Ukraine - Russia Conflict

How lovely they know about genocides in past when it suites them but ignore about genocides committed by britshits .
We're talking about deliberate peacetime famines in the link, not food prioritisation in a world war where rice supplies have been reduced by a Japanese invasion of Burma. It's not like your record on malnutrition deaths has been great since independence either.
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We're talking about deliberate peacetime famines in the link, not food prioritisation in a world war where rice supplies have been reduced by a Japanese invasion of Burma. It's not like your record on malnutrition deaths has been great since independence either.
That particular famine wasn't the only one retard. It was the last one in your inglorious rule with casualties running into millions . There were multiple ones all through your rule. What's our track record with malnutrition got to do with your track record with famines man made or otherwise ?
Crimea, yes. Donbas, no.
Donbass yes. If Putin hadn't sent his saboteurs in and rogue Buk units they would have been able to vote in the elections like everyone else. They decided to hold their own little elections for DPR and LPR instead, which are not internationally recognised or monitored.

True statement.

Some countries do not have an option but to get bullied. The West do the most bullying. But that's "justified" in the West 'cause there's too many sheep that believe in such a narrative.
That's not how international law works I'm afraid. And don't confuse persuasion with bullying. You have no clue about the west in your little misinformation bubble over there. We have a free press unlike Russia. They tend not to die as well.

Nope. Got banned way before. Started in 2019.
Let's have some links so we can see the reasons. The only ones I found were banned 24 days into the invasion. Some parties get banned even in the EU due to laws centred around the likes of terrorism, inciting violence/hate etc. The fact international monitors saw no problem,

Lol, look up what's Ukraine's recoverable reserves and you will have your answer. If there were any, Ukraine would have been self-sufficient and been a major exporter.
Nobody had bothered exploiting them, another sure sign that their government was in cohorts and likely taking bribes with Russia. Equally Syria would make shed loads of money and be much richer if it allowed a pipeline to the EU, how could it not be, but again Russia.

Russia prevented Crimea falling into NATO hands as soon as the coup happened. Elections were held without Donbas after that. So the Ukrainian Russians were finished at that point. A real democracy wouldn't allow such a thing to happen.
Donbass didn't take part under Russian instruction. Remember the MH17 incident, people said Russia would never be incompetent enough to shoot down a civilian jet (even though a Buk launcher with 3 missiles was seen heading back to Russia moments after). Well this war was proven you wrong on their incompetence.
Still does. Ntohing's really changed on that front. Why else do you think everyone's pulling their hairs out just because India abstained? It's way too much legitimacy.
>2/3rds of the world's nations still voted against Russia, hardly anyone voted for them, even you. Malaysia had previously good relations with Russia and they too voted against Russia, simply because Russia is very obviously in the wrong. You are not that important in influencing global opinion, we just expected better.

Nope, even before that. In any case it shouldn't have happened. We still have the vote in separatist areas in our country.
Well that's nice but sometimes the security isn't available for such, like when there is a war on. Putin caused all this by interfering. Without that Ukraine's elections would have been full, and fully monitored by international observers. These observers have not red flagged any party ban. They attempted to ban the Communist Party for the following reasons but that was not successful.

Decommunization in Ukraine started during and after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.[1] With the success of the Revolution of Dignity in 2014, the Ukrainian government approved laws that outlawed communist symbols.

On 9 April 2015, the Ukrainian parliament passed legislation on decommunization.[16] It was submitted by the Second Yatsenyuk Government, banning the promotion of symbols of "Communist and National Socialist totalitarian regimes".[17][18] One of the main provisions of the bill was the recognition of the Soviet Union was "criminal" and one that it "pursued a state terror policy".

I would say that after Holodomor the reasoning holds. To Ukrainians and Eastern Europeans, The Communist Party is basically like the Daesh Party. They had no chance of winning in a million years but people find their very presence offensive.

To India, QUAD is China-specific, nothing more.
India lacks joined up thinking. But then the EU did too, but now they've changed their mind.
These western countries numbers are propaganda, this is what Russian Military reported today:

As of March 25, 2022, 1,351 servicemen were killed, 3,825 were injured" - Russian Ministry of Defense

Over the month, the losses of Ukrainian troops amounted to about 30 thousand people, including more than 14 thousand irretrievable and about 16 thousand sanitary.

The RF Armed Forces defeated 16 main military airfields from which Ukrainian aviation carried out combat sorties, destroyed 39 arsenals, where up to 70% of all stocks of Ukrainian military equipment were stored.

Of the 2,416 tanks and other combat armored vehicles that were in service with the Ukrainian army as of February 24, 1,587 were destroyed.

Out of 152 military aircraft, 112 remained, out of 149 helicopters - 75,

Out of 36 Bayraktar TB2 drones, 35 were destroyed.
A Russian paper reported 10,000 dead but then deleted it.
This is risky.
Nothing surprising. Too many fronts, too few troops. The Russians disrespected Lanchester's Square Law. You never disrespect math. All made worse by deliberately reducing firepower.

Plus there's no point in taking the cities through violence. It will backfire. So it's a good idea to stick to areas where the Russian troops are actually welcomed. All their other objectives can be met on the table, like the Finlandisation of Ukraine.
Finland who's now considering joining NATO as a result of the war and taking in people fleeing Russia.

You are living in cloud dumbass land.

Deliberately reduced firepower. No they were incompetent, the same incompetence that shot down MH17.
No wonder you're sheep.
Thinks Putin is a kind humanitarian, calls Europeans and Americans 'sheep'.

"Boh, wwwwwonnnnder you're sheeeep. Baaahhhh."
Many guys have written that this war will force Russia to Embrace China. But It will not happen.

What Russia is Demonstrating is that ,it does not want Ukraine to exist , they hate Ukraine far too
Much ,so they will absorb all losses

This war is driven by pure Hatred

Russia will not allow Ukraine to stand up on its feet again
None of the Indian members need not defend the stupidity & failures of Russian doctrine in Ukraine. I can understand people here defending our failure at LAC or our inability to go offensive on feb 27,but this one? Why? Is it because we are purchasing Russian weapons or because of the macho man image of Putin?
What Russia is Demonstrating is that ,it does not want Ukraine to exist , they hate Ukraine far too
Much ,so they will absorb all losses

This war is driven by pure Hatred

Russia will not allow Ukraine to stand up on its feet again
In their own hatred they have overlooked Ukrainian hatred for the century of abuse they suffered under the Communist Russia.
None of the Indian members need not defend the stupidity & failures of Russian doctrine in Ukraine. I can understand people here defending our failure at LAC or our inability to go offensive on feb 27,but this one? Why? Is it because we are purchasing Russian weapons or because of the macho man image of Putin?
I get the feeling that it's because of two main reasons:

1. Historical incidents which are now an irrelevance in 2022.

2. Overly invested in Russian defence equipment.

3. Just generally bad information/propaganda. I get when people take Iraq and say, "NATO shouldn't have been there even though Saddam had gassed and tortured a bunch of people and invaded a country. You are not world police." I get that, the aftermath was a clusterfuck. But when the same people speak on Ukraine and say, "NATO, or US and UK, masterminded this whole thing, it's not Russia's fault, this is why Britain left the EU a year ago...." I just think, these people are f#cked in the head, they'll clearly blame 'the west' for everything no matter what. Is there really any point in even trying to sensibly converse with such utter morons.
In their own hatred they have overlooked Ukrainian hatred for the century of abuse they suffered under the Communist Russia.

The Hatred is Mutual but Ukraine is getting killed slowly , Russia will survive and overcome all Losses

The damage to the cities will devastate the Normal lives of the Ukrainians for many years

And How long will NATO countries pay for the hardships of Ukrainian people

Basically the NATO countries are enjoying the damage to Russian
Military and Economy

Ukraine is the Bait or the Sacrificial Goat