internet authority is all you have. Enjoy...😂
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Move on guys..... Discuss politics.....

Obviously discussing politics. Of the most crappiest variety.

One which makes people deny the occurrence of a well documented natural disaster & mock people who question discrimination in aid allocation as 'beggars'.

Oh I forgot, that's perfectly kosher here.

And I guess as a native of Malappuram you can describe how drought in April last year stopped floods from happening in your district in three months later.

വന്ന് രണ്ട്‌ വാക്ക്‌ പറഞ്ഞിട്ട്‌ പോയാലും.
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Are you describing yourself? The idiot who claimed Kerala had no floods in Aug 2019 because there were droughts 3 months earlier ?

As doc pointed out earlier, internet authority is all you have. Enjoy...😂

Any admin who trolls and baits loses credibility and moral authority immediately.

Cheers, Doc
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How is asking to stop drinking gaumutra a taunt on Hinduism ?
So keep consuming it along with various other mutra available at your home. This language maybe regular at your house not here.

Instant ban for inflammatory and racist posts. This forum is not a place for your racial inferiority whining.