Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning and F-22 'Raptor' : News & Discussion

Again, they don't do this. There is some public info, google how the growler maintains coms and radar while 'jamming'

That's something else entirely. The Growler can do that 'cause the target of jamming and target of comm signal are totally different. You could be jamming an enemy in front of you while communicating to a friendly unit behind you. So any interference can be cancelled.

And if barrage jamming is as awesome as you think, which you called "last century", then nobody would have bothered creating more surgical types of jamming, like with DRFM, which frankly is very difficult to use effectively due to the limitations explained in post 5296, ie, unknown signals.

In fact, something that both you and Innominate did not realise, the video I posted was a perfect example of targeted base jamming. He was exposed to the brunt of the attack, but we watched it happening from a different angle and did not experience as much of an impact although we were also facing the screen.

You guys are making a mountain out of a molehill. During peacetime, it's very easy to do a lot of things that's practically impossible during wartime. One of those is what the US did during the Pelosi incident.

Here's another example of peacetime surveillance. Iranian drone over a US carrier:

So is that the Iranians being amazing or them using peacetime advantages that prevent the USN from reacting to the drone? What do you think is the drone's chances of success in replicating this in a shooting war? Similarly, the Type 055 was jammed because it couldn't shoot back.

Here's another one:

Oh, look how helpless the American destroyer was against a lone Su-24. Or is there more to the story? So read up:

There's always more to it than meets the eye.
Unusual Failure! F-35 Jets Operating In ‘Stealth Mode’ & Helping Ukraine ‘Failed’ To Identify Russia’s AD Systems

US Air Force F-35A fighters detected unusual S-300 radar emissions that didn’t match with the existing database of the air defense system’s radar signature cataloged in the jets’ computers.

This was when the stealth jets were silently gathering electronic intelligence (ELINT) data on Russian air defense radars by flying patrols along the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) eastern flank for the first three months of the war.

A recent article EurAsian Times reported the experience of the 388th Fighter Wing and the 419th Fighter Wing, which were discreetly eavesdropping on Russian radar emissions. But they were surprised to find unknown peacetime frequencies from the S-300 that the pilots knew was the system, but the sophisticated computers aboard the fighters could not identify.

It is common for ground radars to not operate in their actual frequencies in peacetime – called ‘war reserve’ – to prevent adversaries from knowing their capabilities. Twelve jets and around 300 airmen had arrived at Spangdahlem in Germany on February 16, 2022, eight days before the war began.

Hopefully their new cognitive jamming solutions will solve that issue. The TR3 release could become the start of the FOC process for EW.
Hopefully their new cognitive jamming solutions will solve that issue. The TR3 release could become the start of the FOC process for EW.
Can the current Rafale deal with such unkown signals better than F-35? If yes, then it is definitely better in EW than F-35.
That's exactly what CERES satellites are made for. To catch any new signals.

It's not really a solution to the problem, it's just an additional method to collect intel. Signals meant for wartime use are never released to the outside world until war happens. Until then the signals are just sitting around in memory banks.

The time spent between detecting signals and creating an automated response is what matters. The satellite only helps up to the detection of the signal.

SpaceX is gonna give US a huge advantage in space.
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SpaceX is gonna give US a huge advantage in space.

The Chinese are developing their own network as well.

Interesting article:
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This plane is just a shame :
LM would only agree a 10% increase in surge mode in its PBL contract when Dassault have agreed on a 100% (300 hours).

It depends on what the base number is though. If the F-35 is already primed to do 3 sorties a day in peacetime, then a 10% boost in surge operations will meet the demand. A 20-jet squadron will give you 6 extra sorties every day, that's 66 sorties.

Anyway do you have a source for Dassault's numbers?
It depends on what the base number is though. If the F-35 is already primed to do 3 sorties a day in peacetime, then a 10% boost in surge operations will meet the demand. A 20-jet squadron will give you 6 extra sorties every day, that's 66 sorties.

Anyway do you have a source for Dassault's numbers?

It is said that the surge mode is for 350 hours/month and 1000 hours / years much, much more than 10%. And these figures has been demonstrated.
The Typhoon should be able to, thanks to the EJ 200 engine and the long-range coupled canard configuration, the other two I doubt, especially the Rafale, A close-coupled aircraft with a very low slenderness ratio, plus there is no M 88-3 engine. Anyway, I highly doubt
The gripen doesn't supercruise and the claimed supersonic speeds are mach 1.2 for the gripen while both rafale and typhoon can supercruise at mach 1.4.
Isn't Pelosi's plane on its transponder the whole time? The whole world can see him, why does China spend so much to track him
China was pretty upset about Pelosi visiting Taiwan so by painting her plane it would set off the planes RWR which can be very loud/annoying.