Islamic Republic of Pakistan : News, Discussions & Updates


@_Anonymous_ @Bali78

MOODY'S Ka MOOD Kharab Ho Gaya. . P@-ki Sovereign Ratings Downgred to Junk Level..... 😂🤣🤣🤣

In case someone wants to read the release. Essentially Moody has declared Pak is a lost cause for now. The next step is to evaluate and see if there is a chance for self recovery or not. Expect a follow up release from Moody's in the coming months.

In all sense the IMF program can delay the inevitable. Unless creditors agree to a haircut AND a rollover, Pak default is a highly likely event.

Way out for Pak - options :

China bankrolls them - Unlikely since Chinks are finding chinks in their financial armor. China could in theory purchase some parts of GB in PoK from them for cash but Xi huzoor isnt going to pay $100 Billion for it - thats the ballpark actual debt for Pak in the coming years.

Saudis help them - Unlikely, Saudis are in the middle of a very expensive pivot themselves as Prince Salman embarks on the planned departure from an oil economy to a service economy. Paks can offer Saudis a few live bombs for a big amount (Zaidu's rant is built on some substance). Few years ago when the Iranians were growling at the Saudis, there were talks with the Saudi expectation being that since they funded the Pak program, the Paks owed them big. But at max this will clear off existing loans plus 4-5 Billion give or take. Still way short of what the Paks need.

Gulf Coalition helps them - Unlikely as the Gulf is reeling under economic pressures and extremely concerned about life after oil. PLus, Gulf states are already canoodling with US for protection from Iran and wont bother trying Pakistan. Iran's army for all its issues is extremely motivated and against a mediocre foe like PA, it will go on overdrive. Its not feasible for PA to even consider this option seriously. The fallout is too big.

Even if they crowdfund like their Dams drama, I dont see them raising even $100 Million.

TLDR - Pak will default unless the West bails it out. What will the pound of flesh be - a denuked Pak. PA will rather spin in AQ Khan's centrifuges than let it happen.

IMF wants Afghani border smugglers based exchange rate...😂😂🤣🤣

IMF is now acting like MADARI and made PAKISTAN a MONKEY and making P@-kies dance as per IMF wish....😂😂🤣🤣

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They will agree to IMF demands , then take all the aid and money from other sources within 1 year and then go back on IMF terms.

They don't really care about IMF money. That's minute. It's the others they worry about who set IMF as a precondition.
They will agree to IMF demands , then take all the aid and money from other sources within 1 year and then go back on IMF terms.

They don't really care about IMF money. That's minute. It's the others they worry about who set IMF as a precondition.
They can't do that now . They're out of options. The others asking them to approach IMF before they loosen their purse strings is essentially to ward off a pesky borrower.

If Pakistan renege on the terms with IMF they'd be ineligible for loans the next time . It basically boils down to that . I doubt Pakistan is not going to the IMF after this .

Their case is basically not unlike someone who has Parkinson's , the demise eventually will be due to Parkinson or related to it but it takes a long time to occur & it's a painful journey. By comparison cancer is faster , though they're afflicted by cancer too but are a bigger cancer to the entire neighborhood .
They will agree to IMF demands , then take all the aid and money from other sources within 1 year and then go back on IMF terms.

They don't really care about IMF money. That's minute. It's the others they worry about who set IMF as a precondition.
IMF won't release a single dollar, believe me, until and unless the entire Western countries back them for some gains against Russia China Iran and India which is not the case at least for now and even then the price will be too high which could be de nuclearization of Pakhanistan which they won't adhere to.. So basically a logjam and default...😊
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IMF won't release a single dollar, believe me, until and unless the entire Western countries back them for some gains against Russia China Iran and India which is not the case at least for now and even then the price will be too high which could be de nuclearization of Pakhanistan which they won't adhere to.. So basically a logjam and default...😊
For de nuclearization of Pakistan to be achieved they'd need to be softened up much more . Say the rest of this decade being full of high inflation , very low growth plus huge internal security issues with constant borrowings of course . Add a few other factors too & that'd be enough for the fight to go out of the establishment.

Basically each time they go out hat in hand the terms of lending even by biradar mumaalik & iron brother will get stiffer & stiffer.

Read the above news today morning..
And then now...

I guessing first news is paid propaganda article.. Since IMF is yet to give loan approval pending which traditional lenders won't give.

Read the above news today morning..
And then now...

I guessing first news is paid propaganda article.. Since IMF is yet to give loan approval pending which traditional lenders won't give.

IMF loan installment is 1.1 Billion. Pak needs way more than that.
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Boys are really Playing Well....😂😂🤣🤣
1. USD 1= PKR 290
2. Gold price more than RS 2,06000
3. Inflation rate more than 31% officially should be more than that in actual market
4. Interest rates increased by 300 basis points
5. Exports down from $2.8 billion to $2.3 billion
6. FOREX reserves negative as all the money is borrowed from friendly countries like China UAE Saudi Arabia all used and Pakhanistan is in no position to return even that

All above are signs of an already SUNK boat. Pakhanistan is already a lost case and won't be able to survive economically until and unless western countries or China bail them out which won't happen as China has already have had it and Western countries are busy saving their own *censored*..😊😊
won't happen as China has already have had it
au contraire


Chinks are sending them more materiel. Its like I hate my neighbour so I gift kids cork balls and tell them to play cricket in front of his house.
au contraire

View attachment 26782

Chinks are sending them more materiel. Its like I hate my neighbour so I gift kids cork balls and tell them to play cricket in front of his house.
This is fine. The mistakes keep repeating. We should be wary if Pak decides to cut military expenditure and undertakes major economic and education reforms.

We know that India won't attack Pakistan in any significant manner anytime soon - we will just keep the rhetoric of taking back PoK. As long as Pak armed forces want to give India a bloody nose it will keep garnering the lions share of revenue and stifle other aspects which will actually help Pak. Plus they will need to keep giving their personnel lots of benefits otherwise they cannot retain them. All this points to more of the same poor decisions and attendant problems. And eventually China will also be stuck with a white elephant in the form of Pakistan.