Ukraine - Russia Conflict

I have been following this war very closely and I will write in detail later about how it went. But as on date, I am really surprised at the stupidity of European leaders and also their population. Everyone knows that this war has been precipitated only By USA+UK. They are the only ones who get to benefit from it while rest of Europe burns and deals with a very large influx of refugees. The ordinary tax payers of continental Europe are paying a huge price due to inflation caused by high fuel prices and also for the money spent on rehabilitating the refugees. USA has been doing it from the start of Arab Spring. Idea was to derail Europe by a great influx of Muslim refugees and Turkey played a key role in it as a stooge of USA which had promised them membership of NATO while they never made Turkey a NATO member. Same game was played with Ukraine. USA+UK funded and help grow ISIS in Levant and funded neo Nazis in Ukraine. Now these very people have got deeply embedded within the EU as refugees with unlimited amount of weapons at their disposal. EU block is now vulnerable for another WW and this time also its them who will suffer the most. It is high time that nations like Germany and France come out this game of USA+Uk and stop supporting Ukraine in the war. The largest amount of weapons have been dispatched by USA+UK as they are far safer compared to other EU member states. Today, the two largest economies of Europe are germany followed by France. UK is even below India. The Americans and its poodle wants to destroy Europe to create pre WW2 Europe which had their hegemony. Brexit was just one part of it. They decoupled only two years back when the blue print for war in Ukraine was completed.
These europeans who teach values and morals and democracy to so called third world must introspect as to where do they stand compared to democracies of Asia. They are far far inferior not only as a nation but also as a population. No one sets his own house on fire to burn down a neighbours house. Europeans did just that in Ukraine.
The after effects of it are that finally we might see the demise of petrodollar and that means demise of USA. India is already taking out its investments from dollar securities after what they did to Russia and so are the Chinese. We are also bringing back our gold from UK banks. This will result in trillions of dollars being made reduntent resulting in collapse of Dollar. What I know from my sources within finance ministry of India is that a new currency is likely to be created which will have its clientele among non European states and actively backed by BRICS+KSA and all nations of middle east who export oil and gas. Russia has already announced that they will deal in Rouble only with unfriendly countries. There are talks of even barter trade to kill business in Dollars. If that happens, Europe will revert back to the days of 14th century when it was the poorest land on Earth. The whole Dollar and Euro system will collapse.
So what you're saying is you're going to go into more detail in how biased you are? I can't wait to hear from some Indian kid with a hard-on for Russia tell us how truly this war is going as if we can't see for ourselves. I'm willing to bet by this post alone that his detail report on the war is, Russia stronk, Russia winning, Russia forced to invade because Ukraine had a wet dream about NATO and.... oh who gives a crap anymore about Russian fanboys. In some ways you feel sorry for them that their fantasy of how Russian military was portrayed has been shattered. Oh well.

Your Russian ally is getting its a$$ handed to them. They are not winning they are stalled and in some places getting pushed back. It's over for Russia the only way out for them is to withdraw or die in Ukraine. Wake up to that reality son. There isn't going to be any more Russian offensive in Ukraine Russian forces have gone as far as they can. Their nightmare has only begun.
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The UK are part of the subset known as 'the ordinary taxpayers of Europe.' Leaving the EU did not change that. The US are also affected by high fuel prices. Nobody really wanted this, least of all Ukraine. Only Putin wanted it and I reckon his position on that has changed too now, but his own crew will hang him if he admits it.

If the people under dictatorships want a democracy that's the US and UK's fault. Egypt was a US/UK-friendly nation and it happened there too. JFC, we are not God, we are not responsible for everything in the whole of existence.

The UK are not below you.

WTF are you talking about? Do you not remember the Obama 'back of the queue' speech? The then UK leader David Cameron and most newspapers pushing for the UK staying in the EU? You are suffering from amnesia.

I'm fairly sure Europeans did not do that in Ukraine. Fairly sure it was Russia.

Oh really? Putin did this to himself. His own advisors told him it was a shit idea but he did it anyway. They even told him the dire consequences and he still did it. It was entirely his choice.

Or you could just accept that Russia is in the wrong, rather than wondering why there are no working cars or planes anymore in 10 years and blaming that on Europe and the US too.

You blame US and UK and NATO when they're at war, even though it's rival factions killing voters and each other. You blame us when we're not at war. We get blamed either way. If your wife left you, you'd blame that on the US and UK too. You are *censored*ing useless as partners because you're too stupid. Seriously, go back to sleep.
In a single sentence, read and see what Zelensky had to say. He was told by USA+Uk to pretend that Ukraine will get NATO membership to his people while it was never going to be the case.
Since 2008, over USD 500K per month was given to various news channels and opinion makers of Ukraine by NATO to create a counter opinion against Russia. It is all now in public domain. It is also clear to everyone that USA+UK funded neo nazies in Ukraine which resulted in Maidan agitation and riots. The game was always to destroy Europe using Ukraine as a puppet and embolden Russia to believe that Ukraine is going to be a part of NATO very soon.
Many guys have written that this war will force Russia to Embrace China. But It will not happen. Russia will use India to create an alternative financial system which will completely outdo what USA and Europeans have. Russia will never embrace China and you will see that there will be lesser transfer of Tech from Russia to China but much higher in flow of money from Russia to India in various joint ventures. Did you read that a soviet era system of bond swap has been recreated by RBI of India to safe guard investments from Russia? Today, only nation which is completely out of digital transactions controlled by USA+Europe is India. Do you know that I can pay my plumber digitally today.
What Modi has done for India will be known to people of India in another ten years when we will have third world war. Ukraine conflict is the seed for the Third world war. This WW3 will not see invasions but internal conflicts due to religion and Europe will pay for their sins as they will be destroyed by muslims. Nostradamus had also predicted it. Europe will have to beg Russia to be their saviour.
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So what you're saying is you're going to go into more detail in how biased you are? I can't wait to hear from some Indian kid with a hard-on for Russia tell us how truly this war is going as if we can't see for ourselves. I'm willing to bet by this post alone that his detail report on the war is, Russia stronk, Russia winning, Russia forced to invade because Ukraine had a wet dream about NATO and.... oh who gives a crap anymore about Russian fanboys. In some ways you feel sorry for them that their fantasy of how Russian military was portrayed has been shattered. Oh well.
If that's the case why's your tone not jubilant but apprehensive , sweetie ? You ought to rejoice that Russia is history. At the end of the day , out of the 2 pugilists , 1 of them will be up & he's the victor. In the next 2 months you'd have your answer.

I'm betting that by the end of next month Zelensky will be eliminated. As unfortunate as it sounds , I don't see him surviving this as he's now become a symbol & leader of Ukranian resistance & painted a big target on his back. The Russians will be looking out for him desperately.
Your Russian ally is getting its a$$ handed to them. They are not winning they are stalled and in some places getting pushed back. It's over for Russia the only way out for them is to withdraw or die in Ukraine. Wake up to that reality son. There isn't going to be any more Russian offensive in Ukraine Russian forces have gone as far as they can. Their nightmare has only begun.
Son ? He's older than your pop , sweetie . That should tell you how wrongly you read the situation. Maybe just maybe you thought the US would prevail over the Talibunnies too . We saw how well that one went .
No, they did not invade India. They were trying to block Indian intervention in Bangladesh, then part of allied Pakistan.
So, sending out nuclear threat and invading forces on behalf of a military dictatorship under Yahya Khan (who refused to accept results of a democratic election) is all kosher just because USA was allied with it? That too against a democracy? Against Bengali people facing genocide on the hand of a dictator (Yahya Khan)? For asking for a democratically elected government?

And then you wonder why India does not trust West one single bit. This is because US/UK and EU live by principles of self serving interests.

BTW, at that point, India was not doing any intervention. Pakistan had already declared war on India. US was there to ensure India does not defeat west Pakistan since fall of erstwhile East Pakistan was certain. It is in the presidential tapes released by US.
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You know very well what I mean. When China is 10-20 miles from Delhi and Mumbai, then come back and talk to me about disenfranchisement of pro-Chinese elements within Indian parliament.
*Ahem* before that Beijing will burn in a nuclear hellfire. Besides, we all know how much support we can get from the West. Look at the EU, still buying gas from Russia. I doubt US/EU can even dare put any sanctions on China. You will run out of toilet paper in a week if you do so.
So what you're saying is you're going to go into more detail in how biased you are? I can't wait to hear from some Indian kid with a hard-on for Russia tell us how truly this war is going as if we can't see for ourselves. I'm willing to bet by this post alone that his detail report on the war is, Russia stronk, Russia winning, Russia forced to invade because Ukraine had a wet dream about NATO and.... oh who gives a crap anymore about Russian fanboys. In some ways you feel sorry for them that their fantasy of how Russian military was portrayed has been shattered. Oh well.

Your Russian ally is getting its a$$ handed to them. They are not winning they are stalled and in some places getting pushed back. It's over for Russia the only way out for them is to withdraw or die in Ukraine. Wake up to that reality son. There isn't going to be any more Russian offensive in Ukraine Russian forces have gone as far as they can. Their nightmare has only begun.
The Russians will throw more bodies. They have a lot of hardware that they can throw. This will only get worse for the ukrainians.

PeaceCorps Advises African-American Volunteers They May Be Called N-Word By Ukrainian Refugees​

"It is not uncommon for Ukrainians to refer to African-Americans as “[N-Word]”. Volunteers of color may be called 'a monkey' or may see children’s games with Blackface."

I have been following this war very closely and I will write in detail later about how it went. But as on date, I am really surprised at the stupidity of European leaders and also their population. Everyone knows that this war has been precipitated only By USA+UK. They are the only ones who get to benefit from it while rest of Europe burns and deals with a very large influx of refugees. The ordinary tax payers of continental Europe are paying a huge price due to inflation caused by high fuel prices and also for the money spent on rehabilitating the refugees. USA has been doing it from the start of Arab Spring. Idea was to derail Europe by a great influx of Muslim refugees and Turkey played a key role in it as a stooge of USA which had promised them membership of NATO while they never made Turkey a NATO member. Same game was played with Ukraine. USA+UK funded and help grow ISIS in Levant and funded neo Nazis in Ukraine. Now these very people have got deeply embedded within the EU as refugees with unlimited amount of weapons at their disposal. EU block is now vulnerable for another WW and this time also its them who will suffer the most. It is high time that nations like Germany and France come out this game of USA+Uk and stop supporting Ukraine in the war. The largest amount of weapons have been dispatched by USA+UK as they are far safer compared to other EU member states. Today, the two largest economies of Europe are germany followed by France. UK is even below India. The Americans and its poodle wants to destroy Europe to create pre WW2 Europe which had their hegemony. Brexit was just one part of it. They decoupled only two years back when the blue print for war in Ukraine was completed.
These europeans who teach values and morals and democracy to so called third world must introspect as to where do they stand compared to democracies of Asia. They are far far inferior not only as a nation but also as a population. No one sets his own house on fire to burn down a neighbours house. Europeans did just that in Ukraine.
The after effects of it are that finally we might see the demise of petrodollar and that means demise of USA. India is already taking out its investments from dollar securities after what they did to Russia and so are the Chinese. We are also bringing back our gold from UK banks. This will result in trillions of dollars being made reduntent resulting in collapse of Dollar. What I know from my sources within finance ministry of India is that a new currency is likely to be created which will have its clientele among non European states and actively backed by BRICS+KSA and all nations of middle east who export oil and gas. Russia has already announced that they will deal in Rouble only with unfriendly countries. There are talks of even barter trade to kill business in Dollars. If that happens, Europe will revert back to the days of 14th century when it was the poorest land on Earth. The whole Dollar and Euro system will collapse.
Turkey has been a NATO member since 1952.

You can trade in any currency you want. If the value of that currency is derived from its exchange rate with the dollar, then dollar remains the reserve currency. Dollar cannot be replaced as the global reserve unless there comes a country that is capable of and willing to accept the massive trade deficits that the US bears.
You know very well what I mean. When China is 10-20 miles from Delhi and Mumbai, then come back and talk to me about disenfranchisement of pro-Chinese elements within Indian parliament

This paragraph shows how ill informed you are about India's military strength and yet you talk as if you are a well wisher of India

Have you ever wondered WHY
Pakistan and Cbina , Inspite of being Best Friends are UNWILLING to start a Joint 2 front War

Who is stopping them.
What is stopping them .

We have never said that
"Please dont attack us "

YOU said 20 Miles away from Delhi.

Today China has been stuck in the Same No Man's land in Ladakh on which it erected its tents in June 2020

They have moved back in many areas , but we are demanding a complete roll back to pre 2020 positions

And today they were in Delhi asking India to become friends again

PeaceCorps Advises African-American Volunteers They May Be Called N-Word By Ukrainian Refugees​

"It is not uncommon for Ukrainians to refer to African-Americans as “[N-Word]”. Volunteers of color may be called 'a monkey' or may see children’s games with Blackface."
I used to live B'lore in a large apartment complex. Few of the apartments were rented out to few folks from eastern europe. They used to call the locals as "shit-skinned". Good thing many of those locals knew only Kannada.
*Ahem* before that Beijing will burn in a nuclear hellfire. Besides, we all know how much support we can get from the West. Look at the EU, still buying gas from Russia. I doubt US/EU can even dare put any sanctions on China. You will run out of toilet paper in a week if you do so.
Exactly my point. You wouldn't even wait to get in the position Ukraine is in, you would annihilate all the enemy population (military and civilian) long before that, so there is no scope for criticising Ukraine banning a few parties 24 days into an invasion whilst under an existential threat. That falls a long way short of a nuclear holocaust response I think you'll find.

We would just print off _Anonymous_ and randomradio's posts and use that.
This paragraph shows how ill informed you are about India's military strength and yet you talk as if you are a well wisher of India

Have you ever wondered WHY
Pakistan and Cbina , Inspite of being Best Friends are UNWILLING to start a Joint 2 front War

Who is stopping them.
What is stopping them .

We have never said that
"Please dont attack us "

YOU said 20 Miles away from Delhi.

Today China has been stuck in the Same No Man's land in Ladakh on which it erected its tents in June 2020

They have moved back in many areas , but we are demanding a complete roll back to pre 2020 positions

And today they were in Delhi asking India to become friends again
The only thing to stand between us and China will be our forces and weapons that we have.
Its about time, India expands its nuclear weapons. Conducts few tests of hydrogen bomb of all sorts and developes hypersonic glide weapons at a war-time pace.
At the moment, this can be a summary of who the major winners and losers are from this war.

Petro-states other than RussiaAny European country dependent on Russian energy
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In a single sentence, read and see what Zelensky had to say. He was told by USA+Uk to pretend that Ukraine will get NATO membership to his people while it was never going to be the case.
Since 2008, over USD 500K per month was given to various news channels and opinion makers of Ukraine by NATO to create a counter opinion against Russia. It is all now in public domain. It is also clear to everyone that USA+UK funded neo nazies in Ukraine which resulted in Maidan agitation and riots. The game was always to destroy Europe using Ukraine as a puppet and embolden Russia to believe that Ukraine is going to be a part of NATO very soon.
Many guys have written that this war will force Russia to Embrace China. But It will not happen. Russia will use India to create an alternative financial system which will completely outdo what USA and Europeans have. Russia will never embrace China and you will see that there will be lesser transfer of Tech from Russia to China but much higher in flow of money from Russia to India in various joint ventures. Did you read that a soviet era system of bond swap has been recreated by RBI of India to safe guard investments from Russia? Today, only nation which is completely out of digital transactions controlled by USA+Europe is India. Do you know that I can pay my plumber digitally today.
What Modi has done for India will be known to people of India in another ten years when we will have third world war. Ukraine conflict is the seed for the Third world war. This WW3 will not see invasions but internal conflicts due to religion and Europe will pay for their sins as they will be destroyed by muslims. Nostradamus had also predicted it. Europe will have to beg Russia to be their saviour.
Do you have any links for this?

Again, any links? And how much does Russia spend on RT?

Oh sure, again any links for these claims?

I must note that I love the invader calling the victims Nazis whilst using area bombardment against cities.

Go for it. I'll believe that when I see it. Oh your plumber, good good. WTF are you even talking about?

We're going to have a World War in 10 years? Huh, I didn't know about this. Thanks for the heads up I guess.:rolleyes::unsure:

Nostradamus eh? Not Alex Jones or Russell Brand?

WW3, Muslims, Nostradamus, Russia as Europe's saviour. Fascinating stuff. This is good material, keep it coming.
I used to live B'lore in a large apartment complex. Few of the apartments were rented out to few folks from eastern europe. They used to call the locals as "shit-skinned". Good thing many of those locals knew only Kannada.
Yeah well Indians call other Indians kaalu

potAto-potahto everyone is racist
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So, sending out nuclear threat and invading forces on behalf of a military dictatorship under Yahya Khan (who refused to accept results of a democratic election) is all kosher just because USA was allied with it? That too against a democracy? Against Bengali people facing genocide on the hand of a dictator (Yahya Khan)? For asking for a democratically elected government?

And then you wonder why India does not trust West one single bit. This is because US/UK and EU live by principles of self serving interests.

BTW, at that point, India was not doing any intervention. Pakistan had already declared war on India. US was there to ensure India does not defeat west Pakistan since fall of erstwhile East Pakistan was certain. It is in the presidential tapes released by US.
It wasn't Nixon's smartest move no, but then Nixon was not known for smart moves, so maybe it was. But then choosing socialism wasn't India's smartest move, and you will now admit this I'm sure. So it was an era of dumb moves >50 years ago. I don't particularly like the relationship with Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia TBH, I wish we'd never got into them, I wish God would stop putting oil under shit countries just for a laugh.

In summary Pakistan were cunts, but it was inside their recognised borders at the time. Still not a great moment for NATO, so I agree with you, but it was 51 years ago.
It wasn't Nixon's smartest move no, but then Nixon was not known for smart moves, so maybe it was. But then choosing socialism wasn't India's smartest move, and you will now admit this I'm sure. So it was an era of dumb moves >50 years ago. I don't particularly like the relationship with Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia TBH, I wish we'd never got into them, I wish God would stop putting oil under shit countries just for a laugh.

In summary Pakistan were cunts, but it was inside their recognised borders at the time. Still not a great moment for NATO, so I agree with you, but it was 51 years ago.
50 yrs from now this would be 50 yrs ago too . We can apologize for it & have a good laugh. Next point ?
  • Haha
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This paragraph shows how ill informed you are about India's military strength and yet you talk as if you are a well wisher of India

Have you ever wondered WHY
Pakistan and Cbina , Inspite of being Best Friends are UNWILLING to start a Joint 2 front War

Who is stopping them.
What is stopping them .

We have never said that
"Please dont attack us "

YOU said 20 Miles away from Delhi.

Today China has been stuck in the Same No Man's land in Ladakh on which it erected its tents in June 2020

They have moved back in many areas , but we are demanding a complete roll back to pre 2020 positions

And today they were in Delhi asking India to become friends again
Oh I know, I have already responded to Saaho on this. I know full well India would nuclear holocaust China before that happened, but that is exactly what randomradio has no place criticising Zelensky for banning some pro-Russian parties 24 days into an evasion. See what I mean? It is a war proper, not a border skirmish, they are under a real existential threat. Normal rules of politics do not apply.
Oh I know, I have already responded to Saaho on this. I know full well India would nuclear holocaust China before that happened, but that is exactly what randomradio has no place criticising Zelensky for banning some pro-Russian parties 24 days into an evasion. See what I mean? It is a war proper, not a border skirmish, they are under a real existential threat. Normal rules of politics do not apply.
Are you a natural born fool or do you try to make a conscious attempt at being one , Paddy ? Multiple members including myself have posted links constituting hard evidence that the comedian acted against political opponents much before the war or the tensions preceding the war . And he was merely walking in the time tested tradition of his predecessors.

Must one have to keep dinning all this stuff repeatedly into your head just because you're thick ? Haven't I asked you repeatedly to restrict your presence here to the joke's section , off topics , recipes , songs & the odd technical comment or link & to absolutely refrain from posting on geopolitical or economic events to save us the embarassment of reading it ?

Then you seem to get very offended when we bring up your lineage , laugh off your views , post memes in response to them etc etc .
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