Ukraine - Russia Conflict

No wonder you're sheep.
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Pfft. Math can suck a fat one. As for the Russians this was a tactical blunder and severe lack of capability nothing more nothing less.
That tactical blunder leaves Ukraine devastated , not a member of NATO, nothing whatsoever to promote your cause, alienates Russia, gives China ideas, makes Taiwan more insecure, makes a lot of neutral nations in the world aware of US power of sanctions thus enabling them to blueprint their future economy trying to minimize US + western exposure to the extent possible, etc.

Basically listing all this is like preaching the gospel to a donkey.
Many guys have written that this war will force Russia to Embrace China. But It will not happen.

Gotta agree with that. While Russia is gonna depend on China for some things, the Chinese do not have the full leverage necessary to force compliance due to their dependence on Russian energy. Even in the post-oil future, the Russians will still produce hydrogen cheaper than the Chinese will be able to, so they will just continue with their energy exports.

Furthermore, with sanctions biting, Russia will start actively trading with N Korea, which will cause massive problems for China.

Then there's IPR infringement. With IPR laws out the window, the Russians can hire experts from all over the world to immigrate and copy Western tech. This includes Chinese engineers as well. The can recreate and develop a mini-Silicon Valley in Russia via IP theft. (Most streaming based copyrighted entertainment will die, Netflix, Disney+ etc.) There's not gonna be a better place for China to experiment any stolen, reverse-engineered technologies than in IP-free Russia.

With the right investments, particularly Chinese tech, in the long term the Russians can really damage the chip industry by manufacturing and shipping low quality copies of Intel, AMD etc consumer grade chips through the black and grey markets.

I really believe the West have screwed themselves over in more ways than one.

If you go by the western narrative spun out , Russia is totally isolated, under severe economic sanctions & on the brink of ruin. Yet multiple countries & I'm not just referring to the usual suspects like China or India , either can't or plainly refuse to toe the US line . And these are nations as diverse as Mexico or Hungary or Pakistan or even staunch US allies like the UAE or KSA.

Now while these nations certainly do not endorse the Russian invasion & have even voted against Russia in the UNGA or UNSC , I don't foresee them sharing the same zeal as the west to cut Russia down to size.

I don't think the US or it's western allies have calculated the alarm their actions especially economic on Russia has caused & the fallout it'd have on their decisions in the near to mid term future. On the contrary most narratives emerging from the west seem to be congratulating themselves on how they've managed to rally the entire world into what they see as a just cause forgetting that most see this as not their cause but a western cause .

It's unbelievable the sheer echo chamber that the US & it's allies seem to inhabit.
At the moment, this can be a summary of who the major winners and losers are from this war.

Petro-states other than RussiaAny European country dependent on Russian energy

I believe everybody in that list's gonna come out a loser, it just depends on the time frame. Russia, Ukraine and energy-dependent Europe will be the first to get hit big time in different ways (0-10 years). Followed by the US and EU collectively due to IPR infringement and de-dollarisation of the global economy, alongside slowly reducing financial exposure to the Western system (5-10 years). Then followed by the petro-states due to faster and larger investments in energy-hungry states to de-fossilise energy (7-12 years). Peak oil consumption dates will be pushed forward.

China will be the biggest winner in the short to mid term, but the West will begin the process of isolating China next, making it a long term losing proposition. This war could hasten the isolation of China (5+ years), although it will be too little too late.

When it comes to India, there will be short term supply disruption of military spares and technologies from Ukraine, even Russia to a small extent (0-1 years). I think India can offset higher global energy prices with discounted energy from Russia to a significant extent. China will do the same by importing more, so will many other countries not interested in participating in the sanctions, particularly African countries that support Russia due to Chinese influence. So I think India will suffer the least. The worst we may have to deal with is naval engine supply disruptions.

In any case, energy prices won't remain high for too long because consumption will eventually fall and the market will correct itself, alongside supplies resuming from other sanctioned countries. The end of the war will also see prices reduce. India can use the cheaper Russian oil to refill strategic reserves and even expand further.

Amongst sanctioned countries, NoKo, Iran and Venezuela, all three will come out winners. Ven and Iran will start exporting oil with US blessings. But NoKo will be the biggest beneficiary in terms of trade with Russia. Especially round-tripping minerals from NoKo into China through Russia to make it "legal". The Chinese can also round-trip investments into NoKo through Russia. The Russians will also be highly interested in NoKo's gold deposits. And NoKo will also get some significant diplomatic leverage over China in the process. I'd definitely want to see how the US and SoKo will react to this.
Ain't that like blasphemy in your country? Thought y'all were vegans or something.
Attagal , sweetie !! Your dedication is commendable. First thing in the morning & last thing in the night , you're here . I think your dedication ought to receive some kind of award or acknowledgement preferably a memento . How about this ? Gender reassignment surgery in India is a tenth of what it is in the US. Now I bet that information is worth it's weight in gold to you .

On topic , no . While there's a large percentage of vegetarians or lacto vegetarians or even piscivorous vegetarians around the number of non vegetarians or hard-core meat eaters certainly exceed them by a considerable margin.

Vegans are woke . Miniscule in number , 10 times the ability to punch above their weight & in terms of shouting power , mostly an urban phenomenon restricted to a dozen or so cities.
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