Indian Political Discussion

The insensitivity toward migrant labourers despite heavy public and media pressure shows all those tall speeches about humble beginnings were merely PR stunt. No human can be so insensitive toward these people if he lived like them.
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The insensitivity toward migrant labourers despite heavy public and media pressure shows all those tall speeches about humble beginnings were merely PR stunt. No human can be so insensitive toward these people if he lived like them.
What do you want ?
Any why do you think that govt should be run by social media trends and twitter hashtags ?
The insensitivity toward migrant labourers despite heavy public and media pressure shows all those tall speeches about humble beginnings were merely PR stunt. No human can be so insensitive toward these people if he lived like them.
What do you want ?
Any why do you think that govt should be run by social media trends and twitter hashtags ?

he wants to sling mud on everything done by present govt. see all his posts. nothing done by present govt satisfies him. no point talking logic when you have bias built in. that goes both ways.
we can talk about other stuff with him. more technical stuff.

hope someday he realizes the futility of being always in the negative side.
heck every govt from the past has done some very good things including this. but the great gyaani here can only say everything is PR annd everything is sham. no one else in the govt is educated or literate enough for the great gyaani :)
he wants to sling mud on everything done by present govt. see all his posts. nothing done by present govt satisfies him. no point talking logic when you have bias built in. that goes both ways.
we can talk about other stuff with him. more technical stuff.

hope someday he realizes the futility of being always in the negative side.
heck every govt from the past has done some very good things including this. but the great gyaani here can only say everything is PR annd everything is sham. no one else in the govt is educated or literate enough for the great gyaani :)
I too think that this government is incompetent to deal with the pandemic.
We could have done much much better then what this govt has done and is still doing.
That said I can’t understand his infatuation for the Media Image and Hunger for appreciation. It’s not the criteria on which an Administrator should be judged. He links everything to what this newspaper is writing or what that Twitter poster is tweeting.
I don’t necessarily disagree with him regarding many things he say.

PS: I too think this govt has maximum number of Idiots in the parliament in the modern Indian history.
BJP want to be seen as right wing party, but it’s nothing more than bunch of devoid of any ideology and highly deficient of intellectual thinking.
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I too think that this government is incompetent to deal with the pandemic.
We could have done much much better then what this govt has done and is still doing.
That said I can’t understand his infatuation for the Media Image and Hunger for appreciation. It’s not the criteria on which an Administrator should be judged. He links everything to what this newspaper is writing or what that Twitter poster is tweeting.
I don’t necessarily disagree with him regarding many things he say.
most govts have been less than optimum when dealing with the pandemic. except maybe S.Korea.
and there is a way to logically or rationally put your point across.

he (or anyone for that matter) "think" (hence, its an opinion) that the current administration is only PR obsessed and NOT working in earnest.
linking everything you see to fit the narrative is like already declaring the outcome and then fitting the peices.

the scientific way is reverse. you look at all the peices and then decide the various ways this can be interpreted. the interpretation always has bias.

I have neither supported or demonized someone's views. all I am pointing out is, if you have started with a stand and then fitting any events to support your stand, it only shows bias.
He is a quack. I never take him seriously.
most govts have been less than optimum when dealing with the pandemic. except maybe S.Korea.
and there is a way to logically or rationally put your point across.

he (or anyone for that matter) "think" (hence, its an opinion) that the current administration is only PR obsessed and NOT working in earnest.
linking everything you see to fit the narrative is like already declaring the outcome and then fitting the peices.

the scientific way is reverse. you look at all the peices and then decide the various ways this can be interpreted. the interpretation always has bias.

I have neither supported or demonized someone's views. all I am pointing out is, if you have started with a stand and then fitting any events to support your stand, it only shows bias.
He is highly opinionated person.
What do you want ?
To take those people out from roads and to their district and feed them.

Every district Roadways workshop is full with buses, sitting idle, FCI are full of grains yet people has to walk hundreds of KM on foot with kids in this heat. We have resources we have expertise yet we are failing them. It's not because we incapable but because we not even trying.

India conducts worlds largest elections, 6-7 times of total migrant workers strength, it is all managed so flawlessly. When a natural disaster strike crores of people are rescued. Kumbh alone is managed mostly by a district administration and some more, almost flawlessly every single time.

We have provided help on this level almost flawlessly in past what's the reluctance this time I don't understand. We are not even trying.

What's the biggest danger a migrant could posses?
That he could be a carrier and take the infection with him to the remote villages. That's perfectly correct reason expect when you are not helping him he is more likely to spread it to every single village he passes thru while walking.

In a bus he risks infecting 3-4 people but in present case he will infect way more on way, from policeman to vehicle he try to hitch hike to NGO worker, villager trying to help him with food.

I am talking about migrant labour from 25th of March, the time Media had no idea, they are crossing my village since then, it's almost 2 months now and that endless queue never stops.

Journalist become very insensitive after reporting crime everyday and value of life matters to them very little. I have seen them breaking down, not those fancy ones on TV but local ones. Even the lefty vultures BBC can't take it.

There is infrastructure ready in Allahabad to handle almost entire migrant labour of UP. They have tents, they have massive area, multiple railway stations with huge capacity to avoid crowding. You have world's largest armed forces to manage them along with police force which is out along with reserve.

Why it is not utilised? You can ferry every migrant labour of eastern UP to Allahabad, keep them in tents for isolation, send them to their district where they can be kept for further isolation in schools. There is no shortage of infra or volunteers or professionals.

But all I see is compete ignorance to this situation. Not a single step is taken, 20Lakh crores are announced but still charging States or migrant for tickets, why? How costly it could be to give them some relief?

Any why do you think that govt should be run by social media trends and twitter hashtags ?
They run on Social Media trends I want them to wake up and see reality otherwise fools will wipe them out. Big ships, planes, foreign diplomats and leaders, full drama to present leadership to the world is the only thing they are focused on.

Someone walked for days with kids in this heat without food how much do you think he is likely to vote this govt?
To take those people out from roads and to their district and feed them.

Every district Roadways workshop is full with buses, sitting idle, FCI are full of grains yet people has to walk hundreds of KM on foot with kids in this heat. We have resources we have expertise yet we are failing them. It's not because we incapable but because we not even trying.

India conducts worlds largest elections, 6-7 times of total migrant workers strength, it is all managed so flawlessly. When a natural disaster strike crores of people are rescued. Kumbh alone is managed mostly by a district administration and some more, almost flawlessly every single time.

We have provided help on this level almost flawlessly in past what's the reluctance this time I don't understand. We are not even trying.

What's the biggest danger a migrant could posses?
That he could be a carrier and take the infection with him to the remote villages. That's perfectly correct reason expect when you are not helping him he is more likely to spread it to every single village he passes thru while walking.

In a bus he risks infecting 3-4 people but in present case he will infect way more on way, from policeman to vehicle he try to hitch hike to NGO worker, villager trying to help him with food.

I am talking about migrant labour from 25th of March, the time Media had no idea, they are crossing my village since then, it's almost 2 months now and that endless queue never stops.

Journalist become very insensitive after reporting crime everyday and value of life matters to them very little. I have seen them breaking down, not those fancy ones on TV but local ones. Even the lefty vultures BBC can't take it.

There is infrastructure ready in Allahabad to handle almost entire migrant labour of UP. They have tents, they have massive area, multiple railway stations with huge capacity to avoid crowding. You have world's largest armed forces to manage them along with police force which is out along with reserve.

Why it is not utilised? You can ferry every migrant labour of eastern UP to Allahabad, keep them in tents for isolation, send them to their district where they can be kept for further isolation in schools. There is no shortage of infra or volunteers or professionals.

But all I see is compete ignorance to this situation. Not a single step is taken, 20Lakh crores are announced but still charging States or migrant for tickets, why? How costly it could be to give them some relief?

They run on Social Media trends I want them to wake up and see reality otherwise fools will wipe them out. Big ships, planes, foreign diplomats and leaders, full drama to present leadership to the world is the only thing they are focused on.

Someone walked for days with kids in this heat without food how much do you think he is likely to vote this govt?
Govt though incompetent, is trying to transport migrants by trains, buses etc. they are in huge quantities and you can’t just pack them in a container and send them to destination. Every train and bus carrying them have to follow certain precautions, othwise it would be catastrophic to the remote areas they are being sent. It is being done and will take time. You can question his rationale for sudden and complete lockdown though. Like he did during demonetisation. It was double edged sword.

There is absolutely no infrastructure in Allahabad, that is capable to handle pandemics like this. Neither the Beily Hospital nor the SwaroopRani is capable to manage a local epidemic let alone the pandemic. When was the last time you have visited the SRN ? It’s infra is absolute crap.
Your comparison of a Routine and planned religious gathering like Magh Meela to a pandemic is highly flawed. There is no comparison.

Also Allahabad do have shortages of manpower both is primary health care and primary education. I know it very well.
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They run on Social Media trends I want them to wake up and see reality otherwise fools will wipe them out. Big ships, planes, foreign diplomats and leaders, full drama to present leadership to the world is the only thing they are focused on.

Someone walked for days with kids in this heat without food how much do you think he is likely to vote this govt?
Every party runs social media accounts. That’s not the point here.
Point is do He use Twitter trends to make his policies?
How many times do you see him mudslinging on Uddhav Thakray or Mamta bagum?
Compare that with Arvind Kejriwal and his maafia ministers. You will get the gist.
He doesn’t even give interviews that routinely, not the sound bytes. Most of his communication is via govt channels like AIR or DoorDarshan, that too are very official in contents. No politics until it’s ele time.
It is being done and will take time.
It's not being done, today they sent few buses to pick people from Delhi border, Today.

Yesterday they were charging 10+Rs/Km from anyone trying to board a bus. Normal fare is around 1.10Rs/Km. Jacking up fare 10 times the normal rate.

You can question his rationale for sudden and complete lockdown though. Like he did during demonetisation. It was double edged sword
I believe he did to contain people, but after a month when it was clear we are in this for long haul he should have made arrangements to transport them. Telcos, Google, Migrant App could help asses number of people which can be picked via bus to station and then to Allahabad or other destination point.

Instead some genius found an idea of filing paper forms, making people come for distribution and then for submissions.

If that was not enough we needed to show how strict is Indian Railways so they introduced concept of tickets, adding more layer of red tape, approval and more. You are financing entire train why do you need every single in train to have ticket? What's the need? Why you need such aggresive registration and that too on paper form?

The chutiyapa continues, nobody is asking why.

There is absolutely no infrastructure in Allahabad, that is capable to handle pandemics like this.
And which City has the infra to deal with it? You have to deal with it somehow, it's transition point not health center for epidemic.

Wuhan of UP, Agra has the infra to deal with this outbreak? Or one of the most developed Ghaziabad/Noida? Videos coming out from Agra (not that kid on suitcase, much older) can put Pakistan to shame. I didn't share them because the forum is read by Pakistani members too and they will become tool of propaganda.

Your comparison of a planned religious gathering like Magh Meela to a pandemic is highly flawed
Both are planned gatherings, what's the flaw, elaborate, Kumbh is tougher as everyone needs to go river creating huge crowds and risking lives.
Compare that with Arvind Kejriwal and his maafia ministers. You will get the gist.
You want me to compare a glorified Junior Mayor to Prime Minister of India?

Point is do He use Twitter trends to make his policies?
He does not? Then why we repeat occurrence of high optics event, however shallow in content, regularly, not once or twice but from 6years?