The Kestrel was always DRDO designed TATA built. DRDO was roped in ? for what ? It was their project/design from the beginning. The first photo was the early prototype the next is a later model. Also notice how the second model shows a Elbit built turret ? Another private company in case you are wondering.This is the might of Indian Pvt sector a junk APC with pathetic build quality by all world standard LOL....DRDO have to been roped in to give these loosers some breath of fresh air but Military is already looking for foreign option....I hope OFB come with better IFV design at least.
After DRDO involvement... improvement yes! but crap want change into gold.
Now compare this to Russian boomerang a state owned enterprise product of Russian industry superior in both build quality and level of high end technology it offer's.![]()
Also comparing the Russians with us is laughable. How many years have the russians been building APCs for ? That experience counts for nothing ? How much money did the Russians put in to that project ? Its multiple times higher than ours. Crawl, walk and run. That's the progression. If you are so afraid of taking the first step how do you plan of getting to the next ?
Weird kind of crony he is, all the allegations and still nothing proven in the courts.So adani ambani are new innovator of pvt defence industry... nothing to do with crony capitalism.
Citing one example of private company to judge the nature of the entire pvt. sector. Nice ! A word of advice : Never do market surveys by yourself. The end result will not reflect reality.
Going by your procedure of judging the entire spectrum by one example I should judge all PSUs by the OFB and their ineptness to come up with one modern assault rifle. Never mind the other PSUs doing great work. Since the OFB is horrible all PSUs must be horrible too right ?