Jammu & Kashmir live updates: GOI remove all provisions of Article 370


Pakistani online mujahids spreading fake news about 270 pilgrims captured by jihadis
Situation near border regions not good.obviously under these circumstances,there is no chance for talks.india has made a unilateral decision of article 370 removal based on Pakistani poor economy condition.you played it well but it will not end well for both of us.why erecting tel? A nuclear war? Now this is too much.we can fight any type of war but not nuclear war.hell no!
Just worry about PoK now , J&K is off the table ,no talks. Tell your mentally retard PM to resign haha , he is fighting Twitter Jihad. Low person occupying low seat. Our local councillor has more powers than Pak PM
Just worry about PoK now , J&K is off the table ,no talks. Tell your mentally retard PM to resign haha , he is fighting Twitter Jihad. Low person occupying low seat. Our local councillor has more powers than Pak PM
Jk off the table only for India,not for Pakistan.kindly tell it to your def.minister.
Let us not believe in these stories.un is a failed community.it can't solve any problem.we all know that.
But the powers comprising it surely can. And if you do manage to convince them that there is a threat of nuclear conflict due to Kashmir issue they will surely get proactive just like the aftermath of balakot.
@vstol Jockey was it you sir who has deleted my post? Just asking.
I have no such powers. I am not a Mod here. You need to ask the mods who have such powers. I did not even find anything wrong with any of your posts.
Let us not believe in these stories.un is a failed community.it can't solve any problem.we all know that.
It appears you noticed some movement of Brahmos batteries and mistook them to be TEL. Much before any TEL movement, lot more has to happen and that has not even commenced as yet.
Jk off the table only for India,not for Pakistan.kindly tell it to your def.minister.
We know J&K is your Shahrag-Jugular vien. Well we have cut it now. We will have rest of the J&K also soon. Pakistan has to make a choice-do they want to remain a nation called Pakistan or do they want to disappear from face of earth to be replaced by three different nations. WE WILL HAVE WHOLE OF J&K WITH US SOON.
Ohhh I thought you are moderator. Anyways they have deleted my post on the ground that it was concerned to a political party and I should post it in an ' appreciate' political thread, Whatever that means.
Mods can do that if you post something which is not relevent to the thread. They can also move it to the appropriate thread. Many of my own posts have been moved to other threads.
Mods can do that if you post something which is not relevent to the thread. They can also move it to the appropriate thread. Many of my own posts have been moved to other threads.
Ummm okay...... I understand. Well sir do you think we are doing enough to provoke Pakistan to launch a military action? So far they are relying solely on CFVs and infiltration???
So what you suggest we should do to force them to up the ante? Present state of affairs sadly are not indicating towards a war.
If we can do the job without starting a war, why look for one? War will give us a legal reason to breach LOC and come out of Shimla Agreement. This will also open up the IB. As of now we can only creep forward on LOC that too in a limited way. Going across LOC in full force will bring us under the scrutiny of world powers who supported us during Kargil in 1999 when we asked for maintaining the sanctity of LOC and called Pakistan an aggressor. In case of an all out war all these considerations will be gone.
So what you suggest we should do to force them to up the ante? Present state of affairs sadly are not indicating towards a war.
we don't need war. We aren't escalating enough to push them over the edge. Our economy is in no position for war...
We can do something like Balakot on a military installation if they do something stupid... So I'm waiting