This is where you are wrong.
Here is a simple simulation which I did on Excel.
Current population (assuming 100)
Current Birth rate Assuming 2.4% (which is indeed birth rate of Muslims in Kerala.
Current Death rate Assuming 0.5% ( ditto)
Avg age (assuming 20 years but you can choose anything else)
New population each year = current population * (100 + Birth rate - Death rate) / 100.
New avg age = ((Current population * Current Avg Age) + (Current population *(100 - Death Rate)/100)) / New population from above
Total age of all living ppl last year Increment by 1 year of living ppl
Pop Birth Rate % Death Rate % Avg Age
100 2.4 0.5 20
101.9 2.4 0.5 20.60353288
103.8361 2.4 0.5 21.19581244
105.8089859 2.4 0.5 21.77704852
so on an so forth
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View attachment 2035
The population will grow older as an average with time and growth rate will hence slow reaching an equilibrium.
Sigh. I will play your game.
First off. Your new age calculation formula is wrong. The average life expectancy at 74.9 years is necessary to be plugged in the formula. Even with that added in , your new age formula still seems to miss the birth of children
Seems to me to be more like
New age = Total of new ages / new total pop
=[(total age of current popn+1) - (Total age of dying popn) + Total Age of new baby popn]/new total population
=[(current population*(current age+1)) - current population*(average life expectancy 74.9)*Death Rate/100 + Current population * Birth Rate * (Baby Age of 1)/100]/ new total population
The table is more like this for fertility differential 1.9%

The population average starts becoming younger when the fertility differential crosses 3.4% (3.9-0.5)

So my general statement the population grows younger with high fertility rate is correct. You just didnt go high enough.
Second. the statement "As long as the fertility rate is high, the average of the population will grow younger." very obviously implies relative to the others as my previous statement "You have to realize that younger population than others basically means that they are multiplying more than others." So again yours and mine calculations were pretty useless.
Thirdly, This is a classic example of "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."
The quote you replied to
I ask you to understand the moral of his demand - you go ahead- pick the least useful statement and misrepresent my statement - present statistics - fudge it up. And the moral of demand is gone- poof.You have to realize that younger population than others basically means that they are multiplying more than others. More babies drive the average down. It is a function of the fertility rate. As long as the fertility rate is high, the average of the population will grow younger.
My argument is not so much a question of "Islam is dangerous and so must be controlled". It is more about revisiting the principle of majority and minority benefits in the constitution. As of now , its a farce, which is why I am showing you examples, when we are on the question of population %.
You are stuck on arguing that Hindus are not a minority, which invariably you are right as of now, as there are a lot of the older generation still. But the larger point is his demand for minority benefits and how they apply. Say, if they really are minority ,would they be given benefits in the current India? when it is already not given in JK, Punjab, Nagaland etc? Do you think our process is matured for that? But you are tunnel visioning on the technicality , that for now Kerala doesnt apply. And calling the point BS. Its like saying the hare and tortoise cannot talk to each other and the story of the race is BS. The moral of the story applies. Same way, The moral of his demand for minority-majority still applies.