This is getting ridiculous. Pakistan is under one person's thumb or the other. The owner of that thumb is a very powerful country. Always. India needs to build up its own thumb that's strong enough to put a country of 200 million under it, that's not today.
Pakistan can attack Jammu as long as they have the blessings of China, even if the US opposes because the Chinese thumb is more or less good enough to push back the US thumb.
Otoh, we are not under anyone's thumb because we have decided that's how it's gonna be. The drawback is without the support of the owner of a powerful thumb, we can't do anything either. Had we decided to go under the US thumb after independence, we would have been the boss of the entire IOR and Pak would never have become a threat to us. Pak became a threat to us because they decided to go under the US thumb instead.
Do note I chose to use the word "thumb" instead of "wing" because being under someone's wing is not embarassing. And I told you earlier, until we get to the point where we can afford anywhere between 50-200 Rafales or equivalent per year, we aren't capable of playing in the big leagues.