Who told the Rafale that the RCS value of the Gripen is smaller than that of the F16 and J10? French brochures? Or have you done anechoic chamber measurements on them?The j-10 and f-16 are atleast 0.75 generation behind the Rafale realistically. F-16 and j-10 have higher RCS and can be detected easily compared to Rafale,sh blk 3 and Gripen E. They are not even in the same class. The Rafale can carry double the payload of what the j-10 can carry. And in terms of electronics no other 4th gen fighter comes close to it. They have had sensor fusion, but all eurocanards have it with the Rafale being the most mature.
precious stone platform
I suppose those are literal translation from Chinese.precious column
It is possible that we will accept a part of the payment in palm oil, but it will be to make bio-fuel, not to consume it instead of olive oil.I suppose France is throwing in a massive discount to " make us an offer we can't refuse. "
Then again UAE has signed an MoU minus disbursement of funds with delivery not before 2027-28 & Indonesia has signed a deal for 42 but confirmed an order for 6. Last heard the latter was offering to pay RoK in coconuts & palm oil as part of their contribution in KAI KF -21 project.
Wonder if they make you the same offer , the French would shift to palm oil from olive oil plus the US can always patch up with the Emiratis & we'd be witness to all too familiar scenes of breast beating here.
In that case We've a lot of sugar cane to export too . It can be used to make ethanol or we can export ethanol in lieu of payments . If France / Dassault sets such precedents , the sky's the limit as far as barter trade goes. There's a larger principal involved here .It is possible that we will accept a part of the payment in palm oil, but it will be to make bio-fuel, not to consume it instead of olive oil.
Why not, but I believe you prefer ToT.In that case We've a lot of sugar cane to export too . It can be used to make ethanol or we can export ethanol in lieu of payments . If France / Dassault sets such precedents , the sky's the limit as far as barter trade goes. There's a larger principal involved here .
MoD recently fined Thales & Safran , I believe , for not adhering to the off set clauses.Why not, but I believe you prefer ToT.
MoD recently fined Thales & Safran , I believe , for not adhering to the off set clauses.
Besides the GoI could always argue for both - barter + ToT or part barter / part payment + ToT. One of the reasons most foreign OEMs default on obligations is coz the T&C of most Indian contracts are tight & well worded leaving little scope for ambiguity .
That & the Indians are good negotiators . Chinese & Indians would make Jews look good when it comes to business negotiations. You've little idea how much they haggle.
The clean configuration of Rafale is 0.1-1 same for the Gripen E. These are publicised values. With spectra the Rafale's RCS can go as low as 0.06. Am I supposed to believe lying Chinese on their POS being actually better than the top of the line euro-american aircrafts???Who told the Rafale that the RCS value of the Gripen is smaller than that of the F16 and J10? French brochures? Or have you done anechoic chamber measurements on them?
Even su57 only dares to advertise its own RCS=0.4, France and Sweden dare to advertise their RCS=0.1? Pure word play, it is estimated that it can only be achieved in a specific frequency band and a specific angle.
When will the payload become the standard for fighter generation?
And what do you mean by sensor fusion? I don't know if you are talking about the comprehensive avionics of the precious stone platform and the comprehensive avionics of the precious column,
After J10C, F16BLOCK60, and F15EX accept J20 and F35 technology, they have already realized the sensor fusion you mentioned,
I only heard about MBDA getting a fine, not Thales or Safran.MoD recently fined Thales & Safran , I believe , for not adhering to the off set clauses.
Actually it's SAFRAN , Thales & Dassault for 185 million Euros by revoking their BG. That way the French are somewhat trustworthy . With an Indian or Chinese firm there are chances the BG could be forged as well .I only heard about MBDA getting a fine, not Thales or Safran.
Super-hornet maybe. The blk-70 is inferior in every way to the Rafale. The thing is even worse than the super-hornet.I don't know where you are getting this from? I would put the F-16 block 70 and certainly the super hornet above the rafale.
Oh my GodThe clean configuration of Rafale is 0.1-1 same for the Gripen E. These are publicised values. With spectra the Rafale's RCS can go as low as 0.06. Am I supposed to believe lying Chinese on their POS being actually better than the top of the line euro-american aircrafts???
Except for the fifth generation machine, no one can say that the F15 and F16 are behind,The su-57 is a fifth gen aircraft similar to the j-20. I never compared the Rafale with j-20 or the su-57. F-16 and F-15 are dated designs pretty much with upgraded electronics.
wrong,J-10C is a paper plane made for airshows. I have yet to see actual j-10C's being used beyond the air shows. It barely has a good aesa radar and Chinese avionics are so bad that Pakistanis try to find new European suppliers to replace them
SH18 is a semi failure. The bird fall short on some initial spec. It is a 125% scale F/A 18 but without the 25% perf improvements.It's worse than that. In the near future 4.5 gen are obsolete. Australia wants to retire the super hornet/growler in 2030-35. Only a fanboy would say the Rafale is better than the super hornet block ll and then there is block lll
far too Optimist Bro.I don't know where you are getting this from? I would put the F-16 block 70 and certainly the super hornet above the rafale.
But USA use it !Since the so-called active stealth is so good, why does the United States not use it?
Whaou ! Astonishing. A slow moving balloon shooted down by a chinese fighter. I think IAF must be very afraid.In 2018, J10C shot down an Indian cross-border reconnaissance balloon with a PL10 at an altitude of 20,000m
Oh my God
, the RCS of the Rafale fighter can reach 0.06, probably only in a dream
B2 is having lesser frontal RCS than f22?This is just like the missile range issue.
You have become confused between "average RCS" and "aspect RCS".
My estimates based on open source info.
Average RCS
F-35 = 0.15m2
F-22 = 0.3m2
Su-57 = 0.5m2... Sukhoi claims 0.1 to 1m2
Su-57M = <0.5m2
Frontal RCS
F-35, F-22, Su-57 = RCS of sparrow 麻雀 = approx 0.0003m2
B-2 = 0.0001m2 class
F-117 = 0.001m2 class
Rafale, Gripen E, LCA Mk2, Super Hornet B3 = <0.1m2
Typhoon, SH B2, LCA Mk1, Mig-35, M2000 = <1m2
F-16C/D, Mig-29M/K = 1.2m2
Mig-21, Su-35BM = 2-3m2
F-16A/B, Mig-29S = 5m2
Su-27, Su-30, F-15 = >15m2
As per a Dassault executive, Bruno Revellin-Falcoz:
Bien sur nous somme dans des domaines un peu confidentiel, mais disons que la signature vue par l'avant d'un Rafale c'est la signature d'un moineau (麻雀).
Of course we are in areas somewhat confidential, but we can say that the front view signature of a Rafale is the signature of a sparrow (麻雀).
This is achieved with active cancellation. Normal RCS is <0.1m2.
What about the canrard, IRSTs, also the dimension.Mk1 wasn't designed with RCS in mind. It just had a low RCS when the finished product came out. Mk2 has deliberate RCS reduction, including the use of RAM. Even stuff like radome materials and design, placement and angle of the radar antenna, cavitation within the inlets etc matter.
For example, Mk1A's AESA radar has no inclination, whereas Mk2's radar is inclined, which reduces specular reflection, meaning enemy radar signals that bounce off the LCA's radar face do not return to the source. They just bounce off into space.
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