Sukhoi Su-30MKI

Yeah i agree but we can have LFRJ for LRCM to make it more survivable though astra mk-2 & XR-SAM won't have it, AD-1 too could use both.
Astra Mk2 is dual pulsed motor, not even RAMJET. Astra MK2 is for mass production and dual pulsed motor is easier to produce than SFDR.

About, LFRJ, it is good for brahmos type missile and not for air defence or air-air attack. liquid fuel ramjet is not what you need for such roles. Solid fuel is preferred for it.
The forum is there to debate and share knowledge and info, I just feel that you do stoop to a level with the final comments.

Hi ,

i thought his post was made in Lighter vein. he explained the term ' nuclear aircraft '

even i forgot there is Nuclear powered aircraft.

and i even thought ur post #470 is also in lighter vein..
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For Super Sukhoi upgrades only AESA and engine is Russian contribution and rest are drdo products. It will take atleast 2 to 3 years to start upgradation and by that time Uttam AESA will be ready. So why can't we use Uttam AESA instead of Russian one? Only AL41 engine will be required from Russian side.
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anyway D for AL-31 compressor intake is 905 mm, for AL-41 - 932 mm. Length is pretty the same
fitting the engine inside an airframe depends on the overall engine size. fan dia is important from POV of air duct. But the Intakes of SU-30 are already fit for the increased airflow needs of AL-41 engine so that will need very little change at the engine face.
I doubt that AL-41F will be installed in Su-30MKI - it requires the major changes in the airframe
Su 30 and su35 both are su27 derivatives. If su35 can be powered by Al41f then I think there won't be any major problem using same engine on Su30mki. I think Uttam AESA can be a better option considering 2 to 3 years required for Super sukhoi upgrades to begin.
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Whats the ideal TWR for a fighter ?

for Su 30 Mki How powerful the engine is required ?

When the MKI today enters a dog fight with 50% fuel and 2 missiles, the TWR is more than 1.05. This is ideal for a 4th gen aircraft.

With the engine upgrade, the same will become more than 1.2, which is Rafale/Typhoon standards.
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anyway D for AL-31 compressor intake is 905 mm, for AL-41 - 932 mm. Length is pretty the same

Both engines have the same length and diameter. The diameter is 1.3m.

Both Su-35 and MKI have the same engine housing in fact. And even the inlets are the same size, so having a large compressor face doesn't make a difference.
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For Super Sukhoi upgrades only AESA and engine is Russian contribution and rest are drdo products. It will take atleast 2 to 3 years to start upgradation and by that time Uttam AESA will be ready. So why can't we use Uttam AESA instead of Russian one? Only AL41 engine will be required from Russian side.
The Bars PESA can easily be upgraded to AESA with same back end. I suppose only antenna needs to be changed. So no need to change the radar completely....
The Bars PESA can easily be upgraded to AESA with same back end. I suppose only antenna needs to be changed. So no need to change the radar completely....

I read very long back Bars to be upgraded in 2 two step. First antenna later back end ..

I guess the time flew , now we can do both simultaneously.
What do I know about it? But the BARS radar has Indian made processing. How can I tell you the algorithm? All I can tell is that it is Indian developed codes.

Why the hell will Indians write codes for Bars? Because Russians refused to do it or because Russians don't know how? The radar was already developed by Russia then sold to India! As well as to China! And Algeria! And Malaysia! Did Indians write codes for all those radars too?

That 10 years started from 2013. You can say that we are in the 6th year now. So, another 4 years to go for all trials to complete. Hard to understand?

2013 :ROFLMAO:

It is not necessary to have only unstable design to get FBW. But it is mandatory for unstable design to get FBW. F16 is slightly unstable design but not fully. Stealth involves drastically unstable design. Stability and instability is not binary

The point is that stealth is a separate thing from flight stability. You can research flight systems all you want but you will not get stealth from that. To test and improve stealth shaping, you need prototypes like Have Blue. Without them, fighters like F-22 and F-35 would not have existed.

As long as the know how is in India and the items are made from raw material stage in India, it is indigenous. Money is irrelevant. ToT is what matters

Why are you so bent on making India the next USSR?

Let me tell you something, we have been license building foreign aircraft (from raw material stage, mind you) for over 40 years. MiG-21, MiG-27, Ajeet, etc. we built hundreds of airframes in India. Still that does not help us in building Tejas. Why do people still don't realize that having HAL build foreign aircraft under license does NOT actually do anything for improving India's own aerospace design & build capabilities?

Simply put we have the know-how. We don't have the know-why. That is the reason why despite having "built" hundreds of heavy twin-engine MRCAs, we are still struggling to bring a small single engine bird to fruition. Actual OEMs like Sukhoi, Dassault or MiG would not have struggled with this. Because they actually have the know-why.

We are capable of making a PESA for Tejas. We just want Tejas to be state of the art with AESA. Each AESA costs 3-5 million dollars and can be afforded for 100 planes.

AESA is for Mk-1A and Mk-2. What about the 40 Mk-1 aircraft? Why we unable to develop a slotted array radar (forget PESA & AESA, slotted array is most basic form of MMR for fighter aircraft) for Mk-1 for decades?

Al31FP is a big engine and of older generation. It has bypass ratio of 0.6 and yet the TWR is not high enough. India wants lower bypass ratio engine with slightly higher TWR compared to Al31F. Al31F is about 4th generation engine whereas we want 4.5 generation one. Also, Al31F started being made in full by FY15 only. Before that there was a phased indigenisation programme.

Answer the question dear.

Show me an Indian-made turboprop (which is SO MUCH less complicated than a turbofan) and I will believe AL-31FP is indigenous.

Speed improvement of RAMJET by 1 Mach from 1.8-2 to 2.5-3 is not a small improvement.

It is an evolutionary improvement as you make engine out of better materials and change the fuel mix and make the missile body lighter (again because of using newer materials). Between the earlier variants of Kub and the latter variants there is already significant improvement. After that Soviets abandoned this and went to better missiles like Buk family.

We just continued improving it that's all. If Russians develop a Kub variant today, it will be much superior to Akash.

Here is your evidence for Tejas cannon trial on the ground. There is no confirmation or denial of air trial yet.

If Tejas was an infantry fighting vehicle, this would have been enough for FOC. Unfortunately Tejas is a fighter AIRcraft.

It's only when you start flying that issues like weight, recoil absorption and vibration issues affecting flight characteristics start showing up. And remember, no gun = no FOC.

Tejas took first flight in 2001

...which was meant to happen in 1990.

and it was supposed to be finished by 2012.

...which is it still not.

UPA came in the way of completion. That was what happened. So, there is 5-6 years delay. This is not routine. All you have to do is subtract 5-6 years from the UPA era since FY2008 to FY2014

Brilliant theory. Tell me how exactly did UPA screw up LCA program?

Coming up to air or not is irrelevant.

Come back and talk to me once you've learnt a thing or two about submarines.

The submarine still had torpedo tubes in addition to MRBM. Indian Arihant has reactor which is 150% powerful and is 25% smaller than Type092. In per ton weight, Type 092 had half the power of Arihant and yet it had torpedoes to act as SSN-cum-SSBN.

Even Arihant has torpedo tubes. There is no such thing as a modern submarine which does not have torpedo tubes. Without them a sub is totally defenceless.

And btw, do you think it is having torpedo tubes which makes a submarine SSN?

Are you childish? How about miniaturisation of PWR reactor in submarine? Do you think bigger submarines have more reactors? Why do you show SUV? Why not show computers?

Tech is always miniaturizing. But subs do not miniaturize. You are using the wrong word (understandable given your stupidity).

For example if you think Virginia is a miniaturized Ohio, you're an idiot.
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