Indian Political Discussion

First, understand that Iranian muslims are the ones who did a revolution for Islam and caused a global Islamic movement.

Iranian president recently held a conference in a sunni mosque mecca masjid. Iran has never given any statement against Sunnis.

Ian has never kept Sunnis at bay. This is just your dream.

India lost a part of the land and population, not all the land. Parsis lost every inch of land and 99.9% population.

Pakistan and Bangladesh was lost and the population at independence was 7.5-8 crore. It has ballooned to 40 crore now but that is a different story.

Remaining Parsis are about to go extinct by 2050. Modi had to launch a jiyo parsi scheme for that!

Allow me to continue to splash cold water on your face.

Your civilization was bigger than mine by a factor of over 10x in land mass, and 15-20x in terms of sheer numbers.

Yet you lost a land mass twice as big as Iran.

There are 80 million Shia Iranians today. Of which only 60 million are Persian.

There are over 600 million Indian Muslims today. Of which over half a billion are Sunni.

There were 90 million Indian Muslims in 1947.

There were 22 million Iranians in 1947.

Congratulations. Your civilization remains the bulwark of world Islam. By a large margin.

And the only nuclear Islamic power.

With all its nukes pointed at you and me.

Kya baat hai!

Cheers, Doc
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Allow me to continue to splash cold water on your face.

Your civilization was bigger than mine by a factor of over 10x in land mass, and 15-20x in terms of sheer numbers.

Yet you lost a land mass twice as big as Iran.

There are 80 million Shia Iranians today. Of which only 60 million are Persian.

There are over 600 million Indian Muslims today. Of which over half a billion are Sunni.

There were 90 million Indian Muslims in 1947.

There were 22 million Iranians in 1947.

Congratulations. Your civilization remains the bulwark of Islam. By a large margin.

And the only nuclear Islamic power.

With all its nukes pointed at you and me.

Kya baat hai!

Cheers, Doc

Yes, Indian civilisation was the biggest and hence is also the biggest strength of Islam today. There were 10.5 crore muslims in 1947 which has now become 60 crore. Pakistan has nukes too.

You are forgetting that Persian empire also included major parts of Iraq, Kuwait etc. So, total muslims of Persian heritage are 12 crore.

But you are forgetting the most important thing - oil.

The reason why I am shouting so much is exactly that - Oil is powering the entire world and is the reason Islam is flourishing unhindered.

Iran has large quantity of oil and natural gas. Iraq and Kuwait also has large quantity of oil.

Because Parsis lost that land, lot of this oil went to muslim hands.

If the muslims had no control over oil, then the massive problem would have been avoided. Muslims could have been more manageable.

Oil is even more important than Nuclear bombs. Oil is responsible for running all the military hardware and is extremely important for the economy and agriculture.

I will give uses of oil: 1) Agriculture- fertiliser, pesticide, tractors, trucks 2) Plastics 3) Clothes like polyester, dyes, nylon 4) Electricity- PVC, bakelite
5) Paints, varnish and ink 6) computer, mobile screens etc. 7) asphalt 8) shipping and transportation of raw material, goods and people and many more

As a result of this oil, muslim population will grow too big and out of control which will eventually have to be dealt with a massive war. Muslim nature of immediate collective reaction backed by petroleum is making all other option non viable. Oil is the reason why there is no solution to curb muslim population or put restrictions as it will invoke the wrath of oil suppliers. Kashmir etc are being tolerated for the same reason. What will happen is that muslim population can't be acted upon till the muslim supply oil at reasonable prices and by the time oil depletes, muslim population would be out of control.

I would not be suggesting a war so regularly if muslims were not backed with oil. I would have suggested more moderate measures like reconversion or sterilisation. I am personally going to suffer massively in this war. I am not a least bit enthusiastic.

The damage caused be Persia becoming muslim and losing the control of oil fields is World War 3. The damage from oil is far greater than what those pesky nukes could ever do.
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Look at all the salt in this thread from loser commies and Khangressis, one of them posts that he is a Hindu and the other pretends to be a Parsi while both of them only worship the Mohammed.

BJP won 3-0 in the NE elections, deal with it like a man instead of crying like little girls.
Look at all the salt in this thread from loser commies and Khangressis, one of them posts that he is a Hindu and the other pretends to be a Parsi while both of them only worship the Mohammed.

Religion of any member should be of least concern while debating here. Try and Counter them on Facts Or, Ignore them & their Propaganda. #MyTwoCents
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Religion of any member should be of least concern while debating here. Try and Counter them on Facts Or, Ignore them & their Propaganda. #MyTwoCents

Religion is absolutely on the table when they themselves declare their religion as a point scoring tactic, it is egg on their face when they are caught lying.
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This thread has gone to the Dogs :ROFLMAO:

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Religion is absolutely on the table when they themselves declare their religion as a point scoring tactic, it is egg on their face when they are caught lying.

Yet you seem happy enough with me and give me likes when I show my barely hidden dislike of Islam.

My apologies for not being more accommodative of your monochromatic view on life.

Nor for making the distinction between Islam and my countrymen who practice it.

Cheers, Doc
Yet you seem happy enough with me and give me likes when I show my barely hidden dislike of Islam.

My apologies for not being more accommodative of your monochromatic view on life.

Nor for making the distinction between Islam and my countrymen who practice it.

Cheers, Doc

Are you new to forums? Likes are meant for specific posts not for an account id. Only Khangressis slavishly defend their master Rahul Gandhi this way, guess what the master has left for Italy even before the results came out and the Khangressi slaves are still defending him.
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Are you new to forums? Likes are meant for specific posts not for an account id. Only Khangressis slavishly defend their master Rahul Gandhi this way, guess what the master has left for Italy even before the results came out and the Khangressi slaves are still defending him.

My point stands. Yes I'm new to forums. You seem to be an old hand.

The Congress is the type of Hindu I like.

If I wanted the BJP, we'd have preferred to stay as second class citizens among our own bloodlines on our own ancestral soil.

Why go to the hassle of coming to India.

Think about that.

Cheers, Doc
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My point stands. Yes I'm new to forums. You seem to be an old hand.

The Congress is the type of Hindu I like.

If I wanted the BJP, we'd have preferred to stay as second class citizens among our own bloodlines on our own ancestral soil.

Why go to the hassle of coming to India.

Think about that.

Cheers, Doc

You don't get anything for free. If you want to be first class, then you will have to win wars. Your idea that everything must be given out on a platter just on the basis of existence is absurd to say the least.

No one has anything for free. No rights without duties. Tell me what are you willing to do in return for first class citizen status?
You don't get anything for free. If you want to be first class, then you will have to win wars. Your idea that everything must be given out on a platter just on the basis of existence is absurd to say the least.

No one has anything for free. No rights without duties. Tell me what are you willing to do in return for first class citizen status?

I am a first class citizen. In the top 1% of the country easy.

The question should be to you and Ironhide and your gang.

What are you willing to do to take that from us?

Cheers, Doc
I am a first class citizen. In the top 1% of the country easy.

The question should be to you and Ironhide and your gang.

What are you willing to do to take that from us?

Cheers, Doc

1% of the country is not really a big deal as it is over 1 crore people.

What I would do to take it away depends on how you got that first class position. If you have deceived or betrayed to get there then it is one thing. If you deserve to be there, I am happy that you are there.
1% of the country is not really a big deal as it is over 1 crore people.

What I would do to take it away depends on how you got that first class position. If you have deceived or betrayed to get there then it is one thing. If you deserve to be there, I am happy that you are there.

I was being polite. Classy enough not to flaunt what I make and where I come from.

Let's not talk semantics. Say I'm a hyper corrupt doc. Paid my way through medicine. Run a chain of 7 star clinics where I suck patients dry. Have a few MLAs in my pocket. The best lawyers money can buy. And the hand of the state political first family on my head. With crores stashed away in offshore accounts. And properties in small island nations with no extradition. Have my political links to both parties. Even met the PM on a couple of occasions. And hold a key position under a critical healthcare committee formulating policy under the Niti Ayog ...

What are you going to do?

Cheers, Doc
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I was being polite. Classy enough not to flaunt what I make and where I come from.

Let's not talk semantics. Say I'm a hyper corrupt doc. Paid my way through medicine. Run a chain of 7 star clinics where I suck patients dry. Have a few MLAs in my pocket. The best lawyers money can buy. And the hand of the state political first family on my head. With crores stashed away in offshore accounts. And properties in small island nations with no extradition.

What are you going to do?

Cheers, Doc

Why would I involve in such discussions, especially so specialised and personalised ones? If I have something to be done, I would simply do it. Not everything is told out loudly.

Only when mass support is needed things are to be shouted loudly, not in personalised matter.

I thought your intention of speaking of 'first class citizen' was in a different context. Changing tones now does not maintain consistency.
Why would I involve in such discussions, especially so specialised and personalised ones? If I have something to be done, I would simply do it. Not everything is told out loudly.

Only when mass support is needed things are to be shouted loudly, not in personalised matter.

I thought your intention of speaking of 'first class citizen' was in a different context. Changing tones now does not maintain consistency.

At the end of the day my friend its every man for himself.

Most people in my community would be upper middle class. Professionals. Businessmen.

Say you think we are Muslim apologists and sympathisers.

Say we are actively in the Congress camp (most of us traditionally are) and will do all we can to ensure the BJP does not come back.

Put our influence and moneies behind that.
At different levels and in different fora. Lobbying strongly against Modi. Business houses. Internationally.

What are you going to do at a mass community level?

Can you make us second class citizens EVEN if we fail and you retake power???

Cheers, Doc
At the end of the day my friend its every man for himself.

Most people in my community would be upper middle class. Professionals. Businessmen.

Say you think we are Muslim apologists and sympathisers.

Say we are actively in the Congress camp (most of us traditionally are) and will do all we can to ensure the BJP dies not come back.

Put our influence and moneies behind that.
At different levels and in different for a. Lobbying strongly against Modi. Business houses. Internationally.

What are you going to do at a mass community level?

Cheers, Doc

First of all do not club any community or religion along with your comment, people here have exposed some members who claim some religion or or caste for point scoring. The point is BJP won the North East election with 3-0 score and you were left crying like a little girl.
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