Israel-Hamas Conflict: Updates & Discussions

Btw, who was the founder of the MB....some Grand Mufti. And what were his political leanings? To turn around and say, that at some point in the distant past, a small portion of the victim used you and then it is due to that reason that you are what you are is ridiculous logic. Let us be clear.

The Arabs invaded and they lost every time. Impotent rage is what led to this. Had Israel carried out re-education like the Chinese we may not have seen this today. But, being a democracy has its drawbacks and we are seeing the result of this drawback.

Time and again Islamists have used some pretext or the other to kill and push their narrative for territorial gain. Kashmir being a case we are very closely acquainted with.

No Indian who has lived through the Punjab and Kashmir insurgency has an love for them.

The only realistic way this will get solved, is for these Islamists to go through what Germany and Japan did after WW2. A decade of shame and re-education.
I'll just leave this here.



BBC claims they don't wanna take sides, hence the use of neutral terms so readers can make their own decision. It's a joke, really. They didn't make the same distinction for the IRA.

The point being he incorrectly thought taking Moscow would mean victory, the same mistake you have made concerning St. Petersburg.
Sure. The genius was headed towards Moscow.
So where is your 'heart of Russia' if not Moscow?
Nuclear war has nothing to do with the invasion itself, both can happen side by side. Even if there is a nuclear war, armies will continue fighting, it's not the endgame.
Several thousand nuclear warheads and growing says it is.
NATO does that by buying countries and toppling regimes. There is no need to physically control territories anymore. Basically NATO uses neo-colonialism and Russia uses imperialism. Nothing's changed.
NATO allowed Iraq and Afghanistan to elect their own leader long before they left. Saddam Hussein was hung by his own people for atrocities. So democarcy and justice are now neo-colonialism? :ROFLMAO:

PS: We lost a shedload of posts.
It can also be argued that decades of Arab agression against Israel following 1948 helped create the current Israel. Even today Qatar allows the Hamas leader to stay there after orchestrating an attack that killed >1,400 civilians and counting. Israel takes land to make it safer, Arab aggression started that process and whilst there's terrorism it will only get worse.

The West bank was taken after Arabs prepared to attack Israel in 1967, unsurprisingly Israel didn't give it back. When you're forced to fight wars by attacking neighbours there's no incentive to give land back. And let's face it, the Arabs would happily have kicked the Jews out of Israel altogether despite them having lived there for thousands of years - that was the very purpose of their wars.

Israel gave back Gaza even after the 1973 war and this is what it got for it.
It's a simple tactic. Muslim Brotherhood is a foreign group, Egypt. So the Israelis brought them in via Hamas and radicalized the population. Once a population is radicalized, they will fvck up eventually, like they did now. And Israel can then proceed to destroy them and very few are gonna shed tears for radicals.
a non islamic movement had better chance & appeal but once it became religious , conclusion was foregone. They simply played into israels hands. Every terror attack will not only give a bad reputation but also world community will turn back against supporting creation of state backed by terrorists.
a non islamic movement had better chance & appeal but once it became religious , conclusion was foregone. They simply played into israels hands. Every terror attack will not only give a bad reputation but also world community will turn back against supporting creation of state backed by terrorists.

What's interesting though is the US is doing its best to prevent an Israeli invasion of Gaza, or at the very least trying to prevent Iran's entry in the war, first via Hezbollah and then Iran itself, they have multiple divisions of troops in Syria. If the US gets tied down in the ME, then Taiwan will be in trouble.
What's interesting though is the US is doing its best to prevent an Israeli invasion of Gaza, or at the very least trying to prevent Iran's entry in the war, first via Hezbollah and then Iran itself, they have multiple divisions of troops in Syria. If the US gets tied down in the ME, then Taiwan will be in trouble.
iran can put more proxy boots on the ground and that will certainly tie up the US & allies

US discriminates in evacuation of palestinian origin citizens.

iran can put more proxy boots on the ground and that will certainly tie up the US & allies

If Iran steps in with their own countrymen as proxies, then it's gonna be a bloodbath.

But if Iran does that, then the US can bomb Iran back to the stone age without ever putting troops on the ground. Just destroy all powerplants, refineries, oil derricks and industries, and you will shut Iran down for the next 10-20 years. Israel can also do that level of damage on their own. The Iranians are not ready to deal with the US and Israel yet.
If Iran steps in with their own countrymen as proxies, then it's gonna be a bloodbath.

But if Iran does that, then the US can bomb Iran back to the stone age without ever putting troops on the ground. Just destroy all powerplants, refineries, oil derricks and industries, and you will shut Iran down for the next 10-20 years. Israel can also do that level of damage on their own. The Iranians are not ready to deal with the US and Israel yet.
thats a extreme stretch , these cntries will never fight a direct war. An attack on iran may push them backwards but also put supporters of west at too much risk not to mention ME will become another africa. Iran will go nuclear using attack as justification, now you dont need fully working nuke even a dirty bomb is gud enuf to scare the shit out of enemy.
The Israel Defense Forces have published footage of captured weapons from the Palestinian group Hamas. The video contains many weapons from all over the world, including RPG-7 and their Chinese counterparts Type 69, Italian TS6 anti-tank mines, Al-Yassin anti-tank grenades, MANPADS and other weapons. Apparently, weapons reached Hamas through all possible channels from many countries around the world.

Israeli Saar 6 class corvettes attacked the Gaza Strip. Israel began using the latest Sa'ar 6 class corvettes to fire at Hamas positions on the coast of the Gaza Strip. For shelling, corvettes use mainly 76 mm Oto Melara naval artillery guns, made in Italy. Saar 6 class corvettes have fairly powerful anti-aircraft and anti-missile weapons for a ship of this size. The ships are based on the German K130 Braunschweig class corvettes. There are currently 3 ships of this project in service. The Saar 6 class corvette costs about $550 million.

It's a simple tactic. Muslim Brotherhood is a foreign group, Egypt. So the Israelis brought them in via Hamas and radicalized the population. Once a population is radicalized, they will fvck up eventually, like they did now. And Israel can then proceed to destroy them and very few are gonna shed tears for radicals.

Nonesense. Looks fake. You can't see IR.
I think the video is fake but the event was real.

You can't see IR but if it interacts with electrons present in ambient molecules they can undergo transitions and then release the energy as they transition back to their resting state via other states.