Indian Political Discussion

That's whataboutism. How does that make it justifiable ?

I don't remember anything like this when Congress was in power. It's that BJP has given up on the state & have decided to take it on the people of Kerala.
Where did I justify it? I'm just putting it the way it is. Unfortunately, that's the way politics in India is. If the party at the centre & one in the state are mutually antagonistic, the centre turns partisan & it's the ordinary people who end up paying a price. Especially when natural calamities strike.
Where did I justify it? I'm just putting it the way it is. Unfortunately, that's the way politics in India is. If the party at the centre & one in the state are mutually antagonistic, the centre turns partisan & it's the ordinary people who end up paying a price. Especially when natural calamities strike.
Your counter to him automatically becomes justification and defending others, you are so lucky not be branded urine drinking Sanghi. Waste of time troll.
Your counter to him automatically becomes justification and defending others, you are so lucky not be branded urine drinking Sanghi. Waste of time troll.

Says someone defended the claim of Kerala not having floods in 2019 because there was a drought in the same year.

Wilfully ignorant troll. 😂
Is the ability to fool around a criteria for selection into the admin team? Also @nair ?

Just asking for a friend.
Yeah, complaining to admin :ROFLMAO: for what?

I asked you where did I defended him. Try DM, your tagging may get lost in notifications.

Back to topic, where in that reply I defended Swaraj CEO?
Unfortunately, he lets his emotions cloud his judgement & can't accept a counter view.

What's the counter view here ? It's alright because it's politics ?

As I said earlier, this is a new low. There was always a bias towards party ruled states in project allocation and all. But discrimination in allocating disaster relief is not something I have heard of.
What's the counter view here ? It's alright because it's politics ?

As I said earlier, this is a new low. There was always a bias towards party ruled states in project allocation and all. But discrimination in allocating disaster relief is not something I have heard of.
I didn't normalise it saying it's ok because it's power politics. Of course, it's a shame.
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Back to topic, where in that reply I defended Swaraj CEO?

I guess this post was about the future course of US actions about its Iran conflict.

'draught' in Kerala, yeah right...

I found 3 more RW publication talking about draught like situation in Kerala. First one is bloody Sanghi from inception.

(The Hindu)
Kerala proposes tough steps to tide over water crisis

After floods, Kerala now stares at drought as temperatures soar

After deluge, drought sets in Kerala - The Economic Times

Search a bit more and you'll find hard core Sanghi NDTV reporting similarly. Come on man grow up.
I guess this was about the future course of US actions about its Iran conflict.
Again where is a mention of Swaraj or its CEO?
Just because you are impulsive, jump the gun, start abusing everyone doesn't make whatever you say absolute truth.

Calling names, complaining unnecessarily, whining are quite childish don't you think? Anyway here is a complaint thread, you can put your complaint there-


Here is twitter link to Nair in case he missed your notification, you can msg him there too.
Take a look at Nair SFRF🇮🇳 (@nairsfrf): Nair SFRF (@nairsfrf) | Twitter

Good day.
Again where is a mention of Swaraj or its CEO?
Just because you are impulsive, jump the gun, start abusing everyone doesn't make whatever you say absolute trut

Again trying to be wilfully ignorant ?

So what was the point you were making ? Does occurance of droughts in April 2019 imply that floods cannot happen three months later ?

And if you forgot, this was the post you were replying to. Everything is clearly explained here. Who jumped the gun again ?

Here is the CEO of Swarajya- the so called saner RW media outlet- denying the occurance of floods in Kerala in 2019.

View attachment 12859

Here is his very own magazine reporting 2019 Kerala floods.

Kerala Floods: Over 85 Dead In Five Days, 53 Remain Missing

Kindly see the efforts these RW supporters put in to justify the bigotry & stupidity of their dear leaders. It's hilarious to the say the least.

And those who stood by the scum who mocked flood affected Keralites as beggars are now preaching about name calling. Get off your high horse.
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~shakti~ (@TheShaktiRoopa) Tweeted:
The Bijon Setu massacre was the killing and burning of 19 hindu monks and nuns belonging to Ananda Marga at Bijon Setu, Kolkata in WB, India, on 30 April 1982 by the leftist CPM government goons. #LEFTIST_ARE_TERRORISTS
Sharing a documentary link. Must watch. ~shakti~ on Twitter ( )

Interesting thread.
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Here is the CEO of Swarajya- the so called saner RW media outlet- denying the occurance of floods in Kerala in 2019.

BTW I really hope they don't go full retard & deny the very existence of a state called Kerala when another issue of discrimination pops up.

'No Indian state called Kerala exists. It's just the Arabian sea over there"...🤣🤣

And I am sure that there would be morons here who would nod in agreement.
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True Indology (@TIinExile) Tweeted:

1) Hindutva was NOT "first proposed by Savarkar in 1923". Chandranath Basu wrote a treatise on Hindutva already in 1892.

2)Nyaya, Samkhya, Mimamsa are NOT texts. They are ṣaḍdarśanas (6 systems of Hindu philosophy)

At least read up the basics, Mr. "Why I am a Hindu" Shashi Tharoor on Twitter ( )

True Indology (@TIinExile) Tweeted:
In the Secularist world:

Add the English suffix 'ism' to the word Hindu. That makes everything good!

Add the Sanskrit suffix 'tva' to the word Hindu. And voila! That makes everything evil! ( )

Look at this educated erudite fool "Dr" Shashi Tharoor. Apparently , one of the differentiating factors about Hinduism & Hindutva is Hindutva is monolithic. Like Islam & Christianity. Hence it's bad. Hindutva being monolithic = bad. Islam & Christianity being monolithic = good / normal.

And he's the author of an anodyne book - "Why I Am A Hindu? "
Happy to see another intelligent patriot and a real Hindu share my views about Hindutva.

Also a ladies man.

Cheers, Doc
True Indology (@TIinExile) Tweeted:
Savarkar's "Hindutva" included not only the followers of Hinduism but also atheists, other "Dharmic" religions like Sikhs, Buddhists etc & those Muslims/Christians who accepted shared Indic culture.

It was very inclusive with an intent to promote national unity. ( )

Coincidence how Dr Ambedkar & Veer Savarkar had identical thoughts on Islam & Christianity. Especially Islam. They certainly didn't pull any punches when it came to describing Islam. Except Savarkar actively opposed it from the platform Hindu Mahasabha provided him & Dr Ambedkar was actively involved in upliftment of the depressed classes.
Happy to see another intelligent patriot and a real Hindu share my views about Hindutva.

Also a ladies man.

Cheers, Doc
Sonam Mahajan (@AsYouNotWish) Tweeted:
Hahaha. Aakhir tumhe pata chal hi gaya ke even liberals consider Islam, an extremist religion that is incompatible with modern democratic values. Andar se sab Islamophobe hain, yahan tak ke Muslims bhi, bas dikhaate nahin hai. Enjoy 😉 Asfandyar Bhittani on Twitter ( )

It's a cheap and miserable act. Period.

You guys are heros.

Your dignity and pride during the tragedy touched every Indian.

I salute the Malyali spirit boss.

Cheers, Doc

Apologies upfront for a digression. I thought of leting this pass, but i felt being a first person witness to the event a little perspective would help.

To be honest, in times of disaster, there isn't much scope for Victorian display of pomp, pride, honour and dignity as such.

Having gone through the hell, during those times, one can reasonably assume those experiences bring out the fundamental animalist survival instincts to the fore. If you had ever been in such situations, you can relate very well, how one tries to save oneself no matter what the cost. I simply can't agree with your assumptions as I saw none during that period. Let me emphasize this : I'm not expecting any to behave as if Japanese are waiting for metro train but to falsely ascribe that nobility is a fallacy.
Also I found that keralites pretty much acted in the same way as humans would do anywhere. Having survived Chennai floods, I didn't find many differences. Rather it was similarities that struck me. Even after all the indoctrination, of may I say Malayali exceptionalism.

During such times, there arises many a heroes. Nothing special about it. But your appreciation is well placed, as it would be for all communities elsewhere too. But please bear in mind, amidst those heroes, sung and unsung, there are many many more shady creatures too. All most all unnoticed. Particularly here in Kerala, as the hyped up image of this state has to be upheld at all costs.


What came after the floods is the strangest part. Part of the populace praising the royal sovereign of a distant emirate. Well people questioning whether Kerala is paying tax to Indian union were nowhere seen to question such extra territorial loyalties