Israel-Hamas Conflict: Updates & Discussions

As I was expecting the US ISR can detect mobile missile movement and electronic chatter that comes with any military moves including moving VIP's to secure locations. Point trying to make is the US will know when china has decided to attack Taiwan with Ballistic and cruise missiles alone. If Houthis are also moving missiles into position to synchronize a launch with Iran US ISR is likely also detecting it and when it comes to Houthis the US should be blowing up their missile launchers.

Yeah, but this level of intel is not a significant breakthrough. A China-Taiwan shindig's gonna be impossibly big to miss.

But the issue with China is they keep doing this, so you never know which one's gonna be the actual assault. They also keep "attacking" Taiwan with dozens of jets and bombers at a time.

Here's an example.
Israeli missile defenses did one hellava job especially the PAC-3
-The Spokesman of the Israel Defense Force, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari has made a Statement reporting that 99% of the Threats that were launched tonight against Israel by Iran were Intercepted which is a Very Significant Strategic Achievement; he further states that out of 170 One-Way “Suicide” Drone and 30 Land-Attack Cruise Missiles launched by Iran, 0 were able to enter Israeli Airspace and 25 of the Cruise Missiles were Downed by the Israeli Air Force. Alongside that, of the 120 Medium-Range Ballistic Missiles only a few Impacted the Territory of Israel having Struck the Area of Nevatim Airbase in the Negev Desert causing Minor Damage to Infrastructure; however despite the Damage, the Base is still Operational and Preparing to receive the 3 Squadron of F-35Is that are Stationed at the Base and have been Airborne tonight conducting Interceptions.

It's not over it is now Israel's turn but right now the winner of this strike is....
It's sooo truuueee :ROFLMAO:

The attack was too small, me thinks, compared to the sort of defenses the Israelis have.

Israel will wanna fire back of course.
Would an S-400 system have faired as well?

The S-400 currently does not have exo-atmospheric interceptors.
The minute the Tories are out, the floodgates for immigrants will open. Nothing to do with Gaza, the Palestinians are stuck there. But what you will get is people from other parts of MENA, like the rest of Europe. Labour will also open the doors to immigrants already present in Europe.

I'm betting on about a million making their way in over the next 5 years.
That's could be the only thing that keeps the Tories in. Nobody trusts Labour on immigration, because after all they want to increase their voter base.
The attack was too small, me thinks, compared to the sort of defenses the Israelis have.
There was nothing small about the attack. 185 drones, 175 ballistic missiles, 36 cruise missiles in a single night. During the entire 1991 Gulf War only 288 Tomahawks and 35 AGM-86C were used. This was *censored*ing expensive for Iran. 100+ missiles were shot down by US, UK and French assets outside Israel though apparently.
The S-400 currently does not have exo-atmospheric interceptors.
Wouldn't have stopped half as many missiles exo- or endo-.
Dead Sea Coast. Littering suspect still at large.

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What is the most intersting part to study in this is how did they manage to fend off this barrage. Was it midcourse interception? Was it terminal interception? What was it?

Also, this puts a hole in the entire area denial capability of China. Chinese AShBM are based on MRBMs and IRBMs mainly. If Iranian ballistic missiles can be intercepted (and yes, these missiles were very manuverable as Iranian MRBMs feature MaRV) by ship based defence, then China has a lot of worry about success of its DF-21D and DF-26 AShBM.
So far this seems to have played out remarkably similar to the India-Pakistan skirmish back in early 2019.

India conducts an attack that causes major damage to terror infrastructure, and the Pakistani retaliation makes a lot of noise, but without causing any real damage to the targets on the ground that they supposedly 'attacked'.

India chooses not to escalate any further in the interest of regional peace. And everything is back to normal.

It seems having a lot of radicalized Islamists among your population puts similar pressures on the leadership of both of these Islamic Republics. They need to satiate the domestic cries for spilling foreign blood, but without ending up in a major war which they know they'll lose.
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What is the most intersting part to study in this is how did they manage to fend off this barrage. Was it midcourse interception? Was it terminal interception? What was it?

All of the above. SM-'3's launched from Mediterranean Sea hit missiles over Jordan in space. Arrow 3 is like SM-3 and Arrow-2 is more like THAAD. I think by now we all know what a PAC-3 does.
Also, this puts a hole in the entire area denial capability of China. Chinese AShBM are based on MRBMs and IRBMs mainly. If Iranian ballistic missiles can be intercepted (and yes, these missiles were very manuverable as Iranian MRBMs feature MaRV) by ship based defence, then China has a lot of worry about success of its DF-21D and DF-26 AShBM.

We saw the range of SM-3 launching from Mediterranean Sea hitting targets over Jordan... Ticos, Burkes and maybe Japanese AEGIS will be able to park eastern shore of Taiwan and knock out incoming chicom missiles that are deemed high value.

Congrats to SM-3 first combat kills all is left is THAAD.
What is the most intersting part to study in this is how did they manage to fend off this barrage. Was it midcourse interception? Was it terminal interception? What was it?

Also, this puts a hole in the entire area denial capability of China. Chinese AShBM are based on MRBMs and IRBMs mainly. If Iranian ballistic missiles can be intercepted (and yes, these missiles were very manuverable as Iranian MRBMs feature MaRV) by ship based defence, then China has a lot of worry about success of its DF-21D and DF-26 AShBM.
distance between taiwan & mainland china is 200km.
china has the capability to launch from sea as well. More than that , they wont give a warning of 9 hrs for taiwan to prepare.
Forget abt missiles they will be landing troops if they take out the AD's.
Most of the attacks were confined to northern part of israel bordering jordan and syria with very predicable path.
That's could be the only thing that keeps the Tories in. Nobody trusts Labour on immigration, because after all they want to increase their voter base.

Most of Britain doesn't think like that. Polls say Labour's gonna win by a landslide.
There was nothing small about the attack. 185 drones, 175 ballistic missiles, 36 cruise missiles in a single night. During the entire 1991 Gulf War only 288 Tomahawks and 35 AGM-86C were used. This was *censored*ing expensive for Iran. 100+ missiles were shot down by US, UK and French assets outside Israel though apparently.

I believe the Iranian attack was calculated to be interceptible in order to contain escalation. It was also carried out from multiple angles, so the attack covered more area, hence more interception resources could be spent efficiently.

In any case, defeating modern-day IADS requires more than that.

Also, quite a few were destroyed on the ground.

Wouldn't have stopped half as many missiles exo- or endo-.

Depends on how important the BMD requirement is. Since the S-400's primary role is air defense, any BMD capability will be based around self-protection. The S-500 gives the Russians their main BMD capabilities. We don't have enough information yet.
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