Indian Political Discussion

@vstol Jockey



Did you know that in terms of community-wise breakup, in large parts of India, and the whole of the south, Hindus have a higher rate of consanguineous marriages in India than Muslims do?

Both uncle-niece as well as cross-cousin.

That India is one of the very few remaining countries in the world where first-cousin marriages still take place.

And that with few exceptions, caste endogamy is obligatory within the varna and jati, which the gotra and sapinda have attempted to negate over time?

So much for your Muslim and Parsi jibe.

You should stick to planes buddy. And weird shaped axes.

Cheers, Doc
Nice map you posted. But did you consider the population mix of the areas in India? Please do. It might enliten you. except for tamil Brahmins in India, no Hindu population marries within the family.
Nice map you posted. But did you consider the population mix of the areas in India? Please do. It might enliten you. except for tamil Brahmins in India, no Hindu population marries within the family.

Nonsense. You are extremely ill informed about your own community.

Please look around a bit before mouthing off about others you know even less of.

I could point you to papers, but you are too old to be spoonfed.

Cheers, Doc
Parsis yes. Small community. Mixing with the native population would make us lose what we came here to protect. Would be stupid, even if it were not against the tenets of our ancient faith.

Italians I do not know.

But where did Rahul ji get Muslim blood from?

The other obvious question though would be - what is the difference in the blood of an Muslim Indian and a Hindu Indian? They are the same people, same blood.

Or are you working on the assumption that every Muslim Indian received some foreign invader genes along with his faith gratis?

Cheers, Doc

Before commenting on others, You too seem to be very ill informed about your own community.

Genetic studies of Parsis have found 48 per cent South Asian indigenous lineages in your community.

So clearly half the battle has already been lost as per your own definition.

Cousin marriages are relatively a new phenomena and this aberration occurred when means to earning lively hood was closed due to foreign rule and such marriages started taking place to prevent splitting of existing property and land.

Otherwise Hinduism is pretty strict about same gotra marriages or Jaathi marriages.
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Agra: Slum dwellers of Sector-4 Awas Vikas Colony in Jagdish Pura say they were approached by people who asked them to convert to Christianity in order to avail education for their children, houses and better lifestyle, police say matter being probed.

They came to us, gave us 'samosa' & told us to convert for children's education. A man saw all of this & intervened. As soon as this happened 'Father' changed his clothes. Police was called. Many,including my daughter,started feeling dizzy after consuming 'samosa': Maya, resident

Before commenting on others, You too seem to be very ill informed about your own community.

Genetic studies of Parsis have found 48 per cent South Asian indigenous lineages in your community.

So clearly half the battle has already been lost as per your own definition.

Cousin marriages are relatively a new phenomena and this aberration occurred when means to earning lively hood was closed due to foreign rule and such marriages started taking place to prevent splitting of existing property and land.

Otherwise Hinduism is pretty strict about same gotra marriages or Jaathi marriages.

The sample of this study was WHOLLY from the Khandya sub sect of Parsis.

Essentially our pall bearers, who only get to enter our Dokhmas. And tend to the corpses within.

These are essentially those descendants of the earliest Persian man - Indian woman unions.

No pure blood Parsi marries into this group. Or the obverse.

Most of them look a lot like normal Gujaratis. Even speak similar Kathiawadi Gujarati.

In fact the name Khandya itself is Indic origin, and is derived from kandha (shoulder).

This sect is unique only to India. And not found among Iranian Zoroastrians, who have only the Behdin and Athrvan, which is common among us as well.

One needs to appreciate that the original migration of Persians to India was always supposed to be a temporary stay, to protect the Atash Padshah.

The statistics about consanguineous unions among Hindus Vs Muslims Vs Christians in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh are clear. Hindus more than Muslims more than Christians. Including Brahmin Hindus.

And it's not just the traditional uncle niece unions where they are higher, but first cousin unions as well.

And this is not limited to Hindu groups in southern India either. As I said, there is a huge amount of literature on endogamy , in-breeding and sagotra among the Hindus.

Cheers, Doc
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Please note that consanguinity among Hindus is highest in areas which were touched least by foreign/Muslim rule. Compared to the more north you go.

Similarly the gaping hole in the @vstol Jockey theory that the consanguinity map shows a predilection for Muslim dense areas. Look at the color of the whole of North India Vis a Vis the Deccan plateau.

Even the sapinda generations are fewer for the south versus the north.

Cheers, Doc


In 2012, the DDA had increased conversion rates from Rs 6,136 per sq metre to Rs 89,000 per sq metre for ‘A category’ markets. Thereafter, in 2015, the DDA had made a proposal for changing the rates from RS 89,000 per sq metre to Rs 22,000 per sq metre when traders refused to pay the new rates.

Traders can avoid sealing action if they paid conversion charge at old rates of Rs 22,000 per square metre in addition to the interest accrued since 2012 and submit an affidavit stating that they would pay up the pending amount once the new rates were notified by the DDA.

MCD/BJP has also filed some appeal with The Supreme Court & that might give some respite to People of Delhi.
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In 2012, the DDA had increased conversion rates from Rs 6,136 per sq metre to Rs 89,000 per sq metre for ‘A category’ markets. Thereafter, in 2015, the DDA had made a proposal for changing the rates from RS 89,000 per sq metre to Rs 22,000 per sq metre when traders refused to pay the new rates.

Traders can avoid sealing action if they paid conversion charge at old rates of Rs 22,000 per square metre in addition to the interest accrued since 2012 and submit an affidavit stating that they would pay up the pending amount once the new rates were notified by the DDA.

MCD/BJP has also filed some appeal with The Supreme Court & that might give some respite to People of Delhi.

Rs 22000 per sq meter seems reasonable. But some people might find it difficult to pay such amount in one shot.
Explain "your" resources.

I am surprised to see how people boast about their geographical advantage while ignoring the fact that the nation invested in them more for some reason: political, geographical, external.

Why should I who pays 30% of my income as tax must not ask for a separate nation since I am getting nothing in return from center?

Sure go ahead ask one for all I care. As I have pointed out before delhi receives 30% of tax revenue from SI while SI gets back only 18% from centre. With the inplementatipn of 15th financial comission this percentage will be further reduced as it takes in to account 2011 population. You see the problem here ? The relative prosperity in SI is due to IT, pharma, automobile industry, fertile lands in coastal areas, remittances from foreign countries. These are all private investments. Where did centre invest in us ? During the times of CBN and SM krishna, they were literally competiting with each other to bring investments in to there respective states.

Name atleast one big project that was announced in SI by centre in the last 10 yrs of UPA or the four years of NDA? Or check for yourself how many new raiway lines b SI and compare it with NI from independence.

I am not advocating seperation but poiting out the neglect, as people get more aware of these disparities in central funds to the states these questions will only start increasing.
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The sample of this study was WHOLLY from the Khandya sub sect of Parsis.

Essentially our pall bearers, who only get to enter our Dokhmas. And tend to the corpses within.

These are essentially those descendants of the earliest Persian man - Indian woman unions.

No pure blood Parsi marries into this group. Or the obverse.

Most of them look a lot like normal Gujaratis. Even speak similar Kathiawadi Gujarati.

In fact the name Khandya itself is Indic origin, and is derived from kandha (shoulder).

This sect is unique only to India. And not found among Iranian Zoroastrians, who have only the Behdin and Athrvan, which is common among us as well.

One needs to appreciate that the original migration of Persians to India was always supposed to be a temporary stay, to protect the Atash Padshah.

The statistics about consanguineous unions among Hindus Vs Muslims Vs Christians in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh are clear. Hindus more than Muslims more than Christians. Including Brahmin Hindus.

And it's not just the traditional uncle niece unions where they are higher, but first cousin unions as well.

And this is not limited to Hindu groups in southern India either. As I said, there is a huge amount of literature on endogamy , in-breeding and sagotra among the Hindus.

Cheers, Doc

This is called classic deflection and outright lying.

The scientists analyzed 174 DNA samples from contemporary Indian and Pakistani Parsi populations. They also studied skeletal remains of Parsis excavated from the 'dokhama' (or ‘tower of silence’ where Parsis leave their dead bodies exposed to carrion birds) in Sanjan – the place of their initial settlement in Gujarat.

The sample size was from ALL sections of the parsi community and the results are pretty clear.

LOL at you for attempting to portray this as "khandava" and attempting to derail the Facts.


Second important fact is that your own book "Quissa a Sanjan" that documents your own history says that the majority of parsis who came in 5 ships were MEN.

So clearly they only way they could have had children were if they had married local women. Now considering their foreign status and poor emigrant status, the only women they could have married were women in similar or worse poor background. Back then in conservative Hindu society, NO Respectable Hindu would have given their daughters to marriage to a foreign refugee.

These are the FACTS, but you are free to spin your own fantasy as is often in your case.
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Please note that consanguinity among Hindus is highest in areas which were touched least by foreign/Muslim rule. Compared to the more north you go.

Similarly the gaping hole in the @vstol Jockey theory that the consanguinity map shows a predilection for Muslim dense areas. Look at the color of the whole of North India Vis a Vis the Deccan plateau.

Even the sapinda generations are fewer for the south versus the north.

Cheers, Doc

There is no part of India that has no suffered foreign rule, including kerala which was under British control. (indirect)

Even the tribals of TN and Karnataka have Gotra. This itself is unusual since only the Dwaja (twice born) was gotra in the past. The map you have posted is consanguinity as per the LAW, not practices, though in TN it used to be common, but not anymore.

For e.g. The entire institution of marriage was destroyed in kerala and that is when consaguinity made its first appearance and it has since then , ended.
Agra: Slum dwellers of Sector-4 Awas Vikas Colony in Jagdish Pura say they were approached by people who asked them to convert to Christianity in order to avail education for their children, houses and better lifestyle, police say matter being probed.

They came to us, gave us 'samosa' & told us to convert for children's education. A man saw all of this & intervened. As soon as this happened 'Father' changed his clothes. Police was called. Many,including my daughter,started feeling dizzy after consuming 'samosa': Maya, resident

Even in the recent RaGa fiasco in Singapore, one can clearly see the shadowy hands of the christian Church in the matter.

The Lady who co-anchored the Q&A, a certain Pallavi Rachel George is a St. Stephen's student, but works for Centre for Public Policy Research.


Now if you follow the roots of this "Centre for Public Policy Research" you will be surprised to find the Address of a CHURCH in KOCHIN, KERALA.

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TDP is not that stupid to go with Congress, their one attraction is being Anti congress.
TDP will go with BJP as that is for its strengths, if BJP goes alone or against TDP, its TDP which will be loser not BJP

TDP is talking to CONgress and YSR is talking to Begum mamata.

TDP move makes sense since he has drawn a blank with BJP and has nothing to gain by continuing the partnership. Same as Shiv Sena.

YSR will bite and so will Jagan since YSR wants a national role and Jagan wants CBI off his back. It would be better if BJP can fight elections without any new partners and form alliance once the winners are declared.
A lot of this has changed
Earlier Parsis used to marry within or marry with Iranis
But now Parsis are allowed to marry with Hindus and these marriages are official,

A lot of it has changed.,

I know this because, I was educated in Parsee school for 10 years and most of my classmates are Parsees and thus we have an updated status about the changed and also the politics within the parsee community,.. Am sure you did not know the politics within parsee community

The sample of this study was WHOLLY from the Khandya sub sect of Parsis.

Essentially our pall bearers, who only get to enter our Dokhmas. And tend to the corpses within.

These are essentially those descendants of the earliest Persian man - Indian woman unions.

No pure blood Parsi marries into this group. Or the obverse.

Most of them look a lot like normal Gujaratis. Even speak similar Kathiawadi Gujarati.

In fact the name Khandya itself is Indic origin, and is derived from kandha (shoulder).

This sect is unique only to India. And not found among Iranian Zoroastrians, who have only the Behdin and Athrvan, which is common among us as well.

One needs to appreciate that the original migration of Persians to India was always supposed to be a temporary stay, to protect the Atash Padshah.

The statistics about consanguineous unions among Hindus Vs Muslims Vs Christians in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh are clear. Hindus more than Muslims more than Christians. Including Brahmin Hindus.

And it's not just the traditional uncle niece unions where they are higher, but first cousin unions as well.

And this is not limited to Hindu groups in southern India either. As I said, there is a huge amount of literature on endogamy , in-breeding and sagotra among the Hindus.

Cheers, Doc
A lot of this has changed
Earlier Parsis used to marry within or marry with Iranis
But now Parsis are allowed to marry with Hindus and these marriages are official,

A lot of it has changed.,

I know this because, I was educated in Parsee school for 10 years and most of my classmates are Parsees and thus we have an updated status about the changed and also the politics within the parsee community,.. Am sure you did not know the politics within parsee community

I am well aware of the politics within our community. And the fact that we have a section of "libtards" as well. Both in Mumbai as well as now Pune.

There is nothing official about a Parsi Hindu union. Period.

That does not mean they do not happen.

The problem is of numbers. Finding a suitable Parsi spouse is now a game of chance. Like finding a needle in a continent sized haystack. And for some reason matrimonials and old aunties rarely work as well as they used to.

We are slowly, bit by bit, mixing in the milk. Actually. Genetically. And we are ensuring that we will die out rather than have a Hindu-Zoroastrian hybrid ....

Cheers, Doc