It was not even in this context, we were talking about going to WHO. Point I clearly mentioned again and again was that China is weak and isolated after Corona, we should approach them and make a deal it could be economy or most important about settling border dispute so that we don't get this issue again and again. I also mentioned Army will do what they need to.
Trade and economy are most important components of foreign policy. That's how we approach any mature country. We talk about trade, we talk about people to people contact, free flow of labour, imports exports, we use this approach even with China not once but repeatedly. We have to find things where we converge and settle the issues that create problems.
How does this become don't fight give them territory?
It's your assumption that we can deal with China by surrendering Sovereignty, not mine and never I said this yet you say
Where I said this? You pick something out of context and you put your own assumption that it means surrendering Sovereignty and then you say I said it!
There is always give and take in deal making, when you solve dispute with China you will give some and you will get something in return. That's how border dispute with Bangladesh was settled, was it surrendering Sovereignty?
Don't pass your assumptions as my words.