Ukraine - Russia Conflict

How many in Beijing? How many in CMC? How many in Politburo? Can a Tibetan become Chairman?

When will Xi's position be taken over by someone from Tibet or Xinjiang or Inner Mongolia?
Since Indians claim to live in a free world. Then you should use the Internet to look up some information. Like the current commander of the Tibet Military Region. He's a Tibetan. In other words, if war breaks out between India and China. Then the chief commander of the Chinese army in Tibet is a Tibetan
How many in CMC
There are currently 4 members of the CPC Central Committee. For a nation of just 6.5 million people. That's already a high percentage.


Aksai Chin belonged to India's Sikh Empire before British rule. It was conquered by an Indian king against Tibet. So a free Tibet can dispute the claim over Aksai Chin, not China. Also, in 2020,
To be honest, I seriously doubt that Indian education is a piece of shit. The early Kingdom of Jammu briefly invaded the Aksai Chin region in 1834. But soon the kingdom of Jammu was annexed by the British.
Until then, the Aksai Chin region had been part of Tibet. The Qing Empire even conferred a title on the King of Kashmir
Basically the region was taken by India before Xinjiang was reconquered by Qing or Tibet was annexed by China
I have no doubt at this point. Indian textbooks are pure nonsense. They stem from the unrealistic fantasies of Indians. Anyone with common sense knows that. The Xinjiang region belonged to the Junggar Khanate before the Qing Empire. After more than 100 years of quasi-Qing wars, the Xinjiang region became part of the Qing Empire.
Since Indians claim to live in a free world. Then you should use the Internet to look up some information. Like the current commander of the Tibet Military Region. He's a Tibetan. In other words, if war breaks out between India and China. Then the chief commander of the Chinese army in Tibet is a Tibetan
.View attachment 31541

I've read the list. All CCP stooges trained in CCP-dominated organizations.

India has had multiple Muslim Presidents, a Sikh and Dalit President and a Sikh Prime Minister and woman Prime Minister? Where is your minority Chairman?

The Chief Commander of Tibet will be replaced by Han Chinese during war with India. Even in the 2020 Galwan clashes, the soldiers who clashed with Indian troops were Han Chinese from a Group Army, not Tibet Military District.

This is how the British ruled India, they just put up proxies. The first kingdom they took, they placed a traitor as the new leader of the kingdom. People had no idea they were being ruled by foreign forces.

Our minority leaders are chosen by minority groups, not appointed by Delhi.
To be honest, I seriously doubt that Indian education is a piece of shit. The early Kingdom of Jammu briefly invaded the Aksai Chin region in 1834. But soon the kingdom of Jammu was annexed by the British.
Until then, the Aksai Chin region had been part of Tibet. The Qing Empire even conferred a title on the King of Kashmir

As I said, we took it from Tibet, not from Qing.

Only a free Lhasa can dispute Aksai Chin, not Beijing.

So free Tibet first, then Tibet and India can discuss the status of Aksai Chin. Until then, you are just invaders.
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I've read the list. All CCP stooges trained in CCP-dominated organizations.

India has had multiple Muslim Presidents, a Sikh and Dalit President and a Sikh Prime Minister and woman Prime Minister? Where is your minority Chairman?

The Chief Commander of Tibet will be replaced by Han Chinese during war with India. Even in the 2020 Galwan clashes, the soldiers who clashed with Indian troops were Han Chinese from a Group Army, not Tibet Military District.

This is how the British ruled India, they just put up proxies. The first kingdom they took, they placed a traitor as the new leader of the kingdom. People had no idea they were being ruled by foreign forces.

Our minority leaders are chosen by minority groups, not appointed by Delhi.
I've lost the desire to discuss it with you. You don't have to tell me how good India is at this. The fact that I am able to speak in this forum shows that I have read a lot about India in English. India's treatment of its minorities. What was done was very cruel. For Muslims and Sikhs alike. In 2020, the border troops of Xinjiang will be dispatched. Not an inland army. The commander of the Tibet Military Region rose step by step in the Chengdu Military Region with his own efforts. He even long held the post of political commissar, seen by Indians as the Communist Party's means of controlling the army.
As I said, we took it from Tibet, not from Qing.

Only a free Lhasa can dispute Aksai Chin, not Beijing.

So free Tibet first, then Tibet and India can discuss the status of Aksai Chin. Until then, you are
Then we can only talk to independent Kashmir, we refuse to have any talks with the Indian government, only independent Kashmir can talk about Aksai Chin. Before that, India was just a bunch of shameless little people, shameless invaders
I have no doubt at this point. Indian textbooks are pure nonsense. They stem from the unrealistic fantasies of Indians. Anyone with common sense knows that. The Xinjiang region belonged to the Junggar Khanate before the Qing Empire. After more than 100 years of quasi-Qing wars, the Xinjiang region became part of the Qing Empire.
View attachment 31544

Yes, I know.

Xinjiang's history is much older than China. The first time China gained direct control over Xinjiang was only a few hundred years ago. Then lost it, then regained it, then lost it, and then took it back under RoC.

Xinjiang is a colony, not Chinese territory.

This is the true size of China. The part in red. Everything else has been colonized.

What it says:
Area of China: 9.6 million square km
Area of occupied territories: 6.1 million square km
Population of China: 1.4 billion
Population of occupied territories: 29.6 million

So the true size of China is 3.5 million square km.

The only way you can maintain claim of these territories is to become a democratic republic with a federal system, like India and the US. The alternative is China is just an imperial power owning colonies.
Yes, I know.

Xinjiang's history is much older than China. The first time China gained direct control over Xinjiang was only a few hundred years ago. Then lost it, then regained it, then lost it, and then took it back under RoC.

Xinjiang is a colony, not Chinese territory.

This is the true size of China. The part in red. Everything else has been colonized.
View attachment 31545

What it says:
Area of China: 9.6 million square km
Area of occupied territories: 6.1 million square km
Population of China: 1.4 billion
Population of occupied territories: 29.6 million

So the true size of China is 3.5 million square km.

The only way you can maintain claim of these territories is to become a democratic republic with a federal system, like India and the US. The alternative is China is just an imperial power owning colonies.
Honestly, you're acting like a pissed off lapdog right now. In this picture, you simply show several ethnic minority autonomous regions in China. Just a change of color. Then the three provinces in the northeast changed colors. First of all, I would like to correct one point, I am not Han. I am Manchu, my ancestor is once put down the Zhungar General Zhaohui, you have too much nonsense in this picture. In Northeast China, for example, the majority of people are actually Han. In Inner Mongolia, 60 to 80 percent of the population is also Han. Many people in Xinjiang are also Han Chinese. The so-called Uyghurs were only a people who gradually moved in from Central Asia after the collapse of the Junggar Khanate.
The only way you can maintain claim of these territories is to become a democratic republic with a federal system, like India and the US. The alternative is China is just an imperial power owning colonies
I think India is much more likely to split than China. India has many ethnic groups and no common language. Religions are not unified. Now Modi stands for nothing but Hindu nationalism. If one day India's economy stagnates. Then India will soon fall apart.
Yes, I know.

Xinjiang's history is much older than China. The first time China gained direct control over Xinjiang was only a few hundred years ago. Then lost it, then regained it, then lost it, and then took it back under RoC.

Xinjiang is a colony, not Chinese territory.

This is the true size of China. The part in red. Everything else has been colonized.
View attachment 31545

What it says:
Area of China: 9.6 million square km
Area of occupied territories: 6.1 million square km
Population of China: 1.4 billion
Population of occupied territories: 29.6 million

So the true size of China is 3.5 million square km.

The only way you can maintain claim of these territories is to become a democratic republic with a federal system, like India and the US. The alternative is China is just an imperial power owning colonies.
Through this graph, I see that India's understanding of the world is a piece of shit. I've come to understand that your understanding of many things, both economic and military, borders on folly. A dog on the street could understand better than you. Many of the borders in your map are just Chinese provincial borders. The boundaries of many Chinese provinces are defined by mountains and rivers. It's not a nation. Gansu Province, for example, actually has a lot of Uighurs. And you didn't include them. Xinjiang has many Han and Manchu ethnic groups, as well as Mongolians. And you put them all in Uyghur territory.
Xinjiang's history is much older than China. The first time China gained direct control over Xinjiang was only a few hundred years ago. Then lost it, then regained it, then lost it, and then took it back under RoC.
Talk to me. Your understanding of the world is basically bullshit. The first time China established rule over Xinjiang was during the Han Empire. By the end of the Tang Empire, China had lost control of Xinjiang. During this period, China controlled Xinjiang for nearly 1,000 years, until the Qing Empire collapsed the Zhungar and China re-established its rule over Xinjiang.
I've lost the desire to discuss it with you. You don't have to tell me how good India is at this. The fact that I am able to speak in this forum shows that I have read a lot about India in English. India's treatment of its minorities. What was done was very cruel. For Muslims and Sikhs alike.

Lol. You mean how Muslims and Sikhs killed Hindus throughout history?

Only recently our foreign minister said India will no longer be a minority appeasing country.

Ever since independence, we were ruled by Leftists whose only job was to deny Hindus their rights and deny them funding, which is why India was poor for all these decades.

In 2020, the border troops of Xinjiang will be dispatched. Not an inland army. The commander of the Tibet Military Region rose step by step in the Chengdu Military Region with his own efforts. He even long held the post of political commissar, seen by Indians as the Communist Party's means of controlling the army.

There were two large units from the GAs.

Then we can only talk to independent Kashmir, we refuse to have any talks with the Indian government, only independent Kashmir can talk about Aksai Chin. Before that, India was just a bunch of shameless little people, shameless invaders

The legitimate King of Kashmir signed the Instrument of Ascension and legally joined India.
Honestly, you're acting like a pissed off lapdog right now. In this picture, you simply show several ethnic minority autonomous regions in China. Just a change of color. Then the three provinces in the northeast changed colors. First of all, I would like to correct one point, I am not Han. I am Manchu, my ancestor is once put down the Zhungar General Zhaohui, you have too much nonsense in this picture. In Northeast China, for example, the majority of people are actually Han. In Inner Mongolia, 60 to 80 percent of the population is also Han. Many people in Xinjiang are also Han Chinese. The so-called Uyghurs were only a people who gradually moved in from Central Asia after the collapse of the Junggar Khanate.

That's just due to population explosion and migrating to other areas. Han Chinese in Tibet and Xinjiang are migrants, not natives.

If Indians start moving to the US and Europe and repopulate those regions with majority Indians, that won't turn them into Indian states, they will still remain the US and Europe.

The colors are divided based on today's borders, but that still doesn't mean they belong to China. Borders change, the general area doesn't.

For some places in China, it's too late. But for others, like Xinjiang and Tibet, there's still some time. All the legitimate leaders of Tibet are sitting in India.

I think India is much more likely to split than China. India has many ethnic groups and no common language. Religions are not unified. Now Modi stands for nothing but Hindu nationalism. If one day India's economy stagnates. Then India will soon fall apart.

No, the democratic foundations make it difficult to split. People are used to the freedom it's given them. Which is why all old rebellions are getting crushed peacefully.

Why don't you look up how much we spend on security versus CCP.
Through this graph, I see that India's understanding of the world is a piece of shit. I've come to understand that your understanding of many things, both economic and military, borders on folly. A dog on the street could understand better than you. Many of the borders in your map are just Chinese provincial borders. The boundaries of many Chinese provinces are defined by mountains and rivers. It's not a nation. Gansu Province, for example, actually has a lot of Uighurs. And you didn't include them. Xinjiang has many Han and Manchu ethnic groups, as well as Mongolians. And you put them all in Uyghur territory.

You are just reacting from anger. Don't look at the border lines, it was done by an amateur for general information, look at the regions. You have missed the forest for the trees.

Only the red part is the real China. The rest are colonies. You have repopulated some of those colonies, that's about it.

We call it Hanization.

In the Qing Empire, which was a Manchu dynasty, the offical language was Standard Manchu, which disappeared with the end of the empire, all due to the sheer weight of the Han population.
The Chinese have never denied the help that Britain and the United States provided to China during World War II. In China, there are many movies and TV series with this theme. But the Flying Tigers are also a mercenary force. It's made up of China buying American planes and hiring American pilots at high salaries. It's not just Western countries. The Soviet Union also provided a lot of aid to China. The most difficult year in China, 1939. The Soviet Union is China's only source of weapons. And the Soviet Air Force also organized the Soviet Volunteer air Corps to help China.
They wouldn't have been able to do that if they themselves weren't getting weapons and food from the UK and US.
Talk to me. Your understanding of the world is basically bullshit. The first time China established rule over Xinjiang was during the Han Empire. By the end of the Tang Empire, China had lost control of Xinjiang. During this period, China controlled Xinjiang for nearly 1,000 years, until the Qing Empire collapsed the Zhungar and China re-established its rule over Xinjiang.
View attachment 31546

That was as a tributary, not direct control. The first time direct control was established was under Qing.

If India also pretended to be China, then we would have to take control of Myanmar since it was under British Raj, and then even some of Southeast Asia because they were tributary states at one point.


And if we used religion as a pretext, like Islam does, then Hinduism ruled most regions from the Mediterranean to Central and Southeast Asia. Before the Shang dynasty in China, most of the Middle East was Hindu.

Hittites worshiped the cow, Mittanis worshipped Indra, Varuna etc. Judaism and Christianity came much later. What the Bible calls "pagans" are basically Hinduism and offshoots of Hinduism tha had spread to Europe in the name of Zeus and Jupiter.

If you go even further back, then all human territories belong to one or two countries in Africa. Maybe Wakanda.

You see why such claims are ridiculous.

Qing was a Manchu dynasty, not Han Chinese. It's the equivalent of British rule in India. So India doesn't simply inherit everything the British ruled. Similarly, the Han Chinese do not simply inherit everything the Qing ruled.

Similarly, the Russians have lost their claim over Ukraine. Retaking control over some territories is only out of national security and imperialistic obligations.

And if China invades Taiwan, once again China will only be an invader.

This attitude we have is why we are the natural successor to the US for the global leadership position, not China.
That was as a tributary, not direct control. The first time direct control was established was under Qing.

If India also pretended to be China, then we would have to take control of Myanmar since it was under British Raj, and then even some of Southeast Asia because they were tributary states at one point.
Why resort to the British Raj, the Cholan Empire included a lot of that territory.

That was as a tributary, not direct control. The first time direct control was established was under Qing.

If India also pretended to be China, then we would have to take control of Myanmar since it was under British Raj, and then even some of Southeast Asia because they were tributary states at one point.
So I say Indians know nothing about real history. At the very beginning of the Han Empire, the Western Regions Capital Guard was set up in Xinjiang. And stationed a large number of troops. They can also appoint local governors. The local states became vassals of the Han Empire.

This is not at all the same as the Indians collecting tributes from Southeast Asia.
You are just reacting from anger. Don't look at the border lines, it was done by an amateur for general information, look at the regions. You have missed the forest for the trees.

Only the red part is the real China. The rest are colonies. You have repopulated some of those colonies, that's about it.

We call it Hanization.

In the Qing Empire, which was a Manchu dynasty, the offical language was Standard Manchu, which disappeared with the end of the empire, all due to the sheer weight of the Han population.
That's just due to population explosion and migrating to other areas. Han Chinese in Tibet and Xinjiang are migrants, not natives.

If Indians start moving to the US and Europe and repopulate those regions with majority Indians, that won't turn them into Indian states, they will still remain the US and Europe.

The colors are divided based on today's borders, but that still doesn't mean they belong to China. Borders change, the general area doesn't.

For some places in China, it's too late. But for others, like Xinjiang and Tibet, there's still some time. All the legitimate leaders of Tibet are sitting in India.

No, the democratic foundations make it difficult to split. People are used to the freedom it's given them. Which is why all old rebellions are getting crushed peacefully.

Why don't you look up how much we spend on security versus CCP.
I don't have any desire to discuss it with you. China is a multi-ethnic country. The Chinese government respects the history and culture of all ethnic groups. And the formation of modern Chinese civilization through mutual communication. As for India. His ethnic language and religion are much more numerous than China's. If China should not exist as a multi-ethnic state. Then India should be divided. And the split is even more complete.
Lol. You mean how Muslims and Sikhs killed Hindus throughout history?

Only recently our foreign minister said India will no longer be a minority appeasing country.

Ever since independence, we were ruled by Leftists whose only job was to deny Hindus their rights and deny them funding, which is why India was poor for all these decades.

There were two large units from the GAs.

The legitimate King of Kashmir signed the Instrument of Ascension and legally joined India.
I'm starting to think you're a clown yourself. Let's not mention India, let's not mention the Golden Temple incident in Sikkim in the last century, and let's not mention the long history of Indian oppression of Kashmiri Muslims. India alone these last few years. Purges and massacres by the police and army in the northeastern states of India. That's enough on the international news. And all you did was plug your ears. To create a harmonious society in your fantasy India.