Indian Political Discussion


And a BIG LOL to a Rajput thinking that India remained Hindu because of others including Marathas.

Please look into your history and the Muslim invaders.

Its embarrassing because we Marathas (our sahavan kuli families) actually have blood-ties to you.

Cheers, Doc

I don't need lectures from a refugee with one eye on Iran and a massive racial/cultural superiority complex about my family's history with invaders. The fact that you even made this comment shows that the extent of your historical knowledge is the same as Guy Next Door's.

There were countless groups that all made contributions against invading forces throughout India's history, Marathas were one of the more prominent and successful ones; but not the only ones.

And no, you Parsis don't have blood ties to us.
You are pandering to his Supremacist and separatist talk and fanning his hate.

Spare me the "i am innocent" speech.

Are you going to teach me how to engage with different people and different views on forums now?

If I can have a decent conversation with you and convergence on some points, why not someone else?

You do realise I take you as at one end of a spectrum right?

Cheers, Doc
Itachi is a christian. A Mallu christian (probably a syrian christian)

His north south divide is to camouflage his anti Hindu sentiment he has for the North.

You will never find a south Indian Hindu talk this way.

You should stop making assumptions, I am pakka telugu from hyderabad born in a conservative hindu family and grown as one.
You should stop making assumptions, I am pakka telugu from hyderabad born in a conservative hindu family and grown as one.

You should not have to explain your faith to anyone. It is between you and God.

It is the fashion nowadays to pigeonhole Indians into religious denominations and then engage with them accordingly.

Best not to fall into that trap.

You are an Indian. I will talk to you as one.

Are you an NRI or an American citizen?

Cheers, Doc
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VSDOC is parsee not a Martha or Marathi. He has no clue what he is saying. His communities contribution is unmatched, but does not make him a Maratha. Most Marathas have never met a parsee.

Where do you live?

Come and meet me some time in Pune. I will introduce you to my Maratha friends.

You can debate with them whether vsdoc is a Maratha or not. And whether they know who Parsis are or not.


Cheers, Doc

"The Qeṣṣa outlines the common Parsi perception of the pattern of their settlement in western India. After some time the settlers approached the king for permission to build a temple to house their most sacred grade of fire, an Ātaš Bahrām (see ĀTAŠ). He consented and gave them suitable land. The history of that fire, known as Irān-šāh, their “king of Iran” in exile, is central to much subsequent Parsi history. The legend states that “three hundred years more or less” elapsed while the Parsis settled in peace in Sanjān and beyond. Then the Ghaznavid ruler, Sultan Maḥmud, pledged to add Sanjān to his kingdom. His army advanced on Sanjān “like a black cloud.” The Parsis stood alongside the Hindus. The battle is depicted in epic style. The sultan’s forces included not only horsemen but elephants “… the plain was distressed by the weight of the elephants … Day and night the battle raged … The two leaders were as dragons, struggling with each other with the fury of tigers. The sky was covered with a dark cloud from which rained swords, arrows, and spears. The dead lay in heaps and the dying got no succor - such was Fate’s grim decree.” The battle went against the Hindus, who fled, but the Parsis stood firm and after three days the Muslim forces withdrew, before returning the following day with reinforcements. The Parsi leader, Ardašir, rushed on to the field like a lion and roared out a challenge. A Muslim knight “… riding a swift horse, charged at Ardašir with his lance … the two warriors were locked in combat. The two fought like lions … Ardašir managed to … drag him down, and then he cut off his head.” Then the Muslim reinforcements charged. “The din of clashing swords rose above the land, waves of blood flowed over the field like a river.” Ardašir was struck by an arrow, “blood poured out of his wound; weakened, he fell from his horse and died. When tragedy beckons even marble becomes soft as wax” (Qeṣṣa, tr., pp. 54-56). The Hindu-Parsi alliance was defeated and Muslims ruled the land. Various Parsi scholars have attempted to identify this invasion with known external history, but with no clear conclusion (S. H. Hodivala, 1920, pp. 37-66). Perhaps the significant aspect of the story is not its debatable historical significance and plausibility, but rather the literary manner in which it invokes imagery from the Šāh-nāma, and particularly the way the heroic figure of Rostam is evoked in the description of Ardašir (Williams, pp. 15-34)."

The above depicts the Zoroastrian wars against the Muslim invaders, fighting alongside your ancestors. After the defeat the Parsis moved their fire into the caves of Bahrot. Long before it was moved to Navsari and then Udvada.

Our alliance with the Marathas came later. As Parsis started moved south from their earlier settlements. Something that we have in our family tree records, carefuly pieced together as part of a project that my brother and I came to know about from a distant relative (who we never knew about) by complete coincidence.

Cheers, Doc
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For all those accusing me of soft separatism can anyone point out what is wrong in any of my posts ? don't accuse me of things that I didn't mean just because you don't like a point I make.
Hey.. Pakka south Indian here. I will try to explain in your language.
You want separate SI? But why should chennai stay with you guys? They make more money. They can be a separate country too.
Why should Amaravati or Vishakapatnam stay with rest of Andhra? They surely will contribute more than the villages of Andhra.
Why should the roads of villages, with poor people, be built by the funds of cities? They can either be built by their own money or left.

See? You expect the vishakapatnam people to support the villages, because they are your people and wealth must be shared within your people. The village and poor slum people surely have more fertility and breed more within Andhra too. Why should the rich give taxes for the poor of Andhra? But you expect this to be done.

The fact is there is one classification. Indians.Rich Indians pay taxes which flow to poor Indians. The Rich happen to be more in South India. The money still flows to your own people.

The sad fact is, in a hypothetical separate SI, there is no incentive for TN or Karnataka to stick around with a broken-apart Andhra, with no capital, expecting charity from other SI to build a capital. Nobody else owes you a capital. Lots of states have undeveloped capitals. But I still feel that you should be supported a bit from our states.
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I edited my initial post to make clear of what my real view is. I hold to the views that I made that delhi neglecting SI would be peril to its own stability.
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Hey.. Pakka south Indian here. I will try to explain in your language.
You want separate SI? But why should chennai stay with you guys? They make more money. They can be a separate country too.
Why should Amaravati or Vishakapatnam stay with rest of Andhra? They surely will contribute more than the villages of Andhra.
Why should the roads of villages with poor people be built by the funds of cities? They can either be built by their own money or left.

See? You expect the vishakapatnam people to support the villages because they are your people and wealth must be shared within your people. The village and poor slum people surely have more fertility and breed more within Andhra too. Why should the rich give taxes for the poor of Andhra? But you expect this to be done.

The fact is there is one classification. Indians.Rich Indians pay taxes which flow to poor Indians. The Rich happen to be more in South India. The money still flows to your own people.

The sad fact is in a hypothetical separate SI, there is no incentive for TN or Karnataka to stick around with a broken apart Andhra with no capital expecting charity from other SI to build a capital. Nobody else owes you a capital. Lots of states have undeveloped capitals. But I still feel that you should be supported a bit from our states.

Oh common i didn't call for separate SI, I meant neglecting SI would cost Delhi and there would be occasional calls for separation if there demands aren't met or if feel that they are alienated. Will it turn in to a serious issue? I don't think so. During the height of TG movement some TRS members were talking on live TV that Hyderabad state shouldn't have joined India and Nizams rule would have been far better. Did they really mean it I don't think so. Did anyone take them seriously ? No. It was just a spur of moment. God forbid if a such a day comes I don't believe SI states will be together either.
I edited my initial post to make clear of what my real view is. I hold to the views that I made that delhi neglecting SI would be peril to its own stability.

North India would be a Burden if they start flooding the southern States

Which is NOT happening ; you can evict them anytime if you dont want NI labourers
or if they cause unemployment in SI states

There is No shortage of resources in India for development

All states get massive resources

So to say that NI states are using your tax resources is false
Oh common i didn't call for separate SI, I meant neglecting SI would cost Delhi and there would be occasional calls for separation if there demands aren't met or if feel that they are alienated. Will it turn in to a serious issue? I don't think so. During the height of TG movement some TRS members were talking on live TV that Hyderabad state shouldn't have joined India and Nizams rule would have been far better. Did they really mean it I don't think so. Did anyone take them seriously ? No. It was just a spur of moment. God forbid if a such a day comes I don't believe SI states will be together either.

I would repeat.

The only way for the south to punch commensurate to its own economic and development weight is to have a pan south India party or to vote for a national party that is not overtly pro north.

Maharashtra gets away because of the Maratha-Bamman-Dalit schism played deftly by all parties.

Cheers, Doc
Are you going to teach me how to engage with different people and different views on forums now?

If I can have a decent conversation with you and convergence on some points, why not someone else?

You do realise I take you as at one end of a spectrum right?

Cheers, Doc

I couldn't care less. I was pointing out the hypocrisy when someone wears the burka of south when what they want to propagate is a hate for hindutva.
You should not have to explain your faith to anyone. It is between you and God.

It is the fashion nowadays to pigeonhole Indians into religious denominations and then engage with them accordingly.

Best not to fall into that trap.

You are an Indian. I will talk to you as one.

Are you an NRI or an American citizen?

Cheers, Doc

LOL. Says the man who went around claiming his is a parsi and hence superior.

There is nothing wrong in a honest disclosure , there is everything wrong in hiding your identity when the talk is about identity. Do not attempt to cover up this subterfuge with a mask of "secularism". Only a thief has something to hide.