Indian Political Discussion

You won't believe the joke here, his father himself had fought election from BJP, not once but twice :ROFLMAO:

Anyone against them be eliminated, killed, not born, assaulted, hounded. With RW goons given free hand they have found more than their match and now screaming when paid in kind.

You won't believe the joke here, his father himself had fought election from BJP, not once but twice :ROFLMAO:

Anyone against them be eliminated, killed, not born, assaulted, hounded. With RW goons given free hand they have found more than their match and now screaming when paid in kind.

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When were RW goons not given free hand?

They are not just the hand but the body it is attached to.

Cheers, Doc

Guess who topped the list in crime rate? (Hint: followers call it most intellectual, HDI state.)
This was discussed to death so many times.

In Kerala, even small crimes are reported and police are encouraged to file FIR. (Unlike other states who themselves refuse to register crimes so as to keep the number of crime rate low). It is due to police reforms undertaken last decade. Initiatives like Janamaitgri which is to make police more people-friendly and encouraged citizens to be more involved.

More on the reforms :

If you got time to look into the NCRD data, You can see Kerala got below-average crime rate in Violent Crimes (Murder, rape etc).

Kochi is supposed to be one of the highest cities in crime rates if not the first. But when you look into Violent crimes, Its a different story. I lived in that city for a few years. If that is the highest then the rest of India is a paradise.

Screenshot_2020-01-10 Crime in India 2018 - Volume 1 pdf.png

How about murder rates? National avg is 2.2 while Kerala is 0.8

Screenshot_2020-01-10 Crime in India 2018 - Volume 1 pdf(1).png

A high number of reported crimes with a low rate of violent crimes is a sign of a healthy educated society. Just like a healthy divorce rate.
Watch the videos, videos available in public, it will all make sense within seconds. I don't need Rahul Kanwal of Kanhaiya fake news fame to know what happened.

Left stopped registrations, breaking into server room, vandalizing it. Anyone going to register was assaulted the videos of which are readily available. The exams were already postponed once, left wanted to delay them again to show it's because JNU students are against CAA and not going to write exams.

On last day of registrations crowd was big and lefties again assaulted people trying to register. The video of that ghose woman goon is of afternoon, where she was directing and coordinating attacks, ABVP replying in kind was of night, as shown in video too. The authenticity of video is accepted by JNUSU itself. When these goons ran rampage inside JNU attacking every ABVP supporter, assaulting them they(ABVP supporters) called their friends which were more than a match to them.

I said this 2 days ago after watching multiple videos myself and talking to few people from there. The person in video is saying same, I never exonerated ABVP, they did attacked lefty goons and that's how it goes, when you attack someone you don't think they won't reply, do you?

The so called ABVP guys clearly stated that they reacted to to the acts of leftists
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I'm confused.

Who is the prime enemy of the sanghi brigade.

The so called left?



Or is it Muslims?

Most of you seem to be attacking everyone who is not your type of sangh line toeing Hindu.

Hindus included.

Ergo, a Hindu Pakistan.

Cheers, Doc
Its not a question of Sanghi etc. Its simply this :
1. India as a sovereign nation SHOULD protect her borders and throw out illegal immigrants. Whats wrong here? Nothing.
2. India is homeland of non-Muslims of former British-raj while Muslims got Pakistan. So, we will protect well being of persecuted non-muslims in a predominantly muslim neighborhood countries.