Indian Political Discussion

A bunch of idiots question your indianness and you give in just like that?

No giving in buddy. Just me having a conversation with some fellow Indians.

Rahul still has that "ketlo mittho cche" cute dimple boy image in the community, much like his dad did.

The difference is that while his dad was seen as a reluctant innocent, Rahul is seen more as a reluctant slow kid.Hence the liberal doses of sympathy.

Personally I feel it hardly matters.

If a Kim or a Justin or a Manuel or a Trump or a Modi can lead a nation, then Rahul surely is not at any significant disadvantage.

It is the party that runs the country, and not one man. And party for party, key portfolios, the Congress is way better than the BJP even at its best. For example a MMS/Chidambaram vs a Yashwant Sinha.

The bottom line is that the Congress represents the India which was the antithesis of Pakistan when partition happened.

The BJP represents a saffron Pakistan.

That really is the base nichod.

Cheers, Doc
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Are you aware of the HUGE water and agricultural crisis in Iran

Forget about going back to Iran ; they wont welcome you

And by the way How many Percent of Shias will reconvert

Muslims do not like People who Give up Islam

Muslims who GIVE up Islam are simply killed

He respects that.

Its his elite free status in India that makes him disdain Hindus. Nature of a survivalist :)
Do Hindus worship Parsis as fair skinned Aryan devas?

Just asking ....

I'm hearing a lot of this so called elite, pedestal falana dhimkana, so ....

Cheers, Doc

No we think you ran away when Arabs were raping you and we gave u shelter. Few who live around u enjoy ur idiosyncrasies.

Too few of u to merit a second thought for the 99.99% majority. Your trolling for relevance is understandable.
No we think you ran away when Arabs were raping you and we gave u shelter. Few who live around u enjoy ur idiosyncrasies.

Too few of u to merit a second thought for the 99.99% majority. Your trolling for relevance is understandable.

So then what is this elite, put on a pedestal status some of you throw around?

Is there a mandir dedicated to Parsis somewhere? A bawaji murti perhaps, dugli phenta and gin n tonic in hand?

All I see frankly from a certain segment is envy and insecurity being manifested as these attacks.

Its amusing though. As if we are who we are because of your charity and not what makes us who we are.

Super intelligent. Extremely honest. And loyal idealitsts with vision and scale.

Don't worry. Some of you will get there. Some day.

And a big LOL at your relevance. Relevance for who? You? The polity?

Parsis will continue to be at the top because that's where they are.

Without reservation or any special favors or numbers or powerful political lobbies. No donations. No charity. No community mama chacha bhatija support or leg up.

Just us.

Look at this thread? How many of you. How many bawas?

That's relevance buddy.

Cheers, Doc
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Do Hindus worship Parsis as fair skinned Aryan devas?

I Know that every educated Indian Deeply Respects JRD TATA who started Industrialisation
in India ; JRD Tata got the Bharat Ratna ; India's Highest civilian award

And Nani Palkhiwala was a great lawyer
Talking Of Relevance ; YOUR idea of Iranians Welcoming you is The Most absurd thing I have ever read

Here is a Google search for what Iranians think about Parsis

parsis in iran - Google Search

Unlike you guys, our ties to and knowledge of Iran goes deeper than Google searches my friend.

But how does it matter if I am wrong?

Let it be. It does not concern you at all.

Let's concentrate on India. And Indians.

Cheers, Doc
Unlike you guys, our ties to and knowledge of Iran goes deeper than Google searches my friend.

But how does it matter if I am wrong?

Let it be. It does not concern you at all.

Let's concentrate on India. And Indians.

Cheers, Doc

You should not run away from reality how bitter it might be

Most parsis are Brown like Other Indians ; So Physically too you would be an Outsider in Iran
Religion wise too the Iranians look down upon parsis

And The West is Not welcoming Migrants any more unless you can bring One million dollars per person

So what is left is Your good old India and its TEEMING Millions of Hindus :LOL:

Whether you like us or NOT does not really matter
You should not run away from reality how bitter it might be

Most parsis are Brown like Other Indians ; So Physically too you would be an Outsider in Iran
Religion wise too the Iranians look down upon parsis

And The West is Not welcoming Migrants any more unless you can bring One million dollars per person

So what is left is Your good old India and its TEEMING Millions of Hindus :LOL:

Whether you like us or NOT does not really matter

Probably unrelated but when Rouhani came here, he met with a high level delegation of Parsis. Made news on our Parsi papers.

Its NEVER happened before. Take my word for it.

We have always keep our spiritual connect to Iran separate from the political side.

I do not know what to read into it. But its new.

Cheers, Doc

There are almost no Indian Jews left.

They've nearly all moved to Israel.


Cheers, Doc

Through choice, because a country was literally made where all the Jews of the world could live together; not because we persecuted them. India was arguably the one historical land where Jews weren't persecuted, we took care of them the same way we took care of Parsis, and now you turn around and accuse us of being a saffron Pakistan, of being intolerant, of creating conditions where you cannot continue to stay or survive - all without basis in fact or historical precedent.

No better way to slap India and Indians in the face, than to make such nonsensical claims that are completely out of touch with reality.
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the Congress is way better than the BJP even at its best. For example a MMS/Chidambaram vs a Yashwant Sinha.
What use is a fancy foreign education if it's put to use in scamming and looting the country instead of serving it? Chidambaram is from Harvard, and MMS from Oxford, but after 1991 liberalization when MMS was FM (and did a good job), what have they or other big leaders from Congress done to serve the country or create growth?

The BJP represents a saffron Pakistan.
Height of exaggeration, for crying out loud.
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As if we are who we are because of your charity and not what makes us who we are.

You were able to put your "innate" qualities and traits to work because you were given a safe, conducive environment where you were accepted. And your response is to turn around and make all sorts of wild, unrealistic accusations about us and our country.

You're literally creating this damn bogey in your head because none of us had any real problem with Parsis, and even now we really don't have any issue, but you're talking like a bloody Ehsaan Faramosh, and if other Parsis really share your inane views I really don't even know what to say.

It's pretty sad because I remember you being quite reasonable when you left the other place, it's like you went to the Green Place and came back as one of them.
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Well, Iran is the ancestral spiritual homeland of Zoroastrians the world over.

Including Indian Parsis.

And yes, our claim on the land remains. Regardless wherever in the world we may be currently.

It is very very similar to the story of the Jews.

You should not be the one to snigger about Parsis returning to Iran, especially when your parents chose to make their homeland in a distant land with no connect of blood or faith or history.

For the Parsis, Iran is all three. So a bit less of the holier than thou spiel please.

Cheers, Doc

Alright, so if it's your true home and India is so terribly intolerant, go ahead and go back. See if Iran offers you the same tolerance and opportunities that India always has.

And frankly, your community aside, don't compare yourself personally to Jews. Jews aren't Ehsaan Faramosh like you, every Jew I meet here whose ancestors fled persecution loves America and is eternally grateful to it. They don't talk shit about the same country that took them in (or its native populace).

You should not be the one to snigger about Parsis returning to Iran

I don't, I snigger about people like you who trash India and Hindus after everything they gave to your ancestors, while harboring grand delusions of returning to the fanatical, authoritarian, Shia dystopia that is Iran to a hero's welcome, where you think you will be allowed to practice your ancient religion, while native born Iranians who never left face severe persecution for practicing it.

Toh phir tum toh na ghar ke rahe na ghaat ke. Unlike you I'm not burning my bridges with Americans here, and unlike you, my ancestral homeland will not reject or persecute me.

So a bit less of the holier than thou spiel please.

Golden Advice, you should take it to heart.
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