Jammu & Kashmir live updates: GOI remove all provisions of Article 370

we don't need war. We aren't escalating enough to push them over the edge. Our economy is in no position for war...
We can do something like Balakot on a military installation if they do something stupid... So I'm waiting
Man given the slowdown it is the perfect time for a limited war to increase the demand in the economy.
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we don't need war. We aren't escalating enough to push them over the edge. Our economy is in no position for war...
We can do something like Balakot on a military installation if they do something stupid... So I'm waiting
And yes any repetition of balakot like action will surely lead to war this time.
Situation near border regions not good.obviously under these circumstances,there is no chance for talks.india has made a unilateral decision of article 370 removal based on Pakistani poor economy condition.you played it well but it will not end well for both of us.why erecting tel? A nuclear war? Now this is too much.we can fight any type of war but not nuclear war.hell no!
Yeah situation at border is not good for Pakistan but it's very good for us since tables have turned. Earlier khangress tied hands of our security forces by forcing them not to cross LOC & not providing required weapons & even proper bullet proof jackets and so they were taking hits from Pak army and we were losing our Bravehearts. Now this govt has given free hands and all required equipments and add to that aggressive foreign policy and hard diplomacy has pushed Pakistani to corner economically and militarily and this is giving us rich dividends by hitting Pakistan at our will.

Earlier Pakistan was hitting and nuclear blackmailing us and we were pleading everyone to stop Pakistan from its nefarious design now it's Pakistan's turn to run beg in front of others. All your Atmi Quwat Bum blackmailing has stopped (so stop peddling nuclear war, as it is we don't need sledge hammer to kill a fly). Hafeez Sayeed, Azhar Masood, and gang gone underground. No more "sun Aye Modi" from that dirty Mullah.

And lastly remember India didn't starred it. It was Pak army generals who started it ever since independence, successive GOI led by LB Shastri, Indira Gandhi, atal Bihari Vajpayee, and recently Narendra Modi tried to resolve issues but every time a deal was reached your generals screwed by hitting India on the back. No more now this will now end terribly for Pakistan, you people invited it and so deserve it. No amount of crying will help Pakistan now...

Earlier you people wanted to do a Bangladesh on India by seperating Kashmir now we want repeat of Bangladesh on your country by complete balkanization of Pakistan to make our borders safe forever.
Right now the govt. seems to have a larger plan. War does not seem to be imminent. Even if you refer to @Falcon's posts - Indian actions so far have been to better manage the LoC.
Yes ofcourse the government doesn't want war at this time. They are waiting for the acquisition of some critical defence equipments and reforms in the military to make any future actions much more effective and fast. Plus by 2022 all of our dams will start functioning on Indus river through which we could force Pakistan to take any military action whenever we want. But still I think we should go for war now. You can read my earlier messages to know why.
Hey, Shah also mentioned Aksai Chin. Are we actually gonna do something or did it just slip. @vstol Jockey @Janardan Shukla
Aksai Chin is also a blunder of Nehru. He started asking for Johnson line of 1865 to be Indian border which was neither accepted by the Maharaja of J&K nor by the British. The 1913-14 agreement shloud form the basis as Chinese maintained that till 1959. But Nehru was an Idiot who started the policy of forward deployment against the advice of IA Generals. The Chinese decided to take more area than what they had claimed. Incidently the letter of Mao tse Tung of 1959 also spoke of nearly same limits of Aksai Chin which was in agreement with 1913-14 agreement. I still maintain that our claim in Aksai Chin is wrong and we must use 1913-14 agreement as a basis to solve the border problem with China.
I will want India to accept the Macarty-Macmohan line as the border with China in Aksai Chin.

This border can be rearranged as shown below and I am very sure that Chinese will not have a problem considering that they want to settle with India before moving towards Taiwan. They are hard pressed to take over Taiwan but without a settled border with India, they risk a war with India.
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Hey, Shah also mentioned Aksai Chin. Are we actually gonna do something or did it just slip. @vstol Jockey @Janardan Shukla
Don't you worry. The Chinese policy right now is avoid any territorial dispute at all cost. That is why they are proposing a speedy solution to the border dispute through negotiations. China needs us for OBOR due to our strategic location in IOR. But since we have shown our reservation to BRI on the issue of sovereignty they want to clear all the clouds in our relationship. So it seems our border dispute with China is going to get solve in near future.
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Aksai Chin is also a blunder of Nehru. He started asking for Johnson line of 1865 to be Indian border which was neither accepted by the Maharaja of J&K nor by the British. The 1913-14 agreement shloud form the basis as Chinese maintained that till 1959. But Nehru was an Idiot who started the policy of forward deployment against the advice of IA Generals. The Chinese decided to take more area than what they had claimed. Incidently the letter of Mao tse Tung of 1959 also spoke of nearly same limits of Aksai Chin which was in agreement with 1913-14 agreement. I still maintain that our claim in Aksai Chin is wrong and we must use 1913-14 agreement as a basis to solve the border problem with China.
Forward deployment led to enmity between us and the Chinese or else both were socialist powers and would have been great allies
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PoK is gonna take longer than 2 years to fully resolve. There are many terrorists holed up there.

Hey, Shah also mentioned Aksai Chin. Are we actually gonna do something or did it just slip. @vstol Jockey @Janardan Shukla
Right Karma will always lead to right results. We are doing our karma and by 2022, we will have the population centers atleast back at any cost. Terrorists are grass. Our Army will have zero problem in cutting the grass. The problem will be the regular pak forces only.

Solution to China thing is a long term thing. Say 15 years from now.