That's a long ways away. It depends on what the West will do during crisis. I don't know how you live your life, but here's an advice, keep being friends with people who stay by you during times of crisis, not otherwise. QUAD has done nothing that favours India. Otoh, Biden expects India to go beyond the mandate of QUAD when it's supposed to be restricted to the Indo-Pacific.
Russia only stood by you in 1971 because they were Communist and you were Socialist at the time. Biden will obviously encourage you to vote against Russia when it invades a democracy. What do you expect him to do?
Of course. All opposition is being removed. Voice of all Russians are being suppressed. Nice democracy.
Well they were only removed 4 days ago, so it took Putin 24 days of an attempted invasion to get them removed. Before Putin invaded they were very much a part of the democratic process. The move may be reversed after the war ends. Being invaded is not business as usual and you are super-dumb if you expect it to be. Both the UK and US suspended elections completely during WWII. What Ukraine is experiencing now, you haven't experienced for hundreds of years. So haven't a clue what you are talking about.
In India, the Congress has links to Pakistan, Left have significant links with China, both still functioning. That's a democracy.
Indeed it is but neither Pakistan nor China is currently trying to take over your country. Come back when they are and tell me the same thing. You're trying to compare normal procedure with emergency procedure.
Not for any of those reasons. Gulf monarchies that support the West are fine, the ones that do not support the West need to go. Those are the rules.
After 9/11 every country's leader went on TV and said what a tragedy it was, even Iran, Saddam Hussein however said some BS about reaping the thorny seeds that they'd sewn, so I think Bush decided to show him exactly what that looked like first hand. He was subsequently executed by his own people 5 years after saying that. Kind of ironic really don't you think?
I know what the INF is. The US only pulled out of it because China is not a signatory, and the INF leaves their hands tied in that area. The INF not only bans land-based nuclear SS missiles with a range of 500-5,500km, it bans conventional ones too. The US pulled out to build conventional ones to counter China. There were no plans to point any at Russia. And Russia had already breached that treaty with at least two missiles anyway, and they were testing a third. Russia just builds missiles capable of more than 500km and then downrates the range of land-based ones. The treaty was pointless anyway, because with depressed trajectories you can make ICBMs and SLBMs do less than 5,500km range anyway. Then there was Russia's nuclear-powered cruise missile, which was breach in principle, since it could land anywhere it liked, well before or after 5,500km. So the treaty was meaningless bollox by that point anyway.
NATO cannot protect those countries, so it's fine. Baltic states have no strategic depth, so there's no use in placing missiles there. They will get taken out.
You don't need strategic depth to fire off nuclear-tipped SRBM/MRBMs. You're now making up excuses to cover-up nonsense that even you know is nonsense. Putin was scared of MRBMs in Ukraine so he invaded them and then parked some ships within range of SRBMs.
INF was already defunct and breached years before the US withdrew. The Iskander-M clearly does not have a range of only 500km and if you put cruise missiles that have a range of 2,500km at sea on a land launcher, you cannot just say that their range is now 500km. Ditto for the Zircon, not to mention the nuclear-powered one.