Indian Political Discussion

So keep consuming it along with various other mutra available at your home. This language maybe regular at your house not here.

Instant ban for inflammatory and racist posts. This forum is not a place for your racial inferiority whining.

Obviously you don't have any answer. Okay. It's quite understandable that you have difficulties in justifying your own hypocrisy.

This forum is not a place for your racial inferiority whining.

Who whined about racial inferiority BTW ? Golwalkar ?

Sharing the opinion of one of the most significant leaders of the parent organisation of the ruling party is very well related to political discussion.
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I had already posted the source in the very post you deleted. Just google 'Golwalkar on South Indians'.

Oh and it was published in Organiser

Golwalkar Denigrated Kerala Hindus Specially Women, As His Views On Inbreeding Proves | India Resists

This is a leftist rag , penned by a known RSS baiter & an Islamicist masquerading as a scholar. Golwalkar referred to the practice of sambandham in Kerala. Did he initiate it or comment on it? His views may be characterized as obscurantist at best. But the extreme color rendered by the author of the article certainly highlights the author's own bias, which try as much as he wishes too he can't seem to suppress. Much like AG Noorani another Islamicist masquerading as a leftist writing for another commie rag The Hindu.
This is a leftist rag , penned by a known RSS baiter & an Islamicist masquerading as a scholar. Golwalkar referred to the practice of sambandham in Kerala. Did he initiate it or comment on it?

Actually I have scans of the originals with me.

He describes 'sambandham' as a brave experiment. He also says the experiments of crossbreeding was done to better the human species here.

I guess that's more than enough to understand what he means.
It's called Hindutva.

Cheers, Doc

Racism & bigotry is perfectly fine. Don't call it out though, that would make you a 'hater'.

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Actually I have scans of the originals with me.

He describes 'sambandham' as a brave experiment. He also says the experiments of crossbreeding was done to better the human species here.

I guess that's more than enough to understand what he means.
That's his view. Let me ask you, why were such experiments initiated in any case. After all women in Kerala particularly from the Nair Samajam were very independent. The Nairs follow matriarchy. It's called Marumakkathayam. Being a Malayali yourself, you are familiar with it. I don't expect that Islamicist to be familiar with it. Or better still, even if he were, he'd deliberately suppress this info. Coz it doesn't suit his narrative.
Let me ask you, why were such experiments initiated in any case. After all women in Kerala particularly from the Nair Samajam were very independent. The Nairs follow matriarchy. It's called Marumakkathayam

Matrilineal system of inheritance doesn't exactly mean that the women are independent. And they were not certainly independent of the crappy caste system which existed in Kerala pre-independence.
That's his view

Yes, and the point is it's disgustingly racist.
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Matrilineal system of inheritance doesn't exactly mean that the women are independent. And they were not certainly independent of the crappy caste system which existed in Kerala pre-independence.

Yes, and the point is it's disgustingly racist.
Women in matrilineal families / societies definitely enjoyed more freedom & independence than in patrilineal or Patriarchal societes . There are ample studies to prove this across the world not restricted to Kerala. Coming from matrilineal family myself I can attest to the fact that my grandmother inherited the ancestral lands and house from her mother. All this changed after the Hindu code bill came into being.

Marriage was definitely subject to the girl's veto. If you're suggesting sambandham was forced, pls provide proof of it. Do not link it to omnibus issues like caste. Also remember that Namboodaris were a powerful caste in Kerala despite their smaller numbers. So were the Nairs although numerically they were much much more than the Namboodaris. This translates into the Namboodaris could get any women they wanted. Why was it only Nairs women? If sambandham was forced, you think the Nairs would take it lying down?

The caste system is a different topic altogether.
As for @BlackOps, if I am in his place. I banned all bunch of you for violating the forum rules. It is clearly defined.

But I think he is too much of a gentleman who believes in FoE. But behold, freedom is not absolute, there is a contractual agreement between the state and her citizens.

But I think there is too much mediocrity here to understand such European style of things.
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Yes, and the point is it's disgustingly racist.
As rascist or bigoted or misogynistic as it may sound, it still doesn't explain why people who indulged in sambandham were perfectly at ease with it. What you have here are outside perspectives from a different caste, religion, region time & age viewing these issues through our own prisms with attendant biases.
As rascist or bigoted or misogynistic as it may sound, it still doesn't explain why people who indulged in sambandham were perfectly at ease with it. What you have here are outside perspectives from a different caste, religion, region time & age viewing these issues through our own prisms with attendant biases.

I'll come to the issue of role of caste in this later.

How does the participants being willful justify Golwalkar's racism? Golwalkar viewed it as an effort to 'better human species' here because the genes of the 'namboodri brahmanas of the north' would (obviously) improve the gene pool here.

The participants on the other hand may have looked at it as a way to gain power & prosperity.
This translates into the Namboodaris could get any women they wanted. Why was it only Nairs women?

They wouldn't approach a lower caste women because of practices such as untouchability. Other hindu women couldn't even approach closer than a few prescribed feet to the high caste man.

Also remember that Namboodaris were a powerful caste in Kerala despite their smaller numbers. So were the Nairs although numerically they were much much more than the Namboodaris

Just FYI Namboodris obviously were placed on top of the caste hierarchy.

Nairs & other 'honourary high caste hindus' (The vaishyas- Syrian Christians & Jews) came only after them.

This BTW is a good read.

Opinion: Marriages not made in heaven
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I'll come to the issue of role of caste in this later.

How does the participants being willful justify Golwalkar's racism? Golwalkar viewed it as an effort to 'better human species' here because the genes of the 'namboodri brahmanas of the north' would (obviously) improve the gene pool here.
What if the Nairs themselves saw it the way Golwalkar did? They may well have seen it as an honor. The Namboodaris & Nairs did enjoy a symbiotic relationship lasting centuries. Sambandham was obviously part of it.
The participants on the other hand may have looked at it as a way to gain power & prosperity.

Power & prosperity? How? Didn't the royals of most kingdoms in Kerala come from the Nair elites? How many kingdoms did the Namboodaris command? OTOH, like the Nair elites, the Namboodaris were important landowners & part of the aristocracy.

They wouldn't because of practices such as untouchability. Other hindu women couldn't even approach closer than a few prescribed feet to the high caste man.

Apart from the Nairs & Namboodaris, are you suggesting there weren't any other upper castes or jenmis in Kerala?

Just FYI Namboodris obviously were placed on top of the caste hierarchy.

Nairs & other 'honourary high caste hindus' (Syrian Christians & Jews) came only after them.

Aware of it. Not just among other castes but including the brahmins. The Namboodaris were pretty much top dogs in pre modern Kerala.
Makarand R Paranjape (@MakrandParanspe) Tweeted:
For those who only quote Savarkar, here's Comrade Dange pleading to get out of jail: "I beg to inform Your Excellency that those years are unnecessary, as I have never been positively disloyal towards His Majesty in my writings or speeches nor do I intend to be so in future ( )

Makarand R Paranjape (@MakrandParanspe) Tweeted:
First published by D.F. Karaka in "Current." Communist Party of India said it was a forgery, but Dange never denied it; later when the signatures were compared in the archives where the letter was kept, it was deemed to be authentic. Truth always on Twitter ( )
Makarand R Paranjape (@MakrandParanspe) Tweeted:
For those who only quote Savarkar, here's Comrade Dange pleading to get out of jail: "I beg to inform Your Excellency that those years are unnecessary, as I have never been positively disloyal towards His Majesty in my writings or speeches nor do I intend to be so in future ( )

Makarand R Paranjape (@MakrandParanspe) Tweeted:
First published by D.F. Karaka in "Current." Communist Party of India said it was a forgery, but Dange never denied it; later when the signatures were compared in the archives where the letter was kept, it was deemed to be authentic. Truth always on Twitter ( )
Nah, all wrong, comrades were limited to not attacking britishers, collecting money for China when they attacked India and killing few thousand Indians supporting, training Naxals.

He is lying, true comrade is always a snake, how can a snake apologize?
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