LOC Flare up: Related news and Discussions

Up until 1971, Kargil was part of PoK. We seized it in 1971 & you signed on the Shimla Agreement consenting to it. In 1999 one of the aims of the PA apart from cutting access of the IA to Siachen was to make good on your surrender of Kargil in 1971 Basically you throught you could keep it after indulging in N blackmail. You bluffed, your bluff was called out & you had to beat a hasty retreat. You also lost some 3000 of your men in the bargain. Mostly NLI & Shi'a. Not a great loss of life for Punjabi sunnis though.
Plan was great. We left your territory with our own will.there was an agreement. United States helped you diplomatically but there is nothing to be shameful about it. It was a fantastic plan.cutting access to strategic areas is one of the best strategy armies use during war. We don't have bad memories. We are happy that we have tried our best.
By you I mean both you & the ghazi PA. Are you saying jihad is not farz in Islam? Are you a munnafiq? You're making such statements in the pak month of Ramadan. Tauba Tauba!!
Everyone here wants to be ghazi but sometimes we have to be patient. If enemy strike,we will strike back. Example is Feb 27. We are ready.it is all about perception and who starts it first.
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Mig-29 down near border! Amraam? Wreckage shows mid air breakup. I hope pilot will testify that he saw an f-16 before he lost conciousness. Things happen. I mean if abdali can happen then why not mig-29? Lol
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Plan was great. We left your territory with our own will.there was an agreement. United States helped you diplomatically but there is nothing to be shameful about it. It was a fantastic plan.cutting access to strategic areas is one of the best strategy armies use during war. We don't have bad memories. We are happy that we have tried our best.

You know one of the most popular shlokas in the Bhagvad Geeta is :

Karmanye Vadhikaraste, Ma phaleshou kada chana – You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of actions.
Ma Karma Phala Hetur Bhurmatey Sangostva Akarmani – Never consider yourself the cause of the results of your activities, and never be attached to not doing your duty.

You seem to be echoing the word & spirit in the shloka unintentionally. Not surprising,considering you were Hindu once upon a time . With such a thought process, I see the day isn't far when you & most of your countrymen will come back to your roots.

Everyone here wants to be ghazi but sometimes we have to be patient. If enemy strike,we will strike back. Example is Feb 27. We are ready.it is all about who starts it first.
This is the bania way of thinking. Not the ghazi way. You're reconfirming my thoughts about you like what I posted above. You're gradually becoming a bania in your thoughts. Once that happens the path to becoming a hindu isn't far.

For true shaheeds are those who become part of fidayeen tanzeems. They're true Muslims, alhamdulill'ah. Like the JeM, LeT, TTP, Taliban, ISIS of Khorasan, etc.

Your thought process like that of the PA resembles Banias. I think Munnafiq Qadiani Qamar maamu is succeeding in blunting the sharp edges of Ghazi Pakistan Army .This isn't a good sign for Riyasat e Medina.
Plan was great. We left your territory with our own will.there was an agreement. United States helped you diplomatically but there is nothing to be shameful about it. It was a fantastic plan.cutting access to strategic areas is one of the best strategy armies use during war. We don't have bad memories. We are happy that we have tried our best.

Everyone here wants to be ghazi but sometimes we have to be patient. If enemy strike,we will strike back. Example is Feb 27. We are ready.it is all about perception and who starts it first.

"We left your territory with our own will" - LOL, WHAT???
Your army literally fled vacating posts in awe.
Where do you get these kind of stories?
Mig-29 down near border! Amraam? Wreckage shows mid air breakup. I hope pilot will testify that he saw an f-16 before he lost conciousness. Things happen. I mean if abdali can happen then why not mig-29? Lol
So why isn't the PAF confirming the kill & when are they awarding the Hila le Jurrat to the pilot who shot down the MiG -29 ?
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You know one of the most popular shlokas in the Bhagvad Geeta is :

Karmanye Vadhikaraste, Ma phaleshou kada chana – You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of actions.
Ma Karma Phala Hetur Bhurmatey Sangostva Akarmani – Never consider yourself the cause of the results of your activities, and never be attached to not doing your duty.

You seem to be echoing the word & spirit in the shloka unintentionally. Not surprising,considering you were Hindu once upon a time . With such a thought process, I see the day isn't far when you & most of your countrymen will come back to your roots.

This is the bania way of thinking. Not the ghazi way. You're reconfirming my thoughts about you like what I posted above. You're gradually becoming a bania in your thoughts. Once that happens the path to becoming a hindu isn't far.

For true shaheeds are those who become part of fidayeen tanzeems. They're true Muslims, alhamdulill'ah. Like the JeM, LeT, TTP, Taliban, ISIS of Khorasan, etc.

Your thought process like that of the PA resembles Banias. I think Munnafiq Qadiani Qamar maamu is succeeding in blunting the sharp edges of Ghazi Pakistan Army .This isn't a good sign for Riyasat e Medina.
Sorry I don't understand your religion terminologies. You have defined many things above which I can't understand. Anyway I hope you will come back to the same roots which your ancestors followed long time ago. Mughal ruled 1000 years lol. I think 90 percent Hindus became Muslims under Mughals. Do you want to betray your ancestors? This is not cool.
"We left your territory with our own will" - LOL, WHAT???
Your army literally fled vacating posts in awe.
Where do you get these kind of stories?
Very sad that you call it fled. You were notified through diplomatic channels that we are leaving but you still call it your victory. Anyway offensive is offensive. Our capability is our pride. We will continue to dominate regions near loc.
So why isn't the PAF confirming the kill & when are they awarding the Hila le Jurrat to the pilot who shot down the MiG -29 ?
I am so sorry but go and ask to the pilot of mig-29. I mean life is hell.
Mig-29 down near border! Amraam? Wreckage shows mid air breakup. I hope pilot will testify that he saw an f-16 before he lost conciousness. Things happen. I mean if abdali can happen then why not mig-29? Lol

Get real excellency.

It was Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid on a white horse shooting bolts of lightning from a shamsheer that brought the plane down.
Sorry I don't understand your religion terminologies. You have defined many things above which I can't understand.

That's the reason why I provided a translation too. Don't you understand English ? I thought your English was better than "Insha Allah, boys well played" of practically all your countrymen. It seems I've overestimated you. Would you like an Urdu translation?

Anyway I hope you will come back to the same roots which your ancestors followed long time ago. Mughal ruled 1000 years lol.

First of all the Mughals ruled India for some 300 years of which ever since the death of Aurangzeb they entered a period of terminal decline. That was in 1707 . So in effect their effective rule started declining since 1707 - just 150 years aftr they established their rule in India.

I think 90 percent Hindus became Muslims under Mughals. Do you want to betray your ancestors? This is not cool.
You're half right & half wrong. Those 90% lived in Pakistan & Bangladesh most of whose menfolk lost the courage to wage war against the Mughals, surrendered , converted & offered their daughters & sisters to the Mughals - an act they're still proud of. They've been surrendering ever since. Most notably In 1971 & 1999 .It's just that the people whom they're surrendering to don't have a tradition of extracting ma'al e ganimat & carrying of sex slaves, which I think should be rectified.

But since you don't think like a Mughal who wouldn't think twice when the opportunity to wage war against the kafir presented itself, I'm saying you think like a bania . Hence my daw'ah to you to do ghar wapsi.
Mig-29 down near border! Amraam? Wreckage shows mid air breakup. I hope pilot will testify that he saw an f-16 before he lost conciousness. Things happen. I mean if abdali can happen then why not mig-29? Lol
Feels like after months of circle jerk when you get bored feeling superior and yet counting bodies on both sides of border with same IQ clowns you head here for good reality check.

With entire PAF airborne you couldn't get a single shot, or dared to cross the LOC even when India struck deep Inside Pakistan, now suddenly out of blue, when PAF don't even dare to mess with an unarmed drone flying with impunity across LOC you used AMRAAM and scored a kill in Jalandhar :ROFLMAO:

Use of brains banned in Pakistan? Or Dim buys charas for everyone now? A tiny little use of brain would have stopped you from typing this.
Feels like after months of circle jerk when you get bored feeling superior and yet counting bodies on both sides of border with same IQ clowns you head here for good reality check.

With entire PAF airborne you couldn't get a single shot, or dared to cross the LOC even when India struck deep Inside Pakistan, now suddenly out of blue, when PAF don't even dare to mess with an unarmed drone flying with impunity across LOC you used AMRAAM and scored a kill in Jalandhar :ROFLMAO:

Use of brains banned in Pakistan? Or Dim buys charas for everyone now? A tiny little use of brain would have stopped you from typing this.
Pls don't blame him. It happens during Ramadan. It's called Roza lag jana. Extreme hunger makes people hallucinate especially when they couldn't afford to eat even before the lockdown & since India is effectively shutting the flow of certain rivers, food inflation will be exponential. Can't blame @Arsalan123 . After all this is the only place he can vent. Pakistanis certainly can't vent on the LoC.
So why isn't the PAF confirming the kill & when are they awarding the Hilla le Jurrat to the pilot who shot down the MiG -29 ?
Offensive is offensive. Victory or defeat doesn't matter. We must have courage to start offensive in enemy territory. We are proud of our offensives.

please please, can you kindly do more such offensives? where you dont care about victory?
we are both happy then - Pakistan that it has started offensives
and India that it has victory on such offensive

such simple solution really to keep us both happy
@Arsalan123, I request you to please go thru the last six episodes of Chanakya serial. They are available on youtube. We are doing exactly to you what Chanakya did to Dhananad. You are going to implode and we will only give a small push. While you consider yourself to be somekind of an expert in warfare, you have no knowledge of the topography of Sindh. Your forces in Sindh have water on three sides and fourth side is India. If you are a Punjabi, I have an advice for you. Please sell any land that you have in Sindh right now as you will get a good price now and evacuate all your relatives from Sindh to Punjab. I am giving you a very sound advice. We will do exactly what Chanakya did to Dhananad and the much superior forces of Patliputra. We will first divide you in Sindhudesh, Balochistan and dissolve Durandline. After that we will merge them in India one by one like Vhankya did. Most of your Sindh, Baloch and Pustun soldiers will turn their guns on your Punjabi soldiers and officers after that. Every Punjabi living outside Punjab in Pakistan will be butchered. All that will remain of Pakistan will be your Punjab which will be surrounded by hostile neighbours from all sides and Afghan Pustuns raiding you once again and looting, plundering and raping your women as they did in the history. You guys in Punjab are the byproducts of the rapists of Turkey, Persia, Afghanistan and Mongolia.
I have always maintained that solution to J&K lies in Pakistan and we must enter Pakistan to have that solution. One more thing of importance for us is that we must control complete J&K to remove china from the equation and make them behave like a goat. With Modi as our PM, you have no option as he is capable of even launching pre-emptive nuke strikes on you. World has seen his resolve and he will go to any extent to take out Pakistan and safeguard India. It is now for your Generals to decide what they want? Any use of nuke on India will result in compete wipe out of everyone in Pakistan. Try your luck which will desert you as it did always in every war with India.
Lastly, do not be very sure of your nukes. It may just happen that the coordinates punched in every missile might make them fly to destinations within Pakistan. Chini maal hai, Kya bharosa. We have infiltrated every net centric system that you have and bringing a complete shut down or taking control of it completely, is just a click away for us.
@Arsalan123, I request you to please go thru the last six episodes of Chanakya serial. They are available on youtube. We are doing exactly to you what Chanakya did to Dhananad. You are going to implode and we will only give a small push. While you consider yourself to be somekind of an expert in warfare, you have no knowledge of the topography of Sindh. Your forces in Sindh have water on three sides and fourth side is India. If you are a Punjabi, I have an advice for you. Please sell any land that you have in Sindh right now as you will get a good price now and evacuate all your relatives from Sindh to Punjab. I am giving you a very sound advice. We will do exactly what Chanakya did to Dhananad and the much superior forces of Patliputra. We will first divide you in Sindhudesh, Balochistan and dissolve Durandline. After that we will merge them in India one by one like Vhankya did. Most of your Sindh, Baloch and Pustun soldiers will turn their guns on your Punjabi soldiers and officers after that. Every Punjabi living outside Punjab in Pakistan will be butchered. All that will remain of Pakistan will be your Punjab which will be surrounded by hostile neighbours from all sides and Afghan Pustuns raiding you once again and looting, plundering and raping your women as they did in the history. You guys in Punjab are the byproducts of the rapists of Turkey, Persia, Afghanistan and Mongolia.
I have always maintained that solution to J&K lies in Pakistan and we must enter Pakistan to have that solution. One more thing of importance for us is that we must control complete J&K to remove china from the equation and make them behave like a goat. With Modi as our PM, you have no option as he is capable of even launching pre-emptive nuke strikes on you. World has seen his resolve and he will go to any extent to take out Pakistan and safeguard India. It is now for your Generals to decide what they want? Any use of nuke on India will result in compete wipe out of everyone in Pakistan. Try your luck which will desert you as it did always in every war with India.
Lastly, do not be very sure of your nukes. It may just happen that the coordinates punched in every missile might make them fly to destinations within Pakistan. Chini maal hai, Kya bharosa. We have infiltrated every net centric system that you have and bringing a complete shut down or taking control of it completely, is just a click away for us.

Sir ji

Is Something really going to happen soon or we are just scaring the Sh*t out of them
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Post self deleted

To preempt any over zealous mod from deleting the same or moving it to other unrelated threads 😉
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I did not read your post

Was it some classified information
I think it's just posturing from PA, also I don't think IA will launch any operation across LOC becoz it's better to strike enemy when his guards are down, not when he is alerted, also PA in defensive position can concentrate all force to defend of any IA advancement, i think what ever happening in LOC just a preparation trails to check Pa thresholds and response
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