LOC Flare up: Related news and Discussions

@Falcon - the new guns PA is getting. Are they a part of a new strategy or an earlier decision just now coming up for delivery ?

Since we are doing the IBGs, they plan to use artillery to counter it. I suppose the idea is they will counter our brigades with brigades of their own.

Of course, one can say they are also giving us targets for our new Nag, MPATGM, SANT etc. ;)
BAT is not solely SSG it has basically local yahoos and regulars too from NLI. There could be presence of SSG in BAT.
BAT is basically distraction team.

BAT attacks are led by SSG
But foiled by our Infantrymen using
Bren LMGs

See , what I have understood is that
" Seeing the Enemy " has become the Most important aspect of this conflict

Since we have much larger manpower
ie eyes and boots on the ground
and Reconnaissance Assets in Air
we are able to locate them earlier and then knock them out with precision

This is helping us both on The LOC
Bunkers and Posts as well
As hitting them in the Rear areas , which we call launch pads

Also since they seek shelter in Schools
Houses and Mosques , these places also have to be targeted
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Since we are doing the IBGs, they plan to use artillery to counter it. I suppose the idea is they will counter our brigades with brigades of their own.

Of course, one can say they are also giving us targets for our new Nag, MPATGM, SANT etc. ;)

They will place these Heavy guns at least 30 KM inside their border for stopping the IBGs

We will need Something long range like MBRL or Excalibur or PGMs fired by IAF
What's the common element?
I am a farmer. I think simple things. Things like when seeds were sown. When and where the water was given. And when were the crops harvested. Also, not all plants grow the same. Look at the field not the plants.

If it is getting too stupid or atrocious, say it. I will say things simply. Till then let me have some fun too, Saar!
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I am a farmer. I think simple things. Things like when seeds were sown. When and where the water was given. And when were the crops harvested. Also, not all plants grow the same. Look at the field not the plants.

If it is getting too stupid or atrocious, say it. I will say things simply. Till then let me have some fun too, Saar!
Another Baba Fan🤔
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There is currently an IAF C17 in the air over Rajasthan as per flightradar, and unidentified PAF flight (Simply says PAF) and a couple of gulfstreams over Pak airspace. Seems like a busy eve
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They have some thought on countering IBG. Will answer in detail if I get time.

The open source data indicates a max range of 53 with rocket assisted projectiles. This shall give them a substantial depth in terms of range, for Defensive Fire tasking.

It may also be to compound Indian calculations over reported ability of Pakistan to miniaturize their nuclear projectiles to be compatible to 155 mm, thereby create a 'doubt' over war planners on own side.

That said, their focus for defence will be on area denial through artillery support. At present the Brigade composition on either side of the border is roughly same with roughly similar allocation of support elements (including armour, artillery). The difference will always be in logistics and the ability to switch your forces to change the thrust of an attack. This is why, the IBGs, although purported to be 'tailor made' to operate within certain operational environment, have been given an inherent flexibility in their roles.

It seems you are trying to hire a spook here who can solve the puzzle that @Falcon Hellfire and Baba are one and the same :p:p:p

Nope. But he is around now.

Chinese maal, dubious specs.

Let them get it in position. Mountains aren't the best place to deploy a 70 tonne Self Propelled Gun-Howitzer. Not to mention it is rather untested. Especially in the environment it is supposed to operate.

So you have arrived on the forum with this astute observation. Great. Would not agree fully with the dubious specs, but agree with the rest of the post here.

I doubt it will escalate to MBRL. Besides, we have K-9 but I doubt these weapons are suitable for LoC kind of warfare. M-777 is the best one which can be easily transported in LoC scenario.

No differences of view here

IBGs would be Terrain and Task Specific

They cannot be shifted

Once an IBG starts its movement it cannot
"Feign " an attack

That will give away its Size and Composition and the Sector where it will attack

Incorrect. Answered in brief earlier.

Since we are doing the IBGs, they plan to use artillery to counter it. I suppose the idea is they will counter our brigades with brigades of their own.

Of course, one can say they are also giving us targets for our new Nag, MPATGM, SANT etc. ;)

They still have a heavy reliance on HAT and LAT battalions to counter the armored thrusts.

BAT attacks are led by SSG

Not always. But lately they have been found in increasing numbers as the other side looks to shore up poor tactical expertise & adeptness.

See , what I have understood is that
" Seeing the Enemy " has become the Most important aspect of this conflict

Since we have much larger manpower
ie eyes and boots on the ground
and Reconnaissance Assets in Air
we are able to locate them earlier and then knock them out with precision

Not always, and not 100%. But thanks to SATA (UAVs) & good sensors, usually we are able to. But there are ways to confuse these measures too. Small example, a PNVG can be 'blinded' by flares.

I am a farmer. I think simple things. Things like when seeds were sown. When and where the water was given. And when were the crops harvested. Also, not all plants grow the same. Look at the field not the plants.

If it is getting too stupid or atrocious, say it. I will say things simply. Till then let me have some fun too, Saar!


Was expected.

Another Baba Fan🤔

Not exactly.

17+2, +11 + 4 now
Be prepared for some very long anticipated news after 29th Dec. The Ruchak Yaga of Modi will be in full play after that. Saturn becomes asth tomorrow and that removes the remaining negativity from his horoscope due to shani sadhesati. He has now assumed the Ashwamegha Yogakarta. No one will be able to defeat him now. Though I will still put the date after 24th Jan.
Be prepared for some very long anticipated news after 29th Dec. The Ruchak Yaga of Modi will be in full play after that. Saturn becomes asth tomorrow and that removes the remaining negativity from his horoscope due to shani sadhesati. He has now assumed the Ashwamegha Yogakarta. No one will be able to defeat him now. Though I will still put the date after 24th Jan.
Is Modi a Vrishchik Rashi born?
Is Modi a Vrishchik Rashi born?
Yes Vrishchak Rashi and Virishchak Lagna. His best period starts from tomorrow. You will see all this CAA protests suddenly die down. he became PM of India in his sadhesati as Satuern never troubles a Vrishchak born native. The lord of Vrishchak is Mangal (Mars). But being what Saturn is, it does create some restrictions. Saturn becoming combust (Asth) means that the remaining time till 24th Jan is no more applicable as Saturn will become Udit only on 02 Feb and by than it wud have entered Makara rashi which is the third house for Modi and also the same house for saturn and Mars will join it in that house which happens to be the exalted rashi of Mars. Mars controls warfare and soldiers and victories in battle.
Modi is also a brahmachari, and so is his Rashi and Lagna Lord. The most powerful combination ever for India. Modi will never be defeated in any election for the PM post and no one can ever remove him. He will bow out on his own, never to be heard again in 2027-28.
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Be prepared for some very long anticipated news after 29th Dec. The Ruchak Yaga of Modi will be in full play after that. Saturn becomes asth tomorrow and that removes the remaining negativity from his horoscope due to shani sadhesati. He has now assumed the Ashwamegha Yogakarta. No one will be able to defeat him now. Though I will still put the date after 24th Jan.

Any prediction on and 2024 LS? Feeling jittery after seeing BJP lose so many elections!
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