Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Russia only stood by you in 1971 because they were Communist and you were Socialist at the time. Biden will obviously encourage you to vote against Russia when it invades a democracy. What do you expect him to do?
Oh? Lets face it. US invaded a democracy (India) to support a genocidal military destroying democracy in a land (erstwhile East Pakistan), threatened it with nuclear weapons and a communist regime come to its rescue. So much for the support of democracy! Its interests that matter after all.

We will rather stay out of European mess and leave it to you fine blokes to settle while grabbing some discount goodies while we are at it.
Indeed it is but neither Pakistan nor China is currently trying to take over your country. Come back when they are and tell me the same thing. You're trying to compare normal procedure with emergency procedure.
Hello! 2020 called!
While all the insurgencies are fizzling out, now the West is supporting Khalistani terrorists, in Britain and Canada, a threat that died in the 80s.
You know, who Mr. Pennywise the Canadian Clown brought in his entourage with him on an official visit to India? A Khalistani Canadian terrorist convicted of murdering an Indian religious/political leader.
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it's a real victory whith Poutine removed from Russia

Please leave my fav dish alone!
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No. Whenever we voted for the SU in the UN, it gave them a lot of legitimacy because the Third World like Africa and South America respected India, especially our NAM credentials. So this kind of legitimacy was diplomatically crucial for the SU. America hated out NAM position.
Not no more.

No, they were disenfranchised.
This happened long after the invasion, so don't try using it as a reason for the invasion. You know how causality works right.

Actually they have both been actively trying to break up India. The Chinese since the 60s through Naxals, Maoists NE terrorists and the Pakistanis through Kashmir and Punjab.

The Naxals are still considered to be India's biggest threat.

The West looked the other way when China began funding insurgencies in India since the 70s. Still are.

While all the insurgencies are fizzling out, now the West is supporting Khalistani terrorists, in Britain and Canada, a threat that died in the 80s.

It will take a very long time for the West to actually fix relations with India. I'm guessing 20-30 years at the minimum, unless there's a big war involving India and China.
That is not the same as being under a current and full-out invasion and you know very well that it isn't, so stop playing word games. Under conditions like what Ukraine is under, countries tend to use their nuclear arsenal, never mind banning a few political groups.

And that's why they set up the QUAD, to look the other way. You have to realise that relationships are give and take. You complain you want things like this, so the US sets up the QUAD but then you don't condemn the invasion of an independent democracy (which up to the point of the invasion and the UN vote had free and fair, monitored elections), and then you start acting like there is some distant conspiracy afoot to isolate India. You have no evidence for any accusations you make relating to present day or the future.

No matter the reasons, it's an existential threat to Russia if missiles are placed in Ukraine.
IF IF IF.... You sound like Obama. It would be the same threat to Russia if missiles were placed in Latvia or Estonia, but they weren't. It is the same threat to EU capitals if missiles are placed in Kaliningrad. None of your assertions hold any logic when followed up and you have zero evidence for any of your claims. This war was all about Russia taking control of Ukrainian oil and gas supplies to remove open-market competition to its own oil and gas supplies to the EU. But based on the news this morning, it will have lost that completely by 2030 regardless of how this war goes, all due to the fact they started it. Do yourself a favour and learn from their mistakes.

Yes, you do. How will the Baltic protect itself from an invasion, if it happens?

The threat of Moscow getting hit with 10 minute nukes would prevent it, as per the Cold War stance with West Germany. If you invade you get nuked, that is the whole point of WMDs. The term 'strategic depth' has no bearing on the ability to fire nuclear missiles.

The link is a conventionally-armed missile, as per Iskander-M, Zircon, P-700, Oniks etc.
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Donbas was amongst the political power centers of Ukraine. If you want the Russians gone from Ukraine, you need Russian supporters gone too. So the West practially planned a coup and the population there was disenfranchised in 2014 by the Ukrainians. It's kinda like if the Scottish or the Welsh were no longer allowed to vote. This was followed by the systematic genocide of Ukrainian Russians in Donbas before Putin stepped in to stabilise the situation. But the Ukrainians continued to kill Russian civilians over the last 8 years in order to depopulate the region.
The population there and in Crimea were disenfranchised because Putin annexed them and prevented them taking part in the elections you fool. Putin literally stopped them from voting and then blamed Ukraine. Systematic genocide my *censored*. Putin sent saboteurs over the border to attack troops and then when authorities clamped damn he cried genocide, same as in Georgia, same as Hitler did in Poland prior to WWII. The west does not need to do shit like this because people actually want to live here, that's why immigrants flock here. Immigrants do not flock to Putin. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Poroshenko made a lot of changes for the eventual disenfranchisement of all Ukrainian Russians, like the Language law. In many regions the Russian population is so low that no Ukrainian MP would represent them, so they dependended on Russian populous regions like Donbas and Crimea. Later he conspired with Ukrainian Nazis to continue the genocide in Donbas.
Language laws are not disenfranchisement. Even Russian Russians would rather live in the EU, why do you suppose Ukrainian Russians would be any different? The EU support genocide? Now I've heard it all, the EU would rather allow its own people to be genocided than even implement sensible border policies.

Zelensky came to power and things went to sh!t. At first he was against the Language law, pulling wool over the eyes of Russians who voted for him en masse in 2019 because they saw Poroshenko as an enemy. But he continued supporting the Language law.

Then, he made constitution amendments saying Ukraine will join NATO and the EU.

The West kept encouraging Zelensky to apply, with no actual intention of allowing Ukraine to join. And when he applied, the Russians decided to invade.
So independent countries should not be allowed to join organisations as they see fit? Maybe India should be bombed for joining BRICS perhaps? Your excuses and justifications are all complete shit.

Now, Zelensky has outlawed Russians, Russian media and anything to do with Russia. So the Russians in Ukraine no longer have a voice. His only real opposition left is Poroshenko, and he is facing criminal charges with a very long jail time.

That's the "democracy" you're supporting.
War time policy. None of these bans were in place at the time of the invasion. Poroshenko, I don't know the full story, and neither do you.

Donbas has nothing to do with missiles. With the Ukrainian Russians out of the way of policymaking, the Ukrainians can sell themselves to NATO and NATO can later place missiles in Ukraine that threaten Moscow. Russia obviously want to prevent that from happening.
So why did Putin add to his demands the signing over of Donetsk, Lugansk and Crimea officially, as well as not joining NATO or the EU? Something to do with where the oil and gas is I believe.
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Oh? Lets face it. US invaded a democracy (India) to support a genocidal military destroying democracy in a land (erstwhile East Pakistan), threatened it with nuclear weapons and a communist regime come to its rescue. So much for the support of democracy! Its interests that matter after all.

We will rather stay out of European mess and leave it to you fine blokes to settle while grabbing some discount goodies while we are at it.
No, they did not invade India. They were trying to block Indian intervention in Bangladesh, then part of allied Pakistan.
Hello! 2020 called!
You know very well what I mean. When China is 10-20 miles from Delhi and Mumbai, then come back and talk to me about disenfranchisement of pro-Chinese elements within Indian parliament.

Time for the Russian fan boys to accept the reality.
How dumb do you have to be to park several ships within the range of rocket artillery?

They are having real supply problems, this landing ship was supposed to form part of a land bridge for supplies but alas not to be.

The Russian military should have stuck to just looking scary, because they were much better at that than they are at fighting.
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List of killed/captured/missing Russian officers, March 24 (farewell to the 331st VDV regiment)​


Killed/wounded list:
  1. Lieutenant General Andrey Nikolaevich Mordvichev, Commander, 8th Combined Arms Army, Southern Military District (killed Mar 16)
  2. Lieutenant General Yakov Vladimirovich Rezantsev, Commander, 49th Combined Arms Army, Southern Military District (pending, killed Mar 24)
  3. Lieutenant General Aleksandr Semyonovich Sanchik, Commander, 35th Combined Arms Army, Eastern Military District* (missing after heavily wounded, Mar 2)
  4. Major General Andrei Sukhovetsky, Deputy Commander, 41st Combined Arms Army, Central Military District (killed Feb 28)
  5. Major General Vitaly Gerasimov, Chief of Staff , 41st Combined Arms Army, Central Military District (killed Mar 8)
  6. Major General Andrei Kolesnikov, Commander, 29th Combined Arms Army, Eastern Military District (killed Mar 11)
  7. Major General Oleg Mitayev, Commander, 150th Motorized Division (Novocherkassk) (killed Mar 15)
  8. Major General Sergei Nyrkov, Chief of staff of 36th Combined Arms Army (Ulan-Ude) (wounded Mar 2)
  9. Chechen general Magomed Tushayev, Commander, 141st Rosgvardia Chechen Guard (killed, disputed Mar 1)
  10. Colonel Viktor Ivanovich Isaikin (killed Mar 2)
  11. Colonel Konstantin Ogiy, Head of Kemerovo SOBR unit, Rosgvardiya (killed Feb 28)
  12. Colonel Konstantin Zizevski, 247th Guards Air Assault Regiment (killed Mar 5)
  13. Colonel Sergey Karasev, Commander, 31st Guards Air Assault Brigade (Ulyanovsk) (Killed Mar 11)
  14. Colonel Andrei Zakharov, Battalion-tactical group Commander, 6th Tank Regiment (Chebarkul) , 90th Tank division (killed Mar 10) (given Order of Courage in 2016)
  15. Colonel Sergei Sukharev, Commander, 331st VDV Guards Airborne Regiment (Kostroma), 98th Airborne Division (killed Mar 17)
  16. Colonel Igor Evgenievich Nikolaev, Commander, 3rd Motor Rifle Division (Valuyki) (killed Mar 16)
  17. Colonel Ruslan Rudnev, Commander, 120th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment (Donma) (Pilot, Su-34?, killed Mar 1, given Order of Courage)
  18. Colonel Sergei Ivanovich Porokhnya, Commander, 12th Engineering Brigade (killed)
  19. Colonel Nikolai Ovcharenko, Head of Engineer Troops, 45th Separate Engineering Brigade, 1st Guards Tank Army, Western Military District (killed)
  20. Colonel Alexei Nikolaevich Sharov, Commander, 810th Separate Guards Naval Infantry Brigade (Sevastopol) (killed)
  21. Colonel Yuri Medvedev, Battalion-Tactical Group Commander, 37th Separate Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade, 36th Combined Arms Army (heavily wounded on Mar 11, given Order of Courage)
  22. Colonel Denis Nikolaevich Shishov, Commander, VDV 11th Separate Guards Airborne Assault Brigade (Ulan-Ude) (killed Feb 26, given Hero of Russia)
  23. Navy Captain (1st Rank) Andrey Nikolaevich Paliy, Deputy Commander, Black Sea Fleet (killed)
  24. Lieutenant Colonel Yuri Agarkov, Commander, 33rd Motorized Rifle Regiment. (killed Mar 8)
  25. Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Sofronov, Commander of the 61st Separate Marine Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces, (killed Mar 5)
  26. Lieutenant Colonel Denis Glebov, Deputy Commander of the 11th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade (killed Mar 5, given Order of Courage)
  27. Lieutenant Colonel Okruzhnov Alexander Nikolaevich, Head of Artillery, 104th VDV Regiment, 76th Airborne Division (killed Mar 7)
  28. Lieutenant Colonel Alexey Narzullaevich Khasanov, Deputy Commander, 31st Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment (pilot, Su-30SM, killed Mar 5)
  29. Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Chervov, Deputy Commander, Aviation Regiment (Voronezh) (Pilot, Su-25, killed Mar 7)
  30. Lieutenant Colonel Renat Ravilovich Gaisin (killed Mar 10)
  31. Lieutenant Colonel Sergey Savvateev, Deputy Commander, SOBR unit (Vladimir), Rosgvardiya (killed)
  32. Lieutenant Colonel Ilya Pyatkin, SOBR Unit (Vladimir), Rosgvardiya (killed)
  33. Lieutenant Colonel Roman Ryabov, SOBR Unit (Vladimir), Rosgvardiya (killed)
  34. Lieutenant Colonel Mikhail Rodionov, SOBR Unit (Vladimir), Rosgvardiya (killed)
  35. Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Pozynych, Deputy Commander for Military-Political Work, 14th Guards Fighter Regiment (Kursk) (Pilot, Su-30SM, killed)
  36. Lieutenant Colonel Alexei Sharshavov, Commander, VDV 171st Separate Air Assault Battalion (Fredosia), 7th Guards Mountain Air Assault Division (killed Mar 7-9)
  37. Lieutenant Colonel Ruslan Gashiyatullin, Commander, Motorized Rifle Battalion (killed Feb 28)
  38. Vladimir Zhoga, warlord, Sparta Battalion (Lt Col equivalent?) (killed Mar 5)
  39. Major Andrei Petrovich Burlakov, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Russian Secret Service, Chief of Intelligence of Regiment, Rosgvardia (killed Feb 27)
  40. Major Ruslan Leonov, Commander, Spetsnaz Company (killed Mar 10)
  41. Major Alexei Ilnitsky, Deputy Battalion Commander, VDV 11th Air Assault Brigade (Ulan-Ude) (killed, given Order of Courage)
  42. Major Bezborodov Dmitry Valeryevich, Rosgvardiya battalion commander (killed)
  43. Major Vorsyuchenko Alexey Vasilyevich, VDV Unit #81430 HQ, 76th Airborne SAM Regiment (killed)
  44. Major Dmity Bezborodov Bezzhizninski, Operational Battalion Commander, Rosgvardia (killed)
  45. Major Alexander Sergeevich Fedorov, Chief of Communications and Deputy Chief of Staff of Unit #47130, 103rd Rocket Brigade (Ulan-Ude, Divizionnaya station) (killed Mar 15)
  46. Major Ruslan Vladimirovich Petrukhin, Deputy Commander, 38th Separate Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade, 35th Army, Eastern Military District (killed Mar 11)
  47. Major Sergei Krylov, Deputy Commander, 331st VDV Guards Airborne Regiment (Kostroma), 98th Airborne Division (killed Mar 17)
  48. Major Sergey Vladimirovich Kashansky, GRU/GU 24th SpetsNaz Brigade? (killed Mar 5)
  49. Major Dmitry Bukatin, 336th Guards Naval Infantry Brigade (Baltiysk, Kaliningrad) (killed)
  50. Major Oleg Mikhailovich Patskalev, Deputy Commander, 2nd Battalion, 331st VDV Guards Airborne Regiment (Kostroma), 98th Guards Airborne Division (killed)
  51. Major Alexander Viktorovich Shchetkin, Deputy Commander for Military-Political Work, 1st Guards Motor Rifle Regiment (Sevastopol), 2nd Guards Tamanians Motor Rifle Division (killed)
  52. Major Ratmir Kudayev (Police) (killed, given Order of Courage)
  53. Major Dmitry Toptun, Commander, Motorized Rifle Battalion (killed Mar 14)
  54. Major Sergei Volynets, Flight Commander (Pilot, Su-34?, killed)
  55. Major Alexey Nikolaevich Osokin, Commander, 1st Battalion, 31st Separate Guards Air Assault Brigade (Ulyanovsk) (killed Mar 3)
  56. Major Ruslan Vladimirovich Petrukhin, Deputy Commander, 38th separate Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade, 35th Combined Arms Army, Eastern Military District (killed)
  57. Captain Maklagin Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich (killed Feb 25, given Order of Courage)
  58. Captain Aleksey Aleksandrovich Chuchmanov, GRU/GU 3rd SpetsNaz Brigade (Tolyatti) (killed Mar 3, 2022)
  59. Captain Yevgeny Ivanov, Platoon Commander, Russian 247th Guards Assault Caucasian Cossack Regiment (killed)
  60. Captain Sergei Aleksandrovich Visyach (killed)
  61. Captain Alexey Glushchak, GRU/GU 22nd Spetsnaz Brigade (killed, given Order of Courage)
  62. Captain Ilya Kuptsov, VDV 76th Air Assault Division, Intelligence Department (Pskov) (killed)
  63. Captain Ivan Sergeevich Afanasyev (Pilot, Ka-52?, killed)
  64. Captain Radzhabov Rabazan Gasainievich (Pilot, killed)
  65. Captain Emelyanchik Sergei Stanislavovich (Pilot, Mi-28n?, killed Mar 4)
  66. Captain Alexander Vladimirovich Shokun, Chief of Communications, VDV 11th Guards Air Assault Brigade (Ulan-Ude) (killed)
  67. Captain Nikitin Alexey Nikolaevich, 1141st Guards Artillery Regiment, 7th VDV Guards Mountain Air Assault Division (Novorossiysk) (killed)
  68. Captain Eugene Kislakov, 14th Guards Fighter Regiment (Kursk) (Pilot, Su-30SM, killed)
  69. Captain Eduard Gilmiyarov Rinatovich, Commander, 5th Airborne Assault Company, 31st VDV Separate Guards Airborne Assault Brigade (Ulyanovsk) (killed)
  70. Police Captain Opatsky Alexei Mikhailovich, Commander, Zyryanin OMON Special Purpose Mobile Platoon, Rosgvardia Directorate, Komi Republic (killed)
  71. Captain Dmitry Nikolayevich Chumanov, Commander, MLRS Battery (Ulan-Ude) (killed Mar 4)
  72. Captain Valery Alekseevich Kassaev, 3rd Spetsnaz Brigade, GRU/GU (killed)
  73. Captain Vladimir Bardin (Pilot, killed)
  74. Captain Andrey Vyshegorodtsev, VDV 331st Guards Airborne Regiment (Kostroma) (killed)
  75. Captain Yuri Vladimirovich Borisov, RVVDKU graduate, Company Commander, VDV 331st Guards Airborne Regiment (Kostroma) (killed)
  76. Captain Aleksey Dmitrievich Belkov (killed Feb 24)
  77. Captain Mardanov Alimamed Ruslanovich (killed)
  78. Captain Anton Kosmatsky, Company Commander, Battalion-Tactical Group, 96th Operational Regiment (killed Mar 12)
  79. Senior Lieutenant Alexei Aleshko, Military Intelligence Officer (killed Mar 10)
  80. Senior Lieutenant Andrei Shamko, VDV, GRU/GU 2nd Spetsnaz Brigade (Pskov) (killed)
  81. Senior Lieutenant Nurmagomed Gadzhimagomedov, company commander, 247th Guards Air Assault Regiment (killed, given Hero of Russia)
  82. Senior Lieutenant Nikolai Shumitsky, Tank Company Commander, 81st Tank Battalion, 42nd Motorized Rifle Division (killed, given Order of Courage)
  83. Senior Lieutenant Sergey Dorokhov, Rosgvardia SOBR team member (Vologda) (killed)
  84. Senior Lieutenant Aleksey Aleshko, Platoon Commander, VDV, RVVDKU graduate. (killed Feb 25, given Order of Courage)
  85. Senior Lieutenant Nikita Ivanovich Perfilov, VKS Russian Aerospace Forces (killed Mar 6)
  86. Senior Lieutenant Lazarenko Alexander Alexandrovich (killed, given Order of Courage)
  87. Senior Lieutenant Nikolai Symov, 331st VDV Airborne Regiment (Kostroma), 98th Airborne Division (killed)
  88. Senior Lieutenant Sukhovskoy Semyon Mikhailovich, Company Commander, 234th Air Assault Regiment, VDV 76th Guards Air Assault Division (killed Mar 5)
  89. Senior Lieutenant Sergei Zuykov Alekseevich, Rosgvardia (killed, given Order of Courage)
  90. Senior Lieutenant Vokhmyanin Alexander Viktorovich, Chief of Staff, Artillery Battalion (killed)
  91. Senior Lieutenant Maxim Vadimovich Susloparov, Unit #90600, 15th Separate Motorized Rifle Peacekeeping Brigade of Alexandria (Roshchinsky), 2nd Guards Combined Arms Army (killed)
  92. Senior Lieutenant Maxim Kholkin, Air Defense, 4th Military Base (South Ossetia) (killed March 7, given Order of Courage)
  93. Senior Lieutenant Anton Volkov, Translator, GRU/GU, (killed Feb 27)
  94. Senior Lieutenant Sergei Chudnik, Commander, Tank Platoon (killed March 16, given Hero of DPR)
  95. Senior Lieutenant Dmitry Vyacheslavovich Vdovin, Company Commander (killed, given Order of Courage)
  96. Senior Lieutenant Ilya Sergeevich Chernyshev, Commander, Armored Battery, 331st Guards Airborne Regiment (Kostroma), 98th VDV Guards Airborne Division (killed, given Order of Courage)
  97. Senior Lieutenant Nikita Samoilov, Deputy Commander, VDV Reconnaissance Company (killed)
  98. Senior Lieutenant Alexei Ivanov, 5th Separate Guards Tank Brigade (Ulan-Ude) (killed)
  99. Senior Lieutenant Yuri Inkin, RVVDKU graduate, Commander, Reconnaissance Platoon, 331st Guards Airborne Regiment (Kostroma), 98th VDV Guards Airborne Division (killed)
  100. Senior Lieutenant Tsyren Baldanov, Deputy Company Commander, 429th Motorized Rifle Regiment (killed Feb 28)
  101. Senior Lieutenant Vladimir Zozulin, VDV 217th Guards Airborne Regiment (Ivanono) (killed)
  102. Senior Lieutenant Vladislav Molchanovich, Platoon Head of Communications, 3rd Motorized Rifle Battalion, Unit #65384, 291st Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment (Borzoi) (killed Mar 12, given Order of Courage)
  103. Senior Lieutenant Kuznetsov Dmitry Olegovich, Deputy Commander, Tank Company, 200th Separate Motor Rifle Brigade (Pechenga) (killed Mar 2, given Order of Courage)
  104. Lieutenant Alexander Osipov, VDV (killed)
  105. Lieutenant Georgy Alexandrovich Dudorov, Deputy Commander, Military-Political Affairs, Recon company, 137th Airborne Regiment, 106th VDV Airborne Division (Tula) (killed March 6)
  106. Lieutenant Alexander Lebedev (killed)
  107. Lieutenant Vitaly Olegovich Golub , Platoon Commander, 20th Guards Motorized Rifle Division, 8th Guards Combined Arms Army (Volgograd) (killed, given Order of Courage)
  108. Separatist Taras "Clooney" Gordienko, Commander, B-2 Anti-tank group (killed Mar 14)
  109. Lieutenant Dmitry Chernyshev, VDV 247th Air Assault Regiment (killed, given Order of Courage)
  110. Lieutenant Daniil Dmitreievich Kurin, Reconnaissance Platoon Commander, 34th Mountain Motorized Rifle Brigade (killed, March 3)
  111. Lieutenant Georgy Dudorov, Deputy Commander, Reconnaissance Company, 137th VDV Airborne Regiment, 106th Guards Airborne Division (Tula), son of Alexander Durorov, the Deputy Governor of Nenets Autonomous Okrug (killed Mar 6)
  112. Lieutenant Ovchinnikov Lev Aleksandrovich, VDV 331st Airborne Regiment (Kostroma) (killed)
  113. Lieutenant Vsevolod Vasilyevich Yaroslavtsev, Commander, Mortar Platoon, Motorized Rifle Battalion, 126th Gorlovskaya Separate Coastal Defense Brigade (Perevalnoe), 22nd Army Corps. (killed Mar 3)
  114. Lieutenant Stanislav Olegovich Kutelev, VDV, RVVDKU graduate (killed)
  115. Lieutenant Brian Andrei Yurkov, Ground Forces Air Defense Officer (North Ossetia) (killed)
  116. Lieutenant Ilya Kurbatov, Platoon Commander, VDV 51st Guards Airborne Regiment (Tula), 106th Airborne Division (killed)
  117. Lieutenant Yaroslav Olegovich Ponomarenko, MVOKU graduate (killed)
  118. Lieutenant Alexander Shalygin, VDV 331st Guards Airborne Regiment (Kostroma) (killed)
  119. Lieutenant Ermakov Dmitry Vyacheslavovich, Platoon Commander, Mortar Battery, 25th Separate Guards Sevastopol Motor Rifle Brigade (Luga) (killed Mar 8, given Order of Courage)
Captured list:
  1. Lieutenant Colonel Krishtop Maxim Sergeevich, (Pilot , Su-30, captured)
  2. Lieutenant Colonel Astakhov Dmitry Mikhailovich, Rosgvardia (captured)
  3. Lieutenant Colonel, 247th Guards Air Assault Regiment 47th Bomber Aviation Regiment, 105th Guards Mixed Aviation Division (Pilot, Su-34, captured)
  4. Lieutenant Colonel Alexandr Oleksandr Koshel, Head of Information and Psychological Counteracting Group, 58th Combined Arms Army (captured Mar 22)
  5. Major Schetkin Leonid Petrovich, Commander and chief of staff, 35th Motorized Rifle Brigade, 41st Combined Arms Army (captured Feb 26)
  6. Major Rashki Shishkanov Dmitry Alexandrovich, Battalion Deputy Commander, 126th Gorlovskaya Separate Coastal Defense Brigade (Perevalnoe), Unit #12676, 22nd Army Corps, Black Sea Fleet (captured)
Arrested/MIA list:
  1. Army General Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu, Defense Minister (missing since Mar 11)
  2. Army General Valery Vasilyevich Gerasimov, Chief of General Staff and First Deputy Defense Minister (missing since Mar 11)
  3. Colonel General Sergey Orestovich Beseda, Director, 5th Department, Office of Operational Information and International Relations, FSB (arrested Mar 11)
  4. Lieutenant General Roman Gavrilov, Deputy Director, Rosgvardia (arrested Mar 17)
  5. Lieutenant General Vladislav Nikolayevich Yershov, Commander, 6th Combined Arms Army (arrested Mar 22)
  6. Anatoly Bolyukh (Lt. Gen equivalent), Deputy Director, 5th Department, Office of Operational Information and International Relations, FSB (arrested Mar 11)

Irish PM is ANGRY with India 🤣

He can kiss it first before genuflecting.

I recall SS Menon bristling when he in turn recalled Luxembourg , Ireland ,etc of all nations questioning & objecting to India being granted a permanent waiver in the NSG just after India concluded the 123 agreement with the US , nations he described as difficult to locate on the map .

I think Paddy's nation needs a lesson she's never going to forget in a hurry .
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List of killed/captured/missing Russian officers, March 24 (farewell to the 331st VDV regiment)​


Killed/wounded list:
  1. Lieutenant General Andrey Nikolaevich Mordvichev, Commander, 8th Combined Arms Army, Southern Military District (killed Mar 16)
  2. Lieutenant General Yakov Vladimirovich Rezantsev, Commander, 49th Combined Arms Army, Southern Military District (pending, killed Mar 24)
  3. Lieutenant General Aleksandr Semyonovich Sanchik, Commander, 35th Combined Arms Army, Eastern Military District* (missing after heavily wounded, Mar 2)
  4. Major General Andrei Sukhovetsky, Deputy Commander, 41st Combined Arms Army, Central Military District (killed Feb 28)
  5. Major General Vitaly Gerasimov, Chief of Staff , 41st Combined Arms Army, Central Military District (killed Mar 8)
  6. Major General Andrei Kolesnikov, Commander, 29th Combined Arms Army, Eastern Military District (killed Mar 11)
  7. Major General Oleg Mitayev, Commander, 150th Motorized Division (Novocherkassk) (killed Mar 15)
  8. Major General Sergei Nyrkov, Chief of staff of 36th Combined Arms Army (Ulan-Ude) (wounded Mar 2)
  9. Chechen general Magomed Tushayev, Commander, 141st Rosgvardia Chechen Guard (killed, disputed Mar 1)
  10. Colonel Viktor Ivanovich Isaikin (killed Mar 2)
  11. Colonel Konstantin Ogiy, Head of Kemerovo SOBR unit, Rosgvardiya (killed Feb 28)
  12. Colonel Konstantin Zizevski, 247th Guards Air Assault Regiment (killed Mar 5)
  13. Colonel Sergey Karasev, Commander, 31st Guards Air Assault Brigade (Ulyanovsk) (Killed Mar 11)
  14. Colonel Andrei Zakharov, Battalion-tactical group Commander, 6th Tank Regiment (Chebarkul) , 90th Tank division (killed Mar 10) (given Order of Courage in 2016)
  15. Colonel Sergei Sukharev, Commander, 331st VDV Guards Airborne Regiment (Kostroma), 98th Airborne Division (killed Mar 17)
  16. Colonel Igor Evgenievich Nikolaev, Commander, 3rd Motor Rifle Division (Valuyki) (killed Mar 16)
  17. Colonel Ruslan Rudnev, Commander, 120th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment (Donma) (Pilot, Su-34?, killed Mar 1, given Order of Courage)
  18. Colonel Sergei Ivanovich Porokhnya, Commander, 12th Engineering Brigade (killed)
  19. Colonel Nikolai Ovcharenko, Head of Engineer Troops, 45th Separate Engineering Brigade, 1st Guards Tank Army, Western Military District (killed)
  20. Colonel Alexei Nikolaevich Sharov, Commander, 810th Separate Guards Naval Infantry Brigade (Sevastopol) (killed)
  21. Colonel Yuri Medvedev, Battalion-Tactical Group Commander, 37th Separate Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade, 36th Combined Arms Army (heavily wounded on Mar 11, given Order of Courage)
  22. Colonel Denis Nikolaevich Shishov, Commander, VDV 11th Separate Guards Airborne Assault Brigade (Ulan-Ude) (killed Feb 26, given Hero of Russia)
  23. Navy Captain (1st Rank) Andrey Nikolaevich Paliy, Deputy Commander, Black Sea Fleet (killed)
  24. Lieutenant Colonel Yuri Agarkov, Commander, 33rd Motorized Rifle Regiment. (killed Mar 8)
  25. Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Sofronov, Commander of the 61st Separate Marine Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces, (killed Mar 5)
  26. Lieutenant Colonel Denis Glebov, Deputy Commander of the 11th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade (killed Mar 5, given Order of Courage)
  27. Lieutenant Colonel Okruzhnov Alexander Nikolaevich, Head of Artillery, 104th VDV Regiment, 76th Airborne Division (killed Mar 7)
  28. Lieutenant Colonel Alexey Narzullaevich Khasanov, Deputy Commander, 31st Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment (pilot, Su-30SM, killed Mar 5)
  29. Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Chervov, Deputy Commander, Aviation Regiment (Voronezh) (Pilot, Su-25, killed Mar 7)
  30. Lieutenant Colonel Renat Ravilovich Gaisin (killed Mar 10)
  31. Lieutenant Colonel Sergey Savvateev, Deputy Commander, SOBR unit (Vladimir), Rosgvardiya (killed)
  32. Lieutenant Colonel Ilya Pyatkin, SOBR Unit (Vladimir), Rosgvardiya (killed)
  33. Lieutenant Colonel Roman Ryabov, SOBR Unit (Vladimir), Rosgvardiya (killed)
  34. Lieutenant Colonel Mikhail Rodionov, SOBR Unit (Vladimir), Rosgvardiya (killed)
  35. Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Pozynych, Deputy Commander for Military-Political Work, 14th Guards Fighter Regiment (Kursk) (Pilot, Su-30SM, killed)
  36. Lieutenant Colonel Alexei Sharshavov, Commander, VDV 171st Separate Air Assault Battalion (Fredosia), 7th Guards Mountain Air Assault Division (killed Mar 7-9)
  37. Lieutenant Colonel Ruslan Gashiyatullin, Commander, Motorized Rifle Battalion (killed Feb 28)
  38. Vladimir Zhoga, warlord, Sparta Battalion (Lt Col equivalent?) (killed Mar 5)
  39. Major Andrei Petrovich Burlakov, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Russian Secret Service, Chief of Intelligence of Regiment, Rosgvardia (killed Feb 27)
  40. Major Ruslan Leonov, Commander, Spetsnaz Company (killed Mar 10)
  41. Major Alexei Ilnitsky, Deputy Battalion Commander, VDV 11th Air Assault Brigade (Ulan-Ude) (killed, given Order of Courage)
  42. Major Bezborodov Dmitry Valeryevich, Rosgvardiya battalion commander (killed)
  43. Major Vorsyuchenko Alexey Vasilyevich, VDV Unit #81430 HQ, 76th Airborne SAM Regiment (killed)
  44. Major Dmity Bezborodov Bezzhizninski, Operational Battalion Commander, Rosgvardia (killed)
  45. Major Alexander Sergeevich Fedorov, Chief of Communications and Deputy Chief of Staff of Unit #47130, 103rd Rocket Brigade (Ulan-Ude, Divizionnaya station) (killed Mar 15)
  46. Major Ruslan Vladimirovich Petrukhin, Deputy Commander, 38th Separate Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade, 35th Army, Eastern Military District (killed Mar 11)
  47. Major Sergei Krylov, Deputy Commander, 331st VDV Guards Airborne Regiment (Kostroma), 98th Airborne Division (killed Mar 17)
  48. Major Sergey Vladimirovich Kashansky, GRU/GU 24th SpetsNaz Brigade? (killed Mar 5)
  49. Major Dmitry Bukatin, 336th Guards Naval Infantry Brigade (Baltiysk, Kaliningrad) (killed)
  50. Major Oleg Mikhailovich Patskalev, Deputy Commander, 2nd Battalion, 331st VDV Guards Airborne Regiment (Kostroma), 98th Guards Airborne Division (killed)
  51. Major Alexander Viktorovich Shchetkin, Deputy Commander for Military-Political Work, 1st Guards Motor Rifle Regiment (Sevastopol), 2nd Guards Tamanians Motor Rifle Division (killed)
  52. Major Ratmir Kudayev (Police) (killed, given Order of Courage)
  53. Major Dmitry Toptun, Commander, Motorized Rifle Battalion (killed Mar 14)
  54. Major Sergei Volynets, Flight Commander (Pilot, Su-34?, killed)
  55. Major Alexey Nikolaevich Osokin, Commander, 1st Battalion, 31st Separate Guards Air Assault Brigade (Ulyanovsk) (killed Mar 3)
  56. Major Ruslan Vladimirovich Petrukhin, Deputy Commander, 38th separate Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade, 35th Combined Arms Army, Eastern Military District (killed)
  57. Captain Maklagin Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich (killed Feb 25, given Order of Courage)
  58. Captain Aleksey Aleksandrovich Chuchmanov, GRU/GU 3rd SpetsNaz Brigade (Tolyatti) (killed Mar 3, 2022)
  59. Captain Yevgeny Ivanov, Platoon Commander, Russian 247th Guards Assault Caucasian Cossack Regiment (killed)
  60. Captain Sergei Aleksandrovich Visyach (killed)
  61. Captain Alexey Glushchak, GRU/GU 22nd Spetsnaz Brigade (killed, given Order of Courage)
  62. Captain Ilya Kuptsov, VDV 76th Air Assault Division, Intelligence Department (Pskov) (killed)
  63. Captain Ivan Sergeevich Afanasyev (Pilot, Ka-52?, killed)
  64. Captain Radzhabov Rabazan Gasainievich (Pilot, killed)
  65. Captain Emelyanchik Sergei Stanislavovich (Pilot, Mi-28n?, killed Mar 4)
  66. Captain Alexander Vladimirovich Shokun, Chief of Communications, VDV 11th Guards Air Assault Brigade (Ulan-Ude) (killed)
  67. Captain Nikitin Alexey Nikolaevich, 1141st Guards Artillery Regiment, 7th VDV Guards Mountain Air Assault Division (Novorossiysk) (killed)
  68. Captain Eugene Kislakov, 14th Guards Fighter Regiment (Kursk) (Pilot, Su-30SM, killed)
  69. Captain Eduard Gilmiyarov Rinatovich, Commander, 5th Airborne Assault Company, 31st VDV Separate Guards Airborne Assault Brigade (Ulyanovsk) (killed)
  70. Police Captain Opatsky Alexei Mikhailovich, Commander, Zyryanin OMON Special Purpose Mobile Platoon, Rosgvardia Directorate, Komi Republic (killed)
  71. Captain Dmitry Nikolayevich Chumanov, Commander, MLRS Battery (Ulan-Ude) (killed Mar 4)
  72. Captain Valery Alekseevich Kassaev, 3rd Spetsnaz Brigade, GRU/GU (killed)
  73. Captain Vladimir Bardin (Pilot, killed)
  74. Captain Andrey Vyshegorodtsev, VDV 331st Guards Airborne Regiment (Kostroma) (killed)
  75. Captain Yuri Vladimirovich Borisov, RVVDKU graduate, Company Commander, VDV 331st Guards Airborne Regiment (Kostroma) (killed)
  76. Captain Aleksey Dmitrievich Belkov (killed Feb 24)
  77. Captain Mardanov Alimamed Ruslanovich (killed)
  78. Captain Anton Kosmatsky, Company Commander, Battalion-Tactical Group, 96th Operational Regiment (killed Mar 12)
  79. Senior Lieutenant Alexei Aleshko, Military Intelligence Officer (killed Mar 10)
  80. Senior Lieutenant Andrei Shamko, VDV, GRU/GU 2nd Spetsnaz Brigade (Pskov) (killed)
  81. Senior Lieutenant Nurmagomed Gadzhimagomedov, company commander, 247th Guards Air Assault Regiment (killed, given Hero of Russia)
  82. Senior Lieutenant Nikolai Shumitsky, Tank Company Commander, 81st Tank Battalion, 42nd Motorized Rifle Division (killed, given Order of Courage)
  83. Senior Lieutenant Sergey Dorokhov, Rosgvardia SOBR team member (Vologda) (killed)
  84. Senior Lieutenant Aleksey Aleshko, Platoon Commander, VDV, RVVDKU graduate. (killed Feb 25, given Order of Courage)
  85. Senior Lieutenant Nikita Ivanovich Perfilov, VKS Russian Aerospace Forces (killed Mar 6)
  86. Senior Lieutenant Lazarenko Alexander Alexandrovich (killed, given Order of Courage)
  87. Senior Lieutenant Nikolai Symov, 331st VDV Airborne Regiment (Kostroma), 98th Airborne Division (killed)
  88. Senior Lieutenant Sukhovskoy Semyon Mikhailovich, Company Commander, 234th Air Assault Regiment, VDV 76th Guards Air Assault Division (killed Mar 5)
  89. Senior Lieutenant Sergei Zuykov Alekseevich, Rosgvardia (killed, given Order of Courage)
  90. Senior Lieutenant Vokhmyanin Alexander Viktorovich, Chief of Staff, Artillery Battalion (killed)
  91. Senior Lieutenant Maxim Vadimovich Susloparov, Unit #90600, 15th Separate Motorized Rifle Peacekeeping Brigade of Alexandria (Roshchinsky), 2nd Guards Combined Arms Army (killed)
  92. Senior Lieutenant Maxim Kholkin, Air Defense, 4th Military Base (South Ossetia) (killed March 7, given Order of Courage)
  93. Senior Lieutenant Anton Volkov, Translator, GRU/GU, (killed Feb 27)
  94. Senior Lieutenant Sergei Chudnik, Commander, Tank Platoon (killed March 16, given Hero of DPR)
  95. Senior Lieutenant Dmitry Vyacheslavovich Vdovin, Company Commander (killed, given Order of Courage)
  96. Senior Lieutenant Ilya Sergeevich Chernyshev, Commander, Armored Battery, 331st Guards Airborne Regiment (Kostroma), 98th VDV Guards Airborne Division (killed, given Order of Courage)
  97. Senior Lieutenant Nikita Samoilov, Deputy Commander, VDV Reconnaissance Company (killed)
  98. Senior Lieutenant Alexei Ivanov, 5th Separate Guards Tank Brigade (Ulan-Ude) (killed)
  99. Senior Lieutenant Yuri Inkin, RVVDKU graduate, Commander, Reconnaissance Platoon, 331st Guards Airborne Regiment (Kostroma), 98th VDV Guards Airborne Division (killed)
  100. Senior Lieutenant Tsyren Baldanov, Deputy Company Commander, 429th Motorized Rifle Regiment (killed Feb 28)
  101. Senior Lieutenant Vladimir Zozulin, VDV 217th Guards Airborne Regiment (Ivanono) (killed)
  102. Senior Lieutenant Vladislav Molchanovich, Platoon Head of Communications, 3rd Motorized Rifle Battalion, Unit #65384, 291st Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment (Borzoi) (killed Mar 12, given Order of Courage)
  103. Senior Lieutenant Kuznetsov Dmitry Olegovich, Deputy Commander, Tank Company, 200th Separate Motor Rifle Brigade (Pechenga) (killed Mar 2, given Order of Courage)
  104. Lieutenant Alexander Osipov, VDV (killed)
  105. Lieutenant Georgy Alexandrovich Dudorov, Deputy Commander, Military-Political Affairs, Recon company, 137th Airborne Regiment, 106th VDV Airborne Division (Tula) (killed March 6)
  106. Lieutenant Alexander Lebedev (killed)
  107. Lieutenant Vitaly Olegovich Golub , Platoon Commander, 20th Guards Motorized Rifle Division, 8th Guards Combined Arms Army (Volgograd) (killed, given Order of Courage)
  108. Separatist Taras "Clooney" Gordienko, Commander, B-2 Anti-tank group (killed Mar 14)
  109. Lieutenant Dmitry Chernyshev, VDV 247th Air Assault Regiment (killed, given Order of Courage)
  110. Lieutenant Daniil Dmitreievich Kurin, Reconnaissance Platoon Commander, 34th Mountain Motorized Rifle Brigade (killed, March 3)
  111. Lieutenant Georgy Dudorov, Deputy Commander, Reconnaissance Company, 137th VDV Airborne Regiment, 106th Guards Airborne Division (Tula), son of Alexander Durorov, the Deputy Governor of Nenets Autonomous Okrug (killed Mar 6)
  112. Lieutenant Ovchinnikov Lev Aleksandrovich, VDV 331st Airborne Regiment (Kostroma) (killed)
  113. Lieutenant Vsevolod Vasilyevich Yaroslavtsev, Commander, Mortar Platoon, Motorized Rifle Battalion, 126th Gorlovskaya Separate Coastal Defense Brigade (Perevalnoe), 22nd Army Corps. (killed Mar 3)
  114. Lieutenant Stanislav Olegovich Kutelev, VDV, RVVDKU graduate (killed)
  115. Lieutenant Brian Andrei Yurkov, Ground Forces Air Defense Officer (North Ossetia) (killed)
  116. Lieutenant Ilya Kurbatov, Platoon Commander, VDV 51st Guards Airborne Regiment (Tula), 106th Airborne Division (killed)
  117. Lieutenant Yaroslav Olegovich Ponomarenko, MVOKU graduate (killed)
  118. Lieutenant Alexander Shalygin, VDV 331st Guards Airborne Regiment (Kostroma) (killed)
  119. Lieutenant Ermakov Dmitry Vyacheslavovich, Platoon Commander, Mortar Battery, 25th Separate Guards Sevastopol Motor Rifle Brigade (Luga) (killed Mar 8, given Order of Courage)
Captured list:
  1. Lieutenant Colonel Krishtop Maxim Sergeevich, (Pilot , Su-30, captured)
  2. Lieutenant Colonel Astakhov Dmitry Mikhailovich, Rosgvardia (captured)
  3. Lieutenant Colonel, 247th Guards Air Assault Regiment 47th Bomber Aviation Regiment, 105th Guards Mixed Aviation Division (Pilot, Su-34, captured)
  4. Lieutenant Colonel Alexandr Oleksandr Koshel, Head of Information and Psychological Counteracting Group, 58th Combined Arms Army (captured Mar 22)
  5. Major Schetkin Leonid Petrovich, Commander and chief of staff, 35th Motorized Rifle Brigade, 41st Combined Arms Army (captured Feb 26)
  6. Major Rashki Shishkanov Dmitry Alexandrovich, Battalion Deputy Commander, 126th Gorlovskaya Separate Coastal Defense Brigade (Perevalnoe), Unit #12676, 22nd Army Corps, Black Sea Fleet (captured)
Arrested/MIA list:
  1. Army General Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu, Defense Minister (missing since Mar 11)
  2. Army General Valery Vasilyevich Gerasimov, Chief of General Staff and First Deputy Defense Minister (missing since Mar 11)
  3. Colonel General Sergey Orestovich Beseda, Director, 5th Department, Office of Operational Information and International Relations, FSB (arrested Mar 11)
  4. Lieutenant General Roman Gavrilov, Deputy Director, Rosgvardia (arrested Mar 17)
  5. Lieutenant General Vladislav Nikolayevich Yershov, Commander, 6th Combined Arms Army (arrested Mar 22)
  6. Anatoly Bolyukh (Lt. Gen equivalent), Deputy Director, 5th Department, Office of Operational Information and International Relations, FSB (arrested Mar 11)
I think this list merely conveys quite inadvertently why Ukraine is never going to win this war . It's not because of this list that Russia's winning tbh . This just tells that if these are the losses suffered by the Russians , one can only imagine what's it like for the Ukranians. Another example as I've pointed out before of the Irishification of the western media & it's audiences.
Footage of the destruction of the company stronghold of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by Ka-52 helicopters

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No, they did not invade India. They were trying to block Indian intervention in Bangladesh, then part of allied Pakistan.
I don't think you've the slightest clue of what the Bangladesh war was, Paddy. We're talking of in excess of 10 million refugees being hosted by India when we ourselves were dirt poor in addition to 3 million Bangladeshis mostly Hindus being genocided by Pakistani troops there.

Forget assisting, the US along with it's minion the UK were indulging in blatant threats & browbeating against India. If it weren't for SU intervention, the story'd be different. That was precisely why Mrs Indira Gandhi gave her final sanction for the N test to proceed & in 1974 we conducted our first N test less than 3 yrs after that war.

You've also no clue as to the kind of memories & the legacy it left behind even after 50 yrs. For reference, think about how fondly you guys in Western Europe recall Hitler & the Nazis.
You know very well what I mean. When China is 10-20 miles from Delhi and Mumbai, then come back and talk to me about disenfranchisement of pro-Chinese elements within Indian parliament.
Oh no, Paddy! We don't need to wait that long before we act & do we need your validation. I mean what exactly gives? Why would we need your approval for what we think is in our supreme interest?
I have been following this war very closely and I will write in detail later about how it went. But as on date, I am really surprised at the stupidity of European leaders and also their population. Everyone knows that this war has been precipitated only By USA+UK. They are the only ones who get to benefit from it while rest of Europe burns and deals with a very large influx of refugees. The ordinary tax payers of continental Europe are paying a huge price due to inflation caused by high fuel prices and also for the money spent on rehabilitating the refugees. USA has been doing it from the start of Arab Spring. Idea was to derail Europe by a great influx of Muslim refugees and Turkey played a key role in it as a stooge of USA which had promised them membership of NATO while they never made Turkey a NATO member. Same game was played with Ukraine. USA+UK funded and help grow ISIS in Levant and funded neo Nazis in Ukraine. Now these very people have got deeply embedded within the EU as refugees with unlimited amount of weapons at their disposal. EU block is now vulnerable for another WW and this time also its them who will suffer the most. It is high time that nations like Germany and France come out this game of USA+Uk and stop supporting Ukraine in the war. The largest amount of weapons have been dispatched by USA+UK as they are far safer compared to other EU member states. Today, the two largest economies of Europe are germany followed by France. UK is even below India. The Americans and its poodle wants to destroy Europe to create pre WW2 Europe which had their hegemony. Brexit was just one part of it. They decoupled only two years back when the blue print for war in Ukraine was completed.
These europeans who teach values and morals and democracy to so called third world must introspect as to where do they stand compared to democracies of Asia. They are far far inferior not only as a nation but also as a population. No one sets his own house on fire to burn down a neighbours house. Europeans did just that in Ukraine.
The after effects of it are that finally we might see the demise of petrodollar and that means demise of USA. India is already taking out its investments from dollar securities after what they did to Russia and so are the Chinese. We are also bringing back our gold from UK banks. This will result in trillions of dollars being made reduntent resulting in collapse of Dollar. What I know from my sources within finance ministry of India is that a new currency is likely to be created which will have its clientele among non European states and actively backed by BRICS+KSA and all nations of middle east who export oil and gas. Russia has already announced that they will deal in Rouble only with unfriendly countries. There are talks of even barter trade to kill business in Dollars. If that happens, Europe will revert back to the days of 14th century when it was the poorest land on Earth. The whole Dollar and Euro system will collapse.
I think you don't understand: when it says "Against all odds, Ukraine may be winning." it's a real victory whith Poutine removed from Russia the alternate one you descibe is "some leaders would prefer Volodymyr Zelensky to accept a peace deal as soon as possible" but that's not what's going to happen.
How many national leaders would be prepared to accept a peace deal that involves handing over mainland territory? Zero.
How many national leaders would be prepared to accept a peace deal that involves handing over mainland territory? Zero.
A peace deal could also be a cease fire Paddy. After all that's what's keeping the peace in the Korean peninsula. There's no agreement barring a cease fire there.
  • Haha
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I have been following this war very closely and I will write in detail later about how it went. But as on date, I am really surprised at the stupidity of European leaders and also their population. Everyone knows that this war has been precipitated only By USA+UK. They are the only ones who get to benefit from it while rest of Europe burns and deals with a very large influx of refugees. The ordinary tax payers of continental Europe are paying a huge price due to inflation caused by high fuel prices and also for the money spent on rehabilitating the refugees. USA has been doing it from the start of Arab Spring. Idea was to derail Europe by a great influx of Muslim refugees and Turkey played a key role in it as a stooge of USA which had promised them membership of NATO while they never made Turkey a NATO member. Same game was played with Ukraine. USA+UK funded and help grow ISIS in Levant and funded neo Nazis in Ukraine. Now these very people have got deeply embedded within the EU as refugees with unlimited amount of weapons at their disposal. EU block is now vulnerable for another WW and this time also its them who will suffer the most. It is high time that nations like Germany and France come out this game of USA+Uk and stop supporting Ukraine in the war. The largest amount of weapons have been dispatched by USA+UK as they are far safer compared to other EU member states. Today, the two largest economies of Europe are germany followed by France. UK is even below India. The Americans and its poodle wants to destroy Europe to create pre WW2 Europe which had their hegemony. Brexit was just one part of it. They decoupled only two years back when the blue print for war in Ukraine was completed.
These europeans who teach values and morals and democracy to so called third world must introspect as to where do they stand compared to democracies of Asia. They are far far inferior not only as a nation but also as a population. No one sets his own house on fire to burn down a neighbours house. Europeans did just that in Ukraine.
The after effects of it are that finally we might see the demise of petrodollar and that means demise of USA. India is already taking out its investments from dollar securities after what they did to Russia and so are the Chinese. We are also bringing back our gold from UK banks. This will result in trillions of dollars being made reduntent resulting in collapse of Dollar. What I know from my sources within finance ministry of India is that a new currency is likely to be created which will have its clientele among non European states and actively backed by BRICS+KSA and all nations of middle east who export oil and gas. Russia has already announced that they will deal in Rouble only with unfriendly countries. There are talks of even barter trade to kill business in Dollars. If that happens, Europe will revert back to the days of 14th century when it was the poorest land on Earth. The whole Dollar and Euro system will collapse.

The UK are part of the subset known as 'the ordinary taxpayers of Europe.' Leaving the EU did not change that. The US are also affected by high fuel prices. Nobody really wanted this, least of all Ukraine. Only Putin wanted it and I reckon his position on that has changed too now, but his own crew will hang him if he admits it.

If the people under dictatorships want a democracy that's the US and UK's fault. Egypt was a US/UK-friendly nation and it happened there too. JFC, we are not God, we are not responsible for everything in the whole of existence.

The UK are not below you.

WTF are you talking about? Do you not remember the Obama 'back of the queue' speech? The then UK leader David Cameron and most newspapers pushing for the UK staying in the EU? You are suffering from amnesia.

I'm fairly sure Europeans did not do that in Ukraine. Fairly sure it was Russia.

Oh really? Putin did this to himself. His own advisors told him it was a shit idea but he did it anyway. They even told him the dire consequences and he still did it. It was entirely his choice.

Or you could just accept that Russia is in the wrong, rather than wondering why there are no working cars or planes anymore in 10 years and blaming that on Europe and the US too.

You blame US and UK and NATO when they're at war, even though it's rival factions killing voters and each other. You blame us when we're not at war. We get blamed either way. If your wife left you, you'd blame that on the US and UK too. You are *censored*ing useless as partners because you're too stupid. Seriously, go back to sleep.
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